This company is a complete fraud. It states right in their infographics on Amazon that the product is made in USA. Then if you look far down below hidden in the product details on Amazon, it says its made in China. Even on the rear of the bottle they sneak around it and say its "manufactured in the US," which just means it was put into bottles in the US, but the ingredient itself is from China.
Also, they don't even show a picture of the rear of the bottle with the ingredients on Amazon. You have to buy it first, to only find out that they don't list the amount of Amla in the bottle at all. Its a blend with green tea, which is the majority of the product. So basically you are paying for $30 for 1 oz of green tea. What a scam. You can buy 16x the amount of green tea on Amazon for the same price.
I hear this company was started by Robby Barbaro, who apparently has no medical background or any background in product formulation. He's also an extreme vegan who tells diabetics to eat fruit, and an antivaxxer.
I'm guessing most of the reviews on Amazon are from people that got roped into joining their monthly Mastering Diabetes group, and not actual independent customers.
Avoid at the risk of your own health!