AT&T reviews and complaints 9
View all 2161 complaintsAT&T - rewards cards
I receive my 2nd reward card and it do not work.The 16 numbers they printed do not match any when you try to activate.I call many times to the rewards center and was very disappointed.With the system to get the card activated.Machines can not do it all some time you need a human touch. I got tired of virtual trying to do when yo need a human.Thanks
AT&T - internet and land line
AT&T is victimizing its customers with illegal sales tactics such as lying about products and services in an attempt to reach sales quotas.
There appears to be a "do whatever it takes" approach to sell products at AT&T without any regard to their ability to deliver on those promises. During my recent and ongoing experience I ordered high speed internet along with a landline for phone service. I was very specific that I wanted a land line because I work from home and I cannot be dependent on the Internet. At that time, I was told I would be provided a free phone, a $100 gift card, and a guaranteed price for the high speed internet of $60 per month for a period of over 800 months. I don't remember the exact number of months over 800 but when I questioned it, the sales person said that they can't legally say that it is a lifetime deal so they get around it by saying over 800 months. The sales person also told me that even though I was and existing AT&T Internet customer I would have to start a new service rather than simply upgrading the existing service.
When the installation technician finally arrived, after two cancelations in which I wasn't notified, he told me that I should have just gotten an upgrade to my existing service and that the sales people do that to "increase their commission". He also told me that he was not installing a land line but a VIOP that runs through the Internet. He also told me that I was responsible for providing my own phone.
When the invoice arrived, I was shocked to see that the price for internet service of $60 was not for the promised period of over 800 months but 12 months instead! I also noticed that the price for the VOIP phone service (which I never ordered) had an astounding tax rate of over 31% that was never disclosed to me! Around that time I also received a notification by email that my gift card would be arriving soon bit it was not for the promised amount of $100. It was in the amount of $50!
To summarize the list of fraudulent and illegal practices, I offer the following;
1. Sales person told me I had to open a new service even though I was an existing customer to maximize commission.
2. Sales person promise a fixed price for Internet service for over 800 months and AT&T sent me an invoice that specified the term of 12 months.
3. Sales person promised me a land line phone service when he had no intention of providing what I asked for. I know this because I was very specific about what I wanted and why and the Installation technician told me that "old school" landlines are not sold by the group I was working with.
4. Sales person promised me that a phone was included in the order. I never received the phone.
5. Sales person promised a $100 gift card and I received a $50 gift card.
6. Sales person never disclosed that there would be over 31% in tax on the phone line that I never ordered.
Based on Internet complaints about AT&T, this is not an isolated case. For AT&T employees to achieve their goals of selling a high number of products to each customer, they are imposing unrealistic sales quotas on its employees, and has adopted policies that have, predictably and naturally, driven its sales people to engage in fraudulent behavior to meet those unreachable goals.
I have reached out to AT&T numerous time in an attempt to escalate this issue to no avail. Each time they promise that someone will get back to me after reviewing the call transcripts and nobody has returned my call in spite of the fact that I told them I had every intent of reporting the illegal practices to authorities. I have also requested that they send me a copy of the call transcripts and I have not received a reply.
AT&T monopolizes this space and they knowingly lie and steal from their customers because in most cases they will win the war of attrition because the customers will just give up after hours on the phone. AT&T, I want what you to know that I am a senior citizen and I intend to get what I agreed to but at this point I want much more! I want you exposed for the frauds and cheats that you are!
To summarize the list of fraudulent and illegal practices, I offer the following;
1. Sales person told me I had to open a new service even though I was an existing customer to maximize commission.
2. Sales person promise a fixed price for Internet service for over 800 months and AT&T sent me an invoice that specified the term of 12 months.
3. Sales person promised me a land line phone service when he had no intention of providing what I asked for. I know this because I was very specific about what I wanted and why and the Installation technician told me that "old school" landlines are not sold by the group I was working with.
4. Sales person promised me that a phone was included in the order. I never received the phone.
5. Sales person promised a $100 gift card and I received a $50 gift card.
6. Sales person never disclosed that there would be over 31% in tax on the phone line that I never ordered.
Based on Internet complaints about AT&T, this is not an isolated case. For AT&T employees to achieve their goals of selling a high number of products to each customer, they are imposing unrealistic sales quotas on its employees, and has adopted policies that have, predictably and naturally, driven its sales people to engage in fraudulent behavior to meet those unreachable goals.
I have reached out to AT&T numerous time in an attempt to escalate this issue to no avail. Each time they promise that someone will get back to me after reviewing the call transcripts and nobody has returned my call in spite of the fact that I told them I had every intent of reporting the illegal practices to authorities. I have also requested that they send me a copy of the call transcripts and I have not received a reply.
AT&T monopolizes this space and they knowingly lie and steal from their customers because in most cases they will win the war of attrition because the customers will just give up after hours on the phone. AT&T, I want what you to know that I am a senior citizen and I intend to get what I agreed to but at this point I want much more! I want you exposed for the frauds and cheats that you are!
Awaiting reply from company
AT&T - misinformed about internet service and given the runaround
Re: (Complaint) FYI, I hate making complaints but as 45-year long loyal customer who loved AT&T until now, I have no choice. Being disabled it would be appreciated if someone gave me the courtesy and took the time to read this and address it. Thanks.
Dear AT&T
As former law enforcement officer on a 100% VA disability from a combination of preexisting war wounds and job related injuries I was taught to take notes and write down all the particulars of a complaint ergo the following:
On 10-4-19 I called AT&T thinking I would speak to someone in customer service who could help me in upgrading my Internet speed. For about an hour starting at 10:52 A.M, I spoke to a guy named Rick from Jacksonville Florida. I told him I was mad because I just spent 13 minutes trying to reach my doctor on the VA Secure Messaging site for veterans and was ticked off that I never got through. I wrote down the speeds and time to show how slow it was when trying to access my doctor's site but it was too long to put here. I had to stop the cursor and restart it several times. I previously found that it loaded up a little faster when you stop and restart it.
I needed to discuss my health issues with my doctor so, it was important to get in contact with him. Rick was very sympathetic and understood the need for having a faster speed. He told me I could get a 1.5 MBS upgrade from my 758 MBS.
While talking about speed, I said I would check the speed test site I have on my computer tool bar while we talked. I did a couple separate tests that showed the different speeds, all were different and low. One down load was 0.51, up was 0.08, ping 122.40. Another was down 0.27, up 0.13, pings 136.75. Rick said he recorded it on his computer so you can check it out.
I don't know much about the speeds; I only know that my machine is very slow. Rick suggested that I have a technician come out to the house and check the wiring to make sure there wasn't a problem there so, he set up an appointment for me for Saturday 10-5-19 between 1&5 P.M. and then told me he couldn't give me the upgrade in his department, he would have to transfer me.
He waited on the phone with me for several minutes for someone to pick up in customer service but no one answered. After about 10 to 15 minutes or so I told him there was no sense of him waiting with me so, I told him to hang up and leave me on the line and I would wait. He said he wanted to call me Monday for a follow-up so, I said around 11:00 A.M. would be okay. This should all be in the computer at AT&T.
A few minutes later at 12:02 P.M. a guy named Channing from the Philippians answered. I explained my life away again and was told that he didn't do the changes I needed so, he transferred me again to a completely incompetent idiot named Sam, also in the Philippians at 12:14 P.M.
Without exaggeration I had to tell this guy my name and address about a half dozens or more times as well as my account number that I read off my billing statement. He must have said,
" thank you for your patience more than a dozen times" as if that would suffice. He kept questioning the 4 accounts that I have in a bundle with AT&T because he couldn't find my Internet account to verify it.
I said that he should read back my account number to me to make sure he copied it down right. Instead of doing that, he asked for it again. At that point I had been on the phone for over an hour and was ready to give up and he said, " Oh! I'm sorry but we don't have that speed in your area yet." He went on to say that the company is putting in fiber optics in my area and that someone would contact me when it is completed. He also said that the first guy named Rick lied to me and that he would put that in the computer. We hung up at 12:38 P.M..
For some 8 years now I've been calling AT&T off and on asking if I can get a higher speed. They always said it will be there soon, which was baloney.
One of my biggest issues is when I tried to send a couple of pics with text to my state senator through my desktop computer a few weeks ago. I let it run for 45 minutes checking back and finally gave up. The little cursor just kept spinning and spinning and spinning.
I tried my tablet knowing it took 8-10 minutes to send one email with 2 pics and it finally went through after several minutes but I thought my desktop would work faster ergo the attempt, which brings me to the Saturday appointment.
After waiting for 3 hours and 40 minutes for the technician to arrive, I got a recording call from number 1-888-321-2375 at 4:40 P.M. telling me that someone would be there in 20 minutes at 5:00 P.M.
When no one showed up, I called the above number at 5:40 P.M. a couple of times trying to speak to a person only to end up having to deal with a recording that didn't understand that I wanted to speak to someone about my appointment. I kept being told to punch key # 8 to report a channel problem. When I changed the wording saying it was an, "appointment scheduling issue" I got the same response.
On my second attempt I hit the 8 and listened until the end and was told to hit "0" to speak to an agent. I ended up back at the Philippians once again speaking to a guy named Michael. I started to tell him that I wanted to know when the tech guy was coming. He blew me off putting me on hold. I waited a couple of minutes and gave up thinking that the tech guy may show up anyway.
Much to my dismay, to say I was extremely stressed and disappointed once again would be an understatement. It was an hour and ten minutes after my 5:00 appointment that I got another call from a recording at 6:10 P.M. saying that my "installation appointment" was canceled telling me to call 1-800-288-2020 to reschedule. This was the same number I started out with earlier. As for the tech checking out my Internet issue, it wasn't about having an instillation as the recording stated so, I don't know if that was a problem with the order.
This time consuming stressful nasty way to treat a very long time customer should not be tolerated. I was misled and treated poorly by people that don't have the customer's best interest in mind making the whole rotten experience all for nothing. If I learned nothing else in life, if it happened to me then it happened to thousands of others.
In closing, I want to add that many years ago I was given a $100.00 to come back to AT&T. At this point in time, I wouldn't take a $1000, 00 for the grief I was put through. What I don't need is a pat on the head and a simple apology. I want to know what you are going to do about keeping me as a customer before I go public in a big way. As a writer for many newspapers you can goggle my name if you like to see who I am. Please respond.
100% disabled Marine Vietnam veteran
and former law enforcement officer.
Gregory J Topliff
AT&T - installation of the internet and phone service.
Hello my name is MIchael living in south Florida. On 9.2.19 I called in to place an order for service for internet and phone . After speaking with the gentlemen, he advised me that he would need to send me an email with the earliest available date. The date he game me was a week later on 9. 12.19. I was okay with the schedule appointment date. I received the call early that morning saying that someone was coming to my house for installation. I was not told that someone would be coming to my house so, that appointment was cancelled and rescheduled 9.20.19. Since I was aware that someone needed to be at home, I arranged for someone to sit in the house between the hours of 12-4pm I also altered my schedule from work just so I can be there and release the person who has been waiting on my behalf. I called to check if the service was completed I was told that no one showed up to do the service. I made a few calls until I was able to get a supervisor by the name of Vanessa who reschedule the service for Saturday 9.21.19. I waited all day for service to connected one Gentlemen came and left said he could not complete the work and that a master technician would need to come. They called in the specialist name Patrick he was an awesome guy full of wisdom and most importantly he took his time and did the rewiring that was necessary so that my installation could be completed. I called on Sunday for service to be rendered spoke with Jonathan when I asked for a supervisor he pressed the button down several time and hung up the phone. I call back spoke with Joe requested a supervisor as soon as he heard my name he pressed the numbers on his phone and hung up the phone also. I called back spoke to jacqueline who transferred me to her supervisor name Rea who would not get the job done . I requested to speak to a manager and they all refused to put a manager on the phone. I spoke with another supervisor name Aldred Mata he said that he was the manager or Order processing. I repeated to him what he said . I said to him that your the manager of Order processing I need to have my order processed and you can't or won't do it his response was yes. His excuse was he could not override the system. In conclusion of this long exhausting complaint, I have yet to get service as if four weeks wasn't long enough now I am told that I have to wait until 9.25.19 for installation that should have been completed in one day. The overall level of help for this company is a minus 0000. I don't recommend the service to anyone if they want to continue to be in good health and not have to make daily or weekly phone calls. Customer Service is horrible . In the several times I called to get service all I heard was (I can't and I'm sorry). I was being told what was on a computer instead of being told how they were going to resolve the issue and the multiple inconveniences that has been placed on me the consumer. Horrible service, Horrible Customer Service. I wish I could speak to the CEO of the company and have him just listen to the calls that I had to take in order to get service after no one showed up on Friday 9.20.19 Jonathan and Joe don't belong in customer service they don't know the meaning of putting the customer first they are robotic to a job and that is all they know no empathy, however really quick to say I'm sorry I can't do that or this can't be done. I've encountered many people before and I never treated them this poorly as I have been treated. I can't even give this company 1 star because nothing was done right. Calling into Customer service is a nightmare.
AT&T - the reps lie, steal and behave inappropriately
I recently changed the phone provider and chose Marteanus Jones AT&T Office of The president AT&T. I didn’t like how the reps tried to hide the information, which they have changed in my contract. I accidently found out about their fraudulent business and of course filled couple of claims. The reps were rude and defended themselves, but their attitude was completely inappropriate. If you want to find good company, which doesn’t charge for fake services then you should not deal with this company.
AT&T - u-verse tv / directv unfair and costly practices
During our initial installation process of U-verse internet on 25 August 2015, we mentioned to the the technician that we originally requested U-verse TV but were informed during sign-up at the Snellville, GA store that this was unavailable. The AT&T technician stated that this was not the case and that we had more than enough bandwidth to deliver both U-verse internet as well as U-verse TV. As such, we should have been given the choice of U-verse TV and not just Direct TV as our only option at sign-up. Now being informed of this we immediately tried to make the switch from Direct TV to U-verse TV as we originally asked for however we were informed that we would be forced to pay a Direct TV termination charge of $460.00 in order to make the switch to U-verse TV. We contacted the Retention Department and spoke to a representative and were offered compensation for the cancellation fee in the form of a $150.00 credit to our U-verse account, a $150.00 VISA reward card in addition to a $100.00 "Closer Coupon Debit Card, " whatever that means. We also specifically asked the Retention Department if any additional fees would be billed to recapture the credits; both the representative and her manager said "no." In light of this promissed compensation we went ahead and canceled our Direct TV service and had U-verse TV installed that very same day. Although we received the $150.00 credit, we have never received the remaining compensation as agreed upon by AT&T U-verse. We have attempted on several occasions to contact the Retention Department on 19 October 2015 but were put on hold for over 90 minutes only to be disconnected. We spoke on another occasion with their customer support representative, after being on hold for 88 minutes, and explained the matter. We were told someone would get back with us in 2 days; to date we are still waiting for that call. To add further damage, we were charged 3 one time equipment fees totaling $147.00 plus installation fees of $33.00 per month for 3 months totaling $99.00; we were never informed of these charges. As a result of all this we have expended $556.00 in net fees just to have AT&T provide us U-verse TV as we originally requested. Additionally, AT&T hit us with a rate hike from $60.00 to $75.00 per month without any prior notification. We are extremely dissatisfied customers with AT&T due to the initiated blunder made by their store employee(s) in Snellville, GA in addition to the undisclosed installation charges and now regret our decision to ever give AT&T U-verse a try. In our opinion AT&T really dropped the ball to acquire our trust and satisfaction as we went from bad Comcast service to horrible AT&T service. We deeply regret ever leaving Comcast; at least they did not burden us with the number of outrageous charges made by AT&T.
AT&T - u-verse billing
I added U-Verse to my home system which had att telephone and internet. When I first contacted AT&T to add the U-Verse to my home I was told that my bill would be $105.00 plus tax. Sept. I received a bill from att for $337.46 to my surprise. I called att and spoke with The agent Grace on 09/21/15 and was told that I would have to pay $187.76 because I started in the middle of the billing cycle, but the monthly statement would be from know on is $119.95. I received my bill on 10/19/15 for $125.14 which was more than I was told it would be . I called att and spoke with Diane on 10/23/15 and she said my new bill would be $128.95. I just don't understand why att can not stand behind a verbal agreement. I have dealings with att before and it seems the they charge anything they want I as a consumer I have to call and confront att about there charges.I really don't no what to do.
I added U-Verse to my home system which had att telephone and internet. When I first contacted AT&T to add the U-Verse to my home I was told that my bill would be $105.00 plus tax. Sept. I received a bill from att for $337.46 to my surprise. I called att and spoke with The agent Grace on 09/21/15 and was told that I would have to pay $187.76 because I started in the middle of the billing cycle, but the monthly statement would be from know on is $119.95. I received my bill on 10/19/15 for $125.14 which was more than I was told it would be . I called att and spoke with Diane on 10/23/15 and she said my new bill would be $128.95. I just don't understand why att can not stand behind a verbal agreement. I have dealings with att before and it seems the they charge anything they want I as a consumer I have to call and confront att about there charges.I really don't no what to do.
AT&T - poor and unreliable wireless service
I don't know where to begin. I have three iphones on AT&T's LTE network here in Cincinnati, Ohio and in the last few months, my service has gone downhill a lot. I am locked in a two year contract and am tired of the poor wireless service I am receiving. First of all, the LTE reception has gone from bad to worse. I am lucky to get one bar outside of my house, and I hardly get a signal inside of my house. That causes me to get a lot of dropped calls, missed texts, very slow internet speeds, and poor voice quality. They claim to have the strongest LTE coverage. Well, not here where I live! I need a reliable network because I use one of my phones for business. Second, I have called, emailed and done chat sessions with their tech support people in India or Philippines and nothing is ever done to fix the problems. It's obvious they don't care about their customers. I have also used the Mark The Spot Application for iphone and nothing ever improves. They just tell you there are no tower issues in the area. Well, no there are no tower issues because there is no to little coverage and that's what I try to tell them. They don't understand. Plus, they never spend any money on upgrading their network or expanding their coverage. There are many areas where there are dead zones. I would recommend Verizon over them, their coverage and reliability are so much better.
AT&T - abuse of employees
How AT&T Has Begun Using Temporary Staffing Agencies To Wage War On Their Employees AT&T has begun using temporary staffing agencies to literally wage war on their employees. At&t, based in Dallas, TX, and their vendor manager Kimberly Wolfram, in concert with Pinnacle Technical Resources, has allowed the creation of some very abusive employee labor...
Read full review of AT&T and 4 commentsGiving a Voice to Consumers
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