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Academy of Learning Career College

Academy of Learning Career College review: lack of morals 43

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6:21 am EST
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The owner operators of this school are incredible! I worked hard for them for 3 years and then was 'picked - on' by a newly installed director. This resulted in my being fired, suing them in small claims court for wrongful dismissal - winning and spending the next 7 years (So far) taking anti - anxiety meds - and don't even ask me to be in small quarters with a man - other than my husband. . . Yes i won a court case against them and yes i received my max ei benifit claim. . And yes i even heard the judge in a court of law put these people in 'there place'. . . My complaint? That until i found this site i could not express my 'complaint' to everyone. Lesson: really check out a private post secondary before signing up - the best check? Talk to past students (1+ yr post grad) and some employers in your feild to see if the particular institution 'paper' is valid education.

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Got Shafted
Chatham, CA
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Sep 19, 2011 12:22 am EDT

The Academy of Learning in Chatham, ON is run by a Scheister! Enrollment is declining, there is no apparent advertising and they just layed off two of their best instructors. This school is going down the tubes and we are worried about getting our diplomas. The fill the gap, the owner in Windsor, is bringing in a guy from the Windsor school. He is a jerk. He talks down to the students like we are idiots. Many of us wish we could leave and go to St Clair College where we wanted to go originally.

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May 01, 2017 9:01 pm EDT

I am attending an aol in another province. I'm an honor student and work very hard. Yet I am villainized for the slightest things. I feel like I'm back in middle school. The teacher uses their position to fulfill an obvious power trip. I wish I were able to get out and go to a real college. It seems this behaviour is not unique to any specific aol.

Academy of Learning justice crusader
Trout Lake, CA
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Jun 06, 2012 10:32 am EDT

I was promised at the interview 40 grand a year to be the Academy of Learning's student affairs officer in Edmonton, took the job, and found out a week after starting there that I was earning 15 dollars an hour and that the 40 grand would start after 3 months and only IF I passed an evaluation!
There was an instructor doing chemo in the mornings and struggling to teach in the afternoons because they have no health benefits. She was there until three days before she died.
All the students complained about the facilitators, who were mostly people who had graduated from some A of L program just months before and were earning 12 to 13 dollars per hour. I was heard sympathizing with a student and sharing my own ripoff wage story, and was fired shortly after.

In the meantime, the huge government student loan cheques were rolling in, the computers barely worked, and it was common practice to "terminate" people for too many absence just after the deadline to refund the loan. So there's a student with a problem that has kept them away, and now they're on the hook for 13 to 20 grand to the government.
All of the Academy of Learning scam centres should be shut down.

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May 26, 2017 4:36 am EDT
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I would be very intetested in speaking with you, as I am going after them for wrongful dismissal.

Sudbury, CA
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Sep 10, 2012 12:00 am EDT

Sounds like 'Academy of Learning' is an even bigger scam than Westervelt in London is. There was an AoL campus there, but it shut down years ago.

I did see one in downtown Sudbury where I now live. They're in a rundown building, I don't know how anyone can take them seriously when they're in a location like that. Just the name alone, 'The Academy of Learning'... yeah, an academy where you go to learn. Can a name be any more redundant? What's next, a restaurant called 'The Restaurant of Eating'?

AOLC Director
Victoria, CA
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Feb 12, 2014 11:39 am EST
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As an owner of Academy of Learning Colleges, I'm dismayed to hear about these types of scenarios occurring. Please note that each school is independently owned and operated, and therefore each experience will no doubt be somewhat unique. That said, even though we regularly receive approval ratings of 95%+, even one story such as these is too many. All I can offer is an apology, and a promise that we as a group of owners continue to try and learn from our mistakes and those of others and improve our delivery each day.

I would wholeheartedly agree that the best advice is to research past grads and ask them about their experience - that applies when looking at ANY school or any big decision such as this! I would also always ask about changes to staff or ownership in the last 12 months, as that can negatively or positively change the environment, in some cases drastically!

Hope some of this helps, and wishing you all the best of luck in your learning journey,

Mike Druce
Academy of Learning College
Victoria, WestShore, Nanaimo, Kamloops & Kelowna Campuses

Stef Wyte
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Dec 17, 2023 10:26 am EST
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Well Mike,

Your addition to this string is the ONLY positive remark. Seems widespread and coast to coast. That says to me that the entire model is completely broken. Especially when there seems to be foundation issues in the material, sales tactics, accountability and most importantly taking responsibility.

Sure, each school is more than likely a different owner, but the entire concept of franchise is to replicate the model exact from one location to another. I guarantee you that a Timbit tastes the same in Vancouver, BC as it does in Trois Rivers, QC. The difference you might find is staff rapport, cleaner bathrooms but not much more.

This comment is from 2014. Fast forward to now and it's 2023. I'm reading the exact same complaints from today's "victims" as there were almost a decade ago. You say that owners are diligent in improving. Well...for a business that is in the education business, it doesn't take an MBA to figure out that the owners haven't learned a thing in almost a decade. So, with all the courses offered, it appears to me the only thing that would be helpful to any of these individuals that AOLCC has victimized would be retribution.

Victims take some comfort in knowing that anyone working for or owns a school in this organization has misery, darkness, guilt and dread within their very existence. They know what they do and how horrible of human beings they really are. Their days are filled with the challenges of having that dreadfulness permeating their entire lives. Their spouse, their children, their friends, their families will all see the kind of human they really are. They gained your money, but they've lost so much more.

Julia Andrews
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Feb 17, 2014 11:36 pm EST

Ok so academy one is a huge scam they really don't care about the customers all they want is the money coming from them. I am not the only person facing this my frei d purchased it for her children she also feels its a huge scam. It clearly says one year and if your children are not improving we guarantee your money back. This was not the case I called and called and I only got disrespect from the workers!

Toronto, CA
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Apr 17, 2014 4:39 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Academy of Learning School on Warden and Sheppard is a big scam, Everything sound so good when you enquire, after you enrolled, their faces and attitudes are totally opposite, staffs not helpful, lazy, and not enough knowledge, owner (director) and the receptionist (the wife) trying to act busy to avoid answer questions, financial acid office doesn't have enough knowledge and skill; but in the mean time trying to pretend knowing everything. They misleading and hidden information from students, not telling or explaining to students all the truth about the student opportunity grant and how it work, misleading everyone thought they will receive the grant at the end but actually not; it end up with a big giant loan in the mail after studied, all they care are their money coming in not the students. School environment; computers and software are old, not function well and out of date; monitor screens very blur with 3D colors (complained and got ignored), software text books still 2003, 2007 (basically useless), chairs not stable, toilet smell with no paper, printing machine keep in the office for staff use, student want to print need to ask staff and they need to read through what you just print out, no confidential (thought already paid for such amount of tuition fee should cover printing as well). The receptionist (wife of the director) always ask students to help buy coffee and stuff but not offer to pay back, taken advantage of others.

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Apr 29, 2014 11:04 pm EDT

Academy of learning school has not only put me knee deep in debt but im worried the 17 grand i had put in my course for a year was not worth it the school s midway to closing right on my last week of finishing my practicum
they lost their contract with the location they supposedly were moving and the current location will be closing soon apparently i am unable to obtain my certification and diploma until the next year if the school is officially closing and all I'm able to obtain are some papers saying I've finished what good is that this is ridiculous not only will this go global i will make sure this wont happen to other people this place is a complete sham I will not pay the student loan if I do not obtain my certificate and diploma if its just some lousy papers their giving me and some false hope that to come on February to pick up my certificate and diploma i am not falling for it Academy of learning has it coming

Toronto, CA
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May 16, 2014 12:53 am EDT
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Academy of loosers, Academy of scammers. A bunch of rats! They need to be destroy.

WSIB Injured worker
Ottawa, CA
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Jul 29, 2014 2:55 am EDT

To whom it may concern.
Academy of Learning in Ottawa Ontario is Nothing but a Scam for WSIB Ottawa Ontario. They put us there so they can get rid of the injured worker and it, s the only bread and butter for the Director of the school, simple just check the people in the class room, I should now I have been going for over 9 months and why is it that the director ask student for Cash instead of a Cheque.It, s sad to see what the Director and WSIB does to us. Shame on both of them. It, s a Big Fat Joke. Oh yes, every body get, s either a diploma or a certificate.

Gilles the pill
Ottawa, CA
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Jul 31, 2014 7:00 am EDT

Academy of learning in Ottawa Ontario is a place for wsib to dump their injured workers, Most of the students at this college are wsib. There is no qualified instructors, and it is a cash grab for the director. He will make sure that everyone passes so he gets paid. What a joke, and a waste of time. I would not recommend this college to anyone!. The level of training is very poor, wsib and the director have a system in place that benifits only them. This has to stop!.The students do not get retrained properly to re-enter the work force.

Edmonton, CA
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Aug 15, 2014 5:38 pm EDT

i was a student at the academy of learning in downtown Edmonton taking hospitality and tourism the instructor was some freak that has no education, i did not learn anything i got my diploma and cant find a job because no one want to hire people from academy of learning, bottom line they don't have any education its just a waste of time and loosing big money, they dont teach nothing

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May 30, 2017 11:05 am EDT
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Replying to comment of rocky1278

how to file sue against this scam school ?

Victoria, CA
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Sep 06, 2014 1:34 pm EDT

I agree they tell you, you can do the course in 4 months and there time line for the course is unreasonable.Then they charge you for every month your over your 4 months...they do not tell you that when you sign up and it is not in the contract you sign.Reminds me of a timeshare deal!They all work on commission...Not a good School to go to! Bad Reputation...

Goli Amirpour
Toronto, CA
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Sep 28, 2014 6:56 pm EDT
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The admission registrar manipulated me to just get me into a program that its content is not what I was looking for. The financial aid administrator lied to me that the course I have registered for is not offered by this location (1280 Finch Ave. W.) but by head office and then directed me to the head office for a refund while after calling the number I was told that they only provide books for academy and are not academy's head office. And the director of the academy hides himself in his room to not confront the unhappy, tricked by his staff clients! Very very unprofessional staff. This was my first experience and I decided to take more courses there, but after this terrible experience I am not going to recommend this school to anyone ever.

Surrey, CA
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Oct 20, 2014 6:29 pm EDT

i also attended AOL... Surrey Campus... it was a joke... I felt bad for the facilitators...who actually try their best with the total ignorance of the Director and owner... I have never encountered such obnoxious or unprofessional attitudes like the one from the
Director and Owner. (2 different people) It sounds like from the comments that I scanned up above, that AOL must have great contacts with WCB...our campus was filled sadly, with mostly these unhappy students. I feel so bad for people who think they are getting an education there...all they really are getting is a student loan...

Saskatoon, CA
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Nov 06, 2014 12:36 pm EST

The Academy of Learning in Saskatoon is the most unpleasant place to be in all of central Canada. The administrators bully, belittle, and disrespect the students. Confidentiality agreements between students and administrators are routinely broken, the contract you sign is nothing like how the program is actually implemented which you don't find that out until you've already paid your money and they seem to make up rules as they go along, each of which are different according to each student. I've been aggressively grabbed, yelled at and received scathing looks by the financial officer in addition to having had files in my personal folder lost. On numerous occassions deragatory terms were spewed towards me and other students by the admissions advisor. My course materials were late on numerous occassions (146 business days late in total for them all) and the facilitators are not educated to help the students, though they try their best. Even after filing a formal complaint with Advanced Education, I was treated horribly and asked to leave school. Unfortunately for them I finished my program in 20 weeks instead of 60; I guess I win this round!

Edmonton, CA
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Dec 08, 2014 9:18 am EST

November 14, 2014, I went into The Academy of Learning(City Centre Campus in Edmonton, AB), telling the worker/counselor I wanted to do billing and coding from home to work remotely. She was new and still is and had to go back and forth several times to get clarifications; unfortunately with her being new, I was severely misguided. Explaining my situation with my home and health, I thought it was a hell of a deal to learn coding for $840 bucks...instead after getting thru 4 modules I realized I won't be learning ICD-9 or 10 coding anytime soon with the course, because it's not even in the text book or CD. I have had a family emergency come up as well so naturally because this course is absolutely worthless to me and I have home things to deal with that require money to go deal with, I wanted a refund less of course text books an fees. I was emailed by Rose A. who told me to read the contract I signed that there is no refund. It's super vague and lists nothing to the effect of no refunds on online certificate courses that I can see.I feel like I was taken advantage of for the money. I can never and will never have a use for this course. I was misinformed and misguided and I want my refund. Until this is resolved I will boycott and make sure no one else goes to their school to get ripped off by ill-informed workers. I want my full refund now, I want $840 dollars back for the time wasted and spent thinking I could get a career when in fact I cannot do anything with this course. I basically paid $840 for nothing.

Edmonton, CA
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Dec 08, 2014 9:20 am EST

I have also lodged a complaint with the BBB ### well, next step is AB Ombudsman i they don't get their act together.

Goli Amirpour
Toronto, CA
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Dec 08, 2014 12:57 pm EST
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Dec 8, 2014. I do not know what BBB is. I took my complaint to consumer protection, Min. of colleges and universities, and small claims court. As my experience tells me, legal actions in this country takes forever as they move slower than a turtle. So, for now I am waiting to see what will happen. If the law and enforcement services were good in this country, we would never have problems with cheaters such as Academy of Learning. This is due to our poor legislation that fraudsters such as Academy of Learning dare to continue ripping off innocent people. Someone should have cut their hands before they get a chance to continue doing this to others, or shut down the school.

Frustrated. And ripped off student
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Dec 15, 2014 10:31 pm EST
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At academy of learning south Edmonton the staff is so unprofessional, their so called FACILITATORS is a group of people without any teaching background, just think about a clerk teaching you to became a business administrator, or a Medical administrator? They are misleading people because their programs are not what they said you are learning on your own, they just give you the books and good luck on your tests because the expectation to pass is 75% or higher but it doesn't make sense, since it is not balanced with what you learn which is nothing for what you pay, I don't understand why the government just look the other way and not check on this institutions, they should review and take action against this frauderters so they won't be ripping off people.

The academy of learning
Blackie, CA
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Dec 16, 2014 11:32 am EST

The academy of learning in alberta, ( mine was in south calgary campus). You have two weeks to challenged as many courses you can and save yourself some money. But the credits you earned challenging courses, they'll keep. As you have one year to use up when graduated, but then you're looking for work.
When you're graduated, they say they'll help but still waiting - lol ( they won't help you there, as Elmer Brattberg said they will - at the the graduations).
They owe me $$$ and other students have come forward and now we're going to take action, as the owners don't even reply to email, so next step. Charles Jarvis will only reply when pressured, but no results there - just talk! Don't waste your time chatting with him.

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Apr 09, 2017 3:15 pm EDT

i am planning to go to Academy of learning ...someone just told me that if you will get graduate from this college you are not going to get work permit... is it true?

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May 01, 2017 9:07 pm EDT
Replying to comment of g_kaur249

Steer clear! The cost is like 2 years of an actual college. You are treated like a child by teachers who use the position to satisfy their power trips. You are given hell for the slightest infractions and you leave feeling like you should have just studied online. They fly through courses and you are graded on how fast you can quickly memorize information. They don't care if you actually learn it. The notes don't match up to the text books. I could write a novel on this topic.

The academy of learning
Blackie, CA
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Dec 16, 2014 11:40 am EST

Forgot to mention, my credits from the courses that I challenged wasn't applied until they received my last payment of $500, so now have a credit of $425 (I was told they don't refund money). Should of applied my credits so I'd owe $75. But oh no... The Brattberg's need there money !

AOL Calgary
Calgary, CA
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Mar 28, 2015 12:28 am EDT

I sure wish I had known about this page before going to that school. I went at the Calgary campus in the MOA/Health Unit Coordinator program. Biggest regret ever! My instructor was not an actual instructor. She was just a random person off of the street they ended up hiring as the previous instructor resigned/got fired. She was getting her own MOA/Health Unit Coordinator diploma as she was teaching it to us. To become an instructor, you need to pass all courses with a 90% average, she struggled a lot and couldn't even answer our questions! We had a unqualified instructor.

Then comes ILS (Integrated Learning System). It's basically you teaching yourself a course with a book and the audio. The facilators cannot help you as they are not qualified themselves as well. You're on your own. The admission's advisor has only one goal ... enroll people. The job description states the following: " Reporting to the Admission/Sales Manager, the Admission Advisor is responsible for responding to public inquiries and making every attempt to enroll qualified prospects". In other words, anybody who walks through the door. If you walk in that building, you are their next prey.

Practicum? You're on your own. They will not make any effort or lift a finger to help you get a hospital placement. You'll be stuck doing your practicum in a clinic. It's a known fact that getting into AHS is extremely difficult unless you had your practicum with them. I am 9 months post-grad, sent out exactly 217 applications and not even an interview yet. Makes you wonder the validity of their diploma. I make 14$/hr at a clinic when I was promised to be making 23$ to 28$ straight out of school (that's what Alberta Health Services pays). I'm making 9$ less per hour than I was promised. Also, don't forget ... clinics will actually train you. No diploma needed so the MOA part of the program is just a pure money grab.

Job search? They don't help you. Actually, they will refer you to Kijiji and Indeed and even Kijii. They have no real connections as they are so crappy.

Today, I'm 20000$ in debt with a MOA/Health Unit Clerk diploma and nothing to show for. I did not have a hospital placement which makes it next to impossible to get a unit clerk position or any other position with Alberta Health Services or a Primary Care Network. I can't get a job because I don't have experience and I don't have experience because I can't get a job. Damn you Academy of Learning!

I wonder why they're still in business. They need to be shut down STAT!

Carolina Ferrani
Edmonoton, CA
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Jun 02, 2015 9:56 pm EDT

Hi everyone! I I would like to share how terrible was my experience at The academy of learning in alberta (Edmonton). The advisor was not helpful at all. I had requested information by email but she called me and insisted on a personal meeting. During our meeting she did not tell me anything new about the program/courses, she just printed out that information (the same that is posted on their website) and added the tuition fee. Basically, they dragged me into their office to collect some data on me as a potential student and tell me about the tuition. And that tuition is crazy like $20, 000! It is not a fair price for the type of studies that they provide, that is just sitting in front of a computer and doing some exercises. I just wanted to warn other not to waist time for going there unless you are sure that their studies is something you are looking for.

Elizabeth Mclean burt
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Oct 08, 2015 7:59 pm EDT

I took the Conference and Event Planner diploma program at the Bay and Bloor location in Toronto. I was told that there was a placement component of the diploma when I inquired about it and signed up for it. Three months from graduation I found out that there isn't one. that was December 2011. When a person from academy of learning phoned me about 2 years later to see if I was working in my field. I said no and that I had gone back to school at CDI College (which is also a huge scame) and taking Event Management diploma. Also 51 weeks long, and It was supposed to also have a placement component. Bull crap. learned from that person that there is now a placement component and was I interested in it. I bluntly and not so politely (screamed at them) said NO!. I have been advised never to put Academy of Learning as my school where I took the Conference and Event Planning on my Resume due to the employers will not even give the grads a sniff.

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Oct 13, 2015 8:44 pm EDT

Attended Academy of Learning in Airdrie. I know for a FACT my instructor had to credentials to be teaching us. I graduated with honors & it has been 1&1/2 years and I cannot get an interview with a medical office or a hospital, even though my practicum was in a hospital that they did set up for me. It is incredibly discouraging considering I am $17, 000 in debt with this waste of a school. I would never recommend them. I instructor called me a few months ago to ask if I had found a job, when I told her no (with the intention of asking for help & tips) she cut me off and said, "oh well, keep trying!" and hung up. They are useless.

AOL Graduate
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Oct 16, 2015 6:39 pm EDT
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First of all, I wish I knew about this page BEFORE going to that school.

I attended Academy of Learning (Calgary South campus). I took the "Medical Office Assistant with Health Unit Coordinator" program. I was promised to be working straight out of "college" at places like Alberta Health, Primary Care Network, etc. I had newly arrived in Calgary from the eat coast, was unemployed and so vulnerable. The academic adviser was quite convincing and ... I took the bait. The rest is history.

My instructor clearly did NOT have the credentials. She was let go of her position at AHS and took up this teaching position. She was studying our material as she was teaching it to us. She couldn't even read the medical terms herself. She couldn't answer our questions. In other words, she was the instructor in the history of instructors ever.

ILS (Integrative Learning System) are courses such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. These courses are not instructor led so you will be studying out of a book. Their books are outdated because I studied Word 2007 (in 2013!). If you need extra help, you're on your own. You are out of luck because there are not qualified staff and instructors to teach it to you. Majority of students at my campus cheated their way on all ILS courses.

I graduated 1.5 years ago and applied on over 350 different AHS (Alberta Health Services) jobs postings as of today and I have not been offered an interview yet. I must add, I also graduated with honours. The medical offices are unimpressed with my education and I even often find myself questioning it. I was also advised to never put Academy of Learning as my education.

They did not assist me with finding a practicum and there is no
Let's fast-forward it to today: I am now 20000$ in debt with absolutely nothing to show for it. I make 14$ per hour as an MOA while I could make as much and probably more working as a cashier at Tim Hortons. Biggest waste of time and money ever. Could somebody please tell me why they're still in business? I am convinced they delete all bad ratings because there isn't much on the internet and on their Facebook page.

Prospective AOL students, please stay away from that school. Thank me later!

Lucky Me 2015
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Jan 12, 2016 9:03 pm EST

After Attending AOL college South and North Campuses. I have learned, that ILS (Integrative Learning System) means YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. There are No instructors, just YOU, a BOOK, and a PowerPoint presentation. If you have questions on anything other then Microsoft, you are S.O.L... I had to get help from an outside source to finish 2 of my modules in order to finish.
I have now enrolled in CDI College, to get a real diploma.

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May 04, 2016 5:42 pm EDT

I am supoose to meet with the director on friday at the abbotsford office. Thought about taking the executive assistant course. Thr waits for other colleges are 2 years plus and rediculous upgrading required. Not sure what to do! Help! Whats a good school to go to?

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May 26, 2016 1:12 pm EDT

Thank you to all of you I just got meeting to register for social worker diploma in SW campus at Calgary I am suppose to be there tomorow and after reading your comments I have definitively changed my mind and they will even not see my shadow, But people should first respect people if they expect to be respected. I will not take any risk and honestly I have smelt the scam that is why I went online to find some reviews and I did find your precious comments. Keep complaining your voices can be heard and save some inocent people that want to improve their professional situation like us paying a lot of money for the ones that do not deserve it
Thank you again, god bless you all and success in your endivors.

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Jun 19, 2016 12:41 pm EDT

First of all, let me start by stating that ... if you are a prospective student considering enrolling at Academy of Learning, please ready each and every review. This is something I wish I would have done and many of us as well. I hope this serves you well!

I moved from Montreal to Calgary and I'm perfectly bilingual, by the way. I was struggling to make ends meet with low paying jobs so I plastered Kijiji with ads that I was looking for a job. Then, an Academy of Learning adviser must've seen my desperation and reached out to me.

I would like to point out that the academic adviser's job is to get in and enroll as many people as possible. It's a sales' position. There are no requirements ... only a whopping student loan debt for the student in question.

The MOA (medical office assistant)/health unit coordinator (also known as unit clerk) is their most popular and an "easy sell". 20000$ and you're promised to have a job straight out of school. A full-time unit clerk makes around 50K a year which sounded like a pretty good deal to me. The way she broke it down to me is that they start at 23.77$/hour, there's a premium for hours worked evenings and weekends too. It sounded pretty good to me so I went ahead, signed the paperwork.

The instructor (not teacher) I had at the time at the Calgary South location was finishing up her own MOA/health unit clerk diploma as she was teaching it to us. She was struggling herself and oftentimes could not even answer our questions. The way she instructed us was literally reading what was in the textbook to us. The exams were ridiculously easy and I never truly felt challenged. So, why did I have to pay $20000 for that type of education?

Then, comes ILS (integrated learning system). The required courses included different levels of Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, Access but with NO instructor. It is you, a computer and your book. Their books are outdated. I did the 2007 version in 2012, just imagine. If you had any questions or are stuck, google or YouTube are your best friends since there are no instructors for these classes. There are facilitators sitting in the computer labs but there are no help because they probably never even took the "class" you're doing. They hang out in the lab, chat and surf the net. Myself and the majority of students simply cheated to pass those courses and never got caught ...

There's also a typing component they do not really tell you about. If you are hoping to get an AHS practicum, you need to make sure your typing is at least 50 words per minute. If you score below 50 by the end of the year, then forget about it! I tested at 48 words per minutes, unfortunately. My practicum was done in a clinic and was then hired at an entry-level salary of $13.50 for 13 hours per week. Not quite the Unit Clerk salary promised at the time of enrollment, huh?. I was forced to keep my low-paying job and the money I was making at the clinic could barely cover my student loan monthly payments. Please note that most clinic do NOT require a diploma for you to work there. They do pay significantly lower than AHS but they will train you for the job. Again ... why did I pay $20000 for this program?

Upon graduation, an Academy of Learning diploma is worth absolutely nothing in the real world. I have sent countless applications to Alberta Health Services & Primary Care Network for almost 2 years now and I have yet to be contacted for an interview. I have a strong customer service and clerical background and occupying a clerk position should not even be a problem. My friends who did the same program at Bow Valley for a fraction of the costs have not had that problem. Most of them have had their practicums in AHS facilities and hired immediately after. I, on the other hand, have a diploma with a $20K debt and nothing to show for it. They have not assisted me with my job search and I've been referred to Indeed and Kijiji (ironically, the same way they "found" me).

When something sounds to good to be true, it usually is!

They have a Facebook page and deleted ALL negative comments on there. Negatives comments are also next to impossible to find because they make sure to delete them.

Academy of Learning College is nothing but a scam!

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May 26, 2017 5:01 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am filing a complaint with the human rights comission. This place is shady, and disgusting. I missed time and was totally clear on why I missed the time. I was not asked for documentation. Then, when I made a complaint about the learning environment, they tried to dismiss me for missed time saying I never produced medical documentation. Well, I provided it but they still dismissed me, even though my missed time was accounted/documented. I also had a high 90s average.
The director tried saying it was the department of education that said he had to dismiss me. I went straight to them for clarification. They tried hiding behind a policy. The department of education said if I had medical documentation it does not count against absenteeism.
Just shady.
They should be sued for false advertising. "Flexible classes" my [censor].
They haven't heard the last of me, that's for sure.
I urge ALL of you, make formal complaints with the department of education, talk with your MLAs and minister of education, post on social media, make a page of complaints on facebook, post on kijiji under free stuff-thousands of locals in your area read there everyday. Get the word out so more people aren't swindled.
I will go to the media if I have to. I won't back down.

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May 30, 2017 11:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Mutimedia Develper for the internet course

The correct name for this joke of a school should be Academy of SUCKERS!

I took the Web Designer course, when I first went to see about the course I made sure to ask if the course teaches ASP, PHP, Mysql and how to build shopping carts and I was told it did. The course teaches NOTHING about ASP, PHP, Mysql or how to build shopping carts. If you take this course all you will be able to do is build personal sites.

Anyone thinking about taking a Web Designer course I would suggest you look at NAIT, the course covers everything you need to know to build websites for a living and it’s half the price. The course Academy of SUCKERS offers is 100% online and the staff in the school don’t know anything about the course so if you have any questions or problems they can’t help you. The course NAIT offers is in class and the instructors there actually know how to build sites and can help you.

Don’t waste your Money going to Academy of Losers. When I took this course I had problems getting a website to display correctly in IE on the computer I was using, it would display correctly of a different computer, when I talked to Academy of Losers IT person his solution was to use Firefox instead of fixing the computer, when I was using FireFox it wouldn’t play the video’s on the courses website, this time the IT guys solution was to use IE. Well when you are trying to build websites you need to make sure it works correctly in all the browsers not just some.

Academy of Losers flat out lied to me about what all was covered in the course, they didn’t tell me it was 100% online until after I started the course. This place is the biggest JOKE of a school. For $15, 000.00 I expect to be taught everything I need to know to build website professionally not just taught how to build a personal site. A person can lean more on youtube than you will at this JOKE of a school. Save your money! Don’t waste your time!

If you are looking at taking any course from this JOKE of a school the BEST thing you can do is check out your local Community College, they will likely have a better course for a lot less money.

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Jul 23, 2018 4:43 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Academy of Learning in Victoria BC...Horrible scholastic experience. Facilitators are not even trained professionals. They even spread rumors about students that they didn't like to other students. I never used any of their training to find a real job, and their employment counselors were never available or not even there when I had graduated. No support during the school year, and no support after. I would not recommend to anyone ever to attend. Go to a community college and spend less money for courses that are accredited and accepted by employers and other colleges.

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Aug 01, 2018 5:58 pm EDT

I was considering starting at the Academy of Learning located on Bloor St. I am so so happy I didnt end up enrolling, but rather applied and got accepted into Humber College instead. I had a weird feeling about the place after going into the college and seeing the environment. The "school" if you can call it that didnt feel like a legitimate school, but more so like an office of business- which it is. The staff are there to lure in prospective students.
I spoke with an admissions director there, and was putt off by how desperate she seemed to have me enroll. Most schools, the good ones, choose the best out of their applicants, whereas this school seemed to want to enroll anyone that walked through the door.
The advisor made the mistake of mentioning to me that if I have any friends interested in receiving education that I should tell them to attend the Academy of Learning, and if my friend enrolls I will be paid 300 dollars. My question is, why would a legitimate educational institution need to go to such lengths to obtain student enrollment?
This "institution" is simply a scam. No employer will take a diploma obtain from the "Academy of Learning" seriously. Please save yourself the time, effort, and money and look into public colleges instead. Do yourself that favour.

Steve Pacholka
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Mar 11, 2023 5:52 pm EST

Complete Lack of instruction . All material comes from slideshow purchased elsewhere at a fraction of cost. Outdated coursework used by on one.

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Apr 02, 2023 5:04 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I haven’t gotten my physical psw cert, nacc cert, and even transcript. I called them many times but no one’s answering the phone. I even emailed them multiple times and no one’s getting back to me. This school is so disorganized. They just want your money and after that, they don’t care about you anymore.

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Jul 11, 2023 11:56 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

they did all the student funding , so they could get paid and then discriminate against indigenous students and dont give them ther course credits and or let them finish there course that student funding pays for leaving them in debt.

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    Mar 20, 2025
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