Scrollingthru internet came upon special offer presented by speedmaxpc special reduced rate $9.37 gave amex info. when finished isam that this was asubscription that i did not want .safecart subscription svc., was the biller.iproceede to the cancel my order, and asked that they email for verification. no email tried calling there 8003 # this morning it is diconnected. safecart billed $39.94 annual svc. did not agree!
Why oh why do people continue to fall for these scam programs? If your computer is slow, uninstall the RAM eating programs that are chewing up system resources, protect your computer with something light like Avast or Avira and if all else fails, buy and install more RAM (memory). Any program that says it's going to speed up your computer is nothing but snake oil. Caveat emptor. And good luck getting your money back. You'd have better luck opening a complaint with your credit card company and let them handle it.
i want to cancel my seed maxpc that i got on feb, 2 my email is would like a refund please, thank you .
I believe I was scammed by speedmaxpc and my pc still freezes. I want my money back. Who do I get in touch with about this?
I also fell for this one. Silly me. The program doesn't do anything useful as far as I can see, and like everyone else found myself in a recurring licence-fee scam. I cancelled this both with Paypal and with SafeCart, fortunately and have now uninstalled it.
Had a problem with my internet connection, every so often it would look for a wired connection - which I didn't have. Looked it up on the web and saw speedmaxpc for $29. Just to get this problem behind me, I went to sign up. It turned out that the only choice I found was for pro help for $39, so I did it. This clown gets on the line, signs onto my computer, points out some problems and says that in order to fix it I will need their specialist – this would cost $180. Told him he was nuts and hung up.
I will dispute this charge on my credit card on the basis it was a fraud and a scam.
It took mea few hours to get rid of their program and fix the problem myself using CCLEAN. It worked well and was free.