I got visited at my home by Atlas Marketing selling Dish Network. I live in Texas. They installed and the TV worked down stairs; after they left I went up stairs and the 3 other Tv's did not work so I called them and did phone tech help which did not work. Then I called the salesman and he came out and couldn't fix it so I called the dish network back and they told me I would have to pay 35.00 to have a service call; this was the same day it was installed. I said no I will not; then I called the installation tech and he came out the next day after I said I wanted to cancel; I thought it was fixed and that 2nd night there was red vertical lines in all the TV's so I called them back and they told me that there was a 3 day grace period if I wanted to cancel, so I did; I had the service for 3 days!They charged my credit card $49.99, 194.96, 300.00, and 499.99! I have filed a complaint w/BBB in Utah where the company is from and alerted my bank for a dispute. I do not know what else to do except warn people...
We also were visited in our home by a salesman from Atlas Marketing, and we signed up for Dish Network. We feel so stupid, but we were fooled by the big Dish Network logo on his shirt. We thought they were a reputable company. They sent out two installers who were at our house for SIX HOURS, and when they finally left it still didn't work right. The satellite lost the signal every 20 seconds or so, and alot of the services and channels the salesman promised were not there. So the very next morning, I called and cancelled. The people at Dish were very nice, and cancelled me and waved the fee. But the people at Atlas are AWFUL. As soon as I cancelled they charged $440.00 to my credit card! I had the service for 12 hours! They are liars, and I strongly advise anyone against doing business with them.
We've had the same bad experiences with this company and I can't even tell you how bad life has been lately but they just made it worse. I never will trust any salesman again or a contract. The Dish Network employees were kind and waived our fee also but Atlas took out payments of $85.00 per month then without asking took an additional $699.97 plus $20.00 . We are trying to get our money back if not our landlord may have to put us out. It's been a humiliating experience. I don't know how they can sleep at night. I recommend Comcast here in Denver at least.
OMG, we had the same lousy experience with Atlas Marketing. We were not given any three-day grace period, either. The people at Dish were nice but they also didn't let me cancel. We're stuck with substandard service.
Never, ever do business with Atlas. I now have a "no solicitors" sign on my front door, and no matter what someone is selling, I will tell them to get lost.
That sucks that Atlas is "tanking," not really. However, they have yet to pay their employees and many of their employees paychecks that were previously distributed have bounced, leaving many in the hole.
Although it may be true that Dish Network has not paid the company, then why did they spend so much money on a huge banquet that was held about two weeks ago, and why is the infamous Atlas Cruise still on for the first week of November.
I know for sure that some of the regional Managers were nicely compensated for their supposed hard work they performed throughout the year.
Atlas is and its people are selfish dishonest scammers, which is especially is hard to say because most of its employees adhere to a religion that is well known for its high code of conduct, how sad.
Here is a suggestion sell an Aston Martin or two, what about that Mercedes E Class, or even Lexus.
Go to atlaschoice.com, to see just how badly they are doing.
Atlas Marketing is a lying, dishonest company. I was a door to door salesman for them, for two weeks! I saw what the company was really about and left. I didn't want to go sell Dish Network... or anything as a salesman, for that matter. An Atlas Marketing manager/recruiter told me all things good about the company and left out all the bad things to get me to agree to sell for the company. They used tactics such as telling me that JD Power and Associates rated Dish Network #1 so I would have confidence in selling the product as well as showing me all of their Aston Martin's and Porche's on their company parking lot, telling me that the company would buy any car of my choice for me if I could make 200 sales for them. Note: I really had to make 500 sales. At 200 sales, you have to commit to be a regional manager for them, and THEN they'll buy you a car of your choice. I certainly didn't want to be a salesman for more than one summer. It's my fault that I didn't read over the whole contract, but none of my friends who worked for the company read over the whole contract either. Atlas assumes that you'll trust their managers and won't read the whole contract so they don't tell you the full truth up front. They also told me up front that I could either rent my own apartment or I could live in an apartment that they provide and was mislead to believe that I wouldn't have to pay rent. When I got out there, that's when I found out that, yes, they will pay for your rent, as long as you sell enough for that month, another tid-bit that Atlas assumes you will overlook in the full contract. Ultimately, it's no one's fault but my own, but they knew how to play the game with me. Also, after I joined the company, Atlas told me I needed to get a cell phone. They wouldn't provide one for me, which they should, if it's a business requirement. And on my way of driving all 800 or so miles, they didn't pay or reimburse me for one penny for gas. They also wanted me to get a credit card for emergencies. I was still committed to selling for them because I like to be a man of my word. They also make you believe that the company's policies are based around LDS, or Mormon principles, which appealed to me because I'm a Mormon myself. But in our role play trainings, I found out that you basically have to lie to customers to get them to buy the product you're selling. Lying sure isn't an LDS principle. On the doors, I couldn't bring myself to lie, therefore didn't sell a single product. I'm glad I didn't though. I found out the technical differences between Dish Network and DirecTV. DirecTV is a better product than Dish Network. I too am a customer. If I want the best, then I want others to have the best. Dish Network is a good product itself, sure, but no where near as good as DirecTV. I was losing more money in those two weeks than I had to lose. So before I was bound to the contract by selling just one product, I packed my bags and went home without telling them. They are some of the most manipulative people I know and would have gotten me to stay. In conclusion, there are two people who get taken advantage of: customers and salesmen. Customers who switch to Dish Network from DirecTV, or from Comcast and just find out that they hate Dish Network as a product, end up being ripped off. Also, salesmen, the ones who suck like me, are the ones that managers like to recruit because the more people they have to do slave labor, the more money they get paid. From my experience, one of the worst feelings in the world is knowing that you're working your butt off and not getting paid for it (pay as a salesman for Atlas is commission only). When going home, I ended up with about $1,000 on my credit card. Paying to get out there, paying to live there, and paying to come home. I accept the latter, but for the first two, I should have been reimbursed. But they had no plan on that.
I think it is Unconscionable that Wade Sleater took his Grandmother for her last $200.000. Wade comes from a family that lived off others. His father never really worked and lived off his wife's parents. It is really sad when you see individuals that have no conscious. How can you take the money from your Grandmother Wade when you knew your company was going under.
Wade, I hope they get you in federal prison ASAP.
Rumor has it that indictments are coming down next week against Atlas and Wade. A Big Bird told me next Thursday... Please let me know if this is true.
"THIS IS NOT EXACTLY TRUE. WARRANTS WERE PROCESSED IN FEDERAL COURT LAST WEDNESDAY AND ARE IN THE NAMES OF KYLE NELSON, WADE SLEATER, DOUG ROBINSON, ATLAS CAPITAL, KEVIN SWISS, ATLAS MARKETING, SOURCE 12, DECADE MEDIA, GALT'S GULCH, SHANDA SLEATER, JORDAN SHIELDS." The investigation is still going and they are still trying to gather as much information as can be found...please don't think that they have what they need and they gat these jerks. Please contact the investigators.
I DON'T KNOW WHY DENNIS R. WEBB's name keeps coming up. here is some information about him:
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Content Watch - Wade Sleater connection?
Webb is the Co-founder and CEO of ContentWatch, Dennis has also been involved extensively in the co-founding and creation of many successful businesses including Franklin Quest. While at Franklin Quest he was responsible for 250 million dollars of product development and distribution. In addition, he trained clients from numerous Fortune 500 companies, including PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Dow Chemical, Merrill Lynch, and Citibank. Dennis is a much sought-after speaker on a wide range of topics, ranging from leadership to time management to financial planning to team-building.
Dennis received his bachelor's degrees in Finance, Management, and Political Science from the University of Utah, and a Master of Business Administration degree from George Washington University.
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Since there are rumblings of big lawsuits and accusations against Wade Sleater and Company, I want to put a general call out to all those who may have been affected to post what you know. Especially those who worked for or with Wade, and know details about his business practices that could be brought in to question.
Anyone who worked as an Atlas Sales Rep or Sales Manager? Anyone at the Corporate Offices? Did you ever notice shady things going on? Questionable things?
How about those in the Source Twelve company? What exactly was that? Is this company still in business? What was Wade doing with that company? Wasn't there a movie company? What else was Wade in to?
Let your voice be heard so that people don't get away with these things.
Is it true that Wade Sleater and Mark Craner are or have worked together? I saw a lot of FRAUD Alert stuff about Mark Craner and it has Wade's name all over it.
I was a sells representative for Atlas Marketing in the summer of 2006. Not only did did the whole experience suck over all but I was severely screwed over. They promised all this wonderful stuff for everyone that signed up, and yeah it was my own stupidity for agreeing to go with them, but it is nearly impossible to gain those "wonderful incentives." We actually broke about even, but as two full time college students my wife and I eventually hit some very tough times in the months to follow. They talked my wife into being an office assistant for them and she was never fully compensated for the work that she completed and never was fully trained to do the work assigned to her. Now we cannot get a hold of anyone that we can talk to to at least get us the remainder of the money that they owe, nor does Atlas CEO, Wade Slaeter have the money to dish out to the hundreds of sales reps that they, as a company, screwed over. So to all the customers who were lied to and cheated out of money, I apologize (even though it really is no compensation to you), I never did agree with the tactics of most of the reps and thought it was very dishonest. I at least made sure that I could sleep at night by being totally and brutally honest with all my customers, and I made sure they knew exactly what they were getting. So all those who signed up you're not the only ones who were screwed over, there are thousands of us. I just hope that the tactics of Wade and the "hierarchy" of Atlas come back to kick them in the ### and they get what they deserve. I guess I got one thing out of the summer, I am now so much smarter and !00 times better than Wade and all of his peons he calls friends. I'm glad they feel comfortable taking advantage of everyone.
I was a rep for atlas. I asked alot of questions and I'll say there was nothing deceiving at all. Just because some of you idiot workers think you got screwed doesn't give you room to complain. ALWAYS, ALWAYS read the terms and ask alot of questions.
I did and I had a great experience. I was honest with my customers and I only had one cancel. I told them everything I knew and encouraged them to read the terms of the contract before the install. I made sure they knew of the fees and to cancel if they must before the install. I also had about 50 sales. Honesty has a price.
I worked for them again as a tech, and made sure everything worked. I was prompt as I could be and even let go of misc charges to compensate. I also spent a lot of time fixing other techs messes, as many of them left. They weren't that good.
Atlas never violated the contracts to my knowledge. I'm familiar with them. Next time someone sells you something, be sure to read it. Take this as a lesson to read before you sign. I'm sorry for those of you who didn't see that coming. It's obviously an expensive mistake. My parents are under contract with atlas. No problems at all. A box failed 2 months later. I called dish network and they sent us another at no charge. Only on three occasions have they lost signal for more than a minute. When you have a tropical storm blowing through, you can understand that.
As far as the company goes, I wish I could get the money they owed me. I had more problems with paychecks than anything else. It always led to them doing direct deposits in a timely matter, which was not done for everyone, but it was annoying, though greatly appreciated. They don't owe me as much as they do others, but money is money.
If anyone knows anything, if it's still possible to get back what's owed, I'd like to know.
I was an installation techician for atlass, and i must say that this company was awfully deceiving. Any company that hands out booklets of information to persuade people to work for them is not legit. One time i was sent to Washington D.C. to help out with their office. When i got there, along wih three other install techs from Philadelphia, we were thrown into a condo with people you would not believe.
Upon arrival and meeting our new "roommates" our manager told us about how these guys that we were living with took greyhound buses from Utah to Washington to work for Atlas, but the recruits did not have sufficient transportation to do jobs (possibly because they were alcoholics, one was a convicted sex offender, and the other only 16 years old). We were stuck in Washington DC with these complete ### of society, in danger for our lives. Before Atlas had paid for them to get back to Utah by Greyhound, the had informed us that they had stolen a guitar and some other stuff and pawned it for about $800. Fortunatly the only thing that happened to us is that one of the other guys got their digital camera stolen.
I was told i was going to be compensated for what i spent on gas for the trip since I was doing them a favor, i never was. I was promised many things by this company, i invested a large amount of time and money working for this company, going through three re-locations with my own vehicle. I am most foolish for have believing what i was lead on to believe was legitimate, in acutality was completly bogus. Eventually, one day i just woke up and realized how miserable and hopeless this "opportunity" was. I just packed up my things and went home.
Any company that promotes by means of phamplets, is more than likely illegitimate. I could inquire many storys about how they put 9 employees in a three bedroom condo, to how they justified ripping up my friends paycheck because he had beer in an apartment (he was at the legal age of 22).
They folded, i know kids that are waiting for paychecks as big as $4, 000. Unbelievable, bankruptcy is their only motion.
My husband started working for Atlas in the summer of 2004 as a tech then became an install manager and I was the admen for the offices we ran. He stayed with them until 2006, but they kept asking him to come back every summer to run a office. When we first started Atlas was a good company and Wade did want to see people push themselves to be better but, as time went on and he got salesmen that only cared about the money and not the customer, even if they had to scare them into getting dish. Wade saw how much money they were bringing in so he stopped caring and only saw $$$$$. This is when it all went down hill.
Wade would hire sales rep and offer them 100, 000.00 a year for doing nothing they got that job bc they made him money. I know one sales rep that made good money for Atlas but was dirty, dishonest and had no respect for anyone especially woman he would scare them into getting dish. He is lucky he did not get his ### kicked. When tech would go to install they would see that the lady was upset and they would ask what was wrong and she would tell them. If it was not this sales rep it was one of his "friends" that he trained to be just as dirty! The tech would call in and cancel the dish them self they did not feel right installing it!
Wade knew how these salesmen worked but still let them train and when his other employees complained he did not care he would tell them if they did not like it then they could leave! I really don't feel bad for Wade for what he is going through he did this to him self. He became dishonest and let money take him over!
He took money from people for his "investment” when he knew he did not have money and would have to file bankrupts. I am sure he used the money for himself, or maybe he put it in an offshore account you never know with that man! I feel bad for his family and for the people that did not get there backends . And for Wade to think he did nothing wrong are you kidding me! He will make a great boy toy for some man!
I worked for Source XII during the summer and fall of 2007. Here's how it works: Atlas Ventures was the "parent company, " and all other companies controlled by Wade were subsidiaries. For example, under Atlas Ventures there were businesses such as Independent Student Media, Inc. (that's the film/movie company referred to in an earlier post), Atlas Capital (the investment wing), Atlas Marketing (the sales wing), etc.
Source XII, from what I understood, was the accounting wing of all these businesses EXCEPT Atlas Marketing, which had its own controller and accounting department. There were about 5 people in Source XII who handled the accounting for the various entities. Not all entities that we did the accounting for were subsidiaries of Atlas Ventures, but some were. I never really saw or experienced anything that was questionable, as I didn't have any interaction with the sales reps. So anything relating to Atlas Marketing I wasn't really familiar with. In late Fall 2007, I started to realize that the whole infrastructure was going to collapse because of cash flow problems. That was when I really started to see some of the questionable behavior appear. A week or so before we normally ran payroll for some of the employees, the CFO printed and cashed his paycheck. The same thing happened the next pay period, just before the CFO took his family to Hawaii. That was when everything seemed to come to a stop.
I hadn't been paid for two pay cycles, and when I returned to work on a Monday, the office was completely empty...no computers, no desks, and all the doors to the main part of the office building were locked with the lights off. It was like the company literally moved everything overnight. Luckily I had the phone number for one of the employees who told me that everything had moved to South Provo. I finally found where the new location was, and went and demanded my own paycheck (this is after the first one they had given me bounced). Naturally, I wanted nothing more to do with the company because I didn't believe they could continue to make payroll, so I quit.
The interesting thing about all this is that before the CFO went on vacation to Hawaii, he asked me to pay a bill in the amount of $96, 000. When I looked at the bill, it was for a suite in the Energy Solutions Arena in SLC. Knowing that many employees hadn't been paid yet, I refused to pay the bill (I hadn't even been paid yet...there was no way I was going to buy box seats for Wade and his buddies without my paycheck first).
In addition to all that, the last week I worked there I remember going through the mail as the CFO had asked me to; as I did so, I opened up letter after letter from the IRS stating that they would start seizing assets if Atlas Ventures didn't pay its taxes. As I was in the accounting department, I started to look into this on my own time, and realized that we were VERY behind in tax payments. The interesting thing is that it didn't seem to bother the CFO or anybody else.
The last thing that really bothered me is that about a week before I quit, we had a meeting about obtaining financing for Independent Student Media, Inc. (a.k.a. ISM), as Atlas Ventures could no longer support it with its capital needs. I was directly over the books for ISM, and the CFO was my supervisor. We had been working on updating the accounts and ensuring that each transaction was properly accounted for. The day that the CFO and President of ISM went to go visit various banks to obtain financing, I opened the books and noticed that a number of large transactions were moved from the expense and liability accounts to either the income or equity accounts. It really bothered me because I wasn't sure if they (the CFO and President) would be able to secure a credit line given that they had changed some of the accounting records. They obviously did what they did because up to that point, ISM had yet to post a profit, and no bank is going to give lending to a company with lots of debt and no profit. To this day, I'm not sure if they ever obtained financing from a bank or not, but I hope they didn't. I'm mad that I wasn't allowed to go with them to the banks because I believe they were dishonest in their financial representation of ISM.
In conclusion, I can't say that I really saw anything against the law (except for the tax delinquency and changing of the accounting records), but there were certainly behaviors I found a little unethical and questionable. My only regret is that I didn't get out sooner.
Atlas is crazy, Lied to everyone and made all their employees lie for them.
Is Atlas Marketing in any way affiliated with Atlas Financial Services Inc. which sent me a letter stating that I won $485, 000 in a sweepstakes. Enclosed was a check for $4, 800 to pay for taxes. Check written on Square1bank from Fonality, Inc. in Culver City, Ca.
There is no small print, contracts and asks for no personal information.
Henry W Braswell