Barclays US card provides unfair business practices. Specifically, lowering credit limits with unfair practices thus hurting consumer credit reports. There are no rights to the consumer, my card was also shut down when traveling in Europe when traveling after I even put on a travel alert. I have requested cards with chip technology, and I was sent new cards with no chip again.
The letter I received was date September 2, 2022 and stated that they obtained my credit report from Trans Union and my account was delinquent in the last 12 months. This is false, and my credit report shows 100% on time payments. The quote delinquent and this has such negative connotations, that I was concerned that someone had acquired my identity. Delinquent to me would reflect a payment made over 30 days late. Barclays baseless lowering of credit lines is extremely detrimental to the consumers who are just trying to pay their bills.