i recieved an sms informing me, that my mobile number has awarded 2.000, 000.00 us dollars from 12Call Intl Mobile Draws in thailand.in the sms is written;to claim email your PIN to [protected]@live.com, how much true is this? my email is [protected]@gmail.com
i have received a message
on my number [protected]
orange intl send me a message that i have won [protected] pounds my name is sultan shaikh my no :0092 [protected]
i have received a message from sender AIS that i won $ 2, 000, 000USD in the 2013, 12calls intl mobile Draws in thailand. This message is my second time.
I have received a message from AIS that i won $ 2, 000, 000 USD in the 2013, 12Call Intl mobile Draws in Thailand. How true is this ?Please contact me in garv_metalic@hotmail.com
Im from nepal and i have aslo got two time message from AIS that i have won $ 2, 000, 000 USD in the 2013, 12Call Int mobile Draws in Thailand. so i want to know about all these n you can contact me in bloom.blossom23@hotmail.com.
I have received a message from AIS that i won $ 2, 000, 000 USD in the 2013, 12 Call IntL Mobile Draws in Thailand. How treu is this?
Please contact me in xaviebaby2010@yahoo.com or call me on the number +[protected] within 24 hours.
i Have received an sms informing me, that my mobile number has awarded 2.000, 000.00 us dollars from 12Call Intl Mobile Draws in thailand.in the sms is written;to claim email your PIN to one2callthai@live.com, how much true is this? my email is rafoone_h@Yahoo.com
your mobil was selected in the 2014 ais 12call inc.$2000.000 usd int/ i mobile festival. to claim, send your name, Email and mobile to
my name: majid heydari
my email: majid99559955@gmail.com
my mobil namber: [protected]
your mobile was selected in the 2014 ais 12call inc.$2.000.000 usd int/imobile festival.to claim, send your name, email and mobile to my name;reza rahimali email;rezarahimali@gmail.com mobile number;[protected]
your mobile was selected in the 2014 ais 12call inc.$2.000.000 usd int/imobile festival.to claim, send your name, email and mobile to my name;javad taji:gmail javad.taji1@gmail.com mobile number;[protected]
I have received a mail from One-2-call Telecom (disk@libero.it) that i won
$ 2, 000, 000USD in the 2014, 12calls intl mobile Draws in thailand. how much true is this?
my email is
I have received a message from AIS that i won $ 2, 000, 000 $ in the 2014, 12 Call IntL Mobile Draws in Thailand. How treu is this?
Please contact me in bamgah_88@yahoo.com within 24 hours.
I have received E-mail saying "your E-mail address was selected on Asian Lotto the sum of 2, 000.000USD as organized in Bangkok Thailand through an electronic ballot from email address from different companies in the world. know how true and authentic is that. my email address is mohmadia@yahoo.com
The postings by pinky and ahmad are identical which means they are posted by scammers to keep this string alive.
I have receive the same thing as above mention, 2 million usd award from bangkok thailand and ask me to provide name, age, and so on.. is that true? Well actually i can give you a picture of it, i take screen shot and if you just can email me at whereismytinkerbell@gmail.com ... it will be a great pleasure for letting me know the truth.
Was sending me a message, I gained [protected] usd
I've been sent a message to me and says: Congratulations, I gained [protected] usd