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CB Investment Services Review of review: unprofessional people with people who just want more and more deposits 46

Author of the review
8:05 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Hello Friends,

Beware from this binary options platform made by, Here I tried to trade for 2 months and got a very bad and unprofessional service where they only asked me for my money and want me to lose all the time, when I called them they say with their horrible english oh, the person you want to talk to he is in a meeting and he will call you back and that person never does.

Friends please be aware of these fraud people around us.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Feb 25, 2010 5:07 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

hello ansari

but they are saying 70% return for hourly, oneday, weekly, monthly expire how did u lose they said only profits no losses pls let me know my mail

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Mar 29, 2010 11:48 pm EDT

I didn't try them but its seems more likely what Ansari saying.
I wish that Ansari gives us specific examples, did he found conflicts with actual market moves, I mean did he loose money when the market actually moved in his favor?

daniyal khan
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Apr 10, 2010 3:21 pm EDT

Dear fellows,

Anyoption is nothing more than an fraud company :D. I know this guys when they just launched anyoption. I am an full time trader and traded almost in every market. Forex, Equity, options etc. Binary trading is a very quick way to make money no doubt but only if you have the right broker and anyoption is not the right one for you.

They says tht you will never lose ? Huh what a joke. Remember in every trading before thinking of profit get ready for the loss.

They give you 71% Maximum on Msft ( Microsoft ) if you win and if you loss then you will loss " 85% " of you total amount.

Example. I Buy USD/JPY on 90.100. Now if the price close above then 90.100 ill get profit otherwise 85% loss.
Assume I invest $ 100 on it. The option close at 90.070 now my account balance will be $15 Only.

Ok lets go in further detail about Anyoption.

Everytime when 15-20 mins left in expiry they start changing the figures :D. They even change the figure upto 10-12 pts normally on DJJI ( Dow Jones ) & on all the products. Thr chart show different value and on screen the value is different.

All the time they call you and ask for you credit card number and force you to deposit money so you can loss money :d through thr different stupid market promotional campaigns bcaz how could I win when some consistently changing the figures against your price ?

I invested $1000 right now my account is $2720. I know that with how much difficulty I reached to that amount but now the problem is that they are not allowing me to withdraw :D.

It is my advice, before investing in anyoption think 300 times bcaz you are going to burn you money.

Try different sort of trading which will atleast give you something in return without taking much of your time eg forex, commodity, equity etc

Further it up to guys all what I could say is All the best and be very carefull.


Daniyal Khan.

John Trader
toronto, CA
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Sep 01, 2010 9:07 am EDT

Hi guys,

From my part, I had a GOOD experience with anyoption, didn't feel ever that they were fraud… they say clearly on their site that the quotes on their site are not the real time market levels. About the clock, don't understand a word of what you said, the clock time is clear all the time and you cannot trade before closing… besides, they always have PUT and CALL transactions, so what is the point of moving the clock, you talk as if you were the only one dealing over there… as if they can change the clock on their will for each trader… funny J

In any case, I like trading with them, that's all I can say… seems to me that some people here on the forum did not understand the whole process… it is much much easier than you make it look

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Sep 07, 2010 7:32 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Anyoption clock is synchronized to other international clocks as far as I can see.
I have monitored their quotes against other organizations and found no delay or manipulation.
They state where they get their closing prices from.

I have lost money with Anyoptions.

They seem to make their income 2 ways:
15% on every transaction (my statistical analysis);
Offering bonuses! Yes, a bonus increases the turnover the client has to overcome before he is allowed to withdraw funds. In this way, it becomes more likely that he will lose all funds before his turnover limit is met.

Oxford, US
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Oct 27, 2010 9:31 pm EDT is not a scam, although I've lost all my money investing with them. After I got tired of losing money, i decided to check if it was a scam. So, I started pretending as if i was investing but on paper, i wasn't putting my money in their system, i just pretended as if i was investing money in the system and i was also losing money(fake) just like i did when i was investing real money. It isn't a scam, you just have to think well and know how to read the charts to make good money and lose your money.

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Oct 29, 2010 11:49 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Dear friends
any options is a taxable r not because when i get profit how much we need to pay and where do we pay that money for tax any one can explain this problem ...

Pro Trader
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Nov 09, 2010 4:58 pm EST

Hi everybody
I just checked this website: Great platform with up to 85% profit. You can start with $100 only .
after i tried it i found that they have fast Withdrawal and good service.

Binary Options Signals
Binary Options Signals
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Jan 07, 2011 1:20 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We have found anyoption to be a very good broker and people have been using our Free Binary Options Signals with great success trading there.

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Mar 08, 2011 12:44 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

anyoption - comment on Daniel Khan's post

Dear Mr. Khan
We would like you to refrain from making false allegations about anyoption, which is a reputable and safe trading platform, the pioneer of this market.
Your allegations about a possible manipulation of the figures is completely false. Unfortunately this is done by some shady new competitors in the market. We, with more than 100, 000 customers worldwide, condemn any kind of manipulation and obviously never doing it ourselves.
Your complain about "forcing you to deposit money" is a bit out of line. anyoption is a private company, not a governmental body that can "force" anyone to take actions unwillingly. All our customers have to deposit money in order to trade. If they are not interested, they simply do not deposit.
In order to be a successful high risk trader, you should be acquainted with the market fluctuations and be ready to handle gains and losses alike.
We regret that your frustrations lead you to atack the platform with false information. With the same logic you can blame NY Stock Exchange, every time you lose in stock trading.
We trust our loyal and growing trading community to tell the difference between genuine feedback to a pile of lies.


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May 25, 2011 7:54 am EDT

Anyoption: Who is your regulator? And where are you registered to do business?

san antonioi, US
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Jul 30, 2011 5:37 am EDT

i just started trading with unfortunately i didnt bother to check them out before depositing and trading. the one question i would like answered that no one has answered is has anyone successfully WITHDRAWN any money from their accounts? i guess im going to find out soon enough, but if someone sees this id appreciate you posting. as for my experience, im a professional trader who trades off charts with live feeds from the market, the times for expiration are always correct although they use london time they still open and close at exactly the right times. as for the prices the closes are always correct but the prices WILL sometime not be the same as the market prices, but this is legal because those prices they show are THEIR offering prices not necessarily the MARKETS bids and asks, and they clearly state that on the site. 95 percent of the time the p;rices ARE exactly what my charts are reading, but they CAN vary and they say so. BUT that doesnt constitute cheating nor would it even HELP them to cheat if they wanted it go because as someone has already pointed out you can either BUY or SELL those offered prices so ive actually used them to my advantage more than a few times. for example. if the REAL TIME price of aapl is 386..50 and they have it at say 386.65 it give ME the advantage if im looking to SHORT or SELL the stock because i get to sell it at ABOVE market. the CLOSING price they do NOT change its always a match so far and ive trading well over 500 trades in just a week. so yes you need to be aware that they can put their own OFFERING prices up just as vegas can put up its own spread on a football game, its fair if you're allowed to take EITHER side of the offered bet, but Vegas CANT change the end score of the game and neither can anyoption, . i do have one major proplem with them that IS pure bunk. i once had 3 trades that actually close as winners on my live charts, but somehow they never showed a settlement price on the site. then i looked for the trades in my account later, it showed CANCELED. when i called and said you have to be kidding me you cant CANCEL a trade i won. they responded with the lame excuse that they had to cancel it because they lost their feed to RUTUERS who supplies their quotes. I said SO WHAT? you get the feed back and you ask them what the close was and you PAY ME. what your saying is just a lame excuse to WELCH on a bet, its like saying we lost our feed to the kentucky derby so we cant pay you your winnings... as if losing the feed changed the dam race results... or made them permanently unable to find out what those results were when the whole WORLD knows what aapl closed at at any given minute . i have charts that can tell you the price of aapl minute by minute dating back 15 YEARS. and so does the REST of the world. and the EXCHANGE could probably take you back to the day aapl became LISTED on the stock market. so thats DEFINATELY a scam. that bonus deal is a scam to, they game me a $54 bonus i didnt even ask for or APPROVE for them to give me and it DID force me to trade alot move trades before i was allowed to withdraw for novice or poor traders that would definately put you in a situation of losing ALL you put in before you could get any out and its surely the whole point of them giving you that little bonus. but as i said, i trade ALOT and i dont loose so thats not my worry. so im back to wanting to know if they'll actually SEND me my winnings. i guess ill be posting what happened next week if nobody posts an answer, because top ME thats the BIGGY here. they are in cyprus, so DO they actually send you you're money? or do they come up with lame excuses until they wear you down from trying to get it? i should have checked it out first but i believed them when they said they were the FIRST and the BIGGEST binary options broker. ill soon see.

London, GB
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Sep 22, 2011 4:36 pm EDT

I've never had any issues with, I've been trading with them for months and have no problem withdrawing my money.

In fact they are one of the rare trading platforms that doesn't have a spread on options. I've never seen them say: "you'll never lose", just that you CAN make 70% profit in an hour. If you're good at trading and have a clue about what you're actually doing.

If you're losing money in trading, go back to learning how to read real-time charts and find a method that works. Trading is my main source of income and it enables me to live a very comfortable life. But trading isn't for everyone and I've seen people not knowing when to stop then keep putting more and more money, getting angry, emotional, etc. Those kinds of people don't have a strategy, generally know very little or nothing about trading and they wipe out their portfolio on a regular basis. Trading is about managing your money wisely and also managing your psyche so you don't lose it when things aren't going your way.

san jose, US
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Feb 14, 2012 11:45 pm EST

Anyoption is a fraud, for sure, . but dont worry, some one will get them one of these days, ., , , , legally or illegally... hopefully both...

san jose, US
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Feb 14, 2012 11:49 pm EST

I've also notified the IRS, and FINRA & SEC regards to possible tax complications and etc etc, , , , hopefully some one will do something about these ###

Not necessary, AU
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Jul 18, 2012 4:49 am EDT

Have to say my experience with them was very negative. Just opened an account last week to try my hand at binary options (I have paper traded for a few years, but thought binary options was a great way to get into the market with low funds). The trading itself I had no issues with, besides it being a very basic and poor system that gives almost no information, and no ability to delve further into the figures. Though I lost money, it didn't really bother me, I figured I would as the excitement of trading with real money set in, which is why I wanted to start with such a low amount.

What bothered me though was getting a phone call at 9am (I work during the night, so inconvenient, but pretty understandable that this is an OK time to call for a telemarketing company, so something I had subscribed to gave me nothing to complain about), trying to get me to hand over all this different information out of the blue. While I suspected that certain forms of ID are needed to make a withdrawal, I was not impressed to have someone calling me up asking for a photocopy of my credit card, my signature and my ID while I was still happily trading.

I had a look through their T&Cs and found very little information about any forms of ID, excepting that to make a bank transfer, you had to provide some (it did not specify what you would need). So to have a request like that, without any mention of this beforehand, smelled of identity fraud. And while I am not accusing of engaging in identity theft, the very unprofessional manner in which they tried to extract all the information from me they would need to successfully steal my identity, put me on alert. And I refused to provide this information, and explained my position, which prompted the very rude 'customer service representative' to start talking louder and faster, becoming more and more agitated that I was not satisfied with her poor explanation, until she started repeating herself (without letting me get a single word in), at which point I hung up.

I would recommend that anyone wanting to start trading binary options find someone other than Even if they are legitimate (which after disregarding the probably fake review websites, and highly positive (most likely staff) reviews that seem to pop up with any scam website, and then taking into consideration that the every response from that I have found to these complaints are just poorly disguised legal threats, it would seem they aren't) they have, from my, and seemingly everyone's' experience, incredibly poor customer service, a poorly designed trading platform, difficult withdrawal system and complete disregard for customer satisfaction.

Find another broker, even if they are legitimate, it's not worth the hassle when there are plenty of other decent options out there

Dane Van Goidsenhoven
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Oct 08, 2012 12:36 am EDT

Hi Everbody, I read these comments last week when i had made money with Any options and had made a Withdrawal, I have to say it has been the best Trading company I have dealt with, besides the random Hours they call, my withdrawal was processed within 5 Days. SO if you know how to trade and you can take a knock then you will realize that there is nothing fraudulent about Anyoptions.

Goulburn, AU
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Oct 17, 2012 7:10 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

mohammed says:

good day all regarding anyoption i didnt deposit they take 1000$ from my credit card when i ask for money back my account block an d when i send email they reply Dear Mr. Alam,

Thank you for your email.

Your account was closed due to legal issues based on financial markets regulations.

Thank you.

Morris West
Anyoption Support
what happening my money nice day all try not to give them your credit card details mohammed

Mountain View, US
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Dec 21, 2012 10:39 am EST

I think a lot of people are scared of online trading because it's done on the internet and you can't see the company you're dealing with. I also do my checks on to compare traffic between websites, this way I know if it's a reputable website or not.
AnyOption is actually the leading Binary Option platform in the field so I wouldn't expect any fraud or bad customer service, anyway you're welcome to read my personal blog about online trading, I used Anyoption myself and I actually even poste some of my live trades. Check it out

vishnu d
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Apr 24, 2013 3:13 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

my name is vishnu d, my user name is vishnu789, i have invested 200 gbp in anyoption and made profits with my hard work, now they are not giving my withdrawals, they have closed my account and they are tellling that they have closed my account for security reasons and they are not giving my withdrawal, even they are not giving reason also about my mistake, i have provided my id proof and everything they required, but they are not giving my withdrawal, if you want proof go to anyoption live chat and proceed with my user name (vishnu789), i need to get withdrawal, but they are not giving my withdrawal, i am saying true, if u want u can ask with my user name and ask my withdrawal, they are telling only one thing that my account has been locked due to security reasons, this is no 1 fraud option website, dont go for this website and please help me for getting my withdrawal

La Jolla, US
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Dec 24, 2013 1:18 pm EST

I tried AnyOption, and I must say things are limited and not as user friendly as many of the positive propaganda posts claim, the fills are not inline with what is listed on a MT4 or NSDII platforms but when closing out or at expiry they are .. the requirements to opening account are also not warranted, they allow you to open the account, let you trade then start asking for this and that from the security department, I made close to 20 trades before they locked my account asking me to provide this and that which they claim were security requested and I showed proof of my credit card and that the credit card was approved for the deposit and, when I asked to close my account they said it will take several days to process, but yet my despot was credited within 5 minutes I had to contact my credit card co and request a stop credit to this company,

in my limited time trading this platform I must say the assets and strategies are very limited esp on expired, they only give you near expiry end of day and later options so if you want to place a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hour options you can't, either near term or end of day which really sucks,

Paul Birkin
Halifax, GB
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May 24, 2014 5:24 am EDT

Having a bad time with Anyoptions atm. I deposited money with them. Gambled some of it and lost. I decided it wasn't worth losing anymore with them so asked for a withdrawal of the rest of my deposit. I've been told that before the
withdrawal can continue, I must provide copies of my passport and proof of residence. These documents were also asked for shortly after I tried one of their gambles. So basically it's okay for me to use my money on their site, without proof of my identity, as long as it benefits them. But Gawd forbid I should try and withdraw the rest of the money invested without providing this proof? I'm trying to work it out with them atm. Not expecting any joy though. Who actually regulates their activities, does anyone know?

Paul Birkin
Halifax, GB
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May 24, 2014 5:31 am EDT

I can use my money to gamble on their site, without providing proof of my identity but Gawd forbid I should try to withdraw the rest of my deposit when I want to leave the site, without proof of my id? What kind of a cowboy site are they anyway? I'm still trying to resolve the issue at the moment but doubt if I'll be successful. Who regulates these people, does anyone


James Maggu
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Jul 03, 2014 9:35 am EDT

Anything from Cyrus that has to do with trading online please be careful. They are scammer and nothing hence. That was the country that gave birth to North Finance who took my more than USD50k away and never found them. Now they are coming with anyoption.

In contact us page they gave UK online number that will roam you to Cyprus:
Phone number: +44-[protected]
Fax number: +44-[protected]
When you check whois of the website you will see it is hosted in Cyprus:

Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.[protected]
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Anyoption Anyoption
Registrant Organization: Anyoption payment services Ltd.
Registrant Street: Estias, 11B llioupoli
Registrant City: Nicosia
Registrant State/Province: Dali
Registrant Postal Code: 2456
Registrant Country: Cyprus
Registrant Phone: [protected]
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax: [protected]
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Anyoption Anyoption
Admin Organization: Anyoption payment services Ltd.
Admin Street: Estias, 11B llioupoli
Admin City: Nicosia
Admin State/Province: Dali
Admin Postal Code: 2456
Admin Country: Cyprus
Admin Phone: [protected]
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax: [protected]
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: Anyoption Anyoption
Tech Organization: Anyoption payment services Ltd.
Tech Street: Estias, 11B llioupoli
Tech City: Nicosia
Tech State/Province: Dali
Tech Postal Code: 2456
Tech Country: Cyprus
Tech Phone: [protected]
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax: [protected]
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
Name Server: NS-688.AWSDNS-22.NET
Name Server: NS-2015.AWSDNS-59.CO.UK
Name Server: NS-330.AWSDNS-41.COM
Name Server: NS-1069.AWSDNS-05.ORG

Please beware. I warn you already. When you start crying remember I once cried like you

alabma, US
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Sep 14, 2014 9:32 pm EDT

I think The 2014 millionaire launch is better than Any Option. First time, I used Any Option. Any Optionseem to be very critical & many times give fake signals to me. Then I got free video tutorials of the 2014 millionaire launch( ) from my friend. After knowing the service of the 2014 millionaire launch, I analyzed and invest it. Now 2014 millionaire launch gives me a much better profit than my desire. They Any Option gave me 10%-15% profit beside 2014 millionaire launch gives me 45%-70% profit till now. Nowadays, in only 3 days my profit is 1500+. I recommend you that 2014 millionaire launch has a great customer support also. You can know about 2014 millionaire launch by visit official site-

Toronto, CA
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Sep 29, 2014 12:12 pm EDT

What can I say about these cheaters known as AnyOption.

The concept seemed interesting to me, so I deposited some money to give it a try. They have these "bonuses" they use to lure traders in by making it sound all lucrative, but beware of the fine print behind the bonus scam. This company's intentions are to get you to use those bonus traps to lock in your money, prevent you from withdrawing, and force you to trade till you lose it all.

Once you use a "bonus", which is more of a trap than a gift; you are OBLIGATED to trade 5 to 7x the amount you deposited before you can even withdraw a penny of your money. Ironically, the ONLY trade I was successful in was the bonus trade. Every trade after that was a loss, and very suspicious loss too that didn't jive with the market. Needless to say, I lost any and all gains from the "bonus" and then some. I haven't come close to hitting the 5x figure of my original trade. I have not touched this account for over 2 years, and recently contacted them to withdraw my small amount of money left over.

The people I deal with have extremely POOR customer service. One guy named Joseph, calls me and tells me, "ya regarding your withdraw request, you will get $0", when I asked why, he had no idea, and said let me call you back. He calls me back, and tells me I need to trade 5x or they won't give me anything even though its been over 2 years since I used this bonus. When I said, based on the trades I did, I'm afraid I'll hit $0 by the time I do 5x. When I asked him, are you forcing me to trade? he said, no we just won't let you withdraw until you do 5x...! These guys sure are something.

Avoid at all costs, especially their "bonuses" which should be called "traps".

Poor service.
Manipulates market.
Cheats customers by disallowing any withdrawals.

If anyone else is interested to do a "better business bureau" or equivalent governing body complain about these guys with me. Give me a shout. A cheat company like this should be looked into.

Toronto, CA
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Sep 29, 2014 12:24 pm EDT

I get a laugh reading the fake paid posts here by AnyOption that totally go against what everyone else is complaining about. Another sign of their scams.

arizona, US
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Nov 23, 2014 3:26 am EST

I think The OZ Robot better than AnyOption. First time, I used AnyOption. AnyOption seems to be very critical & many times give fake signals to me. Then I got the information about OZ Robot ( ) from my friend. After knowing the service of OZ Robot, I analyzed and just $300 deposited it. Now OZ Robot gives me a much better profit than AnyOption across my desire. The AnyOption give me 10%-15% profit beside OZ Robot gives me 45%-70% profit till now. Nowadays, in only 3 days my profit is 1865+. OZ Robot has a great customer support also. To you know more detail information. Visit The OZ Robot official site:

Branden M. Ibarra
Florida City, US
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Mar 05, 2015 10:48 am EST

I think OZ Robot better than Anyoption. First time, I used Anyoption. Anyoption seems to be very critical & many times give fake signals to me. Then I got the information about OZ Robot click here: ( ) from my friend. After knowing the service of OZ Robot, I analyzed and just $280 invests it. Now OZ Robot gives me a much better profit than Anyoption across my desire. The Anyoption give me 10%-15% profit beside OZ Robot gives me 65%-80% profit till now. Nowadays, in only 3 days my profit is 2865+. OZ Robot has a great customer support also. To you know more detail information; or 14 Days free Trial. Please go to this site:

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Aug 19, 2015 4:42 am EDT

I have been trading with anyoption for about 2 years now. It was all good earlier when i started with them like decent spreads, fast withdrawals, there was little manipulation though but i made decent profits.
After 2 years things have changed now. After making consistent profits for 2 years, now they are not allowing me to withdraw my profits. They make excuses all the time, they keep asking for documents again and again even after 2 years of trading with them. They never picked my call, never gave any satisfactorily response on chat.I am trying hard to withdraw my profits for about 3 months, They are now playing games with me . I would not recommend trading with them at all. Anyoption show its true colors with time.
If anyone still want to go ahead, i would advice to start with minimum deposit.
Goodluck !

its jap
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Aug 20, 2015 1:52 pm EDT

I started trading with them a month ago with small amount and then I got call from Senior Account Manager (Anyoption) . He offered me various packages (gold, platinum, VIp, etc) associated with deposits in exchange to providing hourly signals. I deposited 2K in order to get these signals to help me trading. But these signals never worked and I was always expiring out-of-the money. Account Manager at anyoption told me to try again for few days and I lost more money. After that I decided to withdraw all the money I have in my account. To my surprise before I withdraw any money my account got locked. "Account locked by security. Please contact us.". I tried to reach the customer care but no reply. I provided all the necessary documents when I opened my account. I want to file case against them for not returning my money. Let me know whom should I contact/complain regarding this?


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Nov 15, 2015 7:35 pm EST

They would do everything in their power to prevent you from withdrawing your money. I have provided them all the necessary documents, including the signed withdrawal form...all they replied was the withdrawal was rejected because it was not HAND SIGNED? how you could someone not sign using their hand? and it takes them weeks to respond to any email so that's customer service for you

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Dec 11, 2015 12:18 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My experience with AnyOption so far is entirely negative. I joined 4 months ago and was contacted by a senior account manager who offered with several packages in return for VIP signals and a couple of risk free trades. 1 one the trade was successful and the other wasn't. I clearly stipulated when starting that I would not be able to meet the trading volume requirement for withdrawal within 90 days and the account manager informed me that this would not be an issue as extension are provided in such instances. When I wanted to withdraw part of my funds after a couple of months, I kept getting asked for documents I had already provided and it tool over 2 weeks for me to be finally told I couldn't withdraw any of my funds because of the trading requirement of my account. This was a surprise to me as I had been told I would not be able to withdraw the bonus from the risk free trade and not my own funds! Anyway, numerous times I asked for a way to check my progress against the requirement since I didn't seem to be able to access this from my account, to no avail. 2 weeks before the end of the requirement period I got a reminder that the bonus on my account would be withdrawn. I immediately contacted the account manager who proceeded to tell me that I had a little bit more time and needed to do more trading and he would not be able to do much however did not answer me with respect to how close I was to meeting the target or how much more time I had. 2 weeks went by and money was taken from my account, over double the amount of the bonus on my account. I contacted the support team who confirmed that there was only 1 bonus on my account and could not explain the fact that double the amount had been removed. The advice: only the account manager could resolve the query as the withdrawal is done automatically by the system. Finally got hold of the account manager on phone (after nearly 2 weeks of the customer service team telling me he was unavailable and that messages were being left for him to give me a call back) only for him to tell me that a new law has come into place which means that the only way to grant extension is for the customer to deposit more money (minimum 3K) into their account! To the question why over double the bonus taken from my account, the response was that the other part is for the risk free trade that did not work - NEWS FLASH to me. You can imagine my shock, frustration and immense disappointment. Why do I keep getting inaccurate information? No answer. When did this law come into place? No answer (recently for me means nothing). Why was I not informed? No answer. Since I cannot deposit further funds how do I get my money back especially considering the unfair treatment?: No response. Unbelievably, the account manager asks me how we proceed. Apparently AnyOption doesn't have a Complaints team contact for me to lodge my complain and the suggestion from the account manager is for me to send my letter of complaint to him and he will forward it to the relevant department. This was 4 days ago and astoundingly there has been no acknowledgement of the receipt of my complaint as of yet. Is AnyOption a scam? I do not know. I would strongly advise AGAINST using AnyOption

Samoss nicaleti
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Jan 12, 2016 7:26 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This site all it does scam people for their money that's why they operate in Cyprus far from getting caught once you fall in their net good luck getting your money back ... Some one should go to their head office and deal with them the appropriate way ... Get those scammers .

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Feb 18, 2016 12:16 pm EST

I won 4500US but they closed my account and keep my money, its a fraud

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Apr 05, 2016 2:53 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi everyone

Please check out my pictures and my youtube video.

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May 18, 2016 1:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi all. I'm an active trader in shares. I have just finished a trial with cop op. Part of Anyoption. In my trial I did not try to copy anyone else I just placed trades against my own judgement. At first I was winning some losing some. After a few day I was even around the balance level of my initial investment. Then I started to win. I got the call from the account man. I then noticed that they were asking for all these personal details, including copy of my card, which I will not give, so my account will be blocked. I worked out that you need to win around 60% of deals to make money (assuming a constant stake amount). 55% and below you will lose you stake (investment). Some people can make on this, be it luck or intuition. Probably not based on market knowledge as in these short timescales you are betting against volatility, not really economic or company performance trends. I don't know about withdrawing funds, but I will find out. I'm going to stick with equities. I like to invest not gamble. If I want to gamble I'd rather back horse. Watching a horse race is more fun than watching if a line will finish above or below a triangle!

Sophie Marketing
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Jun 07, 2016 7:29 pm EDT

Hi Guys,

From my own experience, Its a trap, one way money. It may not be a scam but they put you in the situation where you can not withdraw your money. Thats all, they give you bonus, this and that and you are DONE!

Yes you are stuck, its like YOU HAVE TO LOOSE YOUR MONEY, there is no choice. Lol

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Aug 04, 2016 5:02 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I did transfer 3000 euro. After loosing half I decided to stop and ask my balance back> I am trying already for one year now to try to get my money back. They keep finding all kinds of excuses. Firstly they want my bonus back. I agreed as long as they remitt the 1500 euro (nett) they still keep in my account. They keep asking information like sending passport, copy of utility bills, copy of front and back of Visa card, etc, etc. Legally they should have asked me prior to invest with them. That is the law. If they had asked me I would have refused. There is too much identity fraud on internet.
It is a scam and their employees are dishonnest. I asked my laywer but it is too costly to court on Cyprus
They away from them! Cees de la Haye, Holland

Jerry Blunt
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Mar 13, 2017 5:47 am EDT

Anyoption is pure scam.
Let's start from the tools for investing: for most of the options the time frame is limited to 30 minutes and end of day/week. so you can not trade a 1 minute, 1 hour, 2 hours etc etc... put ora call - which is quite limitating. sedondly the opening of us stock trading is delayed of 10 minutes, which don't allow the investor to take advance of the opening fluctuations.
Secondly when you want to withdraw your money in the best case there is 3 days waiting time for the operation to be done: even worst, in my case, my documents were not approved (tehy still are not approved after 4 months) and they said my card is not eligible for withdraw and never had a final answer.
Thirdly, the staff is very insisting on you making deposits all the time, not to rate the mobile app which is also terrible.
Stay away from this option trading platform!