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CB Colleges and Universities Review of Ashworth College Scam!
Ashworth College Scam!

Ashworth College Scam! review: Fraud/Scam 2

Author of the review
9:31 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Attention To General Public This Is A Better Business Bureau and a Federal Trade Consumer Alert!

Ashworth College is a scam. They do not give you the correct course and they try to double charge for courses as well. They will steel your personal information and use it to harass you on the internet and cyber bully you. And if you try to complain they will tell you that they can do whatever they want and you have no right to file against them even if they do something illegal to your personal information. File a police report, get an attorney, and don't put with schools bad business ethics! Contact your BBB, Consumer Affairs, Federal Trade,, if you are a victim of fraud theft of personal information and if you have been scammed by a school or any business. Know your rights and make sure you choose the right business and schools by doing a very well research. Otherwise do not go to Ashworth College! They may have a BBB rating of A but BBB does not acknowledge complaints also and they have been known to support these schools or companies only because they do a good suck up job! So that is why these schools and businesses are getting away with scam/fraud and extortion also even abusive customer and student service!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Groveton, US
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Apr 07, 2013 3:14 pm EDT

I've been enrolled twice now and my personal information was never given away to anyone or another company. They never harassed me. My courses were and still are all as listed/described when I enrolled. It sounds to me like you are just angry you didn't get your own way or you didn't fully read it before enrolling. I am so sorry, but don't take it out on a perfectly good school that A LOT of people have had success moving up in the job opportunities/education ladder.

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Mar 26, 2017 9:37 am EDT

I am not enrolled in Ashworth College yet but soon will be. The evidence tends to support the entry of ZoeyNightRedbird on 7th April 2013. Over 70% of the reviews I have seen are in favour of the college as a reputable school. I will judge for myself after I enrol.