Baroness de Rothman is still operational as I received a letter today asking for AU$65 so that she could rush me a cheque for $1500 then in a weeks time another for $34500. Please cant someone do something about this! Or let us know how we can stop this fraudster. I am going to send the envelope back without a postage stamp in the hope they have to pickup the bill on the other end!
This is very upseting for some people and I just cant believe that this can still go on after all these years.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Please tell me is this Baroness de Rothman, give me your full name address
i received same letter about 1, 500 check with promise of winning 34, 500 it should be illegal.
Baroness de Rothman, PO Box# 202, NL-3720 AE Bilthoven, The Netherlands
I received the same letter just before Christmas. Soimebody should stop this scam!
Becacause my name is nakia chante Jones and she mail me a letter about 1, 500 hundred And official prize certificate for 34, 500.00 is already made in my name all I have to do is mail $55.00 dollar and she will paid me now I never hearadof this personand thisletter form her and she said mail me and I do not now her from Adam and eve it is scam because Who in the world will mail me free money hi that funny no one will mail me free money if it a sweepstakes maybe it not a sweepstakes it a scam
Your right
i also was promised a check for 1500 she said she sent and i must have misplaced it she also asked for 55 dollars to rush me another one and then i would receive 34, 500 all sent by certified checks to be deposited immediatley and i would also receve a symbolic magic tailsman of wealth that would help me win money whenever i needed it i think baroness de rothman should be asshaimed of herself targeting a single mom and anyone else who may also be finacially struggling thanks for reading my complaint i wish all the thousands and millions they promise were true.brenda lesinski
my name is Arlene Thompson-Derest from Hattiesburg Ms and i also received the same letter now I'm a mother of six and finacially hurt I've lost my house and car sending you my money to get NOTHING now why in the hell would this be allowed to happen to us hard working people and they continue to send these letters out I'm living in a shelter now thanks to you and that letter I hope your happy now Its not right and either I get the money that you said I was promised or you decline from your job
Can I ask is this complaints board actually involved in reporting these fraudsters to any international authorities or is it just a sounding board for people to add their stories to. B de R is long known to be a fraud (along with many others like Dr Kramer, Mme de Soliel, etc.) and yet they all seem to continue their predatory mailing unabated. Does anyone know if anyone is actively pursuing shutting these criminals down and locking them up? You would like to think international mailing companies would fairly easily be able to stop some of this at source, but the cynical side of me believes they probably generate substantial funds for the likes of Royal Mail etc. Duty of care ought to mean something!
i also receive a lot of scam mail, and most of it making promises of money won, for a payment of £35, and the only way to try to find out if they r a scam is to check the i think that the mail delivery companys should be at least removing all known scam mail before they get to our mail boxes.and send to the correct authoritys to cach these criminals, it allso strange that they all seem to have a return address pobox in the netherlands.
I also received the letter promising to pay $1500 than pay $34, 000. I dont even have the $55.00 that they are requesting. Someone needs to arrest these people that are doing the fraud to struggling moms and elderly that cant afford to lose their money like this. Put them in jail and get rid of them. Thank you for this website that allows comments like this to allow people to get this information. I just saved $55.00 that I really dont have . It needs to go on my water bill. I thought if i sent the $55.00 to her i would get it back with the $1500 and pay my water. Thank God I looked this up and found out first.
I have received at least 100 of these Scam letters during the past 3 years from Scammers alike B de Rothman. I have never responded to any of these Scams. I should want to believe that no one in their normal frame of mind would fall for these Satanic Scams! Who on Earth would give you free money just by sending to them 12 pounds or 55 usd?! What I cannot understand is why government and federal agencies keep allowing these Scammers to go on Scamming honest folks year after year after year? Don`t we have police authorities who can hunt down these ruthless
Criminals and put them behind bars for ever? Fact that these Fraudesters are allowed to go on scamming honest folks, Baroness ... and her knaves
can go on sending their Scam mails, knowing that no Police Authority, or Scam-hunting Official can stop them. Now why is this? Just succeeding in Scamming one per-cent of one million of these Scam letters sent out, means that Baroness and her knaves can lead a luxurious and care-free life, until that day when some Police Authority/s would take serious action against these fraudesters and put them behing bars! The legal system of almost every country on Earth has the capacity to capture these Scammers and put an end to this illegal, dishonest and satanic activity, thus
protecting the unsuspecting, weak and vain amongst us, to falling victims to these vulturous, Scamming, heartless thieves! Rayne Paul
"Baroness de Rothman" is still operating as I found out when I located my elderly mother out in the winter pouring rain whilst trying to purchase a postal order to fund the latest £4, 000.000.00 postal scam. When challenged I found a whole bundle of letters where she had sent on average £30.00 per letter, which I know will total in excess of £500.00. This person MUST be stopped - the people being targeted have worked hard for their few savings and are vulnerable against these scammers. P GILLIBRAND
My name is Mrs Cindy Moore and I would like to thank all these people for posting this because today (march 21st 2016 ) I also received in the mail from Baroness de Rothman a Official Prize Certificate for $1500.00 and $ 34, 500 .00 and all I needed to due was send $60 - $65 Canadain for processing fee and also the Magic Talisman of Wealth .
I have also received this scam letter saying that B de R had already sent a check for $1, 500 and I must have misplaced it. I go through every piece of mail as it arrives and if I had received a check like that it would have been in the bank that day. This letter also promised another check for $34, 500 if I sent in $55 which included a "Magic Talisman of Wealth". The return address on the envelope was: Baroness de Rothman, P.O. Box 202, NL-3720 AE Bilthoven, The Netherlands. Does anyone know if anyone is actively pursuing shutting these criminals down and locking them up? You would like to think the international mailing companies would easily be able to stop some of this at source, but the cynical side of me believes they probably generate substantial funds for the likes of Royal Mail etc. Duty of care ought to mean something! To date I have received 12 scam letters from a return address: DMUS, PO Box 396, 3940AJ Doorn, The Netherlands or to: DMUS, Postfach 610, 6961 Wolfurt, Austria.. All of these letters arrived within the last 2 months promising checks of varying amounts, a BMW and a Mercedes E Class Saloon but you had to send in a processing fee of various amounts. Yesterday, I received one from Spector & Associates promising $30, 000 for a fee of $25 and I would receive a token that would show proof of my winnings. The return address of the envelope is: AWPZ, PO Box 658, 3720 AR Bilthoven, The Netherlands. I must have gotten on the scammers list because I've received so many. How do I get off this list? The United States postal service should be able to investigate these allegations.
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