FRAUD BY THIS COMPANY! I am a landlord and one of my X tenants in one of my homes, set up alarm service with this company. The contract which I obtained a copy has my Printed name, my property address. The contract is signed by my X tenant with TENANTS NAME NOT mine, Tenants bank auto bill info NOT mine. I have been in contact with this company for over a year. The account is now in collections, after many conversations they refuse to remove this account and continue to bill me for fraudulent UNSIGNED contract by me, over $1, 000.00 bill. Safeguard America is a FRAUD. SHANE MANZO at [protected] ext 1101, assured me over a few months ago it would be removed. The bill only increased and today on June 10 2015 quoted his boss AL SHEAHAN " We will only bill you for monitoring and warranty". Safeguard America Believes that in America you can enforce a contract that is not signed. Furthermore Safeguard America is complicit and aware of this Fraud. DON'T DO BUSINESS WITH A COMPANY THAT ALLOWS FORGERY ON CONTRACTS OR ENFORCES CONTRACTS SIGNED BY OTHERS WITH THEIR NAME.
I own many property have many attorneys as well, apparently you know nothing. NO ONE is liable for what another person signs. Read "Tenant did not even sign my name, Tenant signed his name. In America NO ONE is Liable for others fraud, we have a fantastic court system that removes dirt bags including yourself from hurting law biding multiple tax paying individuals and businesses, Google Florida Statutes learn about Torts etcc.. Think smart guy what court in USA is going to enforce a contract to one individual signed by another without knowledge, approval STATUTE OF FRAUDS, Thimk before you react!
I am informing the Smarter public that the company Safeguard America was/is aware and has done nothing about it, you on the other hand don't know what you are doing at all.
listen dummy keep quiet you are misguided, trying to act act smart but have no idea what your are doing go away loser.
hey dummy the BBB where I filed my complaint had the alarm company drop all charges and all collection and contract, you r misleading people thinking your smart, but u r just an assss!
You as the property owner as liable for such things. Why do you not understand this?
So why are you upset then? If the law is on your side, as you claim, why are you complaining? Note - you are wrong.
You are informing people of your own experience and misguided understanding of the relevant legislation.
Your ad hominem posts only serve to expose you for a misguided and ill-informed person.
What has your legal counsel for your business told you?