McDonald's reviews and complaints 1
View all 2880 complaintsMcDonald's - complaining about rude overbearing female day manager at south end mcdonalds 360 main st. springfield ma. 01108
As a Loyal McDonald's Customer, I have been, a Patron of McDonald's for many, many, years, without, any, incidents.
I have a home in the immediate vecinity of the 360 Main Street Location. All, of the Staff, is friendly, accommodating, and outgoing, for, the exception of the Day Manager, whose name, I believe is "Anna".
She is hispanic, and wears, her hair in a bun. I have been told, she, has worked, and managed, the McDonald's there, for 28 years.
I frequent this McDonalds, and may not, always, stay, to buy, an item, but, may, return, at a later time, the same day, and do so.
I generally, do not, buy, items, in the morning, because, frankly, I do not, like, dealing, with, anyone, who acts, like they think they are the queen, and you as, the Customer are dirt. I do not like dealing, with, people who act, like, they, have an axe to grind, and have, an attitude, with, you, for some, unknown reason. I am referring to this manager. The other Managers are wonderful. This woman acts, like she owns the establishment, and harasses people calling the police on them for no apparrent reason, where, the Patrons are Profiled by, Police, and literally, harassed out of the store. My name is James Carroll. My family has great influence and privelege, so, I do not have, to be concerned, about buying anything, or, where, I decide to shop.
My ancestors go back to founding fathers in this country, so, my family, is very well connected, not, to brag, or, boast. I was raised, to be a Pillar of the Community, be, helpful and help those, less fortunate, as, well, as, be, polite, civil and if, there, are any, perceived issues, seek, a proper resolution, without, conflict, and without, harming, or, offending anyone. It, is part of etiquette, which, I recognize, many people lack, in these, times.
As a frequent customer, I meet many other customers and acquaintances at this location, at various times of the day, or, night. Many of these people have strong connections to the Community, and frankly, they too find fault with, the attitudes that, this women bestoys upon patrons without cause, or, right. I have seen her, picking on a young autistic man, who, feels self conscious about, it, and he, has openly, complained to me. I have tried to counsel him, to make him feel better. God does not, like, UGLY.
I DO NOT, like, to disparage, anyone, especially, when, they, are not present, to defend themselves, because, we, all have good days, and bad, and, I, give people, at least three strikes, before, I can not overlook, their bad behavior. I like, to think, I am a Fair and Good Person, and everyone who, knows me, tells me, so.
This female manager, acts, like, someone, who enjoys, controversy, drama, and wants, to demonstrate, she is in charge, and in control. Her demeanor, is vindictive, rude, and insensitive, where, she is condescending, and attempts to humiliate people.
Again, I do not have any, controversies, with, any, of the other staff, regardless of the time of day, or, night.
Today she called two Springfield Police Officers to the Restaurant. She wrongly, had them harass a young black man, then, myself, where, we were both, Profiled. That, is harassment, and I do not have, to tell, you, that, in such, a litigious society, people, do, file suits for, much less.
The young black man was so irate, over her disrespect, that, he called, for a Police Supervisor, and said, he, was going to Internal Affairs of the Police to file a Formal Complaint. He, also, said, he was going, to see, a lawyer, who, has successfully won, some very large judgements, on abuses, like, this.
Discrimination, and Criminal Harassment, is illegal.
Frankly, I, know, as, some people, get older, they, can become, cranky, irritable, and difficult, for no apparrent reason. Sometimes, it, is an issue, of Mental Illness.
I am, not, a doctor, but, I am, a Professional, so, I will, not, speculate, or, pass judgement, but, I have been dealing, with, the Public, for, over, 45 years, and, I know, people, like, this, woman, who, go overboard, can sink, a business fast, and, make it, fail, miserably.
It is certain, you recall, the debacle, with, the Two Black Men, profiled, with, Police, at Star Bucks, in Detroit, where, Star Bucks, made some major changes, after, the event, made, national news.
I can be, certain, McDonald's would not, like, to repeat the same mistake. Some, of the Patrons I associate with, at this, McDonald's told me, they know the Owner Personally, and they, said, he, does not, come, to the establishment, often, but, if, they, told him, what, has been going, on, he, would not, be, very happy.
It, only, takes one bad apple, to spoil the bushel. I do not, like, to cause problems, for anyone, but, maybe, this employee, has past, her, usefulness.
If, she had an ode of decorum, she would have politely, asked, if, those, she, believed, were loitering, would be, staying, asking, if, they, planned to buy, anything. She, could have politely, said, if, you, will not be, buying, anything, we, have time limit, here, and you will have, to leave. There, is nothing, wrong, in being, polite, direct and civil. She does not, have to antagonize people, and embarress and demean them, or, violate, their rights. SHE DRIVES BUSINESS AWAY!
I am writing this complaint, to you, because, after, being, a Patron of this McDonald's for nine years, she, had Police write up, a Trespass Order against me!
I am fifty nine years, of age! That, is elder abuse and harassment. It, is embarressing, and humiliating people, publicly, where, all, the Patron's looked on in dismay, and some, patrons, asked, the Police, if, they, would have, to be, leaving, too, as, they were, preparing, to sit down and eat their breakfast!
I, honestly, will say, even, if, I, could buy, anything, on a shift, when, she, is not, working, in that, McDonald's, I, no longer, will be, a Patron.
I reprimanded, the Police Officer, telling, him, it, was harassment and he was profiling, making, assumptions, without right. He told, me, that, she, asked, the Police to come and make the order.
They added she was not law enforcement. I advised, him, civility, common courtesy, and respect, does not, require intervention of law enforcement.
Frankly, the Public is disqusted with, the local police, because, they, are seen, to be, out of control, volatile, and are reqularly, in the Media for Scandal after scandal, where, they are working, with, a Tow Company that, connects, to Organized Crime. A City, that, the FBI and DOJ is investigating.
With rogue police like this, anything, is possible, and matters could have escalated out of control, which, could end, up, in a situation, where, McDonald's at this location could be, placed, into a position, where, they, would have to close their doors.
I, am just attempting, to point out the pros and cons, and the Seriousness, of this matter.
I am certain, that, me, and all, the other patrons, I, know, that, frequent that, McDonald's can take our business, elsewhere, where, we are respected.
Truly Yours,
James J. Carroll, III
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