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Best Assisted Living and Long Term Care Facilities

Sort by: #1 in Assisted Living and Long Term Care 31 reviews | 12 complaints
About: offers resources and information for senior care and housing options.
Comprehensive senior care directory with user reviews.
Free resources for caregiving support and advice.
Personalized assistance from Family Advisors.
The MENTOR Network #2 in Assisted Living and Long Term Care 5 reviews | 5 complaints
About: The MENTOR Network provides health and human services to support individuals with disabilities and special needs.

313 Congress Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA, 02210, US


Comprehensive care services for diverse needs.
Nationwide network with local community focus.
Extensive experience in health and human services.
The Alzheimer's Store #3 in Assisted Living and Long Term Care 20 reviews | 10 complaints
About: The Alzheimer's Store offers specialized products designed to improve the lives of those with Alzheimer's and dementia.
Specialized Alzheimer's products for safety and comfort.
Wide range of memory aids and dementia tools.
Tailored solutions for caregivers and patients.
Updated Assisted Living and Long Term Care reviews
Home care
The Alzheimer's Store
The Alzheimer's Store's Poor Customer Service and Faulty Product