Leevan Lawrence Coryatt (Zion Armor) D.B.A. Utopia Physiques Therapy Spa & Workout Studio, 2640 Fountain View suite#225 Houston Tx 77057, company headquarters 611 Cannon Lane Sugarland Tx 77479, was hired to train us. Training sessions were to begin with Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques on August 7th. On August 5th, Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques asked if the training sessions could be rescheduled to start August 14th because Leevan Coryatt was going to have a surgical operation preformed on his ankle. It was later found out that during this time Leevan Coryatt had actually gone to jail for multiple warrants. On August 12th Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques asked if the date for initial training could again be rescheduled from August 14th to August 15th . Despite having over a month to prepare before our initial workout, Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques had failed to book a gym, create a meal plan, or provide vitamins/supplements by the initial training date. When we arrived at Hank�s gym on August 15th for the first training session, the manager never received any payment from Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques nor had he ever heard of Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques. Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques was also a no show. On August 17th Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques asked if we could provide Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques with an additional $120 dollars so that he could book a gym. When we declined to pay Leevan Coryatt/ Utopia Physiques anymore money for a gym, because gym fees were included in the initial payment, Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques wanted to work out in a garage underneath the bleachers at a track field or at random gyms inside of apartment complexes. We had agreed to temporarily workout at the gym underneath the bleachers of the track field beginning August 21st until Leevan Coryatt/ Utopia Physiques could find a real gym. After asking Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques several times for my meal plan Leevan Coryatt agreed to meet us at a local grocery store with the meal plan in hand. Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques did show up at the grocery store but did not have a meal plan for me. While at the grocery store Leevan Coryatt just walked up and down the aisles looking at the nutrition labels and saying "this is ok" and then putting it in my cart. When we arrived at the checkout counter Leevan Coryatt/ Utopia Physiques insisted I pay for the supplements and vitamins even though the contract stated nutritional supplements/vitamins were included as part of the original cost. We never received any recipes on how to prepare the food, serving amounts, or times to eat the food. Also we never received any products from Utopia Physiques� "web site", not �MySpace� page, which was always "coming soon". On August 21st, Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques did not show up for the training session stating �It was raining in Sugarland so I thought it was raining over there too.� and asked to reschedule the session for August 22nd. On August 22nd, Leevan Coryatt /Utopia Physiques did not show up for the training session and was asked to provide us with a full refund. Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques then stated that he would have Utopia Physiques� secretary fax a refund contract to the fax number we provided. On August 28th Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques asked if we could meet Leevan Coryatt at Rice University to sign a refund contract and again no representative of Utopia Physiques showed up. As far as work out sessions go Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques never showed up for any of them for several reasons, one being Leevan Coryatt went to JAIL for multiple warrants, two Leevan Coryatt/ Utopia Physiques was negligent and irresponsible (forgetting training appointments). Throughout the month of September we attempted to contact Leevan Coryatt/Utopia Physiques but each time the provided number was dialed we were only met with an automated messaging system. A formal complaint was filed with the Better Business Bureau against Utopia Physiques, in an attempt to attain mediation. Utopia Physiques Therapy Spa & Workout Studios was contacted by the Better Business Bureau and failed to comply with their wishes. Whenever an attempt is made to contact Utopia Physiques Therapy Spa and Workout Studio about our refund, Leevan Coryatt threatens with physical violence. Utopia Physiques Therapy Spa and Workout Studio/ Leevan Coryatt currently have an active lawsuit pending against them.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
this is nothing more than your common slander of a business that is a very organized an reputable business in an around houston as well as other cities..i had an altercation on 5-16-08 with these so called complatants, an upon finding out that these two so called clients actually tried to rob me out side of my therapy spa next to an h.e.b. grocery store as i was walking in only to find out it was closed, finding out that they were actually police officers gerald an joseph johnson who are trying to do nothing more than slander a well ran business.An who have said that i Leevan coryatt use's violence is totally a example of reverse pscycholgy in order to get clients scared an affraid to work with me on a one on one base's here's the cause number that was filled with the houston police department on 5-16-08 incident number "title assault" ..cause number 071713508L...address..fountain view an wexthiemer..officers name..pham ..unit number 18f31n
this is nothing more than your common slander of a business an it's reputation the two so called clients tried to rob me outside of my therapy spa an further more to verify the assault charges brought against the two complaintants an undercover police officer on the scene witnessed the two trying to rob me outside of an h.e.b. grocery an aided me in due time in front of the store on 5-16-08 here's proof of the incident "cause number" filled with the houston police department incident number "071713508L" title "assault" address...fountain view an westhiemer..date..."5-16-08" officers name "pham"...unit number"18f31n"...this two so called clients"gerald an joseph johnson" are actually police officers themselves were the one's who have used violence an continue to try an tear dwn a very reputable business.An trying to make my clientel think i'm a violent person in order to push business away
my client "leevan coryatt" has ran a very clean and well organized business for ten years. On 5-16-08 the two so called clients "Gerald and Joseph Johnson" attemped to rob my client out side of his therapy spa an tried to cover it up. While attempint to leave the grocery store the two assalted an attempted to rob him an under cover police officer witnessd the assault across the street an drew his pistol on the two brothers as they attempted to rob my client leaving his place of business. Upon further evaluation it was found out that the two brothers actually work for law enforcement themselves an by law have broke the code of all law enforcement which is to protect an serve. Here is an actual police report of the incedent filled with the houston police department the night the two would be robbers then tried to fabricate that they were actual clients of Mr.Leevan Coryatt. Incident number:"071713508L"
officers name:"phamn"
unit number:"18f31n"
my client Mr."Leevan Coryatt" is a very reputable name in the health an fitness industry an is not prone to any acts of physical violence, this is nothing more than an attempt to slander, an draw clientel away from mr.Coryatt by making would be customers scared of working with him or his company
Mr. Coryatt, why do you refer to yourself as "my client"? Your rebuttal is rife with spelling errors and in places make no sense whatsoever. Perhaps you should get yourself an education instead of running fitness scams?
Were you convicted on the burglary charge?
"Leevan Lawrence Coryatt, 32, of Sugar Land; burglary of a building, offense/arrest: May 9; Sugar Land Police Department."
A few times it seems.
You are making your pal Moaning and his company BLDV look even worse than ever, he does have his own grift to run. What exactly does he being the "financial analyst" for your two bit scam?
What exactly does he do being the "financial analyst" for your two bit scam?
leasha williams you sound like a hater get a clue the information age is making you look stupid how do you know mr.coryatt even posted this information?..did you see him post it for all you know anyone could of posted it~josh patterson~houston
leasha williams, it seems as though your the one who can't spell ?.If your going to talk stuff about this mr.coryatt who you don't know if he has posted any of this on here?.Anybody can post things on here your I.Q must be zero.And My dear you have a run on sentence you said and i quote "What does he being the financial analyst for your two bit scam?"..."what exactlydoes he being?" if your going to talk about some one make sure you get it right that way it'll be more valid you just made yourself look oh so stupid also how do you know that this mr.coryatt has ever lived in sugarland? surely if i read something about a lets say a Bobby Taylor?, hopefully people are smart enough to know that names are common, if i did a further search lets say by age it may narrow the field down even more then lets say by race, and so on and so on. The truth still remains there could still be a handful of people to chose from .The one and only true way to exactly identify someone other than DNA is a finger print, and the next is a social security number"even those can be fabricated.Also i indexed this so call mr.coryatt and to my suprise there was no picture in the article.So no matter how rare "a name" may be there is always two of everything.Remember in the bible God commanded noah that two of every animal will enter the arc God has tought us that there is always two of everything.Get educated mrs.Williams.And oh yeah just cause you may have read something in the news paper about a incident does'nt mean that the individual was convicted of it
I take it you are not in jail Leevan, good for you. Maybe next time Moaning and you can be bum buddies? How is Big Apple working out for Johhny boy? Nice boiler room, screw those shareholders good.
Hi Josh,
Iesha here, I got your email through this board, I did not think it was very nice and I did not really believe your bragging. But Josh I can understand that you are protective of your boyfriend Leevan. Love is a powerful thing even between two men. I hope that you can keep Leevan out of trouble and wish you both the best.
PS. criminals don't tend to be allowed into the medical profession
E-Mail from "josh patterson" to "Ieasha williams" (www.complaintsboard.com) Thu, 19 Mar 2009 00:39:26 -0500 hey trick suck my dick, your just upset ya boy getting paid take ya dead beat ### of his balls...he's still training and get'n paid in fact my man is a doctor now doing physical therapy for patients at M.D. Anderson move the ### on to bigger things and he did'nt post the ### up on there i did. last year both of his two business's made over six figgers if he can't spell he sure as hell can count...i personally knw him and he's a very good guy..i suggest you get a life really bad
please share any history on John Quincey Moaning, what is the story with him, a real businessman or a wannabe... what is the true dirt on this guy
Well, this is not surprising because the same stunt happened to me. I went to LeeVan for work out sessions. He promised me a meal plan, never got. He just told me to eat lean meats and he would give me more details in the meal plan. He would reschedule me saying that he accidently overbooked his clients. Then he “got stabbed” and I didn’t see him again for about a week and a half. I had five total sessions which the first two were complimentary. By my fifth session, I was asked to give him more money and at this time I had already paid this man HALF the cost that was apart of our agreement. He would say stuff like I “I’m short on cash, can you spot me so I can get fruits and vegetables from the store.” Sure I gave him something, but he would furnish a receipt per my request.
I began to question his integrity. How is it that you live in the lakes of 610, train professional ball players, have or look for clientele in the West U, Galleria, and Sugarland areas, you’ve been training all day, I train in the evening, but you have no cash. I do not have money to blow. I later told him that I could not afford to his services and he told me I was a “quitter”.
I also let him borrow some literature that was very close to me, books that were passed down from my Grandmother who is now deceased. I didn’t want a refund of the money that I paid him. I just wanted my books back. He never gave them back. All I can say is God don’t like ugly.
Leevan A Lawerance Coryatt goes by a lot of names AHKI is one he tells women of ethnic nationality. He is definitely someone you don't want to do business with. He displays good character but he is just trying to make a quick buck. He has stated he owns several companies. Flexx 360 Fitness, Hauz of Designs and Sithe oil which he is in partner with.He worked for the oil company and massage is definitely suspect. He touches you inappropriately but there are those clients he does special favors for from what I was told. So ladies if that is what you looking for he is your man. By doing research after having services with him I did not hire him as a personal trainer. I noticed he had a lot of issues with blogs and social media sites. He also changed his name on several websites as well. He changes his number all the time so I'm sure because he owes people money.Leevan tries to socialize with people whom are successful ranging from Dr. Lawyers and Business owners of any kind. He tell his clients he is into a spiritual force, practicing in self healing and meditation. This is to lure you in to believe he knows about the body and mind. He has been through a lot of criminal things and if you pull a police record you will see. He didn't make it in the NFL is his shortcoming story so he tells people he trained with them. That is a big lie. His brother played for the NFL so I am assuming he think he is him. I found this very amusing when I did a back ground check and believe me before I give anyone money on any business adventure I will do so. He prays on mostly women and that of Latin decent with his charming ways and tells you he can make you healthier.I have seen him in action. You need to be real careful with this Fraud and his make fast money businesses. He did not graduate from Texas A&M and if you ever talk to him you will know he is not that intelligent. This is just a word of advise and the statement above that someone wrote that he was great is probably him or a client whom he did personal sexual favors for. Sick minded individual and definitely wrong person to get involved with business or personal.