I heard the too- good- to- be- true video on-line. I ordered and paid $39.97 with VISA online for the Fat Burning Furnace package. 2 months later and still no package has been received and on-line messages to the company are not accomplishing anything. The telephone number is disconnected, also.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
It's an online book.. There are all kinds of links everyone on the page that you signed up on. It's not something you get in the mail. I just signed up 2 days ago and I have instant access to everything (within seconds of submitting my credit card #)
You must have done something wrong. There is no way possible to miss all the links. And their numbers and emails work just fine.
NO PDF Link Provided and No Communication From Company
I had a similiar problem as the individual above, ordered it on Jan 7th. I did not get an email with a link after I paid the money. Their support group has closed out both of my emails but still never received the link for the PDF. I can log into the site but no where does it show me where I can download the electronic version. If possible could you please send me the PDF since its a futile effort with the company. Email address is magoowheat@yahoo.com.