Beware of Stephanie D'oleo who is an untrustworthy porn model/suicide girl and volatile. If Ms. D'oleo becomes slightly angry she will seek revenge even if it involves revealing personal information and illegal activities. Do not trust Stephanie with money as she bags online all the while spending money on drugs and her hideous tattoos. She has mental issues and lies about almost everything.
I hope we’re not talking about the same person. I’ve had a couple of dealings with her. Both have have been perfect. She even went out of her way to make sure everything was perfect. I would do business with her anytime.
Garbage human being with mental issues that gaslights and cheats LITERALLY everyone around her. In the several months I've been around her, EVERY SINGLE PERSON she's been in contact with has had numerous issues with her until we finally had an issue as well. Constantly on drugs all throughout the day, well beyond just simple weed or liquor use such as cocaine amongst other things, does prostitution including pimping out her own friends to others while they steal money in the process and many other horrendous crimes. No ethics whatsoever and if you dare so much as nicely question her, she will throw a tantrum wherever she is, even in public, by yelling insults and talking over so no one can say anything besides her. Stay away from all costs - complete garbage human being and my life would have been so much better had I never ran into her in my lifetime.