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CB Real Estate Review of Royal Garden Villas Resort Corp RIRIC Royal Indian Raj Manoj Benjamin Ravi Benjamin
Royal Garden Villas Resort Corp RIRIC Royal Indian Raj Manoj Benjamin Ravi Benjamin

Royal Garden Villas Resort Corp RIRIC Royal Indian Raj Manoj Benjamin Ravi Benjamin review: grasping at straws - royal garden villas resort corp riric royal indian raj manoj benjamin ravi benjamin 7

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11:56 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Well tweet, tweet, tweet if manoj benjamin — ceo of the flailing royal indian raj international corporation (riric) isn't whipping up yet another propaganda storm; and this time on twitter. now don't you think a multi-billion dollar company on the cusp of magnanimous success would be running current headlines about all their impending billions?

Notice the stale dates on the news releases. also note that you’d be hard pressed to find a business that is still willing to admit an association with royal indian raj.

Date of "news" article: may 2nd, 2008

Date jack nicklaus withdrew: november 26th, 2008

Date of benjamin tweet: september 25th, 2009

The following “propaganda link” article below boasts about the involvement of jack nicklaus in the riric's projects. perhaps if the article wasn't 4. 5 years old, it may have mentioned that jack nicklaus withdrew his services from royal indian raj on november 26th, 2008. since nicklaus withdrew nearly a year previous to the date of this twitter from manoj benjamin, why is benjamin still playing up on the propaganda (some may suggest to raise more sucker-money to pay mounting legal bills) :

Nicklaus withdrawal statement:

Propaganda link:

Twit account:


Date of "news" article: april 11, 2007

Year of choice hotel's disassociation from riric – 2008

Date of benjamin tweet: september 25th, 2009

You can contact

Mr. vilas pawar, chief executive officer, choice hotels india
Telephone + [protected]

Clutching onto the past rhetoric that wooed millions of dollars from the savings accounts of trusting, yet naïve, investors, manoj benjamin is grasping at straws in an effort to continue what many consider to be a perpetration of real estate fraud. david baines, white collar crime columnist for the vancouver sun, certainly has plenty to say about the benjamin family’s shady history in the real estate business in a canadian business magazine article:


The financial institutions commission issued a cease and desist order against manoj benjamin, ravi benjamin, royal indian raj, royal garden villas and others.


The bc securities commission has been investigating royal indian raj and its associates since 2005:



The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Due Diligence
Beverly Hills, US
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Nov 18, 2009 12:04 am EST

Royal Indian Raj customers and investors take note:

California Law: Deceit and fraud are defined separately in statutes. Deceit is defined in Civ. Code §§1709 and 1710, while fraud is defined in Civ. Code §§1572 (actual fraud) and 1573(constructive fraud).

Copy and paste into internet browser for Source:

Below are just a very few court orders and newspaper/magazine articles exposing Royal Indian Raj and their crimes.

Court Orders against Royal Indian Raj and International Newspaper/Magazine Exposure:

Financial Institutions Commission orders Cease Marketing Order Against RIRIC :

British Columbia Securities Commission Investigation:

Invest Right Investor Alert: Beware of investment ploys touting foreign direct investments in India:

Canadian Business Magazine – All About The Benjamins:

Jack Nicklaus Withdraws Services:

Royal Indian Raj investor gets royal runaround:

Royal Indian Raj Scrounging for Money:

Beverly Hills, US
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Apr 19, 2010 10:37 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The Benjamins are on the run but can never outrun justice. The tide has turned and prison awaits.

Krishna R.
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Nov 20, 2010 5:03 pm EST

it is most correct that justice will be only and finally brought upon heads of collins benjamin manoj benjamin ravi benjamin and evildoer persons under conspiring with such is upon conscience of persons robbed by benjamin family to speak with authorities to demand actions.

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Feb 23, 2011 5:59 am EST

seeking information on role of others in addition to collins benjamin manoj benjamin and ravi benjamin.also are maya benjamin anjula benjamin and sherri vaters.

Prashant Gupta 1945
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Dec 18, 2015 1:20 am EST

thankyou for information some time ago i very nearly purchased a flat from salesman ravi benjamin but decided against so doing, recently i see that father collins benjamin has been in prison at bengaluru since 2013 for committed fraud on royal garden villas, i do not know how also ravi benjamin is not in prison for his crimes, complaints brought against royal indian raj director colins benjamin has been fruitful, so perhaps similar complaints against ravi benjamin will produce same, does anyone know if manoj benjamin has been charged and imprisoned also, manoj benjamin i believe is or was the ceo or president while i was considering a purchase, we as people of the great nation of india must work together to protect one another from fraud such as has been comitted here by royal indian raj and benjamin crooks, again thankyou to those who share information and i pass on same to others, blessings to my people, here is collins benjamin court document that sent to me by good and loyal friend

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Nov 03, 2017 8:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ravi Benjamin ... phhhfft! If you believe anything that slithers off his well-oiled tongue, you believe in talking snakes.

Manu Goswamy
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Apr 26, 2018 7:45 am EDT

The National Capital Region (NCR) was one of the worst-hit real estate markets in the country in the first half of 2017, with new launches, sales as well as prices seeing a sharp contraction, realty consultancy Knight Frank said on Wednesday. The only other market to fare worse was Ahmedabad, where new launches fell by 79%
What is the future of our investments .please suggest there is a panic in the market.

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