I purchased a female bengals from Willowbay Bengals. After taking my kitten home and to the vet did I realize it was a male. I was told by Willowbay I had gotten a female but the vet assured me it was a male. I then had to drive back to the cities to swap cats.
My new female kitten was very sick and after 5 months had to be euthinized. My kitten had a disease that she was born with Willowbay refused to give me my money back abd said that it was my fault the kitten had the disease.
I took Willowbay to court and sued her for the cost of my kitten and all my vet bills. I did win.
Willowbay Bengals then told people that she gave me a male kitten on purpose becuase she had someone willing to pay more for the female I had gotten and I was young and stupid and would never know the difference. I have talked to other bengal breeders in MN and they all say to stay away from Willowbay she is not a trust worthy breeder and does not stand behind her cats.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Katy-NOT SONIA-is complety incorrect. I had 12 kittens, all brown spotted that were ready to go all at once. I mistakenly gave Katy a male brown spotted kitten, instead of a female brown spotted. Katy had signed a contract stating she would take the kitten to her vet within 3 days for a well kitten check--this follows a kitten vet check before they leave here. Since she did not do that--it was weeks before she finally took the kitten in to her vet and it was found to be a male. In the mean time I had given the female to a breeder mentor of mine. I thought I was giving her a male, she looked at it and said it was a female. I told her if someone who purchased a kitten got the wrong one she would have to bring it back and exchange it. She said she would, then she refused. So I gave Katy (NOT SONIA) the female I was going to keep. Unfortunetly improper care or what ever the kitten passed away. Katy brought emails, vet records, etc to court--but what she had "MISPLACED" was a copy of her contract stating that she was taking the femlae kitten I was going to keep as her mother made sure I put an addendum to her contract when they came back for the new kitten. Unfortunetly the judge felt sorry for her and said she didn't get the original kitten she had wanted--which was true. I happily paid her for the kitten and all vet care. I would NOT however replace the kitten, I could not place a kitten in her care again. What Katy (NOT SONIA) fails to say is that her aunt is a Bengal breeder and considers me a huge threat to her business. I have hundreds of happy customers and if she continues to slander me I will take her to court and get back more money than she got. Patty Zimmerman --no alias
I have dealt with Patty Zimmerman of WillowBay Bengals several times and have the uptmost respect for her.
We had done a trade and when I got the kitten she had a tail fault. Patty said she would replace her with the next litter but I declined and I'm glad I did. I have gotten the most beautiful snow babies out of this girl and she is such a sweetheart. Patty had no problem in trying to fix the problem with a new kitten if that is what I wanted.
As Breeders we all have run into some people that we wish we had listened to our inner voice and was sorry that we didn't.
Best of luck Patty.
Donnette Piccininno
I have known Patty from Willowbay Bengals for a long time.
She is one of the most trustworthy, respectful, and ethical breeders that I know. I too am a breeder so we look for this in each other. I have two of the most beautiful, best tempered, healthy kittens, now grown up, from Willowbay Bengals and I would never hesitate to recommend Patty or to get more kittens from her. This Sonia, which I assume is an alias has it all wrong. The entire complaint is misleading, with I believe a subtle intent to blacklist one of the best breeders I know, simply because Sonia may be in the Bengal business herself, or perhaps friends of hers. Perhaps Sonia should take a second look at what she is doing and how it may turn around on her. Sonia's complaint is unethical and will reflect on her, especially if anyone finds out her true name.
Sorry forgot to sign above comment: Terri Levengood
I have purchased several kittens from Patty Zimmerman over the years. She has always been very helpful and reliable. She is a very honest and trustworthy person. It is a shame that people like Sonia try to cause trouble for good people like Patty. This situation could have been resolved so easily. Some people just like to be troublemakers, trying to make themselves look better, but "reality check", payback always goes to the troublemaker ten fold, so I know this will turn around and give the instigator just what she deserves. Hang in there Patty!
Richard Boire
I am a recent customer of patty's. I purchased a kitten from her in June. She has been very helpful to us when ever we had any questions about the care of our new kitten. If she can't answer a question we have she goes above and beyond expectation to get the right answer for us. I did a lot a checking around before committing to a breeder, and found patty! She has an ethical ideal in her cattery and I would (and have) recommend her to anyone looking to add a Bengal to their home! Thank you patty !
To those who read this complaint I suggest that you call Patty and schedule a visit with her and her kittens/cats. You will see that she is not the person the complainant says she is!
Kathryn Cooper
I have one of Patty's kittens, now grown up. My cat, Aja, is very beautiful, social, friendly and healthy. I would get another kitten from her in a heartbeat and would recommend her to others. Patty was very patient with me when I was choosing a kitten and she is also very knowledgeable about the breed. Thank you Patty!
Paula Heuer
This complaint is completely unbelievable. And totally false. Patty Zimmerman is the most honest, trustworthy, respected person I have ever done business with. When my rescue cat died suddenly, my son started looking up Bengals - ran across Willowbay - called Patty and told her how sad I was. She didn't have any kittens available at the time, so she decided to retire her prize winning stud, Eddy, early and sold him to me. Talk about having a heart. Her cattery produces the most clean, healthy, socialable and loveable cats in the world. I own 2 businesses and I wish everyone I dealt with was as ethical a business person as she is. Since Eddy, I have purchased 4 other cats from her for myself, my son and my brother. She really checks out who she sells them to so they have good homes. (Her judgment that day with the complaintant must have been taking a break). Actually, being in business myself, this complaint doesn't ring true at all. Think about it - if Patty did what she claims she did, then why would she tell anyone? All we have is our reputation to keep us alive and this woman lied about Patty. In fact, this is absolutely an unkind and unstable complaint. Patty stays in contact with everyone she ever does business with. She is also available by phone and email anytime we have questions or concerns. She actually goes to the trouble to find websites for us so we can get more complete answers. And Patty really knows her stuff. She lets everyone come out to her cattery to see the kittens and pick out their own. I went to a few cat shows and every breeder that I talked to said that Patty is one awesome breeder. In fact - everything that Katy/Sonia said is pretty much a lie from what I know in my 2+ years of dealing with Patty. I will never understand the way people behave. If you are going to slander someone, at least be honest about the facts. Patty would never sell any kitten that had health issues. When I was supposed to get my 2nd kitten from her, I had to wait 4 more weeks because the kitten caught a virus. Now, she is totally healthy. Take Care Patty
I have known Patty for many years and recently learned from somebody who visited her cattery that it smelled so bad they could barely breath and their eyes watered. They were shown a couple of sickly looking kittens with black stuff (ear mites) in their ears. She refused to allow them to view the parents so they walked away and found some very nice Bengal kittens from another reputable breeder. After heariing what happened to the kitten in this complaint I'm sure the breeder/mentor is very lucky she never brought that sick kitten into her breeding program. Just think if she had exchanged the kittens like Patty wanted her to, her entire program could have been ended by a disease like FIP. Bengal breeders can produce lovely kittens but if they are in poor health it can be heartbreaking to loose them. I met her because I have one of her cats and he's had some severe health problems over the years that the Vet has had difficulty diagnosing. I'm sorry but I would not buy another Bengal or any breed from Patty ever again. I have heard and seen too much to trust her, from the other comments here I see she still has a few friends left.
Hi Linda---nice to hear from you again. How is Wanda doing? Please remember the cat you first got from me was from 2 of Wanda's cats. She was supposed to be my mentor--now all she is is a common thief. Get your story straight--then post something. I have hundreds of happy customers--with happy healthy cats. Nothing you people can say or do to steal my business will work. Like my kitten customers have said, I am honest and reputable. My house smells like cats? OMG----well I am a cat breeder---not a cookie baker. You are correct I don't let people wander through my house looking at cats. I have a home, not a zoo. I have a beautiful website that shows my cats. Why on earth would I want people tromping through my house with germs on their feet after they have visited other catteries in this area, spreading who know's what to my beautiful cats and kittens. Maybe your cat had severe health problems because you own him and the care he gets--just a thought. p.s. these people posting are not only my friends--but they started as kitten clients.
The cat I got from Patty is a wonderful boy with a great personality, he loves everyone he meets except Patty when she visited my home. He was not born sick nor were his illnesses hereditary, he may have picked up an immune problem at the filthy pet store Patty dumped him at where we found him in a cage with barn kittens! It just shows what kind of person Patty is to make the comment she did about my owning him. My cats are so spoiled and well cared for any cat should be so lucky to live with us! I made my comments because I do know what went on with this complaint and Patty is lying about it, the reason why she lost in court and this isn't the first time. She may call it a home but it smells like a Zoo and her animals are probably living in filthy cages. The earmite problem is a reality but her Vet is so dumb she probably misdiagnosed it. The cat Wanda got by mistake had terrible ear mites which took a long time to cure and we all know how bad a cat feels that is tormented with mites! Patty said it was dirt! Patty should have apologized instead of lying about what really happened, she gave the kitten to Wanda for her breeding program and told her she could keep it. There was no way Wanda was going to do an exchange and bring a kitten into her home that had been in another home not quarantined for several weeks, what breeder would? To call a friend a thief and act defensive shows me who the guilty person is and it's not Wanda. I have one of her Bengals who is the picture of health and sweet as can be.
We share our lives with a Tripple Grand Champion Alter Siamese who I got from a wonderful breeder I met at a show. He allowed me to see the kitten and parents several times because he had nothing to hide and his home didn't smell at all even though he has many intact breeders living there. I took off my shoes and washed my hands to protect his cattery. Most breeders will bring the parents and kittens into a living room to meet perspective buyers at the very least. I'm sure the people reading this will see who is the liar and story teller here... For the hundreds of happy buyers I wonder how many are unhappy with their purchase from Willowbay. Anybody can create a lovely website to sell their Bengals but the cattery visit is what counts. You should be ashamed Patty, just let go of this and move on before others hear of this complaint and start posting comments! Nobody is trying to "steal" your business, you are the one losing clients because of your personality disorder. Linda
I have a WillowBay Bengal cat. I can't believe what "Sonja" has to say. My cat is the joy of my life. She is happy and healthy. I saw both parents and the rest of her cattery as well. Although this was not my first cat, it was my first Bengal. Patty answered all my questions ( I'm sure some of them were silly) and more. She gave me great advice as to diet and nail care etc. My vet confirmed her good health. I wouldn't hesitate to get another cat from Patty. I send all my friends to her. All I can say is that I got a healthy, happy cat that gets along well with my old tortie and the goofy dog too. I have no qualms urging you to buy from Patty/WillowBay Bengals.
The negative comments listed here are mostly true. Her kittens/cats have ear mites and the place reeks of urine and feces. When a complaint was made the breeder was extremely rude, defensive, and swore at her customer. Checking out other catteries first would be the best idea.
Patty is a phenomenal breeder. We purchased a male cat from her 4 years ago, and he is the single most beautiful bengal on the planet. Even when we look at bengal magazines, calendars, and internet photos, we cannot find a more beautiful cat than the one we bought from Patty. And his personality is wonderful -- sweet, social, playful. He even gets along with other pets! Later, we went back to Patty to purchase a female, and we chose a kitten. A few months later, we went back to pick it up, and she had two left. One was perfect by breeders' standards, the other had a few imperfections that only a breeder would notice, but was fine for a pet. She handed us the perfect one, saying that it was the one we had chosen. She could have switched them out and we never would have known, but she did not. She has tons of integrity. And what Patty wrote above is absolutely true -- the above friends of hers did start out as her customers. Since our purchase, we keep in regular contact with Patty and consider her our good friend. Many of her customers do!
I purchased a kitten from Patty about 1 and a half years ago. I don't think I have ever had a kitten so sweet, healthy and loving as this girl. She waits for me to come in from the garage when I get home from work-watches me apply my make up in the morning before work and lets me sleep in on the weekends. Patty and I have remained friends, in fact I would call us good friends. We talk often, we have discussed what this Katy and her Bengal breeder family are trying to do to her. I know the kitten that Katie wanted was given to Wanda McDonald of Fire on ice cats. She got the girl Katie was to get. Wanda had told Patty she would give the kitten back if anyone had gotten the wrong kitten. When Patty called her the next day Wanda said she was too attatched already to give the kitten back, so Patty gave away the kitten she had wanted to keep for her breeders to Katie. She also made the change on the contract which I heard was conveniently lost. Then Linda was insisting that Patty give Wanda papers for the kitten she wouldn't give to the rightful owner, now honestly Linda I heard you like to light one up once in a while, but whoa, that's just crazy. I don't think the kitten Katie had was taken care of and many months later she got sick and died. I could never imagine Patty swearing at a kitten buyer, that is ludicrious. I think what people do to her is very rude, they call at all hours, want to stop by on a moments notice and treat her and her home like it's a pet store. Yet she smiles, answers questions and is so very kind. Linda I know you are just defending what Wanda did to Patty--we came to the conclusion Wanda can't fend for herself, we jokingly call you her minion. Wilson50 I was told you were almost crying because you wanted one of Patty's kittens and she who wears the pants in the family said no. One thing I have learned with my girl is when she pees or craps, it smells. Patty keeps all of her kittens close to the family activity for their social development. Dirt in her ears does not mean mites. Not sure what kind of pet you have that doesn't stink up the roomwonce in a while. I understand Wanda's house smells of male piss and Linda's house stinks like musk and is so cluttered and tacky it makes one clostrophobic. Wilson, since she only spoke with you once we're not sure how you know she was rude, defensive and a potty mouth. Be careful karma is a [censor] and she told me you were already at deaths door. I have never been to Patty's beautiful home where we haven't been welcomed and treated like royalty. I have met many of her breeder friends and they truly admire her. I only wish I lived closer to her so I could visit the kittens more often. These are just my feelings, I think what you have all said that was negative is shameful. Life is short and to be so bitter over a kitten she wouldn't put in your care for good reason is pitiful. Lori Swanson is the next one to get involved. Debbie Brody
I don't know you Debbie, you have never been in my house and don't know me or Wanda at all. I have no idea who Wilson50 is either but they must know about Patty Zimmerman's filthy cattery. The only time Patty was at my house she said she found my home so comfy she loved it so if you got your information from her she is lying again, something she is known for. I live in a country home and yes I have too much furniture that I've collected in 60 years unlike Patty's home where she can't keep anything around with all of her dogs and cats ruling the house. At least you don't smell cat urine or feces when you walk into my house and you are greeted by 3 friendly happy cats. My Siamese is a QGCA, no cat gets to that level without receiving optimal care so your criticism of my home or personality is completely false. I have no idea why this complaint has come up again, I just got an email saying there was another post. You didn't see me coming back here to slam Patty some more but yet you as a total stranger has to come and slander my friend Wanda and I? Anything you say is what Patty has told you, I feel very sorry that you have become friends with her because some day she will turn on you like she did to us when her lies catch up with her. You also don't see Wanda getting involved, she is much too good of a person to lower herself fighting a lost cause... We continue to pray for Patty. Photo is of my Double Champion Alter Bengal from Wanda @ Fire n Ice Bengals . Linda
Patty Zimmerman/WillowBay Bengals have you quit breeding cats? Perhaps you should consider continuing. I see a complaint was lodged against you for delivering a male kitten instead of a female (snicker). The trivial matter was taken to court and you lost. In spite of this you seem to enjoy quite an unusual amount of support. You have 10 or so extremely positive flattering remarks from different individuals about your alleged trustworthiness, reliability, and ethical standard – all written in a suspiciously similar style.
(The general public should take notice of these extremely positive flattering remarks and wonder where 99.99% are coming from.)
When 10 people suddenly join ComplaintsBoard on the same day and all comment about how wonderful WillowBay is on the same day, it seems very suspicious. Perhaps "someone" made up all those profiles to make a good defense? Something stinks, it's transparent.
The fact that it was the person who bought the female kitten from you who discovered after 5 weeks that it was a male kitten - instead of YOU discovering the mistake does not count in your favour at all!
I hated to get the notification that this has come up again. Patty has quit breeding as far as I know and has moved to Arizona. I know that one of the positive comments is a real person from California who has a breeder she bought from Patty. I don't think the woman ever visited her home though so she is fortunate it worked out. Hearing about the tail fault isn't very good though... I thought Patty at least knew how to evaluate the kittens she sold. It was just a big mess and I learned to keep out of it because any time I made a comment the health department or animal control showed up at my friend Wanda's house with anonymous complaints! I know that happened to Patty once and we supported her... how she could do that to another breeder is beyond me. So be careful what you write, if she finds out who you are there will be trouble. Linda
Every person that commented above are REAL people. The only thing fake was the friendship Linda and Wanda showed me. Yes, Linda you know I am retired and living in AZ., because you sent me an email saying how sorry you were. Now please stop talking about me, I am doing great and have NEVER been happier.
Patti, why are you bringing this up again when the last comment I made was March of 2013? Believe me I haven't thought about you let alone talked about you since then. Seems to me the email I sent you was to inform you that the cat I bought from the pet store where you dumped him died at age 7 from a tumor. I must have let my guard down when I said I was sorry that things didn't turn out between us and our friendship. I wasn't sorry for anything I said about you because it's all true. I am a caring person and stick by real friends. When you made this mistake and tried to screw the poor woman out of the cat you owed Wanda you should have fixed it rather than loose in court or turn on us like it was our fault you had lost control of your breeding programs. I now wish I had never met you or bought Khan in the first place, Mike and I miss him terribly as he was taken from us much too young. I just hope you have really quit breeding and are taking care of any animals you may have now. One of my best friends who was a Siamese breeder just died and I sure don't need this c*** from you. Quit posting to this old complaint or it will never go away!
I just found a very hateful message from this Patty Zimmermen, wow what did I do to her?
She seems to be a bully and a liar, so I would never ever buy a cat from this woman. So
Glad she retired from the cat business. BTW is she a man or a woman?
Yes I agree that is it very strange all those people posted nice things about her all at once. We know
who put them up to it, don't we.