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CB Insurance Services Review of BCBS of Michigan
BCBS of Michigan

BCBS of Michigan review: Diabetic Supplies 1

Author of the review
7:40 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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I have BCBS of Michigan health coverage through my employer. My blood sugar for type 2 diabetes is getting out of hand, so my primary care doctor gave me a tester from her office, wrote me a Rx for sticks and lancets, wants me to take classes and monitor me monthly until it is managed. She advised that I should test morning and night, before and after meals, and keep a food diary to determine what foods seem to increase my level after meals.

On Tuesday, I took my Rx to the retail pharmacy and they informed me that BCBS of Michigan did not cover strips and lancets. I called BCBS of Michigan, on Wednesday, and the call center said that I would have to call another number for BCBS supplies.

I called the number and the rep said that BCBS requires that everyone receive diabetic supplies from a mail company. I asked if there weren't any retail companies where I could get the first supplies retail, since the free tester only came with 10 strips and lancets. He said that there were some retailers that BCBS of Michigan covered. He searched in 2 of the most populated counties that make up one of the most populated metroplexes in the southwest. He said that there were none in my area.

I then had to call the mail order company. I advised of my condition and that I only had 10 strips and lancets that came with the glucose meter provided by my physician. I asked how long would it take for their company to get he much needed supplies to me. The rep informed me 5 to 7 business days and it was really determined how fast my doctor responded. I asked if they would overnight or express deliver and she said no.

Now, BCBS of Michigan requires members from my company to do many things for preventive health to maintain what BCBS refers to as a preferred status, i e, taking classes that assist members in controlling their illness, contacting CareAllies and speaking with the nurses for updated reports on how members are adhearing to their treatment plan, and having a variety of tests done and reported back to the above-mentioned insurance carrier.

Okay, I am trying to understand here? If this insurance carrier requires all of these things to maintain a preffered status with deadlines, why would they delay a member's ability to begin controlling and recording his or her sugar levels. Let's realistically take a look at the time line. I started trying to get my supplies on Tuesday. On Wenesday, the company that provides those supplies said that they would be out in 5 to 7 business days and tried to lay it on my doctor about how fast they could do that. Alright, I called this company early enough that day for them to contact my doctor. Well, it is Friday and my doctor's nurse said that the company has not contacted them yet.

Really, if this comapny takes 5 to 7 business days after they get the script from my doctor and it will be shipped out by standard mail, how many days do you think my supplies will get to me, 14, maybe 21. I don't need my supplies 14 or 21 days from the day that BCBS of Michigan was notified, I needed them on Tuesday, when I went to the retail pharmacy to get them.

This is not the first time I have had problems getting perscriptions approved by this carrier. I had to fight to get another med authorized and one I still haven't got authorization on. When contacting the call center for BCBS, explaining that I had taken this med for 1.5 years while with another carrier, he said "New plan, new deal".
Well, I don't have to explain why BCBS of Michigan has the highest complaint ratio than any other health insurance carrier in that state, 2008.

If you don't believe it, just go to Michigan's home page and go to Finance and Insurance Commision. Better than that, just Google, compalints on bcbs of michigan. €here you will find where the Attorney General of Michigan had to step in to stop premium icreases of about 56% for individuals. You will also find that this carrier has a surplus of $2 billion, while trying to make such an increase. Or you will find where BCBS had to pay back the government around $26 Million for feraudulent claims.

I really wonder how these CEOs sleep at night. Oh, I forgot, they hide in the glass towers, behind the securely, locked doors.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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South Lyon, US
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Feb 16, 2010 11:38 pm EST

I am having problems getting them to pay the company where I get my supplies! When I called bcbs of Mi they told me that they would submit my problems. So I called back about a week later and they said the same thing. I pay almost $1300.00 a month for there Ins. They are supposed to pay 100% of my supplies. But I have had to really stay on them to do this. Also, my insulin, I have to pay up front for that and then they will pay me back. Well, I don't have that kind of money. I am very blessed with the Dr. that I have. She gets me samples. I just get so mad. If I don't pay them on time they will cancel my Ins. But they don't want to in turn pay my bills on time.. Also remember that there is a Michigan mandate that you Ins. has to pay for your supplies. You will have to pay the deductable if you have one. But don't let them tell you they don't have to. My prayers to all who have problems with the Ins. companys.