Alert Pay Inc., Payment processor is practicing fraud, by allowing a party to process Internet payments through their service, but does not allow the user to refund a customer, with out sending a letter to Alert Pay. They are currently holding $2, 600 of my funds.
They say I can not have my money, unless I bring to them Thousands of Dollars every month, in new business.
The deceitful methods used to obtain our funds were fraudulent.
Alert Pay lied to me, just to get me caught into their Pay Processing Scam. I think Alert Pay Inc., entire operation wreaks of Internet Fraud.
Alert Pay is a real disappointment. I really hope the authorities catch up with those people really soon.
They should be shut down and not allowed to operate over the Internet, in the U.S.A..
They practice blatant fraud and theft of funds..
Alert Pay is 100% No Pay... Alert Pay is 100% Thieves...
They talk a good one, but they're the worst, to deal with.
I have been dealing with them for 4-6 months and it is one issue after the next with them. A real pain in the brain.
If you have funds in your account you cant withdraw more than $100. They will shut you down after that.
I had 3 withdrawals reversed in the last week. $500, $500, $1500.
This is long after there 7 day hold on funds.
Contacting them by phone is, 1 hour on hold and $15.00 in cell phone minutes. You have to call to Canada. No, 1-800 Number. It is all on your Dime and Time.
Then you have to hang up. No one ever answers.
Alert Pay, Email support is a 2-3 day turn around.
You can't refund a customer within their interface. You have to get permission from Alert Pay, then wait 6 days or more.
They are a real disaster waiting to happen to, you !
Beware of there false claims...Your Money is Not Safe !
PayPal will treat you much better (can't believe I said that).
I have close to $3000 in my account now. Can't get it out.
My last orders I refused to provide to customers and contacted the customers and explained to them that I requested Alert Pay, to refund there payments.
Alert Pay, is outside of the U.S.A. and do not have to adhere to certain laws. So they are considered a off shore processor, which is notorious for stealing your money.
Stay Away and Off, the Alert Pay, No Pay, No Way Shuffle !
They will not be in business too long !
Alert Pay, is a well calculated Scam, payment processor !
Don't waste your time with them.
Alertpay Inc Alertpay is a scam and is nor registered with NY State Corp. Commission Bronx, New York.
I received and email from this company. When you call the number all you get is a recording, STRIKE 1. It looks like a professional presentation but follows the same old scam. They will send you a check and you deduct your portion and send the balance on. How many times have you heard of someone falling for this one, STRIKE 2. They have one complaint with the New York State Attorney General
in 2008, they would not release additional information about that, complaint, STRIKE 3 you're out. I also checked with the New State Department of State, Division of Corporations, and they are not registered or have even applied as an out of State or out of Country Company. I did not see any mention on [redacted] so I better warn anyone that has been contacted! If this was a legitimate company they would answer the phone, have no complaints and registered as a corporation.
Face card
phoenix, Arizona
MoneyMakerGroup > New Scam Payment Processor (alertpay)
Alert Pay
Alert Pay is a Fraud and Scam Alert Pay.Com is a Big Fraud- Internet
Company Business Name:
Alert Pay is a Scam [protected]
AlertPay Inc.
General Information
5200 De La Savane, Suite 220
Montreal, Quebec, H4P-2M8
Credit Card Processing (ACH) Companies:
Alert Pay is a Fraud and Scam Alert Pay.Com is a Big Fraud- Internet
Alert Pay, is outside of the U.S.A. and do not have to adhere to certain laws. So they are considered a off shore processor, which is notorious for stealing your money.
Stay Away and Off, the Alert Pay, No Pay, No Way Shuffle !
They will not be in business too long !
They have 12 complaints with the New York State Attorney General !
Alert Pay is a Fraud and Scam
AlertPay Inc.
General Information
5200 De La Savane, Suite 220
Montreal, Quebec, H4P-2M8
The Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection agency, collects complaints about companies, business practices, identity theft, and episodes of violence in the media.
Why: Your complaints can help us detect patterns of wrong-doing, and lead to investigations and prosecutions. The FTC enters all complaints it receives into Consumer Sentinel, a secure online database that is used by thousands of civil and criminal law enforcement authorities worldwide. The FTC does not resolve individual consumer complaints.
Today I had a conversation with someone named Sadi or Fadi. He informed me that the Account that is held in my name, is subject to a 50-100% reserve of the funds in the account held in my name.
As we both know, the account is not mine, it belongs to Alert Pay, along with the funds within it. I was stupid enough to be tricked, into allowing those funds to be processed by Alert Pay.
Before I agreed to open the account, you said the account would be subject to a 10% reserve or a 7 day hold on the funds.
Cris, You obviously lied to me, just to get me caught into your Pay Processing Scam. I think your entire operation wreaks of Internet Fraud. And you people should be prosecuted.
You and your friends at Alert Pay changed the rules in the middle of the game on me.
Your friend fadi or sadi, said to me that any the funds would only be released at a later time, only if I processed Thousands of Dollars more in transactions. I don't know where he's from, but here we call that extortion.
Alert Pay is a real disappointment. I really hope the authorities catch up with you people really soon.
This is also the 2nd request that you provide to me by mail, documentation and any proof of the Charge Back you alleged against the account held in my name.
I currently deal with many Payment Processors, but Alert Pay is the only one that I have had a Fraudulent Experience with.
Also, I need the last names of the person I spoke with as well as your last name.
I notice you people do not use last names. Is there a reason that you want to be hidden or is this a coincidence.
Is Alert Pay, packing up and going somewhere really soon?
Mike Taylor
Federal Trade Commission
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I opened an Alertpay account a few months ago and despite giving them all my details not once but 3 times in order that i could withdraw my money, they kept on declining my withdrawal:i have told them i am reporting them to the Canadian and UK police and the relevant fraud investigators as well as take legal action against them as they are retaining my money illegally. Eventually they had the audacity to "allow" MY withdrawal yet my money is not in my bank account as their transaction code is also invalid, just as is their telephone number on their website . They are just a crowd of thieves and i have advised other people to stay well away from them after reading so many other complaints about them;i would suggest anyone who is also experiencing similar to reort them to the police and online fraud investigators as the more complaints they have, the more they will have to go on for taking action against Alertpay.
Alertpay has taken my money also. They not only restricted my accounts by locking them and not giving me access to them because of "chargebacks" they say were caused admittedly by THEIR Alertpay payment processor because of transactions that did not go through due to electronic errors on THEIR part, but they also will not close the accounts - which tells me they are keeping my accounts open so they can collect money from them that is mine and belongs to me, and then not give me access to it! Isn't that called stealing? They also told me they are not only not allowing me access to my accounts, but that they, ALERTPAY ACTUALLY TOOK MONEY OUT OF MY ACCOUNT WITHOUT BEING AUTHORIZED BY ME TO EVEN DO IT -- they said it was to pay for "chargebacks" they say occurred because of THEIR payment processor WHICH THEY ADMIT was not even working at the time I was trying to do a transaction. They even admitted it was an electronic error! I really hope they are shut down soon.
The people at AlertPay are criminals. They have no problem taking money into your account. But they do everything possible to keep you from withdrawing your funds. I met all their legal agreements and went through their verification process. All went well until I tried to withdraw funds. Then I found out their true character. They decline bank transfers, they decline check request, they do not answer their telephone, if you get a reply to a support ticket it does not apply to your situation. Please do not be scammed by these people they are Canadian criminals. Report them to the officials and tell all your friends so they do not scammed by AlertPay.
The Following is something that I have guessed:
"Alertpay's owner Firoz Patel has started the year 2011 by cheating with and consuming the moneye of his members (very possibly). He is very shrewd. He is not cheating with all of his members at a time. Rather he is consuming the money of his users one by one, so that any massive uprising against Alertpay cannot take place."
From my experience I can say, he will deal with you honestly for one or two years. But one day, it will suddenly stop one of your big transactions without showing any proper reason and will stop responding to your email.
I have searched internet and found that Firoz Patel's past dealings with his users were quite good. For example, he would respond to any complain posted on the internet forums. But he is responding to my complain. I will wait for few more days. If I did not get my hard earned money, I will file a complain on all the internet complain-sites with all the proofs.
Very possibly Alertpay is too honest or too shrewd a fraud.
These are ridiculous claims, most likely coming from people who were doing unethical business practice using the service of Alert Pay. They eventually probably got caught by Alert Pay and now they cant withdraw their stolen money. There is a reason for everything.
Hi, Stone!
I do not know what others are up to. But I myself am a sufferer. As I have told earlier, if I don't get my money, I will take every step against Alertpay by showing all the irrefutable proofs. My money is hard earned and honest money. Do you want to challenge me?
Hey Sufferers,
I challenge you to provide your proof here on this complaints board. You keep speaking as if you are right but why dont you show what you got to make your point solid. I am sure that there is something weird going on with you or your account by you, which is why you have this problem.
So you believe AlertPay/Payza are legit and not fraudsters?
I am a member of a Cooperative where the members paid their initial payments through AlertPay/Payza.
The funds that were paid to the co-operative by the Shareholders are frozen and our cooperative THEMCO EKF cannot get the funds from their account in AlertPay/Payza.
This battle has been going on for more than 2 years, and even if we have gone to court several times and proved that it was money that was sent from the Shareholders to us, we have not succeeded .
Our Canadian lawyer suspects that he has stolen the money, or cannot pay the money. Either way they are criminals.
AlertPay's director Firoz Patel, are now saying he sent the money to a third party, Fiberty Ltd, in Cyprus, and he cannot get it back?. What a liar he is, he has been the director in this company in Cyprus.
And this is not petty money, it is more than 1.2 mill US dollar! And we have all the proof you want.
Why people continue to use their "service" I do not understand, look for yourself how many they are scamming, we are not the only one that experience this behavior..
I am one of those shareholders in THEMKO EKF. It is baffling to me that this so called company can continue to do business at all!
A quick search of the internet counts numerous complaints of witholding people's funds. I, and my fellow shareholders, didn't loose a huge amount of $'s each, but it all adds up, doesn't it! Is there really nothing we can do? These people shouldn't be able to get away with it!
I don't understand how the American legal system allows this fraudulent company to continue trading