Scientific USA Inc. is a fraud. The man who calls himself the CEO real name is Michael James Sweaney but he has changed his name SEVERAL times because of the fact he is a professional CON MAN & when he is confronted by his victims this is his way to try & hide from them & evade being arrested AGAIN from police for FRAUD..Here are some company, personal & product names MIchael James Sweaney has used. sculptisse, chemlift, Leeds scientific, Scientific USA Inc, Dermalol Md, Michael p Ryan as well as MANY other fake names.MIchael James sweaney has been arrested & convicted for several felonies of fraud & scamming innocent victims out of $75, 000 in the state of Nevada.It is public knowledge so feel free to call the parole & probation office in carson city Nevada [protected].He has used addresses in KIrkland Washington, Las Vegas & his latest address he is advertising under is 2711 Centerville RD, Wilmington, DE 19808.THis pathetic CON ARTIST has ripped many people off for several years.He actually has no shame & when he is confronted by a victim he has the nerve to threaten & try to intimidate them saying he will sue them for slander if they mention it.Come on people, don't let this crook get away with this.Contact the police or DA's office in whatever state you live in & file a complaint against him because if we don't stop him he will 100% continue his scams.Since his scam is asking people to send him thousands of dollars without meeting him, ask him to send you a copy of his drivers licence, any legitimate business man would have no problem doing so since he is asking people to send him thousands of dollars.DO NOT SEND THIS GUY ANY OF YOUR MONEY !
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I sell dermalol md and I have had great success. This post does nothing but tarnish the product and the good people selling it like me. If you have a complaint about this guy that is fine, but can you stop dragging the product name into your complaints. If he is this mastermind criminal it seems like it is super easy to find him. It's a shame that you can say anything about anything these days on the internet and gets weight. So the guy has a past. Maybe he's running a legit business now and learn from his mistakes. I've never had issues getting product delivered or with the product itself.
I'm posting this b/c this post is effecting my business.
Don't trust this guy. He scammed me for over $1000.00 and $60.000.00 selling a fake franchise. I know the real owner of this product he 's purchasing. He was duped my Mike too. He has been in jail for fraud before. Check for yourself. Don't be fooled by his banter. and thanks to dan88 for bringing this very sad issue to our attention.