Don't waste your money on this training. The guy who teaches the course is a major scam artist. He's changed his name three times to avoid people he owes money to, creditors, etc. Beware.
He's an ### and has a "I am a god in the industry" complex, and he's convinced himself that he really is a major player. But this is further from the truth. Google him. Check his REAL record. He doesn't deserve to be in this industry.
If you dare venture in this place, buyer beware. He humiliates people and treats people like he's some big shot who knows it all. He doesn't even know how to direct his life. Talk to any of his former employees or to anyone who has loaned him money for his pitiful and cockeyed vision (friends, girlfriends, students, employees, stupid and gullible old ladies with money, so many of them!). I pity anyone who stuck around with him longer than 1 day. Somebody needs to bring this guy down. How he's still in business...only God and the tax man knows.
Another post by the same disgruntled ex employee - this place offers FREE workshops, FREE SHOWCASES with top CD's, FREE AUDITS and goes out of their way to help low income actors. The most complete training I have ever seen, from pics, resumes, scenes and very good on-camera work! Check out their website- and come by for FREE! and see for yourself. If they are a scam they are really going about it the wrong way. No pressure FREE workshops and ultra professional training. This course is for serious professionals, flakes do not do well here as they stress professionalism and punctuality. Do not believe the one hater out of the thousands of happy students. See for yourself. I guess that advice applies to most things in life. Good luck.
It's amazing how this piece of trash stays in business. I met Tim Lampros years ago. I took an acting class with him. His loser ### actually booked a part on Doogie Howser MD. He's been fired from several jobs and nobody from Universal will have anything to do with him. I ended up sitting in the back of one of these so called, "casting workshops". I didn't recognize him at first but as soon as he opened his big mouth I remembered him. The guy is an arrogant ### and any actor who actually sees this crap training as a good thing, obviously doesn't have much on set experience. There is a reason why he attracts mostly new-to-LA actors. It's because they don't know any better. An ex employee of his sued him and his ### school and won over a 100, 000.00. Too bad he'll never see a dime of it. I think a couple of his ex employees sued him and won. I bet my left nut he hasn't paid anything.
I have been to the course for free. I never considered Mr. Lampros anything but an observant motivational speaker according to his demeanor and credits. He does have people training you who have been in the business and there is constructive criticism. Some people can't take any type of criticism. You run into plenty of criticism in all aspects of life. At my age after going through it goes in one ear and out the other while considering the part that is relevant. I found what they had to say interesting and different enough to put you in the right mind set and outshine all the other generic actors going out for a role.
Tim is definitely full of bull. He constantly tries to push his book like it is the industry bible. He personal insults people for a laugh because he thinks he all that. If you end up taking the course even for free, don't buy into all his nonsense and hype. Just take in the relevant training from the actual instructors and avoid as much of the "In Tim's World" as possible.
Tim Ray Hughes/Lampros originally experimented with extras from a set that he was a medic on back in 2004. They felt that he'd helped them and asked him to start a class which he originally named "Actors Boot Camp". ABC originated in a room he rented in Motion Works Studio located in Marina del Rey. Tim wanted a website but could not obtain the domain name actorsbootcamp, because it had been renewed (by a preexisting well established acting school ). The decision was made to change the school name to "Actors Challenge Training, LLC" in February 2005 after he moved into a building which he knew would be demolished after 3 months but remained in until forced out in August (which he neglected to tell the many persons volunteering and working under his fraud for profit scheme that the remodeling work and hours they put in were for his own vanity).
The turnover with the employees was dramatic due to Tim's divide and conquer tactics. He is great at turning people against their subordinates and each other by undermining their efforts and starting false rumors. He recruits students to work for the school by offering them a break on tuition, rehearsal, or private training. If you didn't figure that one out, it's called labor without paid wages. It took a while to realize that the only person benefiting from all the work being done was Tim. After all, he loves to build his assets, which means for the employees that he is deferring their wages because he needs to purchase more equipment or pay for marketing and whatever [personal] expenses he can come up with to promote his school. He loves to see the money coming in and hates to pay the people who do all the work. For women it's kinda of like the motive in "Romancing the Stone", he uses them to get the jewel (profits) then throws them away. Or it's challenging them in a sportsman's way (especially men) then gives the cold shoulder when it's time to pay. He wants to make employees contractors with a 1099 status to avoid paying taxes. In my case, he simply told a bold-faced lie to the entire student body about why I left.
I worked 12 - 18 hour days for nearly 9 months to help build the school. Promises were being made to me that I'd receive a car as a bonus as well as a stake in the company proceeds, after the school became successful as one of the founders. Tim even suggested that I move into the studio instead of paying rent in order to keep from giving me the funds I'd earned. When I repeatedly demanded wages over the list of promises I became a nuisance and obsolete. The company had relocated to North Hollywood in the midst of all of this. I left the company because I had exhausted my savings while waiting to be paid and refused to be homeless, like other employees who'd been evicted and forced to live with Tim. Once the Magnolia Blvd location was running, Tim changed the name to Actors Certified Training. Despite my meeting with a co-owner/accountant to receive my wages and resolve the situation, I had to file with the labor department. It is my opinion that he changed the name to Actors Certified Training to put off/escape paying his debts. ACT was order to pay my wages by the Los Angeles Superior Court in 2006. I still have not seen a penny for past due wages.
I stayed with ACT as long as I did because I believed the methods of instruction were raw and truthful at a fair competitive rate (remember this was 2005). I've been a member of SAG since 1999 and had taken other acting/camera classes in LA. The problem in this equation was the bullsh__ artist at the helm. The megalomaniac who has ripped off countless "employed" persons with schemes which predated ACT.
I just wanted to be paid for the long hard hours I put into ACT. I wrote a majority of the website on my personal computer while Tim sat across from me and farted crudely. I did not deserve to be wronged and I believe that if he is to be successful, it begins with coming clean and paying his debts. He has illegitimacy issues that have spiraled out of control.
I'd love to know what his third name that marine4life referred to might be.
WOW! An old employer of mine sent me this link. I met Tim a long time ago and we were pretty good friends for a while until I worked with him. This guy has a major "God" complex. It's weird what Hollywoodland does to some people. Did I date myself too much by saying "Hollywoodland" :) Anyway, He moved there to be an actor and failed miserably. I can't comment on him taking advantage of ex employees or what his classes are all about because I've only really seen one class and only for a few minutes (it was a lot of yelling though) but I do know this, the guy lies ALL THE TIME. He cheated on his long time girlfriend so many times. I lost count after a while. I worked on set with him on several occasions and on several occasions he was yelled at for always bothering young actors and trying to get on set as an actor and failing to do his job as a medic. He did however save a life on set. Kudos on that one but even Hitler had his good days I'm sure. He's just a shady person. He even ripped off an old couple and scammed his way into buying a really gorgeous home in I think Manhattan Beach or (one of those expensive beach cities). Who knows if he still lives there or not. I since moved out of LA but was contacted years ago by a woman who wanted to find out who had worked with him in the past. Apparently the guy/girl who sued him won't comment on anything about the case. I'd love to know so if anyone has info on the case. Please! Comment on it:)
Timothy Hughes or Timothy Lampros after his acting school scams he started another business building lights to honor the fallen heroes. Left that shop owing many vendors & employees Then moved to Omaha and started another I think it's called America's Wall of Honor. His background story on their website doesn't mention his HUGHES name or acting class studio. It does mention military service I wonder which name that was under. Looks like he has to beg, cheat & steal to keep this one afloat. Hope all involved have done their homework before handing over monies. His word is worthless which reflects a lack of integrity. BEWARE & DO YOU BACKGROUND CHECKS look for:
Tim Hughes
Tim Lampros
Unfortunately, I worked for Tim for almost 3 years on America’s Wall of Honor. He takes advantage of everyone around him for his own benefit. Abuses his employees, sponsors, and volunteer's. He has still not paid some of his past employees that physically did the work. He also took credit for ideas and work that he didn’t do. I have also witnessed using project money for his own personal pleasure. Taking women out. Gross
I took that class...FOR A DAY! I walked out after he told my wife and I that we would never make it in the movie business. What a ###ing loser!
While in class we often heard "you will never make it in show business" BUT the rest of that sentence was ALWAYS "If you can not be on time to set" The class stresses punctuality and professionalism.
In all my training there, including advance classes and free CD workshops, I have never experienced ANY of the hateful negative things in some of these post. The instructors are strict during class, compassionate, funny and kind between classes and treat us as industry equals after graduation.
I keep in touch with my classmates and many have gone on to do major film and TV work, direct, cast and/or produce. All are well trained.
In my 15 years of acting and training I have never found a better On Camera class, and there are surprisingly few classes that specialize in On Camera.
It is wise to read reviews but nothing is better than checking it out for yourself. Come to a free workshop and meet a casting director or director AND ask to audit a class, also free. Ask an actual student what they think. They are the ones who will be excelling in their careers, unless they are consistently late to set!
I agree. It's always worth checking out a class to see what it's like for yourself. There are so many classes out here and I think you'll at the least get something from any class you take. Even if the class totally sucks, you'll at least get something from the negative experience of the class. This class though, I truly believe you can get more just from doing extra work. No worries about wasting productions money or anything like that. Tim, the owner of this school blames actors for the wasted money on set. This couldn't be further from the truth. I have starred, co-starred and even directed a show once on some of the biggest hit television shows in the history of television. Most of the money "wasted" is on marketing and post-production. Yes, people are late to set and it messes things up, a little. But to blame this on the actor? NO! Seriously this is just stupid. Believe me, if you are one second late, someone is calling your ### to see where you are and transportation makes sure you are there when you need to be and then when you do arrive on set, a PA or the 2nd AD is following you around and knows your every move. Believe me, being late is not an issue that you should worry about. Just don't be late and you'll be fine.
The course starts out teaching you what to wear to an audition. If you can't figure that out on your own then you shouldnt leave the house:) As far as attire, this is a very "open" business and your attire means absolutely nothing. A casting Director couldn't give a rats ### what you wear to an interview. As far as the "importance of the camera" well, if this guy was actually on a real set, he would realize most TV shows use 3 cameras at once to capture the entire scene. When you're acting, you don't worry about the camera, the camera guy will get what he needs. It's their job and it's in the budget to take multiple takes. Even if you get it perfect the first time, they will ALWAYS do it multiple times.
This jerk off who runs this school is preaching the most unimportant aspects of this business. It's really ###ing sad that people fall for it. I'm tempted to post my IMDB link to prove that I am a working actor but I don't want this [censored] to get any free press. Then he'll post a fake testimonial saying I endorse his class. I was only in the class for 2 days and I gave a fake name. I actually starred on two shows for NBC last fall that never got renewed but it wasn't the fault of any actors. It was just a stupid show that we knew would never get picked up for a second season anyway. As of now, I am producing a show for a major cable network and things are going really well. I will tell you this, a few of the ACT actors auditioned and the casting directors all made the same comments about each actor, "They look like robots with those ridiculous head movements" also, this one girl actually had the balls to ask, "where is the camera" My CD said, "no cameras today, we just want to see some emotion from you and we'll take it from there". This egotistical woman actually had the balls to say, "well I was taught that the camera was the most important part of the audition process so if I can't audition on tape, you won't see what I'm capable of". Too bad, she looked perfect for the part and the "Look" is 99& of it. Another career Tim has destroyed.
I'll give us a little plug here, I doubt anyone will read this but I'm bored today and have the weekend off because we shoot on Monday, but watch Comedy Central this Summer:)
CRAP! This acting school has changed it's name several times and moved several times! LOSER! Go to his site and contact the people who left him testimonials, 90% of them will give you a different one this time. He ###ing lies!
Please stop posting ### about this guy! It's getting annoying and I'd rather not hear the guys name anymore. Lawsuits over and I'm over it.
### off loser! We'll post what we want. There are others who wanna sue the guy.
I was there. Look idiots, anyone will gain at least something from any class. Take it if you want. You might like it and that's great. Awesome if you do. As for my advice...
Do yourself a favor, do extra work and pay attention to whats going on, on set. You'll learn much more and get paid for it. Then get yourself a camera and shoot your own projects. It will be cheaper and you'll gain more knowledge this way. Unless you enjoy being sexually harassed and verbally abused from a wanna-be director. Your choice.
BTDT - Hmm sounds like you work there or maybe you are in fact, the owner of this horrible acting school. I went to their so called "Acting workshops" with some casting directors. ARE YOU F-ING KIDDING ME! Those casting directors aren't hiring any of those actors. Most of them aren't even casting anything and any business who teams up with Kevyn Major Howard is a scam artist. Howard is the biggest scam artist in town, beside Actors Certified Training. What a joke.
Let's talk about Kevin Major Howard. He has a giant ego and talks about his one big acting job (his only 15 minutes to acting fame) then shows his best work done with some of the best looking people who walk through his door. Then the average student pays him a fortune to get some of the most lifeless crap photos I've ever seen.
I went through the ACT training a few years ago in their Magnolia location. Although Tim was harsh on students who talk back, arrive late, or are unprepared, I think his concept is if you can't deal with a yell while in training (and NEVER repeat a mistake), you would probably fold while getting yelled at on-set. Although it's rare, I've seen a director yell at someone in front of everyone on a SAG film... so it does happen.
The idea seems to be that if you can make it through his training, you will probably do OK on a real set.
I know the poster who wasn't paid... he always seemed an OK guy to me (and his name really is Mike), and I feel for him. But while I know his side of the story (because he posts it anywhere he can), I don't know Tim's. My comments are merely on the classes themselves which I think are well designed to prepare a film actor for working on camera. True you could get background work and learn some of this... but ACT deals with a great many issues that will face an actor from preparing for auditions, to the set call itself.
I've worked on a few SAG films since then, several commercials, and a few low budget indie films... the things I see onset convince me that my training was worthwhile, and I steer people to ACT who are looking for a good introductory class to film acting and on-camera training.
I saw his training and know of a LONG list of people he scammed. The training had some benefits but he is an egomaniac who screamed and belittled his students and hit on the girls. Mostly he is a flat out crook. Ironically, he is now building memorials for LAW ENFORCEMENT and cheating his own employees, burning sub contractors and scamming donations for the memorials. He's a good talker... I guess that is the oldest skill in the world when it comes to cons?
Good to see a new post on ole Timmy boy !:) when I saw the picture of him building the memorial plaques, I could've sworn it was because he was serving time, and this was his way of making the most of his time. He is good with his hands when he's not being a true psychopathic liar, cheater, and menace to society . Sad truth is, if the police knew the many, MANY, peoples lives he's damaged ... They'd be smart to replace that thing he built . Sad ...
I can't help but think that none of the writers accusing Mr Lampros of operating a scam have never really had to live in the world of being a business owner, let alone one of a business startup. I know that Mr Lampros invested everything he had to bring his belief into a product. I know that after starting in a rented facility the owner sold the building to condo developers and he was forced to move out, which is always a costly proposition. To continue with his commitments to the students, he moved into a building that was available in the vicinity knowing that it would be short term. As the business grew it became obvious that the majority of students were driving from the Hollywood/Burbank area so a search began to move the training facility to that area. Anyone looking at the moves being part of a scam just doesn't understand the reality of business. So may things are the result of happenings totally beyond the control of the business owner.
Other information placed on sites should also be looked at through the reality of the burdens of being a business owner, and the pressures that are constantly placed upon his shoulders. Students who don't pay their bills, employees who don't perform, demands made that can not be met. Regardless, of the value one places on the training delivered, it was always presented honestly and on a take it or leave it basis. I attended everyone of the training sessions and can tell you that they delivered exactly what was promised. Its up to the student whether to use it or not..
Tim probably wrote this. Looks like his writings.
Why do people pay for acting classes from teachers who never made it in the entertainment business? Why don't you go to a reputable acting studio?
Timothy Hughes/Lampros after his acting school scams he started another business building lights to honor the fallen heroes. Left that shop owing many vendors & employees Then moved to Omaha and started another I think it's called America's Wall of Honor. His background story on their website doesn't mention his HUGHES name or acting class studio. It does mention military service I wonder which name that was under. Looks like he has to beg, cheat & steal to keep this one afloat. Hope all involved have done their homework before handing over monies. His word is worthless which reflects a lack of integrity. BEWARE & DO YOU BACKGROUND CHECKS.
I write simply to confirm Tim Lampros IS a scam artist of the first order. He is a psycho, very are most really good con men. He WILL steal your money if given the chance...
He will use and abuse anyone that he can. Make promises and take credit for others work!