This fake KHAKANI scammed me and took my money without sending me any ring I ordered from him via his website. After making the payment of 200 USD I did not receive any ring from this fake man from India.
Please avoid this scammer and his website plus his email address and his WhatSApp as follow:; email: [protected]; WhatsApp: +[protected] is an international scammer from India. Never order product from this dangerous scammer.
You will never receive any product from him
He ate my money for nothing.
E-mail from him: WhatsApp: +[protected]
I sent money to this man from india who owns on 22nd Jan, 2020 as I speak now my product has not been sent. He doesn't even reply my messages. What a scam
I know I have ordered a ring from him. even though he tends to scam me, but what saves me was that I paid via paypal. I keep sending msgs to him and he continue to ignore them. so I threatened him that I would ask paypal to refund my money and tagging him a scam. and that was when he responded and sent me my order. to my amazement, the ring worked, then I wonder why acting like a scammer... I even told him that. so pls folks avoid him... and if u must by from him order through paypal, so u can get ur money refunded if he gave u the reason to..
I have the same problem with this website I believe he scammed me too