I entered into an MoU for the purachse of a plot in the project SRR HYDE park with M/s SRR HOMES, a Partnership firm, having its Office at No. 44, 3rd Floor, 12th Main, 17th Cross, 6th Sector, HSR Layout, Bangalore-560102.
As per the MoU SRR Homes had to register the plot in my name within 6 months from the date of entering into MoU, and If they fail to do so were liable to refund my amount with 18% annual interest.
It has been close to 1.5 years I have requested for the refund once 6 months period got over and they are not entertaining my request.
Interestingly this project was launched in 2012 and many people have invested since then and none has got the plot registered because this project has not been approved.
When one contacts them, every time they say it will get approved in next two months.
It is a hard earned money and I feel it will be very difficult for me to get money back.
About this builder there are so many complaints already filed but he is so audacious that he is still fooling around the people with fake promises. It seems he think in India he can easily get away with the law and authorities.
I booked a plot in SRR Hyde Park Bangalore by paying a couple of lakhs in 2012. For booking a corner plot I paid approx 50% of the total cost of the plot. SRR/Exel were promising registration of the land within six month. But in December 2015 have informed in person in their office that the project is shelved. As a result I was forced to cancel the booking by filling a form. I was promised refund of my money within two months, but even after 2 and half months, the Firm has neither returned the money or responded to my hundreds of telephone calls. This is for public information "Please Do Not Trust" SRR Homes/Excel Dwellings, Bangalore as they are not trust worthy.
We also booked plots in SRR Hyde park in 2012 and finally cancelled after 3.5 of wait.. Now another 6 months+ wait on for refund..
We are also booked a plot here but almost 6 + years now no refund yet we received
we got partital principal and now also we are not got any responce