Please don't waist your time and money on a product shipped from China. They scam you into believing they are an American company by using a New York phone number and address. You don't realize they are from china until you receive tracking, which is bogus because it sits in China even after tracking number is sent. They will not respond to my emails about my concerns. I don't expect to get my product any time soon.
Recommendation: Don't do it.
I ordered from this website thinking it is an American company. I ordered long enough in advance to receive by Christmas if in fact it were an American company. The website uses a New York address and New York phone number. I made sure I checked these things before I submitted my order. To my chagrin, when I received the tracking, it was sitting in China. It's still sitting in China. This is deceptive at the very least. I will not longer need this item IF IT EVER ARRIVES. Company will not respond to emails sent after the order was placed.