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Metro Photography / Apple Models

Metro Photography / Apple Models review: Scam by modelling agency 100

Author of the review
7:13 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Please watchout for modelling egency, apple modelling agency, offering you a chance to go and have a photographic shoot with metro photography in london. . . It is a scam. Once you get there they will not let you wait inside the studio if you are abit early, they will tell you to come back at the right time, and whilst you are outside, they go through your luggage, without asking your permission, then they will tell you that you need a new portfolio, which has to be less than 4 months old (My new one was done nov, 2014) , which has to be done by them, and they expect you to pay £500 for the new portfolio. They offered me a chance to sign up with apple models, but i declined. I have been modelling since 2004, all i can say is that this company is running a scam, and if you are a teenager. . . Please do think carefully. . . Dont, please dont part with any money. Thankyou. Jenna.

Update by jennawade1
Jun 23, 2015 10:32 am EDT

Hi, thanks, Kelley 121, for your comment, Yes, in my opinion, Apple Models, and Metro Studio, should be avoided...Red Alert...Danger...Watch Out...Avoid Apple Models, And Metro Photography Studio...unless you enjoy the risk of con_artists making a complete joke of you. I am now glad to say that I have been signed up with a new bona_fida modelling agency...and not letting these jokers, like Metro, and Apple Models, treat me like some joke they want to play around with. Good luck to all the other new models out there, as along as you seek the legit agencies, you will avoid the 2 fakes mentioned above.. Jenna.

Update by jennawade1
Jun 23, 2015 11:02 am EDT

No contact has tried to be made with myself, by Apple Models, or Metro, and now that I am signed to a legit agency, I do not want to even initiate contact with the 2 agencies listed above.I only came on here to warn people, through experience of my own, that not all agencies are legit, and that they are here to take your money away from you, for instance, A modelling agency which is truly interested in You, and who wants to sign you up, will never ask for money, infact they will invest in you, not the other way around. I have a photo shoot with La Redoute, in August, which I have just been signed up for, and I cant wait, and my advice to all my other fellow models, is to say Dont stop following Your Dreams!. Jenna

Update by jennawade1
Sep 29, 2015 4:13 pm EDT

Guys, please shop around first when trying out modelling agencies...take your time, and don't, I stress. dont be pushed into anything. Do your research, and take your time. Just think it through, before you say Yes, and part with your money! Remember, it is they, who are investing You, not the other way around!. Ok, guys, good luck. :) Jenna.

Update by jennawade1
Sep 29, 2015 4:23 pm EDT

Please, do as much research as you can on any modelling agency that that you approach, check their reviews, talk to people about them, and only part with money, when you are 100% certain that what they are offering is legit, I would be especially cautious of any claims made by Apple Models, and Metro Photography, stating they will provide you work, after they first get the fee they are looking for, whether its for a Portfolio etc. Don't part with your money too soon, think it through. Thanks. Jenna.

Update by jennawade1
Oct 22, 2015 5:52 am EDT

Hi Trilu, You need to get in contact with the following: Hope it helps. Jenna.

1 ) Action Fraud.
2) Trading Standards
3) C.A.B

Update by jennawade1
Oct 22, 2015 5:01 pm EDT

he C.A.B would be able to give you legal advice on the matter...try not to worry, stay calm, and think positive. If you stay positive, good things come out of staying positive! Goodluck. Stay upbeat. Yours, Jenna

Update by jennawade1
Oct 26, 2015 10:44 am EDT

To A.Moorland, hi, its Jenna, did you manage to get incontact with someone from the Organisations I mentioned? Jenna.

Update by jennawade1
Oct 26, 2015 10:48 am EDT

To Trilu, , hi, its Jenna, did you manage to get incontact with someone from the Organisations I mentioned? Jenna.

Update by jennawade1
Nov 12, 2015 2:42 am EST

Get intouch with C.A.B .again, and Trading Standards, And even the Media. Jenna Wade

Update by jennawade1
Nov 25, 2015 4:00 pm EST

Dont back down, thats what they want. keep at them, C.A.B will fight yr cause. Kind regards, Jenna.

Update by jennawade1
Dec 22, 2015 4:22 pm EST are known as the Modelling Agency Watchdog. Kind regards, Jenna.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.

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Lonodn, GB
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Jun 23, 2015 9:58 am EDT

Apple model have cheated many of their customers saying that that they'll be getting many contracts but the fact is they just call you to do portfolio shoots and nothing else. Fro Metro studio, later your portfolio will be sent to Apple Model and they'll keep making you nuts. PLEASE AVOIDE APPLE MODEL AND METRO STUDIO..

Bristol, GB
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Jul 22, 2015 3:36 pm EDT

If you feel misled by this company and have evidence to the effect then contact me. One of our employees was similarly 'scammed' and is now commencing proceedings in the County Court. The money claimed is not just limited to financial loss, but can also cover distress, inconvenience, and loss of opportunity.

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Jul 27, 2015 1:33 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am currently in dispute with this company I took my 8 year old daughter the pics were lovely but the pressure and patter was terrible. We will destroy your images unless you part with your cash now! You can imagine my daughters heartbroken face. I paid a deposit after being asked to phone someone for all the money! They said they never get as many good shots its the best she had seen in 6 months think they use that one alot, they told us we need to sort out work commitments as things will happen quickly. However later away from the pressure and on reflection my daughter was worried it would interfere with her dance commitments so i tried to cancel the next day and get my money back. ( we worried needlessly as no work materialises from what I've read).
They had other ideas I referred to the cooling off period which they try and deny I then said keep what money you have £200 and send prints to the value they are still trying to make their own law.
I have no experience with the industry however I am no push over and if thry want a fight they've got one. My daughter wanted to try it but thankfully doesn't seem to bothered either way which is just as well but how disgusting to fo this kind of thing to anyone but a child!
I have sent a number of links about the law and the poor reviews and will be seeking legal advise today!

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Jul 06, 2017 10:12 am EDT
Replying to comment of Sb73

I had the same experience, ended up paying 200 pound also, I've asked for photos off that worth and was told I wasn't allowed till the full balance was paid, even though an Italian guy that sat with me at the computer to show me the finished product give me some off my images free. Did you get any further with yoyr case if so what was the outcome ?

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Jul 27, 2015 8:52 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am also in dispute with this scam company apple models/metro photography with my young daughter . They lie from the start, telling you that they want you to attend a test shoot, which they are willing to pay for as they are sure to get money back from commission made . Following test shoot they get you to see a ' model adviser ' who will then tell you that your daughter has what it takes, build their dreams up . Then comes the bombshell of the portfolio that they tell you you are obliged to buy as they have paid for the test shoot . You are told you have to purchase there and then. Yes, you can walk away, but then you feel pressurised and do not want to let your child down .
You are told a strictly no cancellation policy, any legit company will give you 30 days to consider, you do not need a portfolio to join a modelling agency, even though they say they will not give your details to any agencies until you have paid for your portfolio .
Apple models used to be known as form / mint models/ neptune studios and were exposed on BBC s Rip off Britain a couple of years ago, links to this are easy to find, Please google Lambeth trading standards who recieved over a hundred complaints following this .
Please take my advice and stay away from this company. All you are is a portfolio sale to them .


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Sep 21, 2015 2:04 am EDT

Please be aware Apple models are a scam they send you to London for a shoot they tell you that Apple models wants you then try and sell you a portfolio if you don't buy one then Apple models don't want you. It's just a scam for you to buy photos.

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Oct 08, 2015 4:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yes I have been tricked also with the same patter. All the links they have sent to us (modelling agency's ), are out of the 'catchment area' you have to be in a certain mile radius to be considered. I have also found that the agency's. I contacted myself not recommended by Apple models say they do not want any professional photos only head shot and full body length selfies ! I have rang Apple models several time they do not reply back . I'm disgusted and very disappointed especially for my 15 year old son .

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Oct 20, 2015 4:05 am EDT

We have also been scamed by this company, they put a lot of pressure on to purchase the photos, which in the end we did spending £750 which we could not afford, not wanting to let our daughter down, they basically told her that if we did not take the photos we would be letting her down and the whole day would have been a complete waste of time, I asked if I could go away and figure out finances out to see if I could afford it and they told me all photos would be destroyed that day if we did not purchase there and then, I contacted Apple models when we returned home and they emailed me a list of other agency's to contact ( which we could of found our selfs on line) and have heard nothing else, once they have your money the our no longer intrested in you, We have been well and truly ripped off!

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Oct 20, 2015 11:16 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please contact citizens advice bureau or which legal . They will advise you on how to get your money back .If you felt pressurised or misled by Apple models / Metro photography then the law is there to protect you, even though you have signed their contract. It will take a few weeks, but please do not give up. Some woman called Kay will send you threatening emails from Metro trying to scare you but do not feel intimidated. Keep a record of all correspondence with them and use recorded delivery. You can take them to a small claims court to get your money back, but get advice on how to proceed. If you paid by credit card, contact them and explain everything . I managed to get all my deposit and instalments back and cancelled the contract as my credit card company helped me . Which legal and citizens advice were really helpful too . Please do not let them get away with taking your money .

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Oct 21, 2015 1:11 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

hi guys, i'm in the same situation as you. I told kay that i want a refund and that i don't want the product and the service provided by metro photography anymore. Before this, i send him an email in which i explained the hole situation (why i want to cancel the contract and why i want a refund) and in reply, he didn't even try to convince me that i'm in good hands and that i don't need to worry or something like this, he didn't even protect the quality of the product or of the service provided. He only said that i can't get a refund and that the contract can't be canceled. can you please give me a hint of what should i do further or how should i proceed? it would be a blast!

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Oct 22, 2015 8:14 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Thank you Jenna for your reply! I have a reply from kay, but i do not know how to interpret it. Here is what he says :
Please see the link below which will confirm our cancelation policy we will expect you to fulfil your commitments to the contract as I'm sure you would expect the same from us.

I've read over and over again, i don't know what to think. the contract will be cancelled or not?

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Oct 22, 2015 2:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Contact citizens advice or which legal .They will advise you that if felt misled or pressurised into signing this contract you have a legal right to cancel . They will give you advise of how to proceed . Do not feel intimidated by this Kay person .Apple models / metro are in the wrong . They are using scare tactics, they cannot take any action at all against you for cancelling this contract . Did you pay by credit card? If so contact them .

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Oct 22, 2015 3:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Thank you so much for the reply M.morland!

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Nov 04, 2015 3:52 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm having the same problem, guys and girls.
Same reaction from all the staff.
I took a photoshoot yesterday, and then I've been forced by Sara to sign for the webfolio.
Kay answered me with the same link that she attached to Trilu's mail.
I've already sent an enquiry to the closest C.A.B. and I'm waiting for their answer, because I paid with card and want the refund.
Do you have any other useful advice?
I'm just an Italian student, and I don't know all the tricks about the UK laws.
Thank you so much.

Mellie Grant
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Nov 25, 2015 10:23 am EST

I'm off to London with my son next weekend watch this space we are looking forward to opportunity to get in a studio and see how images look and if my son enjoys, we have no intention of parting with anything remotely as much as what I'm reading, max I'm willing to part with £250-£300 cash for a flash copy of all the images or walking away

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Nov 25, 2015 11:11 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


i was also a victim of apple model. Their service while I was there @ Metro Photography was so professional and friendly. But when it came to the end they made me feel as if i had no choice but to purchase the portfolio. It was not until my partners friend told me that they are scam artists. This had me so broken especially for the fact I had to call around for money as they made me feel like i had no choice. I have cancelled all direct debit and cancelled my card so they cant get any more money from me.
What do I do need in regards to getting my money back?

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Nov 25, 2015 3:31 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi Plusize,
as Jenna said, get immediately in touch with the Citizen Advice Bureau and report the fact to ActionFraud UK.
Follow every piece of advice CAB will give you.
Their help has been fundamental to me.

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Dec 08, 2015 7:20 am EST

unfortunately I saw all this comments after I went to the shooting appointment and pay a lot of money, please help me on what to do, I need my money back! Gina

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Dec 18, 2015 11:45 am EST

on 17/12/15 I went to London after my recent application for apple models. I wouldn't say they are a scam but they are misleading and conseal the truth. They make getting into the industry sound like its a piece of cake, whislt also telling you that it takes hard work. I don't know how t fuly explaian that but the way they do this is so perfect that it misleads you but yet you cant complain because they also give you enough truthful information. If you fail to acknowledge all of these red flags on the internet like I do, after you finish your shoot and they say yiu have been sucesful they will say the same thing to you that they say to everyone. " we aim to get at least 30 pictures out of the 120 you have taken today, your son however managed to get 50-60 which is amazing for a first shoot.

The pictures were awful, I could not have got any job with those photos (bare in mind I do evaluate myself harshly in everything I do). Also the make up was rubbish, maybe its because I am a boy but they literally spent no time doing my make up. On one instance the lady took a brush swept it either side of my forhead once and said I was ready for the shoot.


My advice do a lot of practise before you go to your first ever test shoot (unlike me) once you feel ready go elsewhere for this test shoot, after doing extensive research into the agency you are going into.

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Dec 22, 2015 2:12 am EST

Hi, my daughter has been invited in for the initial photo shoot as she has "the right look " think I will dodge this now after reading all the comments . Any advice on how i can find a legit company ?
Many thanks M

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Jan 09, 2016 11:54 am EST

Does anyone know know you contact trading standards about this as I have been subject to the same and trying to get my money back and cancel the contract.

Endy osunde
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Jan 13, 2016 6:39 pm EST

Hi guys I almost fall to their trick today i went there today hoping all is well at last same story the business is all about tricking you to buy photo, I try to let them know apple never told me I most buy photo before coming if they told me I will definitely ask the price then be sure I can pay all not before coming, at last I told them I need time to think about it they refused at this minutes They we delete all, any I told her I can register again with 50, when I have money to buy photo she said apple we not help me anymore, then I told her I we pay month ending when I got my salary she agree and ask me to pay deposit I refuse. I figure out a clear lie she said apple paid 3000 pounds to them for me to be here I was surprised wow 3000 ? For photo? Unbelievable am now waiting for my 50gp before 5days as they promise becareful my brother s and sisters there are legal scams what can I say pretend to be legal but illegal scams around UK people make living from nerves all their games look like true no bro wate until you pay be wise you need time to think before paying that is what I said and go. Yes amazing but for the money noway lol

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Jan 13, 2016 11:12 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Omg i think I've been riped off apple models asked me and my daughter to London for a test shoot all day all we spent and i left their office having spent £2000 omg I feel sick reading what you all have be saying plea can anyone advise me I felt something was not right flo sent us on the photo shoot when I phoned their office today a lady who sounded just like flo said her name was kare or something like that said she's not sure we're flo was and to email Charlie with my details

Patrick Newnham
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Jan 14, 2016 5:24 am EST

SCAM - please beware! I was contacted by Liam, very nice person, clearly the gift of the gab, really makes you feel good about the whole experience and reels you in. I paid the deposit over the phone which was stupid of me, but I'm sure I'm not the first. Following that a series of email come through, all of them look legitimate and reel you in more, then I did my research on them! I spoke to two other people, one person from Apple who told a whole different set of lies to Liam, then another person from Metro photography who told more discrepancies. I think the problem with telling lies is that it's hard to make them all line up and this was a clear case! Even their website gave contradictions to what the sales team were saying! They will tell you that the negative reviews are from their competitors and that they are talking to googles legal team to get them removed - RUBBISH! They say the companies aren't linked and they might be registered separately, but they work hand in hand. As I live in London I decided to waste some of their time as they had wasted mine and went to the photoshoot and asked for my money back. They didn't like that! The assistant director said that the fact the terms and conditions changed AFTER I paid the deposit wasn't their fault but mine and as a result I wouldn't get my money back as I was breaching them. However I had anticipated some BS and I was in a position to comply with their T&C's. One of these was to have 6 outfits, so I had 6 T-shirts! The assistant director quickly returned in a very bad mood and said that they would return my deposit, however I was to call Apple and tell them what a naughty boy I had been and then they would write that on my file and send it to all the agencies so I would never get work in the industry again; naturally I questioned why I would do that?! The answer "Because it's the professional thing to do"! I personally feel that not ripping people off would be a better start! I was lucky that it was only a 5 minute walk for me so I wasted half an hour today and another hour in calls etc, it cost them 4 hours so I feel good about that! If you are in a similar position to me and have some spare time then perhaps you could do the same, just follow their T&C's, arrive on time, with the papers and 6 t-shirts and tell them that you aren't going to cooperate and lets waste their time for a change! I really dislike dishonesty and I feel bad for all the people that have been cheated by this company so I help this review will help some people to avoid this con... If you look at the big names in modelling agencies then you will see that a portfolio isn't required, and paying £50 for A SINGLE PHOTO is definitely not on! Best of luck to all!

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Jan 15, 2016 4:28 am EST

Dear friends I am a victim of exactly the same trap. I have paid £500 and have opted for the £1946 package. I want to straight away cancel the package but they are not letting me do that. They have my debit card details. What should I do. Someone please help me. I also want my £500 back. :(

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Jan 16, 2016 2:29 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

What can will do about this sully we can't let Apple models get away with ripping people off like this

David Aguiar
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Jan 20, 2016 9:55 am EST

My wife was persuaded to attend last Sunday after paying a £50 booking fee with our son and after a "successful" shoot was of course told he would be a great success and would have no problems getting work.
However there was a deposit of £300 to be paid towards the total portfolio cost otherwise the photos would be destroyed.
She phoned me and I refused to pay but after 2 further calls and a persuasive conversation with an agent and fearing my son and wife's disappointment I succumbed to the pressure and paid
Little did I know that she had signed an agreement for total cost of £1400 and I might add nothing will be provided without full payment.
She tried to cancel but like all the other commenters this was declined.
I have contacted CAB who say a contract was entered into so nothing can be done.
Credit Card also say nothing they can do as no fraud or errant transaction committed
If we don't pay they will take us to court and result will be a ccj against us

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Jan 20, 2016 7:03 pm EST

Ples don't be tricked in to buy a portfolio from a Company called Apple models .send you to London for a test poto shoot then con you into buying ples read comments and contacts trade and standards also your bank if you paid on your bank card xxx

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Jan 21, 2016 3:47 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

David, I have been through the same experience with my daughter last year . After weeks of stress and almost giving up I did manage to cancel the contract and the instalments and got my deposit back . Don't let these people win. Ring CAB again . If you felt pressurised, or misled into signing this contract, which everyone is, then the law is there to protect you .Which legal will give you good advise of how to proceed . It costs a small amount to join but worth it . Your credit card should help if you because you as you have been scammed .contact them again, if they again will not help contact the financial conduct authority, look them up for help . I would advise you to look up Which legals website for advice on misleading, pressurised, aggressive practices which is what apple models/ metro do. These people are total ### and they have been getting away with it for too long now, under different names such as mint models / form models/neptune photography . It does take time and a lot of emails / letters but you can get your money back . Keep all correspondence and use recorded delivery. [censored] luck and do nt give up

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Jan 22, 2016 12:21 pm EST

Wow you guys have provided an illuminating overview of the types of pitfalls faced by aspiring models. I want to say thank you for all the info posted as it will help alot of people in the future.. not just in regards to Apple Modelling but others alike.. also well done Jenna for showing such a positive attitude.. awesome way to approach this topic. DB XD XO

Roxanne Wynter
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Jan 23, 2016 1:54 am EST

Thank you very much guys for exposing these people for what they are. I have an appointment at metro photography next week and haven't yet paid my deposit as i was going to pay it on monday. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for making me aware of this before i went and wasted my time and money. I will not be attending

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Jan 26, 2016 9:53 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I signed my daughter up for apple models and got a call back for her to attend metro photography studio for a trial shoot in London for a well known high street clothing chain. I asked if I would need to buy a portfolio as money was an issue and I was told no but that if we wanted to they could tailor a portfolio to suit our budget. I was told that if she was successful she would have the opportunity to work with other well known clothing companies. My daughter was so excited and over the moon when they told her she had been successful. we were told that we would need a hard copy portfolio within 5-6 days if she wanted to make sure she got the work and given 2 options one was to buy the disc with un-edited photos for £855 and the other was for a web page, hard copy portfolio, disc etc. obviously because he told us we needed the hard copy portfolio within 5-6 days we went for the second option which was £1959. He told us we needed to pay a £600 deposit there and then and if we didn't do this the photo's would have to be deleted when we left the studio for data protection reasons. I explained that we didn't have £600 and he went off to 'speak to his boss' and came back saying they could drop it to £400 deposit, I said we don't have £400 (all the while my daughter is sitting there excited), after repeating this about 3 or 4 times and asking if there was any other way, could we pay later? I asked if I could make a phone call. I called my mum and asked if she would mind lending us the money which she did, I paid the £400 deposit on my mum's card (which I feel terrible about now) and figured with the amount he said she would be earning (between £600 -£1500 per shot) the rest would pay for itself. He was very convincing and questioned our commitment to travelling to London every weekend for photo shoots as we live a couple of hours drive away. He spoke about how they would pay for travel for Amy plus one person to go with her. After making the deposit payment I stated that there was a lot to take in, he assured me it was ok as he would email me everything as soon as we left the studio along with the photos, well its 2 days later and despite calling his mobile number which always goes to an answer phone mailbox that is full and calling the office at metro I have been unable to get in contact with him. I have emailed and also called apple to speak to the original person I spoke as this is what the guy at metro told us to do as soon as possible but they are always in a meeting or busy, I have also emailed them and had no reply. On Sunday eve when we got back from the shot I went on my emails as I wanted to have another look at Amy's photos and he hadn't emailed them, this is when I first became concerned. I eventually looked on the internet for review's and that's when I came across this site, I now know we have been scammed! I have taken the advice of another post I read and joined which legal I have an appointment to speak to a lawyer on Thursday. If anyone would like to offer or ask advice please get in touch with me I will not be letting this go! Thanks for reading.

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Jan 26, 2016 9:56 am EST

yes me too

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Jan 26, 2016 9:57 am EST

money gone all gone nothing to show for it they keep offering us more and more though sometimes it seems to good to be true shall I give them another go?

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Jan 26, 2016 9:57 am EST

please let me know your advice before I pay another £3000 xxx

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Jan 26, 2016 10:25 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I definitely wouldn't be giving any more money to them, I have read so many other comments about them taking money and not delivering I have also just read a comment about how apple and metro are owned by the same person and in the same building. According to the post i just read, apple are just a sales team who send people to metro, metro take the money and the more money metro make the more they pay the sales team at apple. I don't know if this is true or not but it wouldn't surprise me at all. I have read several posts about the people who work there not being qualified too again I don't know if this is true, all I do know is I am really concerned about the money I have just agreed to pay and I really don't think you should pay any more.

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Jan 26, 2016 2:11 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Omg hi I receive you're email i would definitely be with you on this we can't let this happen i made a statement of the phone to trading standards am going to phone them up I've got a case ref number I'll let yous all know the outcome tomor has far has my bank am still wanting keep you up dated guys xxxx😊😝😂

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Jan 26, 2016 3:38 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

That's great I'm so pleased your doing something about it too. I will keep you updated of any progress here too. look forwarded to hearing from

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Jan 27, 2016 1:25 pm EST

Unfortunately, I have had the same experience as many people in here. We contacted Apple Model and they said that they are a prestigious modelling platform having a network with 150 modelling agencies. They also said that if we pass the test in Metro Photography we will receive between 4 and 6 job per months starting from £350 upwards. We went to Metro Photography and after photo shoot, he said to us that we had 52 good photo and they are very impressed. For 20 min he spoke to us about the perspective to become a model and how apple Model vast networking could help us to receive a minimum of three jobs per month starting from £500 per job. After that he mentioned to us that we have to buy portfolio and different packages available. I have asked if we can think about it since there is large sum of money involved. However, he said once we walk out of their studio they will delete the photos from their computer adding more pressure. Finally, I have paid £2000 for platinium package based on the information received from them and enetring into non-canceallation contract.

After couple of weeks of emailing Apple Models, Finally someone replied with few attachments containing contact details of modelling agencies and ask us to apply to them. If I knew that we have to apply to them ourselves we would never consider them. These information are available to general public. Therefore, this is a clear case of misrepresentation and misleading the consumer to acquire their products based on some false information.

I have spoke with the Credit Card company regarding this matter, but they feel there is no ground to dispute. However, I will urge them to investigate this matter under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 based on Fraudulent Misrepresentation. I am also in contact with Trade Standard to report them if Apple Model and Metro Photography decide not to refund my money.

First of all, I would like to know if anyone manage to get their money back from these scammers? If yes, what method has been utilised?
Also, are there any other governmental body or organisation which could help me on this matter?
Finally, if anyone interested we can work together to get our money back. The reason for this is that the Credit Card company ask me if there are anyone who experince the same problem manage to get their money back, otherwise it is hard to proof.

I look forward to hearing from anyone,

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Jan 27, 2016 3:24 pm EST

Hi all, unfortunately, I have had the same experince . I spent £2, 000 for Platinium package based on the information received by the Metro Photography and Apple Model. I have spoken with the Credit Card company and they said that there is no proof to dispute this transaction. I would like to know is there anyone here managed to get refund from these scammers through their Credit Card company or otherways.

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Jan 27, 2016 3:43 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Am still waiting I've also sent Apple models a numbers of emails

  1. Metro Photography / Apple Models Contacts

  2. Metro Photography / Apple Models phone numbers
    +44 207 434 0758
    +44 207 434 0758
    Click up if you have successfully reached Metro Photography / Apple Models by calling +44 207 434 0758 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have successfully reached Metro Photography / Apple Models by calling +44 207 434 0758 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Metro Photography / Apple Models by calling +44 207 434 0758 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Metro Photography / Apple Models by calling +44 207 434 0758 phone number
    +44 207 434 4567
    +44 207 434 4567
    Click up if you have successfully reached Metro Photography / Apple Models by calling +44 207 434 4567 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Metro Photography / Apple Models by calling +44 207 434 4567 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Metro Photography / Apple Models by calling +44 207 434 4567 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Metro Photography / Apple Models by calling +44 207 434 4567 phone number
  3. Metro Photography / Apple Models address
    Hammersley House, Warwick St, London, England, Greater London, W1B5LX, United Kingdom
  4. Metro Photography / Apple Models social media
  5. Janet
    Checked and verified by Janet This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 28, 2025
  6. View all Metro Photography / Apple Models contacts
Metro Photography / Apple Models Category
Metro Photography / Apple Models is ranked 55 among 64 companies in the Photography category