We cannot use it to get a pickup order for food. If we are eligible for it, that means many of us are handicapped or infirm so how can we go into the store to shop? CVS has offered us an inferior option. All your Aetna help site are big ads for CVS products. I had WellCare Insurance up until 2025, it was sooo much easier than Aetna. We got a larger amount and we could use Walmart and Kroger grocery pickup or delivery. If my hospital and 2 hospital doctors hadn’t dropped WellCare, I certainly would not have changed companies. I would never recommend Aetna to anyone. I need medical care, yes, but I’ve also got to eat. 👎🏻👎🏻. Two thumbs down.
Recommendation: Think very carefully before you switch to Aetna.
Of those of us who receive a Health Special Benefits Card, many like me are handicapped it infirm. We must use card for groceries in store. If we are handicapped or inform how does a health insurance company, who is dealing with handicapped and infirm people all the time and should know better, expect us to shop in store when many of us can’t and need to use pick up or home delivery. It’s ridiculous. The customer websites are worthless, they are all big ads for CVS products. Who runs this company, an eight year old? We need medical care but we also need to eat. Why are they making it harder on us than we already have it? Two thumbs down. 👎🏻👎🏻
For basic needs, Aetna’s partnership with CVS is deficient. Unacceptable is their absence of convenient pickup or home delivery options for the disabled and elderly individuals. If they fail to take action, contact Aetna’s customer support for an immediate solution and get in touch with state insurance regulators. This issue should be communicated publicly in order to force them into addressing this faulty system. Aetna should focus on the general health of its members rather than promoting only CVS products.