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CB Mortgage Companies Hamilton & Boston Consulting Group LLC Akiba Minifee, Monica Miller. Dr. J.L. Hutchinson, Julie Baxter
Hamilton & Boston Consulting Group LLC

Hamilton & Boston Consulting Group LLC review: Akiba Minifee, Monica Miller. Dr. J.L. Hutchinson, Julie Baxter 18

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7:43 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Acquired Asset Solutions has stolen 100's of thousands of dollars from innocent victims attempting to purchase real estate or to secure their financial futures. They need to be stopped. We have been the victims of this horrible scam. The way these scam artists find victims is by having a respectable and credible person in Real Estate or some related business refer them to our case, this person was Jacqueline Meek working out of Covina, Ca. The victim is then put at ease because the person is credible. This credible person may even say that they have had success with this company.And, it is possible that the scam artists is leading this person on as well. Anyway, my family and I wired money (consultant fees )to Akiba Miniefee and her cronies to secure a private lender named Dr. Hutch International aka J.L. Hutchinson. (we were promised a money back guarantee)They try to make it seem like it is your fault when escrow is not successful. They do this by asking for last minute paperwork and documents that you have already given them. In the hopes that you won't submit them on time.The lender was a complete fraud...he exists but doesn't have funds to secure real estate for anyone. Unfortunately, we entered into escrow before this was confirmed. The scam artists involved in this real estate/mortgage fraud are Monica Mayfield Miller aka Monica Miller, Akiba Miniefee, Dr. J.L. Hutchinson aka J.L. Hutchinson or James L. Hutchinson, Julie Baxter. PS. They may respond to this email on this site...PLEASE don't believe a word of it. THEY ARE A COMPLETE FRAUD. They must be stopped!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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San Diego, US
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Jul 12, 2010 7:09 pm EDT

Julie Baxter is not a real person. It's Akiba Minefee pretending to be her. Don't believe anything she is trying to sell you. People need to join together to go against her. This must be stopped.

Akiba T. Miniefee
San Diego, US
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Jul 15, 2010 11:04 pm EDT

Hello Bethany and Carlton Sampson,

Interesting post unfortunately you left out a lot. Since you first broke the NCND there is no harm in me citing all your personal business.

First off, you came to us because you wanted to purchase a home and was tired of renting. You were turned down by a conventional lender through Jacqueline Meek out of Covina. I have emails with very colorful things she had to say about you guys. We passed your 1003 to a private lender who does loans and he approved you. One thing that was unknown from the start is that your 1003 was fraudulent. You purposely forgot to mention you were not W-2 and had a private cosmetic spa called FlashLaser Aesthetics out of Encino (sucks when someone states your company name) that is heavy in debt. Your credit was also not great per the lender but they were still willing to work with you. The first home you selected was way out of your price range despite your high earnings you have heavy debt you could not afford the payments.

Finally you try to purchase another overpriced home way out of your league and did not even have the closing cost when it was finally time for the lender to fund. But yet you blame of all of us. Everyone knows that at the end of a loan, most lenders will run your credit and ask for updated bank statements. You turn in bank statements from your business that displays even more debt and a tax lien. But yet throughout all of your missteps the lender was still willing to work with you as long as you came up with your closing costs. You also tried to get another line all during this process of trying to secure financing for your residence.

Unfortunately, you also made terrorists threats against Ms. Miller and she had to file a police report this week. We will also file a libel suit if you continue to make these false allegations. There is a proper protocol and you have not followed it.

A. Miniefee

San Diego, US
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Jul 16, 2010 4:12 pm EDT

Bethany and Carlton Sampson, ( since Bethany wears the pants)

I'm sorry that you have to resort to the distasteful tactics of posting "False Accusations " about the situation which occurred in the purchase of a home you clearly could not afford! There are so many things in this transaction that pointed to Carlton since Bethany weren't even allowed to be on the loan. Let's start off with your " NSF CHECK FOR YOUR EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT" in escrow. And the "CHARGING OF GROCERIES ON YOUR CREDIT CARDS" to the everyday shopping Bethany does that sometimes in one day total up to over "$2000.00" in reckless spending. You were urged to cut back and save money for your closing cost and when the lender ask to verify the funds you had saved "NOTHING". These are facts, that I will post on this page if necessary. We all just assumed since Carlton was a physician he was a responsible and reliable candidate to receive private financing but after reviewing the reckless spending habits Bethany has, Ms. Miniefee and Dr. Hutchinson still offered to provide a personal guarantee to our private investor if the Sampsons were to default in the near future.

Bethany speaks on how they just wanted to secure their financial future when really those words mean "live above their means". Bethany tries very hard to compete with her brother and sister in law which are both physicians and live a life that she herself is not willing to get out and work for!

After myself (Monica) has even lent the Sampsons money to help them acquire this home, I am appalled that Bethany would even post such a thing!

Bethany, also speaks of Jacqueline Meek the loan officer that tried to help them qualify for a loan. What she doesn't speak of is how disrespectful and rude she has always been to Jacqueline and how when things doesn't go her way she starts slinging threats as she is doing now! The Sampsons could only qualify for a loan which equaled to the amount of the home they are renting. So they sought private financing.

Mr. Sampson on the other hand is a little more humble in his actions, however he also had me fooled telling me how his business partners for Flash Laser Asethetics out of Encino Ca. were abusing the business funds paying for dinners and their children tuitions! And how he really wanted to receive a corporate loan to buy them out and make it a more successful business. When after a couple of weeks passed Bethany struck again and all of a sudden their plans changed to using the money to decorate any new home they purchased.

After receiving threating and belligerent phone calls from Mr. Sampson and his brother, I did file a police report earlier this week.


Chula Vista CA, US
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Sep 23, 2010 1:40 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I cant believe these people have the nerve to talk about following proper procedures. What kind of real estate professionals would reveal so much personal information about a client. Isn't that breaking privacy laws? A real estate client expects that all information given to a realtor or broker would be kept confidential under California's Real Estate Ethics Code. But these criminals are trying to blame the victim. They failed to close the deal so what happened to the clients refund. Well just as in my case they will give you the run around for months on end with no intention of returning the thousands of dollars you doled out to them in good faith.

As far as fraud is concerned they are pointing the finger at the client while the entire time they are commiting fraud. Akiba Miniefee is a fraud and impersonates people to get a leg up on you. She will pretend to be anyone as long as you hand over that money. Be wary of her co conspirators also, Marla Vargas, Judy Nauta, Jason De La Cruz, Jimmy Hutchinson. They are all trying to feed themselves like sharks in the water. They will pressure thier clients to perform quickly asking for large wire transfers for consultation fees upfront. This is an advance fee scheme.

Call the FBI to check them out before you give them a penny. Once you give them the money suddenly you can't quite seem to get ahold of them. Everyone passes the buck to delay delay delay. They used to have thier receptionist answer the phone but now all you get is a recording. What kind of business doesn't have a live operator to help clients who handed over tons of money? Ms. Miniefee is the worst of all. She will become defensive and curse at you when you ask for your money back for her failure to do what she promises in her contract. She apparently has lied about her staff and pretended to be someone who doesn't exist.

My final advice to any real investor is to verify everything in person before you give your hard earned money to scoundrels like these. If you have already invested and they have refused to return monies, dont bother spending more money trying to sue them in civil court. This will take years possibly and it will all be in vain because after my investigation I have discovered that Akiba Miniefee does not have a pot to piss in. If you get a judgment against her you will never get any money because she has no money to begin with. She lives off the wealth of others. Instead take your evidence to the District Attorney's office and let them investigate and put these clowns in jail for good. That would be far better justice in my eyes.

San Diego, US
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Oct 23, 2010 12:00 am EDT

Hello Seekingjustice99 please review yourself because we are also seeking justice against fake posters who claim they are distressed over a lost of money. If you have a PI then you should have no trouble contacting me.

Covins, US
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Nov 04, 2010 3:21 am EDT

I agree we need to bond together to stop this.

Covins, US
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Nov 16, 2010 11:40 pm EST

Any one haveing information on these people please email me at I invested almost 130k not a penny of return.I am sure either Akibe or Monica will email blast me like they did Bethany.I have nothing to hid.

United we Stand Devided we Fall

Corona, US
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Jul 12, 2011 3:35 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My family invested over 50K over a year ago and up to this day we have not seen a peeny of that money. Both Monica and Akiba are such liars and scamers. They need to be put away and locked up like animals!

Corona, US
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Jul 12, 2011 3:36 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i meant penny

Chula Vista CA, US
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Aug 31, 2011 9:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Akiba Miniefee has moved on folks. She is now using the name Tamara Hamilton to steal money from other investors. She claims to be senior consultant for Hamilton & Boston Consulting Group LLC. Of course this is just another front company for her to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars. Dont be fooled into giving up your hard earned money. Monica Miller is in on the scam with her and claims to be M. Boston. How original! Akiba is T. Hamilton and Monica is M. Boston. Are they kidding? Do they really think they are gonna get away with this crap. Do your homework people. Keep posting your complaints daily so that it stays in the limelight.

Chula Vista CA, US
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Aug 31, 2011 9:22 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Sorry I forgot anyone looking for Akiba Miniefee can find her at 7700 Parkway Drive #33, La Mesa CA 91942. Get your legal papers ready to serve before she runs and hides again.

San Diego, US
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Apr 03, 2012 12:20 pm EDT

Akiba is on Linkedin, no one should hire her. All she has a a fashion designer associates! Yes people, not even a Bachelors. She knows how to present herself really well huh, she probably read a few business books.

San Diego, US
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May 24, 2015 10:58 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Beware they are running more scams under the following business name: ( HB Partnerships, L.P., HB partnership I L.P., HB partnership II L.P., ( HB Global Consortium, Inc., and GLG Consortium, Inc.,

San Diego, US
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May 24, 2015 11:18 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Monica Mayfield Miller aka M. Boston, Tamara Hamilton aka Akiba Miniefee aka Julie Baxter, Judy Nauta and Marla Vargas just more scams and more frauds!

San Diego, US
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May 30, 2015 12:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Additional scam and fraud operated by Monica Mayfield Miller aka M. Boston, Tamara Hamilton aka Akiba Miniefee aka Julie Baxter, Judy Nauta and Marla Vargas are ( Hamilton & Boston Consulting Group, HB Discount Warehouse and HB Centers for Entrepreneurs

San Diego, US
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Jul 21, 2015 8:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Notification Monica Mayfield Miller aka M. Boston, Akiba Miniefee aka Tamara Hamilton aka aka Julie Baxter, Judy Nauta and Marla Vargas are running more scams under the following business name: ( All National Realty & Investments, ( HB Global Consortium, Inc., GLG Consortium, Inc., ( HB Partnerships, L.P., HB partnership I L.P., HB partnership II L.P., ( Hamilton & Boston Consulting Group LLC., HB Discount Warehouse LLC., HB Centers for Entrepreneurs

Victims from 2007
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Aug 27, 2015 8:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Akiba scammed my husband and out of 70k! This was going to be a down payment on our first home together. It's been nearly 7 years since you robbed us blind, akiba. We have never recovered. Emotionally or financially. I should also mention that akiba and her gang of thieves also stole my in laws entire retirement fund. They have since filed bankruptcy. How do you sleep at night? You have stolen the chance for my children to have a home to call their own. You have completely devastated us in every way.

To anyone looking to retaliate, it's pointless. 7 years ago, we contacted the FBI inThe hopes that they would put akiba away. No such luck. They had plenty of proof and worked on the case for a long time, yet akiba remains a free woman.

You are disgusting. Where did your parents go wrong?

The Wiley family

San Diego, US
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Aug 28, 2015 1:22 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Animal care for their own kind. This gang #Akiba Tamara Menifee & #Monica MayField Miller is less than an animal and is be treated as such. The authorities @FBISanDiego @SDDistAtty @Cal_BRE @FTC will not dispense resources to deal with such trifling matters. The only way to deal with this gang is to decapitate them so they can no longer can hurt others. It is our veracious as a community.

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