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CB Dental Services Aspen Dental 17 Lowes Dr, Tilton, NH, 03276, US
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Aspen Dental
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Aspen Dental

17 Lowes Dr, Tilton, NH, 03276, US
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1 complaint
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9:00 am - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
6:33 am EST

Aspen Dental - Lying to customers


I'm going to start from the beginning, so you have a clear understanding of where my frustration is coming from. I am a patient of Aspen Dental in Tilton NH. I went for my normal checkup about 1.5 years ago (I go every 6months). I informed my hygienist that I had this white spot on my gums, and it didn't go away. Without confirming with a doctor, she said it was a sls allergy, So I went to the store and bought sls free toothpaste. The spots did go away. 6 moths later I went back and told her it was still there. Again, I was told it was an sls allergy and this time was told to stop using toothpaste. she said I didn't need to really use toothpaste anyway. 6 months later when I went back, I told her a 3rd time it's still there. This time she called the dentist in who then told me I needed to speak to the oral surgeon. this was strange, why now after 1.5 years of me reporting something wrong do I need to see an oral surgeon.

I waited for the surgeon to finish his shopping (yes personal shopping) and when he came back in He told me that the white on my gum's should not be there and should not have been there as long as it was. He wanted to know why, I waited so long, and I told him I did bring this up with my hygienist numerous times and she said it was a sls allergy.

I scheduled a biopsy for Jan 12 and had it done. Never got my results.

I was told to call a week later to get my test results. When I called the office, they told me my results were not in. I waited another week and when I called, they told me that the results were in, but the doctor needed to talk with me, and they would give him the message. I never got a phone call. The 3rd time I called a woman said that she can't get into the results, but would be able to email the results, and confirmed my email address. I never got an email. The last time I called was a terrible mess. I woman simply didn't care about what I had to say, she told me the results were not in, and when I informed her, she was lying to me, she transferred me to a random voice mail. She never told me she was doing that, or who she was transferring me too. No message on the voicemail and no name. She then called me back with another excuse and told me the doctor is not in the office and will call me when he is. which was 02/09/23... Well, that was yesterday, and I never got a call. I could have potential CANCER, and this place simply does not care, meanwhile I'm sitting waiting to find out if I have been living with cancer for 1.5+ years. Can you help, can anyone help?

Desired outcome: I want my test results, and someone should be looking into this branch. The employees lie to the customers, and simply do not care about their wellbeing.

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