My car is not moving and I wanted to lay complaint, and they ask me I did hit the pothole I said hit potholes everyday ,they said I must be specific what date I tell them the big pothole I hit was on the 30th of April but car fine until the 2nd of July. We've been paying this insurance for 3 and a half year. My husband decided to change the bank and make them aware that he change the bank, they didn't withdraw on that month which is march
They said because of the incident that happened on the 30th of April they can't help us claim is declined, I was asking why because we want to make a claim on the 2nd of July not for April is clare that they are the one's to choose when to claim
They said we don't have existing policy ,how? because we still paying
We ask for tow truck, car hiring they didn't help us with nothing
So which means we are paying for the services that we don't get
All I know is that from the moment you take your car from car dealers is that the insurance is paid from day 1