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Bethea Jenner / /

Bethea Jenner / / review: online scam 25

Author of the review
1:52 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
The company left an official comment on this complaint.
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The comment here starting 'I am Noreen' originally began 'I am Lorleen Murray'. Bethea Jenner couldn't make up her mind which name to use for the fake testimonial she wrote about herself.

Bethea Jenner / / customer support contacts
Phone numbers

167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, CT, 06460, US

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From Bethea:

For all who have had customer service issues with my products and services, please call my customer service 203.825.3199. I've recorded a message, after which you can leave me a message with your details. You can also email me at

Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Bethea Jenner / / customer support contacts
Phone numbers

167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, CT, 06460, US

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Hi Everyone

Thanks for all the posts. We would also like to thank customers who have brought our attention to the trouble they have had with their purchases. We try and resolve all customer service issues promptly. To expedite the process please also email bejenner@betheajenner with details of your purchases and we'll try and respond as soon as possible. Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Bethea Customer Service
Bethea Jenner / / customer support contacts
Phone numbers

167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, CT, 06460, US

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Dear Friends

Many of you have posted your customer service queries on this board. We would like to thank you for this opportunity to respond and look into every complaint. Please note the quickest ways to get in touch with us:

Email Addresses:,

Post Address: Bethea Jenner, PMB 292, 167 Cherry St, Milford, CT 06460-3400

Telephone No: (203) 672-0089

Please include all details of your purchase when you email or call. We try to resolve all customer service issues as quickly as possible. Thank you.

Bethea Customer Service

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.

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Jun 09, 2008 2:29 am EDT

In August of 2007, I ordered the Archangel Michael Medallion. I sent a bank draft in US $ but have not recieved the product NOR the PROMISED refund in October/November of 2007 after speaking to someone in her 'office' about this situation. They claimed that delivery was made, but returned to them as UNCLAIMED. As the medallion was no longer available, they offered a refund, which I accEpted. As of today, April 7, 2008, I am still waiting for my refund. Other marketers do not take this long for most simple refund requests!

Rochelle Gordon is now associated with Bethea Jenner @ []

I have sent several emails about this but all have been IGNORED.

I would seriously caution anyone to think SEVERAL TIMES about ordering product from this organization as I am now one of many who have probably been IGNORED by these professionals.


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Jun 09, 2008 2:30 am EDT

Bethea send you e-mails stating how imperitive it is to purchase her items befor a certain date, or your look will run out and she charges you shipping for 6.95 aand then you end up paying for the merchandise 4 times its price, they take for payments of 19.99 within four months. And the merchandise doesn't work and they swaer it solid gold it is not!

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Jun 09, 2008 2:31 am EDT

Bought a cross and chain for $31.90 on 1/27/08 from this site. My card was charged on 1/27 and the merchandise shipped and received.

On 2/27/08 my card was charged again for the same amount. I wrote the company and explained that this charge was unauthorized and I want my card credited. I received an email in return say 'I am glad you have received the necklace.' Nothing about refunding my money or crediting my account. I have had to close that card out and it will take a week for me to receive a new one.

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Jun 09, 2008 2:33 am EDT

I subscribed to this service, thinking that they could offer me some information, but after I ordered this 'Horn of Plenty' pendant, and never received it, I began to wonder if this was really something of worth. I got taken once, but NEVER again. They are nothing more than cruel opportunitists, who think that they can use some sort of secret power they have to take hard working peoples money.

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Jun 10, 2008 8:05 am EDT

To James:
This wasn't a fake testimonial. In the interest of protecting Lrleen's identity online I changed it to Noreen in this forum, but left it as Lorleen on my blog.

Who's paying you to do what you do? I am deeply disturbed that there should be people who have been paid to write such mean things about me, and I'm equally shocked that my personal details have been put on the Internet. All I want to do is to help people. It's obvious that my readings are not for everyone, but they have helped many, many people.

I would like to address bitterness that people here have shown: please contact my customer service if you have any difficulties

For the record, I have many, many satisfied customers. And those who are not satisfied by my service or products can get their money refunded. All you have to do is call my customer service 203.825.3199. I've recorded a message, after which you can leave me a message with your details. You can also email me at

I hope that those of you read this will not be taken in by the anger and bitterness of many of the posters here. Thank you

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Jun 12, 2008 1:19 am EDT

How STRANGE! The emails from two psychics my friend and I heard from recently are identical. Only the names have been changed. Can it be that it's computer generated and these women are liars? They don't really get a tingling feeling. The just have cash registers in their eyes: read the 2 emails sent to thousands below from Rochelle Gordon and Bethea Jenner.

"It's very unusual, Omar, but every now and then I'll be doing a reading for someone when suddenly I get the strangest feeling...almost like a tingle of excitement or electricity...and I know right away, that person's life is about to take a major turn for the better.

So when I got this exact feeling tonight, as I was working on your Forecast for Health, Wealth and Happiness, " I said to myself, "Rochelle, you better drop everything and tell Omar what's going on!"

And the other so-called psychic says:

It's very unusual, Hal, but every now and then I'll be doing a reading for someone when suddenly I get the strangest feeling...almost like a tingle of excitement or electricity...and I know right away, that person's life is about to take a major turn for the better.

So when I got this exact feeling tonight, as I was working on your Forecast for Health, Wealth and Happiness, " I said to myself, "Bethea, you better drop everything and tell Hal what's going on!"

Clearly NOT that 'unusual' then eh guys?

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Jul 04, 2008 3:50 pm EDT

Rochelle Gordon is now associated with Bethea Jenner @ []

I have sent several emails about this but all have been IGNORED.

I would seriously caution anyone to think SEVERAL TIMES about ordering product from this organization as I am now one of many who have probably been IGNORED by these professionals.


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Jul 07, 2008 7:18 am EDT

Dear Ridosel

I've emailed you before about your order, and I'm very surprised that you claim we have not contacted you. I have repeatedly posted my customer service email (, as well as my customer service telephone number (203.825.3199) on this board for people who have complaints.

I urge you to email me and call me and explain what your grievance is. I cannot help you if you do not get in touch. We are prepared to refund you or replace your order. But you need to get in touch with us.

I know you are frustrated and angry, but all I am trying to do is to help you sort of whatever it is that is bothering you.

Please get in touch. Thank you.

Bethea Jenner
203.825.3199 in the U.S.

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Jul 09, 2008 12:13 am EDT

Hi I'm new to this place. I received one of those mails from this character so checked her out online. I notice she has a long history at Yahoo and has posted some stuff about herself there. She has written "Are all these Bethea Jenner testimonials and blogs real?" and then answered her own question including one answer by 'Sunshine' (what an inappropriate name to have picked) saying how touching the testimonials are. They seem to me to be touching for a different reason from the one she says. They are actually pathetic. They're just poor people being duped into thinking some woman in London who they've never met is going to make their lives better with some kind of magic. Make their life better by refunding their money. Your assistants don't answer the phone. I tried the number.

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Jul 14, 2008 11:33 am EDT

hello everyone,

i have recieved several of these email from several different sources. They get your name it seems when u check your horoscope on some sites. And then they basaically threaten the safety of your existence and your life and your luck and your finaces and so on if you do not purchase something from them. It is really sad. And to the first or second person who posted on here. They are not out of the archangel medallion as i have just been offered one especially for me since there was a tingle or excitement of electricity when one of them thought of me. Well let me just say that I get tingles too when i think that i have the chance to put some money in my pocket but i hope that i never get so desperate as to use scare tactics to rob people and most probably the poor of their hard earned money. If you really beleive what you are saying rochelle and jenna then i seriously beleive u might be delusional. And maybe need some help. My advise is get a job...and dont get me wrong though they are not much different from the other people who sit online selling products that say you can make millions with my program and they themselves have never made one cent until they sell the information to you. Here is my advice dont buy information...its free in this age...and dont buy from anyone who tries to scare you into a purchase.

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Jul 16, 2008 12:44 am EDT

I guess it's clear they want to extort money rather than 'help people' as Jenner claims in her rebuttal. We all have ups and downs but I 'd spit on anyone who scared me into buying their products because of some lie about being able to see into my future or bringing me good luck. There are complaints from all over the world about this team.

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Jul 16, 2008 12:46 am EDT

The point to stress when forwarding details to the fraud squad is that Bethea Jenner works on London and not as she claims in New York. This means the law can take effect if and when it's passed to tackle the issues raised on this and other websites and chat rooms.

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Nov 08, 2008 5:27 pm EST

No one is forcing you to purchase her items it is your choice. I've bought several trinkets just because I thought they were cute, not necessarily because I thought they would work, if they did then hey, it's a bonus. I've gotten everything on time and never had any problems.

London, GB
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Feb 21, 2009 4:41 am EST

I also -personally-have no complaints, and similarily have bought two or three items from them, and have been pleased with what has arrived (and on time)..good quality and pretty good value for money..and feel good wearing them =) Although, obviously I don't think it is good with sending the same mail to everyone (except changing the name it's addressed to), misleading you into thinking it's especially about you, when it's not. I knew it was that, when I read it..oh and yes, there is a certain amount of 'bullying' to buy stuff, but it doesn't deter me from reading my weekkly horoscope from Bethea, and find she is very helpful, warm and compassionate..not to mention accurate in her astrological interpretations of the weekly horoscopes. Assuming it is her, that does all the work!

Miami, US
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Feb 27, 2009 4:15 pm EST

HI people read the bible and see not any body from Prophets didn^t look for any help than from GOD itself and they was only ordinary people like me and you but with extraordinary believe in one GOD and that it they prey to him and HE has reward them some in this life (like DAVID, Salomon; and others who thy was king as well) some in next life, so believe be positive think positive help athors in distress and GOD will find the way for any body, peace
JHWH save all of you.
Nobody nows the destiny than GOD itself.


Dodge City, US
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Mar 13, 2009 2:50 am EDT

I have ordered things in the past and they arent very good in quality. I didn't ever recieved my reading cards for answers on a daily day basis. But ignorant me I still kept buying. I had no idea that everybody got the same emails for i registered my boyfriend's information to check it out and he would get the same emails same details and he is another horoscope sign. I do not recommend these scammers because you will be buying unlucky JUNK! that fades away, very cheap junky jewerly. I have never bought the supposenly "GOLD" kind and will never in the future! Don't waste your time!

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Apr 08, 2009 3:54 pm EDT

I don't know what to think. I ordered my horn of plenty on April 1st and I am happily awaitng my arrival of it. I do know that when you believe you achieve so I will know when I receive it whether it is what I expected. Well I hope that this whole deal is not a scam. For I had so many positive feelings...

Tucson, US
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Jul 04, 2009 12:24 pm EDT

I think its rediculous that people are taking their complaing to this level. If your money hasnt been returned, or the product never got to you. Then suck it up and take the appropriate actions. File a dispute claim with your bank and have them do the dirty work. Do everything you have to do and move on. I dont understand why people feel the need to repeatedly complain about the services, after they have already been complained about. You see someone has already addressed it, why put in your unneccesary 2 cents. Learn from their mistake and move on to the next issue in your life.Im 23 years old and im getting tired of seeing adults complaining like children in online forums. As if the complaints will make the "horrible problem" diasappear.
With that being typed, I'll continue with the life I'm happily living.
My life wont be put on on hold if my order doesnt come in or if a refund is not given. I'm poor but I make enough money to not give a s**t if $30 or even $50 is missing. And if I ever do have to face that problem, Ill take care of it WITHOUT telling everyone about how I had to deal with it. Come on, everyone deals with problems like these daily.

Edmonton, CA
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Jul 08, 2009 4:03 pm EDT

I ordered something from Bethea 2 weeks ago. It was supposed to be here yesterday. Nothing came today either. I have not ordered everything offered to me, in fact, I have been receiving offers for almost 2 years. Nothing really jumped out at me. I finally selected something, and it was not here by the date it was promised. I did receive a nice letter though, saying that it was on its way. I suggest that people use their discretion, and as mentioned before, you do not HAVE to get these things. Now, if someone at customer service would call me back and let me know when I can expect it, that would be wonderful. I will see and sincerely hope I get my order. If not then I will sever my ties with this company. I waited 2 years to order because of this very crap. Bethea, don't disappoint me.

An American
mtvernon, US
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Jul 10, 2009 11:34 am EDT

What I think is rediculous is that peolpe like "kaily3886" think they have the right to defend scammers like Bethea and her company after they've ripped off so many honest peoples $$$.
In case you weren't informed, this is America, were free speech is just as important as our freedom it's self.
This forum for complaints, is needed. If I can keep, even one more person, from being taken advantage of I've done more good, than any of these fakes ever could.
I'm happy for you kaily3886 if $30 or $50 won't break you, just keep in mind that one day that little bit of money may be all you have.
And don't worry, you too will be ripped off soon enough by Bethea, if you continue with her services. And by the way, if you are so offended by our complaints, then find something else to do online then read them.

Yours Truely,
An American.

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Jul 22, 2009 9:37 am EDT


If its Bethea Jenner who is answering to those posts, well answer me too. Why dont you accept paypal insted of Credit Card? Isn't it more safe for your customers than Credit Card (If you really care about your customers!)

I will be waiting Honey!

hopeful in my life
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Jul 22, 2009 12:37 pm EDT

Hi all, I too keep getting emails urging me to purchase any one of her miracle working amulets, pendants, bracelets, charms, etc. Well, how to choose which one is best?, good question! How about all?, hey I do have 8 fingers and two thumbs so there's ten rings I can use, two wrists so there's another two bracelets, and maybe if I adorn my neck with all of the necklaces and amulets my luck is certainly going to improve. Never mind the mental agony I will experience daily trying to choose what to wear, heck I should wear them all, probably get mugged as a result wearing all of that "expensive looking" jewelery!, but then my angels will protect me (oops, I forgot to buy that one, and it's no longer available. Well, I could save my money and buy lottery tickets, the odds while astronomical, are indeed clearly stated, which seems a bit for forthright than our friend Bethea, or whatever name she chooses to use.

patricia nemes
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Jul 31, 2009 4:52 pm EDT

i really don´t know what to think.everybody is so negative with this bethea but i am really positive.even is true or not, if you really think that is true you will see your life more positive.i know that the life is relly sh.ith but if will be with everything so negative it will be more positive.belive in her, and you will see.i did that and it give me hoppenes and energy.i want to buy things from her but my credit card is not good for her so i hope that it is another way to buy like post service or something. i let message on her office telephone and i wait for un email adresse is my telephone nr is [protected].i hope and this is the best. i have a lot of experience in life till now but doesn´t matter, because i am positive, why not?and you can learn a lot of things from his letters.don´t be like this must to believe in miracle because it really exist if you believe in like the secret(look in the google)the loy of can do it.almost everything is possible, belive me.we talk in some times.if you want to contact me you have my email adresse and my telephone.with love and hoppeness patricia

Mesa, US
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Nov 19, 2012 4:26 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Well I did not buy anything from Bethea. And would like to inform people that if Bethea tries to sell them these trinkets. Because it will open a portal to the angelic realm. Don't buy it. I would like to add if they try to sell me the Archangel Michael Medallion. Try to find it on Amazon. There you may find something similar. Without you feeling guilty for not buying it. All these items are are trinkets and jewelry. And by Amazon they will refund the money if you are not satisfied. 100%!

Ashland, US
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Jul 16, 2014 6:22 pm EDT

OK, here we go! I purchased a medallion described as STERLING SILVER with GOLD VERMEIL. The first time I needed to clean the medallion, the silver plating started to come off revealing a COPPER center! The whole medallion is copper with a very thin silver plating. I used a liquid silver polish that I've used 100's of time before which does not require any rubbing!
Customer Service told me to ignore what I could see and what I know about silver because they were sure the medallion was solid silver...NOT! It is even stamped .925 which is illegal unless the item is legitimate sterling. I used to import silver jewelry for many years so I know a bit about these things.
Aside from the mystical properties promised, I DID expect sterling silver! It is NOT!
Bethea and customer service have ignored all my emails.
If they can give me a TRULY STERLING SILVER Archangel Michael medallion, I will glady go my own way-

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
The company left an official comment to this complaint.
  1. Bethea Jenner / / Contacts

  2. Bethea Jenner / / phone numbers
    +1 (203) 672-0089
    +1 (203) 672-0089
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  3. Bethea Jenner / / emails
  4. Bethea Jenner / / address
    167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, Connecticut, 06460, United States
  5. Bethea Jenner / / social media
  6. Rachel
    Checked and verified by Rachel This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 05, 2025
  7. View all Bethea Jenner / / contacts
Bethea Jenner / / Category
Bethea Jenner / / is ranked 6 among 16 companies in the Astrology Readers category

Most discussed Bethea Jenner / / complaints

scam and cheating!
(opinions to this review)