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Team National / review: Pyramid scheme 177

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7:54 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

This is a pyramid scheme! I wasted almost three hours of my life listening to a load! Not to mention, this was a "friend" of my sisters! Why would I pay $2200 for discounts? Where would the discount be? What REALLY got me was when the guy said, "Don't tell your husband about it. Nothing. He will make an opinion based on what you say, not me." and, "We need to get this thing going NOW!" Why the urgency? I'm not shopping today, so I'm not concerned with the discount right now. OH, I see, it's because someone else will get in "over" me and take my potential earnings. Whatever! Don't be fooled by this scam! In the '80's there were many pyramid schemes that were facing criminal charges. No thanks, I'm nit gonna rush in and pay to be investigated later!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Mount Morris, US
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Apr 07, 2011 6:32 pm EDT

Team National is not a pyramid scheme. Apyramid is when all downline are in succession and all the money funnels back up to the top guy. You never develop any real growth. Team National is a Binary system. One left side and one right side and every new person is placed in the downline of eaither side allowing one person to make more or less (depending on effort) than the person above them.
You are not paying 2200 to get discounts and if you paid attention there are significant savings in many categories. You pay 2200 for a lifetime benefits package that never has to be renewed and it covers multiple generations of the family. YOU TRULY MISSED THE POINT THERE. Also you can get the same discounts elswhere but they dont pay you to tell others about the savaings. that is where the income is built.
The reason they told you not to tell your husband was because most new people can not properly describe the business model or answer questsions proprlly. They want to be there for you to help you learn. If by some chance you were told to sign up and not tell your husband then you were working one of the few people out there trying to do things there own way... Not the Team National way
Someone can not take your personal earnings, the point is that the more people under you is that there are more people putting pints in for you as well as their team. Do you want 10 people generating 100 points a week under you or do you want 5. You obviously were closed minded from the begining and did not pay attention. Take another deeper look with an open mind and I will bet you will find an opportunity.

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Jul 17, 2018 9:01 pm EDT

No this is a more intelligent pyramid scheme, and when people say they save for some reason they never give a basis for cost savings. Is it off MSRP? Average retail? Low retail? Amazon prices? A retailer can mark up a shirt to $1500 when the same shirt is online for $10. Does that mean you saved $1490 by going online? No, when you actually compare the savings TN offers to that offered by a two second google search, you realize it is all smoke and mirrors. They are selling nothing but an idea, that's why you only have three days to cancel and your website access often isn't up for seven.

Sean D
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May 10, 2011 4:26 pm EDT

I am doing some research on a comapny from South Florida called Team National Can anyone spare some insight on this business?

Chilli., US
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May 24, 2012 10:18 am EDT

Hello?! Not tell your husband? Jump on it now? Yea, my own sister has been pushing me for the past 2 days, like really pushing me to get on this website of her "partner" and didn't even encourage me to do some research. Yea, total scheme. I'm not saying it's illegal. It's not. If you like selling things and can talk people into wasting, oops, I mean "spending" their hard-earned money to get discounts, then hey, you could make some money at this. But, if you were smart, you'd just do the legwork yourself, get the same products for cheaper prices than what TN is trying to sell and save the $2200 to use on buying stuff you actually need. Seriously, think long and hard before you get into this and ask yourself if you are willing to "sell" the membership. Also, drum up a business plan. Too many people get burned on these schemes because it only works for about 3% of the population. If you aren't a snake-oil salesman, you're just throwing away your money. The reason they try to get you to buy in right away is because they don't want you to actually "think" or do any research. I talk to my husband about everything! Particularly about spending $2200! We're blue collar folks and don't have that kind of cash just lying around. Great for the people who do. Maybe that's why they don't have any problem buying into this "membership" scheme. And like "Achiever2200" said, Take a deeper look before you go jumping into this impulsively. Do your homework. THEN decided if Team National is right for you.

Glen Carbon, US
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Jun 17, 2012 1:07 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Okay, for starters I've been caught in a pyramid scheme before. So yes, I was insanely cautious. I didn't care whether I was on top or further down the line. I went home, investigated Team National and even called other businesses in my industry who are members. Last year we saved almost $10, 000 in credit card fees with team national. Maybe it won't work for everybody, but my business certainly benefits, and I haven't tried to sign anyone up. Sure, I tell them about it. But the savings (if you really do your homework) are real.

Bonaire, US
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Mar 01, 2013 10:04 am EST

Hi! I have a "lifetime" Team National discount membership I purchased 5 months ago through a friend. I was told that once I received my website and I.D number to shop online through my BigN Market to receive all kind of discounts. I was also told that within a couple of months of shopping through my website, I would begin receiving checks (money back from shopping). Lie, lie, lie, lie is all I can say! If this isn't a scam, nothing I've encountered has proved otherwise. I made contact with the friend to share my disappointment and concern. I also expressed I felt I had been scammed and would like a full refund. The only thing she has yet to do is try to encourage me to recruit more friends and family into buying this crappy membership but no way! I trusted her. That's why I purchased the membership. I really trusted her and believed everything she told me. Maybe she knew this was a scam or maybe not but I'm sure not recruiting anyone else to purchase this crap. I'm seriously considering suing Team National. How can any company scam people out of their hard earned money and get away with it?!

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Feb 04, 2014 4:00 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Achiever2200? Perhaps you are attempting to achieve as many memberships for $2200? Sounds suspiciously like you are drinking, and serving the TN kool-aid. "No one can explain it as well as a TN member? You're assuming that everyone is as naive as your last membership sale. This company will be called on the carpet for deceptive tactics eventually. You can bet in it.

Zachary, US
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Jun 30, 2014 3:16 pm EDT

Been a member for 4 months. Have saved, and EARNED money through the company. It is NOT a pyramid scheme. I've been involved with those and that's why I was very skeptical at first. This is such a No Brainer. However I realize there are folks who think that they can buy into something and then sit on their butt and watch the money come flowing in. That just cracks me up. I know you wouldn't expect a check from any other company that hired you if you never showed up for work There is a reason for the high ratings by the BBB, and DSA. Not the mention the credit card. Soooooo. Don't be jealous of those who work and do well.

Watkinsville, US
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Jul 27, 2014 1:20 pm EDT

A "friend" of mine talked me into signing early April 2014. I found out I had cancer on 4/29/14. I emailed Team National asking for a refund as I am sick and medical bills were piling in. They made me fill out their form for request stating they would review and contact me in 30 days with a decision. They knew they had no intentions of giving me a single dime back! I got the reject letter at same time they had their people call me lecturing me about trying to get my money back. I have had two surgeries and start treatments at Emory this Wednesday. What insults me more than anything is TN claims to be a Godly company.

Please everyone considering joining these kind of "get rich quick" schemes, SAVE your money. TN doesn't give a care about you or your problems! JenniLyn

Ladelle Cauthen
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Sep 28, 2018 9:12 am EDT
Replying to comment of JenniLyn97

I sympathize with you. They screwed me over back in 2007...$2200.00 gone forever. I desperately need this money now for emergency dental surgery so I can get an imperative knee replacement asap.

rodney tames
Baltimore, US
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Oct 30, 2018 3:06 pm EDT

Sorry to hear this. Team national is a predatory MLM/pyramid scheme that hurts working folks and families.

Lorraine Jacobs
Denver, US
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Aug 09, 2014 4:25 pm EDT

Team National is not a scam. I joined up a year ago and am enjoying my savings on my purchases. Our company is on the business site, we already made our $2200.00 membership fee back and then some. You always get people who have something bad to say about every company. I am sorry but this is a great company. I have also had cancer twice and would not give up our membership. Please, I am not down playing any one. I just have seen how amazing this company is.

Watkinsville, US
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Aug 21, 2014 2:16 pm EDT

Shame on this "Godly" company! They take your money and laugh all the way to the bank! Karma

Sarah Rayne
Frazier Park, US
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Sep 05, 2014 2:24 pm EDT

The company didn't "take" your money, you signed up for a membership. However you should point your anger to the "friend" that sold the membership to you knowing your spending habits. Not everyone will benefit from this type of direct buying business especially those that:
1. Don't buy online at all
2. Don't buy new household items ( furniture, appliances, etc ) but rather find hand me downs or thrift shop items
3. Don't have insurances ( ie medical, dental, auto )
4. Does not shop much at all ( jewelry, clothing, etc.. )
5. Don't own a business ( financial savings ie credit card processing )
Everyone should not be sold this membership but as with all businesses not ALL employee's follow the ethical ways.

Fort Oglethorpe, US
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Sep 08, 2014 12:22 pm EDT

I am laughing all the way to the bank! I have saved 1000.00 a month on my insurance ( home & Auto), saved 4k on my car, saved 10k on a Harley Davidson...and just collected several checks for 1000k. Its a NOOOO BRAINER! Those who don't believe...THEN HAVE A NICE BROKE LIFE, and pay extra for everythinng!

Cullman, US
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Sep 19, 2014 9:39 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My husband and I joined team national a little over a year ago. I have regretted it ever since. I feel like the friend that sold it to us was being a salesman, not a friend. We almost made enough back to cover the extra $100 for big N...but haven't saved anything to justify the $2 grand for can make your money back, but only if you have the personality for talk all your friends into signing up too. The friend that signed us up is big in the company now, apparently making all kinds of money. We, on the other hand wish we had our money back.

Dodge City, US
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Oct 29, 2014 9:52 am EDT

If Team National isn't working for you then you aren't working hard enough! Team National is NOT, I repeat, NOT a pyramid scheme! It is one of the most world-wide network marketing companies out there today! This team is a GODLY company, but to think how many people actually want a refund and probably make up story after story as to why they need their money back, they can't give everyone a refund just because they don't want to work for their money. This company provides you with a great way to save money, earn money, and save time. Sometimes you have to make small sacrifices for a lifetime of convenience. Sure, it is like a fulltime job trying to build your business with Team National, but wouldn't you rather work your butt off now and be able to do whatever you want in the near future? Team National provides values and inspires dreams!

Tucson, US
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Nov 03, 2014 7:19 am EST

What I'm noticing from a lot of the negative comments towards Team National is people saying "It can work if you have the right personality or you're a great salesman, but that's not who I am and now I'm pissed I spent all this money without thinking it through."

There are four categories of people in the business perspective. Employees, Self-employed (slaves to their work), Business owners, and Investors. The wealthy and financially stable usually fall into the Business Owner and Investor quadrant. Guess where the naysayers and people who work 40 hours a week to scrape a living fall? In the employee and self-employed quadrant. You'll never get rich by saving money or working for someone else.

Here's the deal. You don't have to be the smartest person to be wealthy, you don't. Read some books by Robert Kiyosaki, they may open up your eyes to a whole new world of business and opportunity. Incidentally, Robert Kiyosaki is a renowned multimillionaire, business owner, educator, speaker, and best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. He's been bankrupted several times and always bounced back. He openly supports companies like Team National that utilize network marketing. It's a 21st century business based on new ideas and new avenues of opportunity. The industrial age of relying on wages, investments, mutual funds, and 401ks is over folks. Your job isn't going to take care of you anymore. It's just going to eat up the rest of your life until you can retire on a miserable pension. If you want wealth and stability in your life, you're best off by starting your own business and building it to a point where it works for you, and not the other way around. Why not join a company that has already laid the foundation for you?

Just because you don't think you have the right personality for it or the right skills doesn't mean you cant LEARN those skills and develop that personality. Team National has tons of resources to help you do that. Or you could take it upon yourself, suffer some discipline, and work on it yourself. Stop being lazy.

As the more objective commentators have said, you do have to WORK for it. Building those skills, building your network marketing business takes TIME and EFFORT. Just because you don't feel comfortable telling your friends about the company doesn't make it any less of a great opportunity for you or them. You're selling yourself short, and you'll never get wealthy by being close minded and stubborn.

Oh and depending on how many years you and your respective family members and great great grandchildren live, $2200 dollars for a LIFETIME membership that covers everyone in your family and 3 generations after you? Do the math. People have spent more money on a flat screen TV that their kids ended up smashing. You've probably spent more accumatively on magazine prescriptions or useless wrinkle creams.

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Jul 17, 2018 9:33 pm EDT

Do the math huh? Okay give me three items that I can get through team national at a savings I can't find through a quick google search. Give me actual items and dollar amounts. I looked through the sales materials and member discount savings book, what a joke. All sales material is anecdotal, there is no hard math at all. This business model is akin to me standing on a public street and telling people they have to pay me to use it.

Kendallville, US
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Nov 18, 2014 3:40 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Team National simple doesn't meet the criteria of a pyramid scheme... Not when the people on the bottom can out-earn the people above them. Also when the income opportunity/compensation plan is completely free (as is the case here) then what "scam" could you be talking about? If you actually paid $2, 195.00 for only the income opportunity then you clearly didn't read the contract..

I have attached a few specific examples of the savings that Team National offers. They are actual snap shots taken from my own TN sight. I challenge anybody to find other offers like this anywhere near these listed prices...

If anybody on here that has already purchased a package (or is thinking about it) and would like to learn more (some actual facts) about how to make the business work for you then message me here and we can get started :-)

Justin kels4
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Dec 04, 2016 11:52 pm EST
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Replying to comment of Sonny07

What if everyone just signs up everyone for the income opportunity since it's free? How much do u make then?

Lexington, US
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Jan 10, 2015 9:54 am EST

At a recent Holiday party I was approached by a relative about Team National. She was very upbeat about how much they have saved and are already receiving checks. I asked how long she and her husband had been at this. A cheerful response of 3 months and we already have made our entry fee back! I said, Great I am happy for you guys and went about visiting with others.

Of course, they were not going to let me go that easy. As the party thinned out they came looking for me. Here we go. They know I like my new cars every two years so they start with the auto discounts. I could save millions! (Being sarcastic here). I let them ramble. I then asked if it will beat my full high level GM employee discount we get from my mother-in-law. They stammered and declared yes it would beat the GM employee discount! Really. BS detector is going crazy at this point. No proof is offered.

I just came out and asked what this all has to do with me? A puzzled look came upon their faces. "You want to be part of this don't you" was their amazed response. I said sure! I would be happy to have a discount program that saves me money. I proudly announce I would pay $50-$100 for a nice discount plan. They now seem to understand that I am not the sure bet they thought a few minutes ago. I think my point has been made at this point. The husband does the soft sell about signing up other folks and reaping commissions off of them. I of course, reply "so it is a pyramid scheme/mlm deal" No he strongly replies. At this point I decide to put them out of their misery and tell them bluntly its a scammy MLM deal and they have been suckered. They don't fight much and end the presentation/hard sell. At a family gathering? Really?

They put away the laptop which had his video playing from the Team National website. The slick brochure they had out is put away. I thank them for the nice get together and get ready to leave. I haven't even told my wife about this as she was visiting in another room. As we say our goodbyes I feel bad for them as they are clearly deflated. They have had money issues over the last several years and I am sure this scam wont help. I tell my wife in the car about my experience and she laughs and tells me they were hassling Aunt Jenny before they got to me. We just shrug and laugh at all the discounts and money were just passed up.

Bottom line this is a scam. Yes scam. The success rate of an entry level person in a MLM is on average a tenth of a percent. Think about that. Wake up folks. This isn't how you start your own business!

Kendallville, US
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Jan 11, 2015 6:45 pm EST
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@joeyva, by what criteria is this is a scheme? How could you possibly know if it was or wasn’t after (admittedly) not even looking at the Company or having any knowledge of this business? You have (so far) made a very uncompelling case to base your assumptions on.

rodney tames
Baltimore, US
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Jan 12, 2015 7:55 am EST

@sonny07 - I believe Joeyva is correct. I thought his story was very compelling. What did he say that wasn't accurate or compelling. His tacky relatives hassled him at a party to join a pyramid scheme. (Yes it is, if you recruit others it is a pyramid scheme). Good for him to have the sense to avoid the MLM ripoffs.

What about hitting up relatives at a holiday party to join a MLM strikes you as a good business model? How tacky is that?

The "buyers club" is one of the oldest pyramid scheme/scams on the planet.

Kendallville, US
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Jan 14, 2015 6:08 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

@rodney tames,

"What did he say that wasn't accurate or compelling?"

-Joeyva was unable to give any specific details on what (or how) any part of Team National is a scam or "pyramid scheme"... I guess that had to do with him (admittedly) not knowing anything about Team National which also explains his weak (and uncompelling) argument.

You both are throwing around generic phrases like "pyramid scheme" and then attempting to connect them to Team National without providing any facts to base your opinions off of... According to your own generic definition of a "pyramid scheme" (as stated above) it is anything that involves "recruiting others" right?

-So according to your own argument the entire Law Enforcement Community as well as all branches of the Armed Forces must also be "pyramid schemes" since they also have to recruit others to join no? According to you the entire Real Estate industry must also be a "pyramid scheme" since each real estate broker has to "recruit" agents to sell property and make commissions based off of each sale... According to you every major Corporation in America must also be a pyramid scheme since each company has to recruit the CEO's, managers and employees needed to make the business operate. And yes every example I mentioned is also conveniently in the same of a pyramid! Imagine that :-)

"What about hitting up relatives at a holiday party to join a MLM strikes you as a good business model? How tacky is that?"

-That is actually a good point that I completely agree with on... There is a right and a wrong way to do this business. The example he mentioned (about the family reunion) is an example of what NOT to do when building Team National... There is specific training (and reading material) that every IMD must go through before they are able to successfully build this business… And I suppose Joeyva' s comment was also a testimate to following the correct procedures when building this business or you end up misrepresenting the Company and embarrassing yourself.

"The "buyers club" is one of the oldest pyramid scheme/scams on the planet."

-Well thanks to this "buyers club" I was able to save over 4 thousand dollars on a 2015 Chevy Traverse. I also saved 55 dollars (just last month) from going on my website and purchasing the same items I was already going to buy anyway from Wal-Mart, Best buy, hobby land etc. I also saved well over 300 dollars on health supplements throughout the last 2 months. Not bad for a guy who didn't even purchase a membership :-)

Whether you think it's a scam or not, I'm still going to save money regardless... What's wrong with saving money anyway? I tried to attach specific examples of Team National saving's (a few Reponses ago) while attaching about 4 or 5 (screen shot) examples from my page. Unfortunately this website didn't display (or attach) my pictures with my response :-( However I do hope my response helps clear up my position and any inaccurate misconceptions regarding this Company.

rodney tames
Baltimore, US
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Jan 15, 2015 10:33 am EST

Sonny07 - Clearly you are a true believer in this stuff. That is OK. Wishing all good on you. Maybe you are the lucky one tenth of one percent that makes this scam work.

But, where I have an issue is these MLM pyramid schemes are clearly A PYRAMID SCHEME. Your examples of law enforcement, military, and realtor is not a good one. Recruiting isn't bad, just worthless pyramid schemes are where you pay a bogus fee to a scam company like TN, ACN, Quixtar, Advocare, etc...

Lets cut through all the fantasy here. TN is selling a product with little or no value (savings clubs are disingenuous on their best day, a fraud on most days) . The hook is that you sign other people to sell this questionable product but really to just sign them up for the $2200. Again we are back to the pyramid scheme. It is what it is. You zealots would be better off admitting that instead spending boat loads of time trying to scream that it isn't a pyramid scheme.

Last thing, this is a complaints board website. So people that have been taken advantage of or have an issue with a company can post here and hopefully get some help or advice. It is a shame that trolls promoting these scams like TN come and pitch BS and some even try to recruit here! You people need help and a real career. Shame on you!

Kendallville, US
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Jan 17, 2015 2:33 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

"Maybe you are the lucky one tenth of one percent that makes this scam work."

-Where do you keep getting this figure of "one tenth of one percent"? The reason I ask is because it’s is nearly impossible to come up with an exact number of "successful" network marketers. So that leads me to believe that your "one tenth of one percent" figure is misleading at best. Since a large majority of network marketers don't join to re-sell a membership but instead enjoy the product / membership they are involved in... The roughly 5% of network marketers that do decide to work the business (and not quit) get paid well over 70 billion a year (according to the DSA 2014 figures). This equals approx. 200 million a day being paid out to marketers making the direct selling industry the largest, most profitable industry in the world... That's also not even including the other 100 billion profits (annually) that go to each individual direct selling company... No other industry on the planet pays that much money to its employees... As an example I haven't even sold a TN membership to anybody and don't plan too... I simply enjoy saving the thousands of dollars every year with my lifetime membership. I guess that would put me in the "failure" category according to you but I couldn't be happier with this membership and Company.

"Lets cut through all the fantasy here. TN is selling a product with little or no value (savings clubs are disingenuous on their best day, a fraud on most days) ."

-In order for you to have a relevant point you will need to provide some specifics... I provided specifics on what exactly I saved money on because that's how you make a point and contribute to a discussion... You back up an opinion with specific FACTS in order to make a coherent point... Blindly making uneducated accusations with nothing to base anything off of makes your argument weak... What specifically is over priced at Team National? How does it NOT save you money when you purchase from the "factory direct" catalog (assuming you know what that is). I would love to hear where I am wrong so please provide some example of how you don't save...

"The hook is that you sign other people to sell this questionable product but really to just sign them up for the $2200"

-Wrong again... You clearly know nothing about this company lol. You can sell the membership (and get paid to do it) without purchasing the $2, 195.00 membership! Read the actual contract before you make these false assumptions LMFAO. You owe TN an apology for making such a weak and unfounded argument just so you could bash them... Anybody can sell a membership (and make money) without giving even one cent to TN... Let's think about this logically... Why would TN charge you money to sell or market their membership? Doesn't that make them money when you do that? If they did (change you to sell it) then that would be the very definition of a pyramid scheme and unfortunately for your argument that doesn't happen... You ONLY pay the $2, 195.00 if you choose to purchase an actual membership to save money on purchases you were already going to make anyway. So how is it a scam when you can sell if and earn a profit with ZERO investment? I will be eagerly awaiting your reply to show me how I'm wrong. Thanks in advance!

rodney tames
Baltimore, US
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Jan 19, 2015 10:41 am EST

First off, I don't owe TN an apology. They are an MLM Pyramid scheme that preys on people. TN (fill in the blank here Amway, ACN, Quixtar, Herbalift, Shaklee, etc..) owe humanity an apology.

The one tenth of one percent figure comes from the FTC.

Your big factory direct savings? You havent shown ANY specifics on anything. Because there are NO real savings. Certainly not worth paying into a pyramid scheme. Again, this is one of the oldest pages in the MLM scheme playbook.

The one thing I haven't told you is my SIL is into this scam big time (she is an MLM lifer and is poor as can be to prove it). We just went through this crap a few weeks ago as she got wind that we were looking for a TV. She had "big news as Panasonic has a 3% rebate going for TN!" So we waste another two hours with her as every example she comes up with is way higher than Amazon when you figure in shipping. I can give you a model number if you like TC 58AX800U $1899 on Amazon last week. Her BS stuff thru her special web portal was $2200 +++ (and NOT in stock). My wife has went through this drill with her several times (to my disapproval) and we find NO savings, certainly none worth joining this scam. She has worm out her welcome with many of her friends with this. She views her friends and family as a warm market (her words). She is also using terms like "I am choosing only to be around positive people"

If the $2195.00 is not important to anyone why do they charge it? It is ALL about the $2195.00 and recruiting new people to buy it. That is what the whole scam is about.

Sonny07, I get it, you are a true believer in the MLM stuff. That is ok. Stop hassling the common sense of normal people with this. It is a Pyramid scheme to 99.9% of the thinking population. Your shilling for TN and asking people to contact you is inappropriate.

I don't get you odd point about selling the membership but not having to pay for it yourself. It just makes no sense. If you don't have to join to sell it why would anyone else pay for it?

Basic rule on these scams is when people like Sonny0y scream they aren't pyramid schemes, they ARE pyramid schemes.

Kendallville, US
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Jan 19, 2015 9:49 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

"Your big factory direct savings? You havent shown ANY specifics on anything."

-I actually attempted to post 5 separate screen shot examples but this website wouldn't attach the photo's. Not my problem.

" She had "big news as Panasonic has a 3% rebate going for TN!"

-TN doesn't have electronics as part of their factory direct saving's program. What your SIL was referring to was the bign marketplace (which is not a "saving's benefit" but part of the website you get). Again I refer you to the TN contract for your answer where this is all clearly explained... The bign marketplace is NOT a saving's benefit because it just sends you to the sellers website and you buy the products at the normal listed prices... The only difference is that you get a small commission back with each purchase. This probably why you SIL isn't making any money with TN. She isn't representing the company in an honest way..

"It is ALL about the $2195.00 and recruiting new people to buy it. That is what the whole scam is about."

-If I were you I would do a little research first and know about the Company before attempting to bash it.. This has to be getting embarrassing for you... The $2195.00 is only one package... There is also a 2 year package for $795.00. LIke I said earlier the contract tells you everything you need to know and debunks all of the nonsense you have been regurgitating.

"Sonny07, I get it, you are a true believer in the MLM stuff."

-I could care less about MLM stuff... Did you even read my last post? I'm just a believer in saving money which I have done with this Company over and over again. It's simple math, not some MLM conspiracy.

"Stop hassling the common sense of normal people with this."

-Who exactly have I been "hasling"? Did you see in my last post where I said that I don't sell the membership to anybody?Reading comprehension isn't one of your strongest assets. Perhaps if you actually read the TN contract and my last reply you would be a big more informed.

"I don't get you odd point about selling the membership but not having to pay for it yourself. It just makes no sense."

-That's because you haven't read the contract! My grandmother happened to purchase my membership for me since she bought one for herself it automatically covered all of her kids, grandkids and great grand kids for life... Just read the damn contract dude... This is getting embarrassing for real :-)

Now how exactly is this a "pyramid scheme" again? If you are still going to try to make a case then please respond with the definition of a pyramid scheme and how that directly relates to Team National... I can't wait for your response!

rodney tames
Baltimore, US
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Jan 20, 2015 8:20 am EST

So again, you have shown NO actual savings. No one ever does.

Do you sell these memberships to others? If yes, do you make money from their sale of memberships in the future?

You were asking people to contact you on your 11-18-14 post so we could "get started"

Sounds like a classic pyramid scheme.

rodney tames
Baltimore, US
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Jan 20, 2015 4:51 pm EST

If you only enjoy the savings, why then on 11-18-14 did you ask folks to contact you to get started?

Get started on what? You claim you don't sell anything?

The sweet smell of the age old pyramid scheme.

Kendallville, US
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Jan 20, 2015 11:52 pm EST
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@Rodney tames

"If you only enjoy the savings, why then on 11-18-14 did you ask folks to contact you to get started?"

-That's because I used "getting started" as a way to learn more (actual facts) about the company and not the regurgitated, made up rhetoric that you have been posting... Making this business "work for you" doesn't necessarily mean purchasing anything from me as I explained before. BTW how about you quote me in full context next time... Below is the full quote of what I actually said.

"If anybody on here that has already purchased a package (or is thinking about it) and would like to learn more (some actual facts) about how to make the business work for you then message me here and we can get started :-)"

-Yes I do think that everybody should know more about this Company. I would feel sick if a friend of mine purchased a new car, furniture or jewelry and could have saved 2-3 grand (on a single major purchase) through this Company if they had know about TN... Or if somebody wanted to earn an extra income but had no money to invest in anything... They could start selling TN memberships (at zero cost to them) and earn money at the same time. Why wouldn't I want my friends to know about this? It's simple math! lol

BTW I'm still waiting for you to define "pyramid scheme" and show the direct correlation between that and Team national since that "assumption" was the entire premise of your argument... Tick-tock, tick-tock

rodney tames
Baltimore, US
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Jan 21, 2015 10:50 am EST

So you are a pied piper of FREE information on Team National? BS, you were soliciting people to contact you. It is in your own post. Give us a break.

Again, the more you MLM zealots say it isn't a pyramid scheme the more we all know it is.

One of the strongest tenets of MLM's is fighting the dreaded pyramid scheme label. You seem obsessed with that, which really tells us you are quite involved with I am guessing several MLM's or past MLM's.

Again, I feel for you and hope you get help. Good luck to you.

Kendallville, US
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Jan 21, 2015 3:12 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

@ Rodney tames,

"So you are a pied piper of FREE information on Team National? BS, you were soliciting people to contact you. It is in your own post. Give us a break."

-You don't know anything about me or what I do, you need to get over yourself princess... Nor do you get to decide or label what it is that I'm doing when you aren't knowledgeable enough to challenge anything I have stated... It's NOT "soliciting" to simply get the truth out genius... Especially when the topic of this discussion was already TN (before I ever commented) and all I did was offer honest information (which you weren't able to challenge BTW) for ANYBODY THAT IS ALREADY INTERESTED lol. Get your facts straight... My "free information" is nothing more than a link for them to follow and learn more about the Company to counter any misinformation posted by ignorant "low information" trolls like yourself...

"Again, the more you MLM zealots say it isn't a pyramid scheme the more we all know it is."

-Define "MLM zealots"? Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump both support this kind of business and have even written book about it... Are they both "MLM zealots" as well that know nothing about business? Boy if only they knew as much about business as you do! lol Last I checked Warren Buffett even owns a Network Marketing company called "Pampered Chef" and I heard (not sure if it's true) he even tried to purchase Team National once... Do these men know nothing about business and can simply be brushed off as "MLM zealots"? I will let the readers decide since you don't have the brain capacity to comprehend basic facts and piece together accurate information.

"One of the strongest tenets of MLM's is fighting the dreaded pyramid scheme label. You seem obsessed with that, which really tells us you are quite involved with I am guessing several MLM's or past MLM's."

-I haven't had to "fight" any labels here... All I did was simply go through the TN application to correct your (many) false statements and assumptions... Here's an idea for you... Next time you plan on "obsessively" devoting this much time on bashing a Company, how about knowing something (at lease one damn thing) about the Company first... Again you know nothing about me or Team National... Your rants are still nothing but vague, uneducated assumptions with no specific facts anywhere... Every time you have attempted to state facts I was able to shut you down with nothing more than the TN application (which you never read) and basic knowledge of the Company.

In all seriousness this has probably been one of the easiest arguments I have ever had about anything EVER... You are making this way to easy for me... In my last 3 responses I have asked you to elaborate on your "pyramid scheme" label since its also the premise of your entire argument... So far you have yet to define "pyramid scheme" and show that correlation to the Team National business; but still keep insisting that TN is such a scheme anyway... I guess you want everyone to believe you simply because you think you're smart or something IDK? Anyway I will do it for you.

Pyramid Scheme definition from wikipedia: "A pyramid scheme is an unsustainable business model that involves promising participants payment or services, primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, rather than supplying any real investment."
-There are many such definitions of "pyramid scheme" however they all mean basically the same thing which his why I used this very basic example... As I have already showed, nothing in this definition is anything similar to what Team National offers... We offer many different services and products that do not involve enrolling anybody else to join to take advantage of these services (as I have done myself). Now that we have compared Team National (to the definition) of a pyramid scheme and have conclusive evidence (all stated in the TN application) that it isn't anything close to a pyramid scheme what other arguments do you have left? Besides complaining that I keep defending the company from ignorant remarks that have no factual basis... Thanks for not answering any of my questions in my last response and having the most uncompelling argument/rant I have ever seen.

Kendallville, US
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Jan 21, 2015 7:50 pm EST
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Team national Savings example:

-Sebring Power Sectional (all leather Sofa)

-Dimensions: SOFA 88 X 42 X 41 LS: 80 X 42 X 41 WEDGE 76 X 48 X 42
Item #UFI-1089
MSRP: $4, 854.30
Team National price: $1, 618.10
You save $3, 236.20 from the suggested retail price!

-There is no need for you to sell anything to anybody to get this discount... If saving’s like this is what a pyramid scheme is the we need more pyramid schemes like this one :-)

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Kendallville, US
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Jan 21, 2015 9:32 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

ITEM: Guamuchil King Platform Bed
Dimensions: HB: 83-1/2 x 23 x 60-1/4 FB: 83-1/2 x 23 x 32-3/4 Rails: 83-1/2 x 3-1/2 x 16
Item # IFD-1129
MSRP: $2, 409.00
Member Price: $803.00 (this price also includes shipping and set up)

You save $1, 606.00 from the retail price! Is this not enough savings? Can you find a cheaper price on this (brand new) bed as a non Team National member? Good luck with that :-)

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Kendallville, US
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Jan 21, 2015 9:38 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

ITEM: Bar Unit
Dimensions: 71-1/2"L 24-1/2"W 41"H
Item # CFF-1026
MSRP: $1, 841.40
Member Price: $613.80
You save $1, 228.40 from the suggest retail price!

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rodney tames
Baltimore, US
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Jan 22, 2015 8:05 am EST

Found all three items on Amazon.

simmons sebring sectional $920.20 with FREE shipping on Amazon.
search "simmons sebring living room set" in Amazon.

The king bed was harder to find, but found one Amazon for $1078. Found many wood beds all over the internet from $399 to $$$$. I will give you this one. saved $200 on an off brand bed. Virtually unheard of brand not carried by any reputable stores the best I can see.

The Cherry bar is available on Amazon for $694 with shipping and tax included, and has a bracket foot brass rail at the bottom. By Coaster furniture. The Amazon model looks to be a step up from the one you pictured.

So if you bought all three items from TN you would pay $3034.90 plus tax and SHIPPING on the sectional and bar. (I would estimate you will add another $300 for shipping)

If you bought these items on Amazon or searched the net you pay $2692.20 ALL shipping included as well as tax.

This really proves my point about TN. The savings are dubious at best and mostly non existent. Surely not worth paying more than pocket change for a membership. The corner stone for a pyramid scheme. Sell a worthless or near worthless product to satisfy the legal challenges and then work the membership. It is all about the memberships. Its a pyramid scheme.

rodney tames
Baltimore, US
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Jan 22, 2015 12:07 pm EST

The above pricing exercise that I outlined above is exactly what we have gone through with my SIL over the last few months. She is totally convinced this buyer club scam works no matter how many times we prove to her the pricing doesn't hold up to very basic google searches on products. (I will hold off on the TN car discount fiasco she tried on us for a later time)

I am sure Sonny07 will have excuses but my quick (I spent like 5 minutes or less getting these Amazon and internet prices) honest search was pretty telling. I think I could have found this entry level furniture even less expensive if I wanted to search deeper.

Just avoid Team National and save your money, as they will not save you any only take it from you.

Just another MLM pyramid scheme. Avoid.

Kendallville, US
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Jan 22, 2015 3:59 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

@Rodney tames
"simmons sebring sectional $920.20 with FREE shipping on Amazon.
search "simmons sebring living room set" in Amazon."

-You couldn't be more wrong...But thank you for responding with this example because it actually helps my case. The price you saw listed on amazon was just a portion of the living room set NOT the whole thing as you suggest... You should have probably clicked on the actual item and got the details first before you posted this example. If you would have clicked on the item it would have directed you to (where the couch is actually sold from not amazon) where it breaks down the actual pricing like this.
-Simmons Sebring Bonded Leather Double Motion Sofa 50325-68 Sebring Coffeebean- $964.41
-Simmons Sebring Bonded Leather Double Motion Console Loveseat 50325-63 Sebring Coffeebean -$878.15
-Simmons Sebring Bonded Leather Wedge 50325-07 Sebring Coffeebean-$590.40
-Simmons Sebring Bonded Leather Swivel Glider Recliner 50325-19 Sebring Coffeebean-$597.36
-So the real total pricing from your example: $3, 030.32!
Given your own example of the best deal you could find online. You would still save $1, 412.22 with Team National and gotten the entire set with free shipping and delivery (like all of our furniture items).

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Kendallville, US
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Jan 22, 2015 4:51 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

@Rodney tames

"The Cherry bar is available on Amazon for $694 with shipping and tax included, and has a bracket foot brass rail at the bottom. By Coaster furniture. The Amazon model looks to be a step up from the one you pictured."

-Really? the amazon price is actually $776.20 (down from the stores normal price of $1, 599.00). So not only is your price wrong but you would still would still save $163.20 through Team National! That is still a pretty big savings for a single purchase under 800 dollars. Also the unit I pictured DOES have the brass foot bar. It's sticking out behind the bar (in the picture) and also mentioned (as included) in my product description. But nice catch and good attention to detail!

Hey in all seriousness I'm actually glad that you're questioning my examples and I do want to thank you for taking the time to do some homework. This is exactly what I did before I decided to start using my membership because I was just as critical as you are now... But after doing the same research that you did I came to the obvious conclusion (as you are right now) that TN has the best deals.

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Kendallville, US
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Jan 22, 2015 5:46 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Correciton to my example for the "simmons sebring sectional"

My price example (from Team National) doesn't include the "swivel recliner" so the total price (from your example) is actually $, 2432.76. Meaning you would have only saved $814.66 with TN! More than enough to pay for a $795.00 two year membership :-)

Kendallville, US
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Jan 22, 2015 7:23 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

@Rodney tames

"The above pricing exercise that I outlined above is exactly what we have gone through with my SIL over the last few months."

-Then you need to do a lot more homework and research... You have yet to show me an example where you could find something cheaper (or similarly priced) at another outlet...

"She is totally convinced this buyer club scam works no matter how many times we prove to her the pricing doesn't hold up to very basic Google searches on products."

-My three (random) TN examples; more than held up to any of your "Google bargain shopping". In two of my three examples you would have saved more than enough (vs. the bargains you found) to purchase a two year membership.

"I will hold off on the TN car discount fiasco she tried on us for a later time"

-She probably doesn't know how to explain it properly or use the TN "web car search" the correct way... When I used it I saved 4 grand on a 2015 Chevy Traverse. So I am willing to have that conversation with you anytime!

"I am sure Sonny07 will have excuses but my quick (I spent like 5 minutes or less getting these Amazon and internet prices) honest search was pretty telling."

-The facts I have presented to correct your sloppy (5 min research) are not "excuses"... They are simply facts that happen to be detrimental to your entire argument. BTW it didn’t take me very long to find all of your mistakes either... All I had to do is spend an additional 20 seconds or so on each item by actually reading the description of each example you found. Not a hard thing to do :-) Like I said I do appreciate being questioned about these discounts because then I have another platform to make my case even stronger. So please keep the critical reviews coming. I am more than ready to correct anymore false assumptions.

rodney tames
Baltimore, US
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Jan 22, 2015 8:40 pm EST

Sonny07 it is still a pyramid scheme that will save you no money.

Your examples prove nothing (IE: don't believe them, not clear on freight and other hidden costs which are common with buyers club scams), I don't need to buy into a scam MLM buyers club to maybe/maybe not save on some discontinued furniture. My examples show how quick and easy it is to find these products at better prices when all things are figured in.

No one needs TN to save them money. TN only takes your money.

Sorry your are wrapped up in a pyramid scheme. I hope the future is better for you. Good Luck.

Kendallville, US
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Jan 22, 2015 10:19 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

@Rodney tames

"Sonny07 it is still a pyramid scheme that will save you no money."

-What? That doesn't even make sense man... But at least you are admitting that TN saves you money now! We already went over the definition of pyramid scheme and I presented indisputable evidence of the contrary.

"Your examples prove nothing (IE: don't believe them, not clear on freight and other hidden costs which are common with buyers club scams), "

-How do they prove nothing? I couldn't have been more specific (with screen shot examples!) LMFAO.. All of the "hidden costs" that you describe are all explained on the order form whenever you order an item. The prices I dispayed (on the screen shots) were the final price with everything included.

"My examples show how quick and easy it is to find these products at better prices when all things are figured in."

-Wait!? What? No your examples were all wrong and misleading... It's not my fault that "complaints" hasn't posted all of my other responses (hopefully they will soon!) that refute all of your examples... I posted more responses hours ago with more screen shot examples that display in inaccuracy of your examples... TN still has the (by far) lower price in every example that you (google searched).

"No one needs TN to save them money. TN only takes your money."

-Ummm not according to facts and your own examples... No worries it's a math and logic thing that's way over your head.

"Sorry your are wrapped up in a pyramid scheme"

-There you go with the labeling and accusation thing again... Just because you say something over and over again doesn't make it true... You havn't even been able to define pyramid scheme yet but you're sure it is one RLMAO

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