The credit card portal is purposefully clunky and causes issues every time you pay. Due to timing out and frustration, I missed my payment deadline by less than 24 hours. I paid in full and did not make another purchase. Apparently 2.86 cents of trailing interest was added after my payment in full and continued to accrue over 3 months. I pay my account in full yet still have this tiny amount NOT INCLUDED in statement remaining, without a call or notice. I do not have paper statements and although I tried to do paperless billing, it clearly didn’t take. This is a practice designed to make money off of people trying to work and remain in good credit standing. Also, I did pay online, on time but somehow the payment was “scheduled” not paid immediately. I always pay in full and never schedule a payment so I don’t know why it was scheduled for a month out. The payment website is awful and purposefully difficult to navigate. today, I thought I took care of everything, but if I didn’t ask if I would receive “trailing interest”again, i would not have known
Desired outcome: Please reverse derogatory credit mark for a late payment on trailing interest and cancel card without impacting credit score..