I have been getting these magazines from this company, I never ordered any of these magazines or gave this company any permission to bill my credit card. I shopped at Loemann's and brought a scarf, next thing I know this Company Synapse Retail is billing the same credit card that I used at Loemann's. I will never shop at Loemanns again, ever. The customer account they gave me is # [protected].
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I have been trying for 30 minutes to cancel this magazine but the automated option keeps saying they can't understand my replies or my zip code does not pull anyone up. The prices have gone up twice, no wonder they won't answer.
I never wanted any magazine s at my home my daugther moved 1 year ago, please stop delivering these magazines, at 1483 bent palm dr merritt island fl 32952.
This company is the biggest scam I have ever seen. I agreed to a 3 month "free" trial of 3 magazines of my choice back in March 2014 and April 2014 during 2 separate trips to my local Avenue store and was told that I would receive a card with instructions on how to cancel if I did not want to continue. NEVER did i receive a card or anything telling me that my trial was ending and it was time to cancel. As we all know life gets busy and we forget things. 3 magazines billed to my personal debit card to the tune of 95.00, It overdrew my account and caused all types of headaches. So I thought OK, lesson learned move on. These charges were never authorized by me mind you so debit card was cancelled and reissued and I went about my life. I typically don't check my avenue statement as I know what I charge and what my payment every month is. Last month I started using a credit monitoring service and received a alert that a transaction had posted which prompted me to log into my account to see what it was. To my disbelief, they had been billing me every 6 months to the tune of 89.00! I called Avenue and they gave me the phone number to call. I called and after 30 minutes of bouncing around the automated system, the only option they gave me was a 10.00 credit per subscription, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? you bill me almost 90 dollars and offer me a measly 30.00? I don't think so! I finally got through to someone who was rather rude and callus and seemed to not care about this issue. The only option he gave me was to escalate it up the chain and maybe I would get my refund. I stated 3 times that I did not authorize these charges and he stated to me that my not replying to the notices was my authorization. If I am not getting the notices, NONE of the notices (and i should have received at least 6) did i receive. All they want to do is take your money, keep you spinning in a endless automated system and hope you will give up. Well not me, not today. I work hard for my money and I will not give up that easy! Please if you value your time, money and sanity don't sign up for anything "FREE"
I did take the offer with my Stage credit card, there was a toll free number on the bill to cancel, no problem right? WRONG! The voice prompts are misleading and now I'm stuck. But you can learn from my mistake: Say NO to first option (discounted to $10); say NO to second option (cancel order and future billings), and wait for third option - YES to cancel future and refund any charges! Good luck - Love Pinky