This site is absolutely disgusting. The mods permit the vilest defamation of character(my spouse of 14 years was accused of extremely grave criminal charges with zero evidence by a lady he never even heard of) to go on for months without taking action. False accusations of plagiarism remain totally unpunished and ignored. There are arbitrary bans the moment you dare to defend yourself against baseless lies and accusations. There is a convicted child sex offender (Aaron M Ehrhart of Decatur, IL) permitted to contact teenage girls and flirt with women freely.
A member of my family is running for an MP seat two weeks from now(while a certain Ms Amy Donahue of Syracuse, NY is still accusing my husband of crimes that carry a 10 year jail sentence in Queensland on their forums.
End their smear campaigns against people who have contributed to AP community, hosted contests, wrote book reviews, nominated poets for front page selections, collaborated on joint publishing projects, supported Kevin's publishing projects and paid his own bills for months.
Had similar experiences? Gave of your time freely and received nothing but harassment, defamation vendettas and arbitrary bans in return?
Please forward your testimonies to [protected] so we can look into a lawsuit against the site administration.