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Sono Bello

Sono Bello review: malpractice 49

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4:53 pm EST
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First, the doctor I chose when I booked what was supposed to be 'Smart Lipo' was not the doctor that was there to perform it. The front desk girls assured me he was good. Then they were running behind schedule because the girl before me was having a bad reaction to the drugs. When I was being prepared I asked for something for nausea to prevent that from happening to me. Dr. Gael De Rouin suggested I just to it with out pain medicine.

At the last minute the nurse brought me a pill and said, "you are going to need it." By then they were rushing me on the table before the pill kicked in. They turned on the tumeric machine and began pumping it in so fast I could feel my skin being ripped from my body. I begged him to slow down the machine. He ignored me. The nurse finally turned it down and held my hand as I felt every bit of horrific pain. I still have nightmares. Dr. DeRouin ruined my stomach. He rushed through and just made a mess. Now I have a deformed abdomen. He over corrected in some spots and under in others. I wish I still had the pooch now. Now I have no choice but do seek a way to fix this mess.

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Sacramento, US
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Apr 07, 2012 11:52 pm EDT

Dear Arizona
Oh my god your doctor and my doctor went to the same school.The same thing happened to me in 2010. My surgeon started operating on me before the medication could start working, . He placed the gas mask on my neck but never used it . Doctor Shideler (of Sacramento Sonobello) started operating on me before the pain medication took effect. The pain was horrific. I yelled at Doctor Shideler to stop. I told him that I was felling everything and that he was hurting me. He just continued working and smiling. The pain that I experienced is something that I'll never forget. It felt like a rake was under my skin ripping me apart. I kept yelling at him to stop.My stomach is deformed like yours and there is area's he forgot to do. If you compare sides, one side is larger then the other. They said that the skin will tighten but it never happened.
The cost to fix his errors will cost me roughly $15, 000 to $20, 000 dollars. That doesn't even include the mental harm he did.
I THINK WE SHOULD GET TOGETHER AND SUIT . They need to be stopped and I'm serious.

Gloria Tahud Tomczewski
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Mar 07, 2017 3:44 pm EST
Replying to comment of rhonda42

I went to the BBB site, an no one has complained - please make a formal complaint.

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Dec 10, 2023 11:36 am EST
Replying to comment of rhonda42

I'm down 100%

Scottsdale, US
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Apr 10, 2012 11:23 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree with both of you and had a horrific experience at Sono Bello in Scottsdale, AZ. Everyone I met with prior to surgery explained that I would be awake and feel a tugging sensation. During the procedure while my upper abs were being worked on, that statement was true, I felt tugging with no pain. When the doctor moved to my lower abs, I felt excruciating pain and told her so she could numb the area. Her reply was, "you're suppose to feel pain". I was shocked and said to her, "this is unbearable, I can feel burning and sharp stabbing". She then said if I did not stop complaining she would stop the procedure. Being half sedated, I remember thinking, if she stops now, what will my body look like? I endured levels of pain that are clearly inhumane and unecessary. Especially when the surgeon is performing cosmetic elective procedures that are being paid in full by the patient. As responsible consumers, you are correct in stating, "They need to be stopped...". I have not figured out the correct coarse of action to take for retribution and exposure of this practice. I certainly welcome reasonable and professional advice.

Gloria Tahud Tomczewski
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Mar 07, 2017 3:45 pm EST

Please go make a formal complaint with the BBB site!

SonoBello Class Action
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Jul 28, 2017 4:41 pm EDT

Teri Johnson
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Aug 30, 2017 2:22 pm EDT

I would stand outside with signs warning other girls.You can stand on the sidewalk legally

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Dec 10, 2023 11:12 am EST

Join me in a class-action lawsuit. I was tortured as well. This practice is illegal.

Imma Workin
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Dec 21, 2024 2:47 pm EST
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Replying to comment of Ghost3562

Can people from Texas join in on the same class action? They totally totally ruined my body. I am two sizes larger and health issues from the abex procedure.

Sam C Austin
Austin, US
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Jun 02, 2013 3:25 pm EDT

Please read this before going to Sono Bella. This is not good. I am 41 year old male. I do not drink, smoke or do drugs. I had gained some weight. In 2012 I went to Sono Bella to get a kick start to the body I had several years ago. I met with Bailey. Great lady. She told me that if I could pinch it, they could suck it out. I wanted to get rid of the fat on my chest. She also talked me into getting my upper and lower abs also. I had a low BMI I met with Dr Pittman- Waller. She reassured me that she would get rid of my boobies, fat on my lower and upper abs. 1st procedure Sept. 2012. The nurses and Dr Pittman were great. After the procedure Dr. Pittman called to see how I was. My swelling was not even and it looked like I had more fat on my left side of my abs, right side of my chest was large and the shelf below my belly button was still there. I did look a little flatter. I was confused because it seem like I still had considerable fat on my chest and abs left. No one said it looked right. 1st check up. Dr Pittman said it looked great. My right side of my chest was larger and Knots were forming. I showed her a big fat lump on my left ab area . Right side of rounded left side fatty squared. And my shelf on my lower abs was still there. She said it was all swelling and it would go away. She told me I needed to rub those areas and they would go away. Month check up. Everyone says it looks awful. I am embarrassed. I wore my support garments 20 hours out of the day. By Dec. my right side of my chest was much larger than my left. Peers at work would stop me to see what was wrong with my chest. I had formed long horizontal dense tissue in my right side of my chest. I met with my regular doctor, Dr Geyer. He also said that it was an awful job and sent me to ARA for a sonogram and Xrays. It showed horizontal lines of dense tissue. The affects of surgery. I went back to Pitman Because I trusted her and asked what I should do. I asked her if I should go to another surgeon? She said she would take care of it. In Jan. she made an incision under my right areola and cut out lines of dense tissue.(Yes, she cut them out) Now, the areola on my right side is permanently stretched because of the scar on the base of it is much lower than my left side because of less fat in my lower chest. It dimples when I lift my arm. I have scar tissue now. I look more deformed. At my 6th months I look nothing like the pics on their site and no one beside Sono Bella says it looks good. I made an appointment with Dr, Pittman she said she would meet with me. When I got there they told me she wouldn't meet with me. I could hear her in the next room. I met with a Dr Lauren Crawford. She was rude and short with me from the start. I showed her the clump of fat on my left ab, my shelf below my belly button, one flabby breast and the other one with a larger areola and lower. She said that they only can take 70% of the fat. I asked why they don't have that on the web. She could answer that. I asked why then did Bailey say that if I could pinch it ya'll could suck it out and why did Dr Pittman agree? She could not answer that. She told me I don't know what a flat stomach or a flat chest looks like and then I showed her pictures of me. Stumped her again. I even offered to walk over to Central Market with her and have people Say if you did a get good job or not. She said, "NO" She got mad. While a nurse was in the room she told me I come in all the time and sexually harass the nurses with my derogatory remarks and that she had gotten many complaints about me. (I'm gay. If she actually spoke to Dr Pittman or Bailey or the other nurses, she would know this) I told her this has ended and that I was going to get a second opinion From a Dr. Cameron in Westlake. Pissed, she said, "fine, I will redo your procedure", Picked up my file and left. The nurse asked me if I wanted to schedule another appointment. I said, "she just accused me of sexually harassing the nurses and now that I am going to get a second opinion she is going to redo the procedure?" I did not. I met with Dr Cameron and he said it was a bad procedure. It would cost me over $6000 to redo what Sono bella has messed up. He does not recommend going in my right side of my chest for a 3rd time. I am permanently damaged. I will not be able to take my shirt off again. So If you would like to meet in a public place, I will give you a disc of all the pictures that sono bella took of me( a very nice nurse gave them to me). You will see that I have done my part to lose weight. The pics will show my sides and back are smaller. You will also get a copy my second opinion dated this May 2013 from Doctor Cameron and copies of my xrays with all my paper work. And I will show you in person what they have done.

Gloria Tahud Tomczewski
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Mar 07, 2017 3:46 pm EST

I went to the BBB site, and seen only one complaint. Please go and complain at that site.

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Apr 04, 2019 3:55 pm EDT

You have all your proof and you have proof of everything. You are also very well spoken. You did everything you were supposed to do and you had an outside doctor also evaluate what was happening. You are permanently disfigured. It's time to call an attorney and sue them. Not just for yourself (although you certainly have very right to), but also for other unsuspecting people who can't find this kind of information on the website or BBB. I wish you the best of luck. You saved me from a visit and I have already been ripped off by another one of those med spas.

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Dec 10, 2023 11:08 am EST

BBB isn't helpful. They still have an A+ score...with hundreds of grievances...and nothing changes.

niki ledrew
Chandler, US
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Feb 28, 2014 1:46 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh my!
I am a middle age woman who has always remained active and taken care of my body.I recently lost both parents, and struggling with depression.I went to a Dr and took care of this.Howevere in the intern gained weight and now really struggle to get rid of it>(most in the tummy area)..I researched this procedure and thought seriously getting some work done.
After reading these comments and com paints I decided I will live with what I got and be thankful!

Thank you for sharing...

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Jul 01, 2017 8:35 pm EDT

Smart idea. Stay away from additional disfiguring problem. Be thankful you are not in this situation.

Barb W.
Gilbert, US
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May 03, 2014 7:22 pm EDT

I have tried every diet and pill known to man and have never been able to keep off the weight. I went on line to the Sono Bello web site and actually clicked on "chat with us" and ask a staff member some questions. I told her the ad on the website said each area was $1, 249. She said I had to do 3 areas for that but I have 3 areas I could have done so that wasn't a problem. Then I told her how much I weighed and she never said that each area would now be a lot more than the $1, 249. I set up an appointment for January 31, 2014. When I went in everyone was very nice. April Peck was the staff member I talked to. She told me I weighed too much to have any Liposuction done and would have to lose weight and that each area would be $3, 000 if i did have any done because my BMI was too high. I had asked about having my stomach, upper arms and neck worked on, April told me I could have "Venus Legacy Sculpt" on my upper arms because it isn't a surgery it didn't matter how much my BMI was. I ask her if the procedure could really get rid of the fat on my arms and she said "yes, we can get rid of it." I was very excited.My arms are very large and so I only wear long sleeved or 3/4 length sleeve clothes. They didn't have an opening until2 weeks later for me to come in for my first treatment. The day i was supposed to go, just one hour before I was to leave, I got a call telling me I couldn't come in because I hadn't seen the doctor yet. They had told me that I would need to see a doctor but I supposed that they would schedule that before my first procedure. They made me feel like it was my fault for not having already seen the doctor. I was glad they called before I left because I am a 50 minute drive away.So then they didn't have an opening for another 2 weeks. I finally got to my first appointment and only saw the doctor for 2-3 minutes. Why couldn't they have done that when I had my first appointment scheduled? My appointments went fine but there weren't ever any results. I was supposed to have 8 procedures and I had been told they would do 9 because I had to wait so long to get in after my first consultation. But I only got 8 and maybe there is a 1/2 inch difference in my arms when I expected 3 to 4 inches to be gone on each arm. I had drank lots more water and was exercising my arms to help them. They took pictures in the beginning and in the end. All I see is a little of the skin tightening which was supposed to happen.I was told I should see more results in the next 2 or 3 months. I can come back for more treatments at 5 for $1, 000.When I said I was getting the results I expected, April said I could have the Liposuction on my arms for $7, 000. What was different now? I hadn't lost any weight which they said I would have to do and before I was told $3, 000 would be the cost They are definitely in it for the money and not to help people achieve a healthier body. I am very disappointed in the results and the fact that I was lied to about what results could be achieved with the "Venue Legacy Sculpt" procedure.

Gloria Tahud Tomczewski
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Mar 07, 2017 3:47 pm EST
Replying to comment of Barb W.

I've seen one complaint at the BBB site, please go complain and let other know.

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Dec 10, 2023 11:05 am EST

Don't trust BBB now. That was all the research I did before going to get tortured. They have an A+ score because they "respond" to every complaint with a sorry, let's talk. So, many get hush money. More needs to happen.

Indianapolis, US
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Dec 29, 2014 10:52 am EST

has anyone thought to contact the BBB? really if this is all true, get together and do something! i feel terribly for all of you. pls band together share numbers, pictures and stories and call the BBB and maybe even a lawyer! if its a class action i think its cheaper for each party. and im SURE there is a lawyer/lawyers out there willing to do this for payment after lawsuit. get together people!

Florence, US
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Feb 08, 2015 6:26 pm EST

I had the same problem with sonobello in Scottsdale. I was burned from the laser and had to seek treatment trough a wound care doctor. It took 3 months to heal and have pictures and scares to prove it. I have contacted a few lawyers and was told that it wasn't enough to win a lawsuit. It would cost more to go to court. Horrific experience. I'm sure if their were more people coming forward a suit could be brought up. Any ideas

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Jul 01, 2017 8:23 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Cricket531

Yeah. Research for lawyers that will handle a class action lawsuit under contingency. If you win he gets a good portion it. It is okay because damages will be included. If they settle make sure it is a good one enough to get you fixed up. Email those who filed these complaints and file a class action lawsuit. Also contact the Attorney General Office in your State where they practice. The more complaints they get from same Business they will investigate it right away. Also you can go to "3 on your side." It will prompt the state lawmakers to look into this and probably closed the Business and report those violators and have their license revoked.

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Jul 01, 2017 8:28 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Cricket531

From my experience BBB is useless. Go to the Attorney General's Office "3 on your side" or and have them exposed and get compensated. It is worth it! Just settled my case from "people"

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Dec 10, 2023 11:15 am EST
Replying to comment of Lolafalana

I'm questioning what kind of licenses they have, actually. There doesn't seem to be a standard; there's no consent to torture...or even the possibility of torture. I need others to join me, but Sono Bello keeps paying people hush money and they disappear.

Dee De
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Nov 05, 2015 9:49 pm EST

Thank you, all. I am canceling my Consultation for tomorrow. Prayers for all of you.

Jen Tomasello Williams
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Dec 26, 2015 11:41 pm EST

I was totally impressed with the website as well I put in to have someone call me they stayed calling me on Sunday at 8 pm then 2 to 3 times daily for a week despite we talking them I have a job, they stopped calling until Christmas eve she called again during written hours I mage a consultation appointment which I will be cancelling after reading these however when I explained they were to far from me she goggled my address and stated how long it would take me to get there however when I asked her cross streets she literally told me I would have to schedule an appt really thanks for the heads up

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Mar 01, 2017 9:29 am EST

are there any comments from clients who received Lift from the Tampa Sonobello location recently?

Kathleen Hall
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May 16, 2017 12:31 pm EDT

Are there any recent comments from anyone who went to the Scottsdale location of Sonobello?

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Jun 17, 2017 12:21 pm EDT

So glad i read these comments before scheduling a consultation. Saw their ad on TV and thought this could work for me. Now I think I will stick with going to a reputable plastic surgeon. It sounds like many of you have a valid lawsuit and should speak to an attorney. Either way you should definitely file complaints with the BBB, the AMA, and your states Attorney General.
Always be skeptical about high pressure sales. If they keep pressuring you when you state you want time to think about it, it usually means they have something to hide, like you finding out online their services are not as good as advertised. And always check out the online reviews of the clinic or Doctor before making a decision. Hope you all are able to get some resolution.

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Jul 01, 2017 8:10 pm EDT

Man those complaints are downright scary. Why won't you go for a class action lawsuit against this scary place with unconcerned staff. I would stay away from this place. Also you can go to "people" and file your complaints and asked to be reimbursed and compensated for your damages and injury. If you paid with a credit card you can call that card and reverse the charge for malpractice. Also you can file complaints with the AMA against those doctors. You just don't know if they really are doctors or butchers. One of the complaints stated that the doctor did not show up and was replaced by somebody else. I will run out of that place quick. People you need to do your own research and investigation before you will have somebody do invasive procedures on you. Internet is very powerful! Don't be a lazy [censor]! It is your life! Heard people who went to Mexico for plastic surgery to save money and died. A friend went to Tijuana for nose job and died. Can't sue those butchers outside USA.
Next time go to the Internet and google that particular Business Entity and the doctors and read their reviews. Very helpful and informative. I never trust free standing surgicenters. Reliable doctors does their surgery in a hospital surgicenters. Scary lesson t be learned!

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Dec 10, 2023 11:10 am EST
Replying to comment of Lolafalana

I'm down to be a part of a class action lawsuit! Hush money was offered to, I won't be silent. I was tortured.

Jenn Reddinger
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Feb 02, 2024 6:09 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Lolafalana

Sadly I looked them up on the Better Business Burea and they have an A+ Rating! I realized later they have that rating because they pay for it, not because they deserve it. The complaints filled with the BBB are crazy and they still have that rating just shows what a load of garbage the BBB is now too.

I'm going to look further for a class action -

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May 22, 2024 2:12 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello. Did you ever look in too a malpractice lawsuit for that company? I need information if so. I'm in texas and I don't know where to start.

Imma Workin
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Dec 21, 2024 2:48 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of CYN s

I'm in Texas and need info as well. They totally ruined me!

jayde Lynne
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Mar 09, 2018 10:52 pm EST

OK .my dumb butt just had the abdomen liposuction procedure done and I am sick with fear after hearing everyone's complaints ..I always research reviews etc before buying products for my family but didn't do a very good job on this which is crazy. I feel so stupid for what they were telling me I believed it all. I will wait the time period of when my results are supposed to be completed. .Jayde lee

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Mar 20, 2018 11:31 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have had similar issues with the Sono Bello in La Jolla. I went in for bra roll but it was such a better price for 3 areas that I went with that. Then the consultant/salesperson shot down all the additional areas I was interested in and told me I should do my waist and my outer thighs because it would make for a better symetrical outcome. I went with her advice. Needless to say the outcome left me with hips appearing to protrude and the thighs were botched leaving dents and a non-smooth appearance. I have dents going down my side and a lumpy appearance. 10 months later they agreed to do a revision on my thighs and sides for free but I had to pay for the hips to be done even tho I complained bitterly. I am 2 months post op and the hips are good but the thighs are still bad and the side is better on one side but the other side I dont even think was touched. I am so upset and don't know what to do. Also, during the 2nd surgery I evidentally was not given enough pain medication because I felt the severe stabbing pain of the instrument plunging into my thighs and was sedated enough to where all I could do was moan and groan. I want to do something about this malpractice but don't know what to do.

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Apr 13, 2018 9:53 am EDT

Im trying to find a lawyer in Illinois my mini facelift what a mss and I am still trying to get my ears right so its been a year and a half who knows what kind of lawyer to help me I cant wear my earrings or tie my hair back too embarrassing please help ! deb

Barb Smagalski Geller
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Sep 14, 2018 7:41 pm EDT

Anyone have experience with the location in Brookfield WI?

Embarrassed Phx Az
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Oct 12, 2018 12:06 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I had lipo on my legs in 2016 in Scottsdale AZ and it’s ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. I can’t even wear shorts like I use to because I’m soo self conscious about how my legs look. Worse decision in my life to go to SonoBello. I wish I had fought harder for a refund instead of allowing them to push me into the surgery. Even after their own surgeon said he wouldn’t do the surgery and marked me as not being a candidate for surgery because I wouldn’t achieve the results I wanted Sonobello still refused to refund my money so like a dummy I had the lipo anyways. Biggest regret of my life and I’m super embarrassed for not standing up for myself and being more aggressive in saying no to the surgery. Definitely butchers with poor skills. My thighs look horrible, huge indentions as if they removed a huge chunk from the back of my legs. I wish I had never had it done at Sonóbello. Don’t let them fool you. They asked me to post a review for a free Venus package of 8 treatments to help with appearance well right after the surgery my legs looked ok but they didn’t tell me it was from the swelling. After the swelling went down and I completed the Venus (velashape) treatments my legs only looked worse.

Embarrassed Phx Az
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Oct 12, 2018 12:08 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I would definitely like to participate in a class action lawsuit against Sonobello if anyone knows of one already filed please share the information or if someone knows how to start a class action lawsuit please reply and I will be happy to do what needs to be done to start one.

Unhappy Mn
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Oct 20, 2018 1:11 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I posted a negative Yelp review and had a rep reach out to me to contact him. My experience was in Edina, MN
This was my response:

I appreciate that you reached out to me, but that ship sailed as far as I see it. I will, however, give you the full version of my story. I should have posted sooner, but didn't want people to know I actually did this. After four years and now having to pay a surgeon another $9000 to fix what I spent $6000 on already, I'm furious again and decided it is time to start sharing my story - even if using just initials to save some face - and save others in my situation a big chunk of money.

I'm guessing your process works for some people. But, it should NOT be a sales person making determinations of what is best before even seeing a surgeon. My first visit was with a sales rep who told me how it worked, checked me over and told me this was a great option for me with less recovery time, pain etc. and that I did not have enough fat or extra skin where a tummy tuck was an option. So I put some money down.  Upon leaving, immediately in my car, I heard the $250 off ad on the radio and called from my car to ask for credit and was told she couldn't do that and would give me two of the Venus treatments at no charge instead.

After the surgery and a few months passed, it looked terrible and I started asking about revisions. First I was offered some free Venus treatments, but also "sold" on $1000 more in treatments to reduce the lumping and wrinkly skin. So now I'm $6000 in. I pushed with the Business Manager and she took it up with someone and got me the free revisions. When meeting with Dr. Volk about the revisions he was angry that he was not included in that revision decision and that I didn't deserve it. My problem wasn't his work, it was that I needed a tummy tuck for the loose  and uneven skin! I was furious and told him and the business manager that had the sales rep told me that in the first place, and said it wasn't the best option for me, I would NOT have spent $6000. He did the revision - nothing better than a bitter doctor working on me. Needless to say, it looked horrible. I looked worse in a bathing suit rather than better. The many Venus sessions did nothing. Another waste of money as far as I'm concerned. As you can see in the pictures, I may have started a bit heavier, but didn't look like my stomach went through a meat grinder.

At my revision, they hadn't received laundry back and were using lightweight blankets instead of sheets on the beds. Classic.

I ended up in a total depression over my stupid use of my money only to look awful and ended up gaining 25 lbs because I just gave up. I've decided to pick myself up, lose some weight and see a reputable surgeon. I didn't meet with a sales rep for my initial consultation, I met with the actual surgeon who is doing the work. That is how Sono Bello should work. Reputable surgeons being honest if it is the best decision for the patient. THEN meet with a rep for the paperwork. Instead, Sono Bello does mass advertising (which shouldn't be necessary if you're as good as you say) and runs people through like they are buying a used car rather than having their body operated on.

I am now longer hiding this failure from people I know. I owe it to them to tell my story and tell them to see a surgeon that is so good they get their business from word of mouth and other doctors and do not need to mass advertise. I have started sharing my experience and telling anyone I hear mention it not to sign anything until they have at least seen one or two other surgeons. The ones that will tell you if something is not good for your situation.

The only things that would bring me any satisfaction is first to change how you operate. Doctors should be seen first and be 100% honest with the patient before a sales rep is even involved. Second, a refund. Had I seen Dr Volk first and had he been honest, I would have just put that $6000 toward a tummy tuck that year instead of being angry, depressed and disappointed in my decisions all this time. Your patients need to come first and the money will follow. Not the other way around. Had that happened with me, I would have respected that honesty very much. I hope you have enough input to get that changed. I doubt I'm the only person that this has happened to.

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May 17, 2019 1:11 am EDT

After reading these . I have a question, has anyone cancelled their procedure and gotten their money back? I'm canceling mine in the morning

Crissy Babb
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Dec 07, 2022 10:51 pm EST

I have not had the best experience after my summer Bella I had liposuction on my hips my arm hit my back arm, my abs, my stomach and my upper stomach I spent over $17,000 and I have a stomach that looks like a big riding path with big lump of fat lots of pain And not to add. I also had to skin removal where I have so much deformity that I feel like somebody needs to help me and fix it so I had my surgery during the time of Covid, which was unfortunate because I had two of the liposuction liposuction that I had paid for, were supposed to be Laser and burn , and instead I had Laser and burn the first surgery and on the second house he didn’t use the laser and burn like he was supposed to. I recall very clearly the nurse asking him if he needed it. He said it was not necessary although I had paid for it tons of money When they removed my skin I was also supposed to be out of bed within a few days I was not I was in bed for months severe pain passing out, sporadically constantly sick could not eat and once I did my stomach to bloat so fat that it hurts and makes me feel like my stomach’s going to explode , I need help. I don’t know who to talk to if I could find somebody out there who’s having similar things happening to them please please let me know because I need to know what it is it can be done and as I said I had my procedure done right before Covid and as soon as Covid hit they never got to go in and do corrective anything to me nor did they even ask me if I needed anything done nor did they check on me even when I gave him concerns about how things were turning out and they said I had a certain kind of condition so they told me that I need to order an extra flattening pad for my stomach and my back And I did it it did not help. My belly button is so pulled down and low that extremely hurts all the time like it’s been expended too far and I have these crazy lumps all over my stomach. They make me look deformed. This is not what I was going for even as a heavier woman. I still had a very smooth look on my stomach that if I could’ve lost weight and the stretching would’ve went down, it would’ve looked beautiful search unfortunate that I don’t understand why my stomach looks the way it does as if I have mountains in my stomach.!?

Sha Par
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Jul 10, 2023 3:40 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Has anybody filed a malpractice suit?

Imma Workin
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Dec 21, 2024 2:53 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Sha Par

I would sure like to know how and add my name to the list. They totally ruined my body!

Kay Drakakides Cranor
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Jan 07, 2023 1:28 pm EST

I now have PTSD due to feeling EVERYTHING! I had AB EX on my lower tummy and Lipo on my sides, hips and tummy area. I was crying and telling Doctor Alter of Sono Bello in Pineville NC the whole time that he was hurting me. He just kept working and singing to the radio like he was enjoying conflicting pain on me. He didn't care at all, he has a cold heart and I felt as though I was in a TORTURE CHAMBER! I felt and remember the whole thing. All the nurse did was give me a stress ball to squeeze and I ended up throwing it cause I was so mad. But Doctor Alter actually told me I was doing good cause a man he had the week before was SCREEMING the whole time, WOW! Really? So this is what you do to people everyday, TORTURE THEM? When Doctor Alter finished, the nurse leaned over and whispered in my ear NIGHT NIGHT, and that's the last thing I remember until I was standing in my bathroom with a puddle of blood at my feet. They didn't even go over with my husband how to care for me or how to change my bandages. He was freaking out at all the blood cause I was cut from hip bone to hip bone. THANK GOD WE HAVE A HOME NURSE FRIEND that came rushing over to help us DEBBIE HARRIS is an ANGEL ON EARTH! She may have saved my Life!... Sono Bello and Doctor Alter (if you can call him a doctor) should be closed down, put out of business for good!... Oh and did I mention hes in a "Band" so this is why he was singing thru it all LOL... GOD BLESS ALL WHO GOES TO THIS HELL HOLE!

Tiuana Thomas
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Apr 28, 2023 1:43 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm in the same situation. I want to file a lawsuit against this company for how they treated me and made me feel all of this pain. I even had fluid squeezed into my face. He got a kick out of me screaming and told me to stop yelling because he didn't want the other patients to hear me in pain. Sonobello needs to be shut down. I had my procedure done in Birmingham in March. I felt everything from the lipo to the cut. People, please stay away from this place

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Dec 10, 2023 11:03 am EST

Same. tortured. Join me in a class-action lawsuit. With medical malpractice lawyers, they don't get paid unless we do. This is illegal.

Baum Schell
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May 18, 2024 10:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Ghost3562

I have a very deformed body now.

And my Dr. retired .

They do not know how to fix his work.

Now they are being very nasty to me.

I’m happy to join a class action !

Cheree Harcum Clegg
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Aug 02, 2023 6:24 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Malpractice is exactly what happened to me as well

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