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CB Dental Services Aspen Dental 3018 NY-417, Olean, NY, 14760, US
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Aspen Dental
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Aspen Dental

3018 NY-417, Olean, NY, 14760, US
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1 complaint
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7:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
3:46 pm EST

Aspen Dental - Signed for a treatment plan and put money down on credit card when asked and her suggested amount..

After my first visit and x rays, they made a plan to pull seven teeth and give me upper and lower partial dentures. (No other options offered, no discussion.) I decided I didn't need all that, and couldn't come two days later because of excrutiating neck and back pain from the awful dental x ray chair and positions so I cancelled appt. to make a mold that morning and also the the plan in it's entirety and asked for credit back to my card, which they agreed to. Tera said "It might take up to 10 days." So I checked 10 days later and I still had the appts that were scheduled and no credit reimbursed. I called my credit card and they said to call again, as Aspen had called that morning (Jan. 29) saying I needed to reschedule my appt. for the mold. So I left a message about wanting my credit by Feb. 2.

The next Mon was the appt they gave me for having 7 teeth pulled. Tera called and left message saying I "had to reschedule because the doctor wasn't there; he had caslled in sick."

So I called her back and didn't say anything but my name, and Tera said "I didnt hear your message till after I called you." What a run-around! They know I don't plan to come back and have told them that each time. So they don't plan to reimburse me is my surmise.

Desired outcome: I want them to put the $3,190.00 back to credit my Chase Instacart Mastercard before it starts to accrue interest on Feb 15, 2023, As they have been promising to do so since january 18.

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