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CB Beauty and Well-being Review of Robert Wood Johnson Hospital
Robert Wood Johnson Hospital

Robert Wood Johnson Hospital review: Bad service 8

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3:20 pm EDT
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My son was treated at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital and although he submited his insurance information when he registered to see the doctor, someone submited the bill to Aetna insted of United Healthcare. Since the bills were not payed a derogatory report was placed on my credit report and was turned over to Financial Recovery. This derogatory report is affecting my credit rating and preventing me from obtaining credit and job placement. Please investigate

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Aug 17, 2011 3:10 am EDT

Purgatory Customer Service @ RWJ Hospital New Jersey
The night shift nurse refused to bring my new born to my wifes bedside for feeding. They advised my wife to walk to the door to get the baby. Startled, my wife woke up from her bed, started walking to the door not realizing that she was bleeding. After seeing blood on the floor she had to call for help. I hope these 2 nurses are not working there. The nurses could have been a lot more considerate and professional in the middle of the night and should not have ordered my wife to get off the bed to pick up the baby at the door. With blood on the floor and on her body my wife had to clean up the mess off the floor before the baby was fed. The morning shift nurse advised my wife not to walk .. just rest.
Day 2.
I went to pick up my wife and my kid. I parked my car in the parking lot due to severe winds below zero. I will never forget this day.
We got discharged. The idiot employee grabs a wheel chair throws my wife and the new born in it and we are on our way down to the lobby. I advised the idiot employee to drop us off by the parking elevator lot due to cold winds outside. Her answer.. she cannot do that .. that is the hospital policy.
The Lobby scene.
The security guard at the lobby is all over the girl sitting behind the lobby desk.
Idiot employee leave us swiftly with a stink eye greeting taking the wheel chair back with her. My wife looked around for chair to sit with the new born next to her. My wife feels tired. She cant walk. I started my walk toward the parking lot. Things would have been easier if we were dropped off by the parking lot elevator. I bring my car around to the front lobby. Wind chill was below zero. With the car heater blowing in full speed I run back into the lobby. My wife and new born were waiting for me.
As I watch the wind blowing outside, another dude picking up his new born backs his car in to my parked car damaging the bumper. Now the security guard is startled . What happens, nothing. I had to dismiss the fender bender, cold wind is getting on my nerves and I dont have time to stand outside and exchange insurance information.
I had to make a quick decision. How can I get out of this ### hole hospital ? The dude who hit my car drives off. He did not bother to get out.
I advised my wife to cover the new born and slowly make her way to the car. As a new father I put the new born and her mom in the car and slowly made my way out saying to myself ... I AM NEVER COMING TO THIS HOSPITAL AGAIN. THIS WAS ONE HORRIBLE EXPERICNCE I WILL NEVER FORGET.

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Aug 22, 2011 4:15 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I read your comment. I feel so sorry for you and your family.

It happened to us too. The nurse refused to give me my baby back after she finished the tests on him and she just sat down and chatted with other nurses in nursery room when we came to check on my son. The nurses didn't even care about babies... They were naked for few mins and others were crying so hard. It was obvious that they all were hungry and cold. Same with my baby. My boyfriend and I were shocked and went to knock on the door. One of the nurses opened the door and exclaimed, " what do u want?!" We told her to give us the baby back and that he was crying. She looked at our baby and gave us the attitude. She slamed the door on us.. so hard and loud. I started crying. My boyfriend went again to tell her to take the baby and give us. We hateeeeeeeee the hospital!

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Aug 22, 2011 4:17 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

And there is more :(

Edison, US
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Feb 07, 2013 8:23 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I believe it ! I have been paying my bills small amounts each month and I had my bills sent to Financial recoveries - REALLY!
I was better off paying nothing...the hospital is out of control!

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Jun 26, 2013 2:19 pm EDT

The phlebotomist there was very unprofessional. She attempted to take my blood with no gloves and then wipe up to down, meaning she was spreading germ back to the area she was going to stick me. Then after she wiped me with alcohol she then infected the site again by using her index figure to touch vein after she used alcohol. smh I don't know how they hire these people but she was very unprofessional.

john croake
monroe towmship, US
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Mar 10, 2014 4:49 pm EDT

I been waiting for pain mmandement doctor mellender roffice to contact me about putting a pain blocker in my back to stop the pain for 6 months and i call 10 times and never got a answer what a waste of time never go to Robert wood hospatal if you are in pain you can die of old age before somebody will come to help you

faith D
Sayreville, US
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Jul 10, 2015 4:48 pm EDT

Faith was having heart arrhythmias, she was sent by ambulance to Robert Wood Johnson. While having an ablation done to correct her arrhythmia, her heart was punctured during the procedure. The Doctor on record performing the procedure ( Saluja, Amardeeps ) waited for the heart to stop bleeding before proceeding. Her heart continued to bleed. She Was then rushed to the operating room for surgery. She died for a short period. The operating Surgeon sawed open her chest, then Stitch her heart to stop the bleeding. She now has metal bars with screws across her chest to hold her chest bones in place.

Faith then was given a second ablation by DR. Subhashini Gowda to correct the first doctors ( Saluja Amardeeps) heart puncture mistake. Puncture was causing another type of arrhythmia issue that DR. Subhashini Gowda corrected. Faith is Now on medication to control her heart arrhythmia.

Faith Entered the hospital on 2-27-15 and left on 3-20-15.
Her leg was so badly bruised from the first ablation she could barely walk for the following three weeks.

1. On 2-28-15 while in the hospital faith starting having arrhythmias . Doctors were shocking her heart with electrical paddles to regain a steady heart beat. doctors then decide to place faith in a semi induced coma.

2. Why wasn't heart medication given from the beginning, instead of placing Faith in a semi induced coma with a long tube down her throat nearly into her stomach for four to five days ( 2/28/15 - 3/4/15) The throat tube more than likely is the reason for her having Pantoprazole as one of her medications. ( pantoprazole is used to treat erosive esophagitis issues along with excess stomach acid.)

3. When the ablation was preformed on 3/4/15 and the heart was punctured, doctors waited for the heart to stop bleeding before they would commence with the procedure. How long did they wait ? two liters of blood clotted around faith's heart during that wait. The blood clot had to be cleared away by the operating surgeon. The surgeon said, when he cleared the blood clot around the heart, the heart was not bleeding. He put two stitch on the heart as a precaution. The Heart stopped bleeding because the clot around the heart provided the pressure to stop the bleeding. This same pressure cause the heart from stop beating because it was being chocked. Faith was told by two or more doctors that it was a miracle she was still alive. One doctor said " you were gone, and some how you came back."

4. when the doctors approached me, after the Failed ablation. They said, faith's heart was punctured and if I wanted to have her operated on, he would make a small incision through her chest to stitch her heart. He believed the heart would stop bleeding on it's own and asked whether I wanted to have her operated on, or placed her in her room and wait and see if the bleeding would stop. I told them " Your the experts, you make the decision. "
The Doctor decided to operate. I was then given a release form to sign to authorize the operation procedure.
Within a minute after signing the operation authorization, faith was being rushed to the operating room. The doctor and staff were running fast with faith on the gurney that each one of them was pushing.

5. why was't a surgeon in the procedure room during the procedure. Or near by in the event one was needed?

6. I was told by the operating surgeon that only one percent of the time problems would occur during an ablation procedure.

7. What is the long term effect of having bars and screw in the chest bone?

8. What is the long term effect on the heart by having had a second ablation to correct the first ablation mishap?

9. Doctor Saluja Amardeeps is on record as preforming the failed ablation. An intern was the actual doctor that did preform the failed ablation. Was the doctor in training Qualified? My understanding is, this procedure was video tape for training purposes. I have no doubt, that this tape will come up missing or bleared.

10. Why am I, or my health care insurance company responsible for the surgery, additional hospital stay, and botched ablation cost, not to mention a second ablation cost to repair the first ablation mishap. RWJ should not profit for their mistakes. Faith is currently on medication that Robert Wood Johnson should be paying for, and they aren't. If the ablation was done correctly, no medication would be required. Faith will require another ablation, months or years from now, If done successfully, as it should have been done the first time. she will not be needing any medication at all. Until that time, medication will be required, along with its expense. Enclosed please find medical bill that Robert Wood Johnson is billing for Issues that they directly created.

Robert Wood Johnson should not be using their patients as practice dummies by their inexperienced intern's. Nor should they be billing their Patient's For service that were needed because of their mistakes.

Pharmacy bills from march to june is 443.94. Total Project cost from march to December will be 1331.82. Projected cost for fiscal year 2016 is 1775.76.

Cost for damage bones, heart, pain and suffering. Not to mention problems into the future. I have no idea.

Please look into matter then advise. Thank you in advance

Dawnne Howarth
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Jul 31, 2023 11:28 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I had botched urological surgery at Robert Wood. I had pericutaneous nephrolithotomy on my left kidney and put a stent in and in the wrong place. I spent a whole month in two different hospitals, the second finally removing the stent. The pain was excruciating for a month. Robert Wood lied about it. This hospital should be sued by everyone here!