This is a really interesting post I have used Jerrys services for several years now. I have experienced some amazing meditations free and paid and really enjoyed watching his videos. The experiences that I have got when using the meditations have been surreal and have really kept me 'addicted' to use them more and more to really chase that vibrational high. I paid nearly £2000 to attend a facilitator training, it was sold under the pretence that we would each get our own healing from Jerry as a bare minimum. After booking I soon learnt that we had to share a room after paying all that money and every person who paid did not get healed by Jerry or another member of staff due to not having enough time. This felt very wrong that this was mis sold as it did not correlate with what was being clearly offered. It was chosen by who ever puts their hands up first which is not the best system as the more introverted get left behind.
Through my own experience I am sure ALOT of money is being profited in this process. It is great to earn a living doing what you love but at who's expense ?
It is incredible that people are being healed on a multi- dimension level but I would love to question the long term validity of receiving this healing ?
and also to understand on a larger level where this healing is coming from? when you connect with the voice in your head to facilitate the healing- what really is that voice ?
now through the context of Star Magic - as per all the comments above you are directly involved and very much deep within the spiritual world.
As per Richards comment he refers back to God Almighty. If you step outside of the spiritual world of quantum healing for example then you may be able to have a more balanced answer. Whilst in this world it would not be possible to easily rationalise - the comments all come back to similar thoughts of not letting in enough love, but I disagree. It is really interesting to see the people who are commenting back to Richard who are very defensive and undermining after he makes some very clear points which are totally accurate for the spiritual world. The comments seek to undermine because he is not spiritual enough, he hasn't done enough of the work - lets do more work.
As someone who loves to learn and love and be with their heart centre, I am on a journey as you all are, making conscious efforts and intentions to feed the soul, not only for this life but for the hereafter - then why would you connect with Magic when you have the strongest force being god as the universe there? The problem with getting so deeply involved in Star Magic, talking from experience, is that you give away all your energies connecting to everyone, anyone and whoever - is this REALLY nourishing your being or are you being deceived ? Why would you give your energies away like this ?
As someone who has studied theology Islamic and Christian based, having not been brought up with religion and spending at least 10 years on the 'spiritual path' you come to understand that actually 'magic' from a god / universe loving perspective is void of real depth because as in the name it is magic and we should come back to the one true reality of where we came from each time. This is submission to god, nothing in his framework offers that one true pure connection and submission to God Almighty since everything is washed down with all of the things about I, constellation and unicorns etc to connect with. It was cool and I felt special being part of it.
I was very much sold by the lifestyle that Jerry projected which is very nourishing of health, fitness, energy/ breath work etc. This aspect was a strong selling point to me but when do you cross the line of total self indulgence to making yourself the best version of yourself?
The whole new age experience is totally ego involved, no body tells you about any real consequences of getting involved in this world, only good is projected so often, not only Jerry but similar teachers I have experienced too. This is another problem again free love is projected, high vibrations, being yourself - again but what is really your level of context if you have not experienced any other connection before ? If you have found this type of spirituality as your first and your level of inflation of this lifestyle is so strong, again I would question - what other levels of pure connection will you allow yourself to experience ? Or is this the end of it for you?
Most of the people who are involved in this world have been deeply damaged ( from experience of being in this world I can say that with confidence) that is normal and I can agree that we have been given a place to feel comfortable and loved, a community which those 'higher evolved' can come together but surely that is BS too and just reinforces the separation of people? I don't know.
If you research the values, characteristics, the core of satanism, it is clearly the STRONG FOCUS on me, I am, me before anyone else there are untold links between the process of this Star Magic spiritual life. i.e individualism, ethical egoism, self regard, self worship etc that was an interesting point of discovery.
One of the strongest points that Jerry shared that stuck with me was about what happens when people die. He shared an 'insight' at a facilitator training like we were getting this behind the scenes information like real value for money, that when people died and were coming for their day of reckoning they were often being tricked and forced back into another life by whatever negative forces. I wonder why that is happening in this spiritual world ?
Bigger picture ?
Look into the implications of kundalini yoga, chi gong and energy work on the characteristics of a person. This stuff really [censored]s people up on a human level, again that is a whole other topic. The argument is that the spiritual world does that to you in general anyway, but the real problem is when you look in the mirror and see yourself as some kind of healing powerful god, this is the foundational problem. How often are people getting taken over by entities/ demons whatever. No body tells you this, you have to find out the hard way.