Amazon Lanka is an institute which earn money from cheating innocent people.. they publish advertisements in television and newspapers mentioning that users joining with amazon lanka can earn money more than 100, 000rs while working at home.. when i first contacted them they said that they provide work for us after completing the one day workshop at their institute.. i have paid rs. 7500 and joined for the workshop. It was a waste of time and money i was too late when noticing that they have cheated for my money.. they said they work with 12 companies to provide internet jobs and data entry jobs and handed over us an acceptance to fill in and sign.. i have also signed that and paid the fee thinking that they would provide work for me.. but after the training they only gave us some company names (neobux, freelancer, upwork) to create accounts ourself and i understood that this is a fraud because everybody knows those companies are free to join with.. please do something for this frauds and stop them from cheating innocent and poor people just like me.. rs. 7500 is a big value for poor people like us.. and this cheating is unacceptable.. hope you do something soon..
This is true. for an amount like 7500 rupees, all they provide us for are some of web domains (and a couple of miserable tutes, loaded and useless CDs and a lunch packet that they highly boast about) where anyone in the world can register for free. We have to manage all the rest ourselves and their customer care representatives and more importantly, the so called lecture himself are such great people to talk to, if you got a problem. Talking with personal experience, what you finally get from the lecturer is a, "so, there is nothing we can do" and the women at the phone, they are the worst people i have ever talked to on the phone. They do not hesitate to tell whatever that come to their mouths at the moment and literally, they haul with words at you.
It was really a relief to know that i am not the only one who is in this status and i am sure there are many. Authorities must do some research about what happens to all those poor and hopeful people including ones as young as school leavers who throw a big amount of money out of their hands for nothing.
If this website has a purpose, this disguised fraud mentioned above should be seen to by authorities in the country.
I am Live in Southern province.My home town Is Matara.I am a Job Seeker.I have experience in office pkg.I am 27 age and married. have a little baby. so I can't unable to go out and doing a job.So I really like to join your company and doing a online job.If you think that I am suitable for join please call me or mail me.also I am a poor girl.My hussband only doing a job.
my email-
Thank you.
I also like to do a data entry job
Thank you for reveal these things.
i also like to do the data entry so please tell me how i can do that my email address is
i also like to do the data entry so please tell me how i can do that my email address is
i like to do this data entry job please give me to more details
I'm very tired of finding data entry jobs on the internet. If you know whatever way to get a data entry or ms office job, please be kind enough to let me know some information about them.
I like do this data entry plz tell more information
Already I'm a doing a job. But my salary is not sufficient to live perfectly. So I have interested to do part time job nearly 2 hours pey day. Could you help me and send me details to achieve my target. Thank you.
My email is
ඔයාලා කියන් විදියට ඇමසන් ලන්කා කියන්නේ බොරුවක්ද ?...
එයාලා අපිට කියල දෙන්නේ freelancer, upwork වගේ site වලට register වෙන්නේ කොහොමද කියල විතරයි. ඒවා youtube එකෙන් ඉගෙන ගන්න පුළුවන්. මම කියන්නේ යන්න එපා මේකට කිසිම තේරුමක් නෑ
එයාලා අපිට කියල දෙන්නේ freelancer, upwork වගේ site වලට register වෙන්නේ කොහොමද කියල විතරයි. ඒවා youtube එකෙන් ඉගෙන ගන්න පුළුවන්. මම කියන්නේ යන්න එපා මේකට කිසිම තේරුමක් නෑ :(
ඔයා මේ course එක කලාද?plz reply එකක් දාන්න.
They only teach us how to register for sites like freelancer and upwork. You can learn them from youtube. I'm not saying this doesn't make sense
I really want to do a data entry job part-time. If you can give me the path, that's a big help.
mama eka karanna ganna kotama ?/////? godak awith mata visada ganna bari una, ithin mama vibagaya fail una owun mata udaw kale naha. pay pal hadanna danne naha .mata puluwannam udaw karana no 1 denna eya mata sahe nam mama salli dennam call messages walata, girls nam vadath hodai.
Thank you all for revealing these information. I was going to join with them and before that I just check with reviews. All people who ask for money to provide a data entry job can be 99% a scam. These days all the people look for remote jobs and these scammers are also emerging rapidly. Therefore becareful with those cheaters. Always look for whether reviews are available before you give any amount to anyone.
මේ ආකාරයට web site වල arttical ලියන්නේ අද වෙනකොට emoney කියන subject එක උගන්න ආයතනය වැහි වැහෙලා..මෙවැනි බොරු ලිපි web site වල දමන්නේ..වෙනත් emoney උගන්නවන ආයතනමයි.ඔවුන් ට ළමයි එන්නේ නැති නිසා.අනිත් අයගේ ළමයි ගෙන්න ගන්න මෙවැනි දේ පල කරයි.බොරු gmail account එකක් හදලා මඩ ගසයි.මේ ලොකේ කියමනක් තියනවා පල ඇති රුකටනේ මිනිස්සු ගල් ගහන්නේ කියලා..බුදු රාජානන් වහන්සේගේ කාලෙත් හිටියා.ජේසු තුමාගේ කාලෙත් හිටියා.
එකම ගමේ සරලව හිතන්න ආප්ප කඩ දෙකක් දැම්මොත් ඒ දෙදනා අතර තරංගයක් ඇති වෙනවා.නමුත් එක්කෙනෙක් තණ්හා වෙනවා තමන්ගේ කඩේට වැඩි සෙනගක් ඉන්න ගන්න.ඉතිං ඔහු කියනවා අනිත් කඩේ ආප්ප හරි නෑ.කියලා ඒත් මිනිස්සු අහනවා ද නෑ.අන්තිමට කටකතාවක් පතුරනවා..එක දවසක් ආප්ප කද්දී ආපු එකේ කැරපොතු පිහාටු තිබුණයි කියලා.ඉතාම අපිරිසිදු ව ඔවුන් අප්ප හදන්නේ කියලා..ඒත් ඒ කඩේ වහනවා ද නෑ..
අන්තිමට කැලෑ පත්තරත් ගහනවා. ඔන්න ඔහොමයි අනිත් කෙනාගේ දියුණු වට ඉරිසියා කරලා ඒ ගොල්ලන්ගේ ආප්ප ව්යාපාරය වට්ටන්නෙ..
දැන් මේ කමෙන්ට් එක දිහා බලන්න මේක 2015 දාපු එකක් ගන්න ඇයි මේ ආයෙ 2021 ජූනි 4 පල කරලා තියෙන්නේ.තමන්ගේ බිස්නස් එකට ළමයි නැත්තං.ඒකට තමන් හොඳ Service එකක් දෙන්න දැනගන්න ඕන.නැතුව අනුන්ගේ බිස්නස් වලට comment දාදා article ලිය ලිය අනුන්ගේ business තමන්ට ගෙන්න ගන්න හදන්ඩ එපා.ඕක පිරිමි නෙමෙයි ගැහැණු නෙමෙයි ඔය වගේ වැඩ කරන්නේ..
ඇත්තටම මේ කමෙන්ට් එක අවුරුදු 6කින් පස්සේ නැවත පළ කරන්නේ කුමක් හේතුව නිසාද ?කල්පනා කරලා බලන්න..
ඇමසන් ලංකා ආයතනයේ 2007 ඉඳලා තාමත් මේ වැඩසටහන් කරගෙන යනවා.දැන් ඉතිං ඔය කියන විදියට ඔහොම හැමෝම එහෙනම් complain දාන්න එපායෑ.වසර දහ හතරට කොච්චර දෙනෙක් මේකට සම්බන්ධ වෙලා ඇත්ද ? එහෙනම් මේකෙ කමෙන්ට් අඩුම තරමින් දහස් ගණනක් වත් තියෙන්නේ එපායෑ.
දැන් මිනිස්සු ඉස්සර වගේ මෝඩ නෑ.බොරු ඊමේල් අකවුන්ට් එකක් හදාගෙන.බොරු article ලියලා..එකට reach එක වැඩි කරගන්න comment දාලා.
මේකේ විනිශ්චය මේක කියවන අයට බාරයි..
Amazon lanka internet jobs පාඨමාලවෙන් කොටසක් සදහා සම්බන්ද වෙන්න පුලුවන්ද?
මේ වක වකානුවේ දී මෙවැනි දෙයක් කිරීම ගැන බෙහෙවින් සතුටු වෙමි.
Above comment are correct. I also joined in November paying Rs.10, 000 and it was to no avail. When I spoke to customer care, they also said that they was looking for a job through them. But that does not happen. Teaches how to create Upwork account & how to apply job. In the end, they say, it's hard to find typing jobs in the Upwork site. But when I talk to them, they tell me that they provide a job of their own and make sure to make $ 1 by writing one page. Does not teach live in zoom. Teaches by playing a video through the zoom. At the beginning and at the end the live comes through the zoom and does not answer the questions asked properly. Do not waste your money do and think twice. You can learn free on YouTube. what we learn by paying money. if you want the links to the amazon lanka tutorial. (add click site's links and Freelancer's site link). I'll give you a free. If there is someone who needs it, put a mail.