As a longtime customer of Smiths grocery store, I am extremely disappointed with the Pharmacy department's policy in obtaining a printout of my wife's pharmaceutical costs for 2022. I was informed that Smith"s pharmacy procedure to receive this information required my wife to be present with ID. Unfortunately, she does not have a lot of mobility, and I do pick up the majority of her prescriptions with her Birthdate and if necessary I show my ID. The spouse is allowed to pick up medications at a pharmacy for the other spouse, and at the same time denied the right and opportunity to obtain a copy of his or her pharmaceutical expenses for their respective spouse. This procedure defies common sense and is surely not patient or customer friendly.
I do understand there are HIPPA rules but does this particular circumstance fall into that category? Can the Smiths Corporation make this particular patient document procedure convenient to the Customer? Incident date [protected] 3:50 pm
Desired outcome: I would like to see a common-sense remedy to this situation that is Customer friendly. There are ways to make things easier for customers, not harder!