I'm writing this with a heavy heart knowing that this company it hurting people that are in desperate need. I want to start off by saying I had no idea if this industry and the scams ran In this field, but after working for this company I see why it's such a issue... So my story starts when a guy by the name of Brandon Jacobs (fake name) hired me to sale loan mods... Told me a few basic rules and threw me on the phone like I was a trained expect telling distressed home owner we could save there homes, later I found out he knew they wouldn't get help yet had us take several files In, also this guy worked under his real name with nationwide law center and ran that scam... At first he told me about how he was saved and that he was a minister and then a few days later Tryed to use my legal reg to get drugs, literally threaten me with my job and I have that in text messages ... Today months later I can truly say he's lied to me several dozen times... There are run the same scam with the same staff and just renamed it... Also they forced there staff to call the banks acking like the Clint to verify the loan and if we didn't there flipped out and fired people. I'm not going to speak to what if any money was owned me but I was full on robbed by Brandon the day he "let me go"( down to my pack of gym) I'm working with the PA FBI field office to get all the info I have and I will also pay my debt back to clients by making sure he can't do this again... Remember United States law center is a scam and the exact same people run that one just nationwide law center scam. I also gave "alex" (fake name) the "owner" a chance to make this right and he sided with the theft.
This person is completely correct. We got sucked in for 925.00 and now our house is in foreclosure with a sale date immanent. The only way we could stop the bank drafts was to close our account which we have done. We now have contacted a local attorney to try to clear up the mess these people caused. Their website is down, there phones are not taking any messages due to the VM being full and there emails are being returned as "account locked" . We spoke with a "Chris Wood" and "Rachel McLaughlin". PLEASE PLEASE do NOT work with these people.
I got suckered in for $1850. my home is as well in foreclosure. I have filed a fraud report with my local police staton and have contacted a lawyer as well. I attempted to contact them as well as got the same replies. This is a disgrace. I talked to "Michael Taylor", "Jeff Johnson" and "Stacy Casper".
These people are so convincing on stating they will help you "lower your mortgage payment and help keep your house"... we believed them. How can people be so cruel to those that need help? I am sickened. We are among others who were having trouble meeting their monthly mortgage payment and struggled in order to make this $925.00 a month processing fee in the hopes of getting some relief. Little did I realize that not only are we out this money, but now are we are behind on the rest of our bills. Website down... phone voice mails "full" and good old Carlos is no where to be found. I can't believe at our age we could have been so stupid. We are checking on our options available to make sure this doesn't happen to others.