For Business Write a review File a complaint review: Bad Site / Bad Service 30

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11:15 pm EDT
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

This is a dating website.

This site is loaded with three bad things. (1) technical bugs to the point it is frustrating and sometimes unusable, (2) bad service, they do not get back to you regarding your problem complaint and a resolution plan, and (3) many fake profiles all containing the same information but different pictures, they aim to acquire your personal information such as email address.

Stay away from this site.

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mehmet ok
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Nov 04, 2008 4:23 am EST

does anyone know the phone number of arapmatchingmake?
they get money from my credit card although I want to stop .

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Jan 08, 2018 10:17 pm EST
Replying to comment of mehmet ok

i know they alot of scam artist like this one be careful you seen thos on the news everytime.

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Apr 20, 2009 12:21 am EDT website is totally fake and the webmaster is cheating for all girl profiles.

Create 2 profiles with 2 different location s and names on (or any site that is part of

You will start receiving emails from girls in the same time on both accounts. This means the profiles contacting you are fake ! Obviously, the webmaster of this site is cheating to get your money. I have been registered for 5 months, i have setup amazing fake male profiles and i get nothing.

Now, on the same site (, create a girl profile, with a stunning photo. That is FUN ! you will get 100 requests per minute. That means they have a lot of guys but no girls registered on the site.

Springville, US
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Apr 25, 2009 6:31 pm EDT

Now they have a new way of scaming you...Now a pop up window shows up as if someone wants to talk to you...and when you accept the chat request it ask you to pay up. You pay up and that person was never real or never will contact you again. Be aware. THIS IS BY FAR THE BIGGEST DATING WEBSITE SCAM. Along with its other two affiliated website and Don't waste your time or money on it.

Louisville, US
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Apr 25, 2009 6:37 pm EDT

WHAT?!?!?! a Match Making site that's a scam... you never hear about that. If you didn't get the joke look up the word sarcasm.

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May 12, 2009 12:17 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

لصوص غير شرفاء يعبثون بمشاعر البشر تحت ستار موقع بإسم إسلامي أو عربي
لا بارك الله في كل من يخدع الناس فالله خادعهم عز وجل

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Aug 14, 2009 10:21 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree that the site is full of scammers with non credible profiles...Fortunately I have learned to identifie them. and I always report them.
Eor the chat, I was contacted a few times, and I managed to have nice conversations. I was never asked to pay anything.

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Nov 04, 2009 4:40 pm EST

i'm on this site sice a few weeks and noticed all what is said concerning fake women profiles.
these girls are especially from nigeria, some of them ask you quiclky for money or to eceives some funds they can't get on their account.

right now i contacted myself a girl on this site, she's saying she lives in nigerai also but she's kind and didn't ask me for some money at all.
she says she has american and nigerain nationality and can move easily from there using US passeport.

according to experienced members who have used this site, can i trust this woman?

NB:when i'masked to pay i don't do it and i received private eamils adress from girls, that's how i discuss with them later on, but still i found out they 're lying when they ask for fund or money

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Nov 04, 2009 11:04 pm EST

What are you paying for?
To bring her to your country?

I am not sure exactly what you are trying to achieve !
In my opinion, if you wish to have s*x, you d better go to a night club and get it from there, it is cheaper, what you see is what you get and it is simple.

Online, people will take your money, your credit card details..etc and screw you hard. That is MY opinion. is a very suspicious site.

Open 2 accounts as a male, then wait, you will see you will receive 2 emails to both accounts inthe same time that the same girl is interested in you.

Dallardsville, US
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Nov 05, 2009 8:40 am EST

So you report scamers to the administrator? The problem with that is that the owner, moderator, administrator and all are part of the scam! Don't waste your time on Arab2arabs, or Muslim4marriage, or Arabmatching. They are all the same and are all scamers!

great postman
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Apr 16, 2010 2:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

yeah I figured thagt out since
I just had an existent profile without any information that can be tagged, heheheheeee and guess the hundereds of messages I cant reply without a membership ... good not to have a visa,

Troy, US
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Aug 02, 2010 12:25 am EDT is a total scam. It's full of fake profiles and they keep sending you messages. DO NOT FALL FOR THE TRAP. That's all it is. It's just a trap for you to sign up and pay them. STAY AWAY!

Derby, GB
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Nov 07, 2010 1:38 am EDT

well where would you like me to begin i am normal i work hard and i have all my own pics well all i got was a bunch of werido old men i had a simple yet nice profile but 100+ aday messages and winks did my head in and ye i contact to erase my profile and guess what noone never reply to me my god i am embrassed that men can be like that all in the name of love
act foolish and i went on 2 dates off that site one was a lier and cheating with anyone he can find and lied to death about everything and the other one well he was a doctor and was lovely but i dunno what time wud tell :(

sad times really what a shame if be more better and more real people maybe then would been ok place to hang out

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Mar 26, 2011 12:30 pm EDT

These ARAB sites are scammers, don't use them. use Qiran or Mulima a 100% better. they won't even cancel my membership so I had to cancel my credit card. Guess where they operate from, UAE, the new heaven for scammers.

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Oct 04, 2011 4:24 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

what is this please in from me

NOTE: Messages are only visible in your inbox for 10 days after you receive the message.

From: stellv Date: 29 Sep 2011 16:35 Reply
No Photo

75 female

LEFT ( Ref: [protected]
Batch: [protected]/188
Win ning no: GB87081/PRC
Ticket number: [protected]-[protected] 2
Serial number: [protected]


W e are pleased to inform you of the announcement made on the 6th 0f sept, 2011
of winning on online lotto Program held on 23rd of Aug, 2011 through a
computer ballot system.Your Profile is attached to ticket number
[protected]-07 [protected], with serial number [protected] in the first category.
You have therefore been awarded a total sum of $300, 000.00 in cash credited
to file REF:[protected] from the total cash prize for eight lucky winners in
this category.

All participants were selected through an online draw in Nine hundred
thousand E-mail address on this website from the listed countries:
Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Oceania as
part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually.

This Program is promoted and sponsored by a conglomerate of some
multinational companies as part of their social responsibility to the
citizens in the Aspect that impacts peoples lifestyle worldwide.

Furth er more your details(e-mail address) falls within our European
represent ative office in Amsterdam, Holland, as indicated in your play
coupon and your prize of $300, 000.00 (Three Hundred Thousand Dollars) will
be released to you from our regional branch office in England.

We hope with part of your prize, you will participate in our end of year
high stakes for US$1, 000, 000.00 international draw.

Simply contact your Claims Officer
Name - Steve Miller
E-mail address - matchmaking@rediffma

Please quote your Reference, Batch and Winning number which can be found on
the top left corner of this notification as well as your full name, address
and telephone number to help locate your file easily.

For security reasons and due to the mix-up of some numbers and names, we ask
that you keep this notification strictly from public notice until your claim
has been processed and your money remitted. This is part of our security
protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by non-participants
o f this program. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double
claiming and unwarranted taking advantage of this program by non-participant
or unofficial personnel.

Note, all winnings MUST be claimed before the end of this program; otherwise
all funds will be returned as Unclaimed and eventually donated to charity
organizati ons.

HERE - matchmaking@rediffma


Once again Congratulations on your winnings.
******** ******************** ******************** *********
Introduci ng the Arab Matchmaking Home Page Based on your feedback, we've made
some improvements:

* Streamlined updates
* Faster page load

We hope you enjoy these new features and that you will continue to help us
provide innovations that make your experience the best it can be.

The Arab Matchmaking Member Services

Copyrig ht © 2011, All Rights Reserved., 1500 )

Derby, GB
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Dec 16, 2011 11:41 pm EST

Well a long while back (few months ago) i went on there for a laugh and to see what it was all about by mistake i fount it one night being bored in late hours of the night! and got myself on there with all the nice info and all of my own photos which i was like hey kool yet in time to find out that all the womens there are not real are fake or are men not lovely womens so there was me being honest and filled my info as full as i could plus the photos and it kinda was a dateing site but also was full of people who wanna rob u and steal anything they can from you and a few poor people came on there and got lied to and cheated some even lost there money (by fallen to love a nice lie and send there hard earned wages to russia or morroco like examples i heard :( so me being my sweet self i spoke with alot of people and the real people there like myself got the hell off that site if your looking on a place like that to marry or get a women eiether u get lucky which is rare like a blue moon or u get kicked in the balls like a lot guys i spoke with who just gave it all up.
as a women its free and men have to pay how strange :O
also there are men who dont want love who are there as male hookers aswell as womens funny enough working in dubai plus once you sign on there like people say too hard to get in touch with them to listen but i got off there after 1 year of email and fights with them.

i went on 3 dates in the whole time i was a member of arabmatch for 2 years and 2 lied and 1 turned into a pervert on me so i gave up :O

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Jan 08, 2018 10:34 pm EST
Replying to comment of Soxy121

you you guys so go spread this to the publics about this arabmatchmaking, etc let your words spread to media to let the publics know this fake scammer who with me?

Derby, GB
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Dec 16, 2011 11:45 pm EST

soxy121 i am also emzimilli lol i forgot i had an account in other email am stupid lol

burntisland, GB
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Jan 17, 2012 2:35 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was also a member of arabmatchmaking.Im a genuine woman who was looking for love.I found my ex on that site but he turned out to be a lying sleaze.Before that l seemed to be bothered by a lot of older men.I see a lot of complaints are by men but women need to be careful too

Loun, GB
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Feb 17, 2012 1:10 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Listen up guys ... Do not sign up for. These sites they are all scammers
Most of the profiles are from Nigeria trying to make u believe that they are American girls than they tell you that they moved to Nigerian for humanitarian causes and than they ask u to send them some money to help charities or just ask u to send it for them cos they got involved in accidents and they a desperate for money .. Trust me these sites are more dangerous than u might think .. The administrators are part of the scam. Try to contact them and they will never reply to u . The whole site is full of prostitutes or Nigerian scammers careful they got the ability to send u viruses and get into Ur computer and see every thing u see . It happened to me and they stole all my accounts and all my fotos and start making threats to me . They took over my e mail accounts and start chatting with my friends . Cos I refused to send them money .once they got Ur details this is it Ur trapped . Pls stay away and don't get involved, even genuine profiles are hard to contact so it's just waste of time . The girls can join for free and use all the featUres to use them as a trap for men who they charge around 40 us dollars per month to join and be able to use the chat featUre . Once again be carefull don't be fooled they are thieves and liars .

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Jan 08, 2018 10:39 pm EST
Replying to comment of Abdul..

you right is a big time scam so what we can we do to get i money back just warn peoples that all let find where they live and jack their belonging who with me?

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Apr 16, 2012 6:15 pm EDT

can i know how to delete my account on arabs2arabs?! it's just a scaaaaaaam and i want to end it! plz any help?

St. John's, CA
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May 15, 2012 11:02 am EDT

Yeah, any site that doesn't have a means for you to cancel/close your account is most likely NOT legit!
BUT, there is a way that you can "mostly" close your account! Here is how I did it:

* Delete your pictures
* Replace your description with "I'll fill this later ..." (The dots are to fulfill the length requirement)
* And finally, find the option/setting that lets you change your email address, and change your email address to something non-existent, such as:

And once you confirm the email address change, your account is of no use to them since it doesn't point to a valid email! Isn't that neat?

London, GB
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Jan 25, 2013 6:44 pm EST

These Scams are known as 419 Scams..
They often have people working in Nigeria..
They use your mails and photos to use to other people so it makes out that
A real person is on the other side when all they are is actually fake people... Total FAKE..!
I have never know a dating site such as Arab2Arab and Arab matchmaking
to have so many fake people.. It should be called FakeArab..!
Best thing to do is Stay the Hell Away..!

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Jun 12, 2014 11:24 am EDT

i hope i read this page before i pay 40$ to i saw a nice looking girl from la. so i pay to send message to here. after 1 day from paying they tell me
You have been logged out of for security reasons.
If you need assistance, please contact the Site Administrator.
i send to them 7 emails no respond i dont care about the 39.99$ i realy wanna to take with that girl. what should i do to cancel my account.

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May 08, 2015 7:41 am EDT

I signed up on January this year with membership of $49.99, now it have been 5 months they not responding to my membership cancellation request !

I called the bank and have been told the best solution is to cancel my credit card with a new number.

يا جماعه لا احد يشترك في موقع اراب ماتش ميكينغ او دبي لاونج

Mohammad Muslim
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Jan 03, 2016 12:16 pm EST

I had a similar experience with, They are all scammers, the adinstrators as well as most of the members. I deleted my acccount after a week but they continued to deduct money from my redit ard. My advice is not to use website, nether the others mentioned here, and you need to cahnge your credit card number. There is no way to contact them. You can just send them an Email to confirm cancellation. That is all you can do, and if you wish you can inform the police or any authorities concerned.

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May 03, 2017 2:26 pm EDT

These ### need to be sued!

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Oct 24, 2017 9:24 pm EDT is a bad site and is technically poor with their filter system for restricting members with selected age groups and marital status to contact your. Most of the profiles are infested with fake profiles and photos. Difficult to upload photos and the customer service is poor and do not respond back unless you contact them for their dues or want to buy their membership.

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Mar 06, 2018 10:59 pm EST is a scoundrel making money by creating fake profile of their own, even if your subscription has ended they use your email to create your fake profile with slightly different user name of your original one which you are not aware of by using the same email you have registered initially with them. When the subscription is nearing to the end date of your subscription they will send you fake winks and message like, I would love to hear from you, or I would like to get to know your is very common to trap you to pay and continue to subscribe to carry own to reply back and send their fake messages. They make fool of people, most of the girls from which you receive interests and messages to you will not even respond back if you reply back. Its a scam and nothing, just do not get involved your valuable money and time with this scoundrel website.

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