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CB Dental Services Aspen Dental 3875 Conlon Way Ste A, Elizabeth City, NC, 27909, US
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Aspen Dental
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Aspen Dental

3875 Conlon Way Ste A, Elizabeth City, NC, 27909, US
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1 complaint
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7:30 am - 4:00 pm
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
7:30 am - 1:00 pm
3:13 pm EST
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Aspen Dental - Partial denture plate

On March 5, 2022 I went in to have a few teeth extracted and a partial plate done (this was the only option I was given and was essentially pushed into opening a high interest credit account with Genesis). I received my temporary plate that day and then returned the following morning to make sure all looked good. At that Time (after waiting in a dental chair for 52 minutes) I was told everything looked good and I would receive my permanent plate later in the year after my gums had healed. This was fine but I had asked to make another appointment then to have a filling done and was told they would call me later in the day to schedule. Never happened.

anyway, fast forward to January 28 of 2023 — my partial cracked on a raw carrot but I needed to schedule my appointment for my permanent plate so I thought no big deal... WRONG. I called the Elizabeth City, NC office that I was working with (who actually should have scheduled the appointment a couple months earlier) and was informed that before they could do this I would need to have a deep cleaning done — I asked what the cost was, thinking it would be similar to a standard cleaning, only to find out that, at first, it would be over $2000 (!) I informed them that this was not feasible and asked why this was "required" since my temp and partial were already paid for thru Genesis Dental Credit which I had JUST paid off. The woman I spoke with said she would have to check with the dentist (?) and call me back... she never did. I reached out to Aspen via Twitter, finally received a call from Aspen a few days later who got my voicemail and left a rather rude message to call which I did not even 15 minutes later and received THEIR voicemail — I left a message and have NEVER heard another thing despite leaving an additional 2 messages.

They seem to be committing fraud left and right — at this point I want to be done with them by either receiving 1/2 of the amount I paid back which would be for the permanent dentures or to have them pay ELSEWHERE to have it completed.

Desired outcome: Either a refund or Aspen to pay a DIFFERENT practice to complete the job

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