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Bethea Jenner / /

Bethea Jenner / / review: terrible experience! 42

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12:00 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Bethea Jenner has a site called 'joy, wealth and happiness'. What a joke. A friend of mine used to work with her at a radio station where she was an admin assistant and she was notorious for being one of life's moaners. She was not wealthy or happy and she certainly wasn't joyous. This was about 3 years ago. She did this astrology and 'psychic' stuff as a hobby. Now she's making money out of it because she's teamed up with Rochelle Gordon, a notorious money making astrology scammer. How can we believe these so-called psychics when they haven't got their own lives sorted out? Nobody can tell you what to do with your life but least of all people like this who are only in it for the money.

Bethea Jenner / / customer support contacts
Phone numbers

167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, CT, 06460, US

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I would like to hear from everyone who has any outstanding issue with my products. Once again, I can be reached via email at, or via the post at the address below.

If you wish to contact me via telephone in the U.S. Please call 203.825.3199, leave a message, and ask for my assistants June or Paul.

Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Bethea Jenner
167 Cherry Street
PMB 292
Milford, CT 06460
Bethea Jenner / / customer support contacts
Phone numbers

167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, CT, 06460, US

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Dear Friends

Many of you have posted your customer service queries on this board. We would like to thank you for this opportunity to respond and look into every complaint. Please note the quickest ways to get in touch with us:

Email Addresses:,

Post Address: Bethea Jenner, PMB 292, 167 Cherry St, Milford, CT 06460-3400

Telephone No: (203) 672-0089

Please include all details of your purchase when you email or call. We try to resolve all customer service issues as quickly as possible. Thank you.

Bethea Customer Service

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.

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Supam B. Chakma
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Feb 17, 2008 11:52 pm EST

Yes, she is certainly working in the online faking company with Rochelle Gordon. By mistake once I jumped to free zodiacal prediction into her site, then from that time she started sending me junk mail (or spam) about the new improvement coming towards my life. She once in a week offers to buy sometime a golden chain or bracelet etc. All these are really fake and nothing more than that. So be alert of being cheated by her.

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Mar 22, 2008 8:42 am EDT

Bethea Jenner and Rochelle Gordon have recently had their details sent to the police in London for taking money from people's accounts illegally and we are awaiting the outcome. How can these people live with themselves? This is one of the worst kinds of crimes as it preys on the vulnerable. They are a couple of wicked old women and they will be end their years behind bars.

Tony White
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Mar 24, 2008 12:50 pm EDT

i have a contact number for jenny this so called psychic not at all just a pure rip off i have reported her to my credit card company i even have a contact number that she dosn't reply coz it is just a answering service the contact number if u want it is [protected] my next stage is to report her to the police

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Mar 26, 2008 10:34 am EDT

The phone no of Betheajenner and Rochelle Gordon is [protected] if you are phoning from London and the address is 122 Lyndhurst Road London N22 5AT. Good luck in putting a stop to this immoral practice.

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Mar 27, 2008 12:19 am EDT

Bethea Jenner works for a man called Pierre Pasteur, and ex-legionnaire and con man. He claims to be a descendant of Louis Pasteur, which is not true. Before Bethea, he employed Rochelle Gordon. Yes, the company is a complete con and should be stopped. All the forecasts are produced by a computer and now they are promoting tarot card readings by Bethea Jenner who as far as everyone knows is not a tarot card reader. They con people into buying cheap trinkets which they purchase from poor countries, telling people they have magic powers. How foolish can people be? the company employs writers to promote the products and invent characters who recommend them and tell people of how the products changed their lives. Please avoid this trap! the money you give them provides a lavish life style for Mr Pasteur, who has an ex-wife, a current wife and a mistress in France. He has also paid lots of money in sexual harassment suits. I am amazed that the American authorities let companies like this exist, and people like Pierre Pasteur get away with it.

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Mar 27, 2008 3:28 am EDT

Bethea Jenner also falsely claims to be a teacher and a lecturer on her website on the grounds that she gave a talk to promote her book in a shop once. I was given a 'reading' by her once as a present from a well meaning friend. It was total bunk. So I was intrigued when I received an email from her recently and googled her, which is how I found this site. If people like Pierre Pasteur, Rochelle Gordon and Bethea Jenner are under investigation, why haven't they been brought to court yet? They are exploiting people, defrauding people and lying and stealing yet claim to 'want to help' people be happy. How cynical and cruel. Surely, if this is an international crime, there is some body or other who can prosecute?

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Mar 31, 2008 7:46 am EDT

I have been receiving Beathea Jenners weekly predictions based on my birthdate as well as birth time. Many times I have caught contradictions in the readings; one day I supposedly have a wonderful flow of cash, then the next a cash flow problem. Every week I am being sent new revelations that I have great things about to happen but to help me along I need to buy whatever it is they are trying to sell. Skeptical I decided to research Beathea to see if there are any complaints. I realize that your not going to please everyone and some people will complain about everything, but what I came across was a blog by Elviyra which posted her weekly prediction sent to her from Beathea; it was identical to the one that Beathea sent to me for that week as well, every word, down to the lucky day and lottery numbers given. I got my answer...

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Apr 17, 2008 8:23 am EDT

hmm..after reading all these comment..i found that (no offence )...u guys might have the wrong site or wrong psychic astrologers...from the email they sent to me is totally different to what u guys has said..R&B never told me to buy anything. it is truth that sometime what they said doesnt match but most of the time i could tell ya...its nearly 90% match to my life. i also notice that the address u guys list in here were different to what i have in my mail.

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Apr 19, 2008 3:43 pm EDT

bethea is a cheater, she told me to buy a silver chain since so long i got it and gave my card details to her she hasn't sended me it for 2 months now and is saying oh i think it's delayed. she is a liar. and does fraud with people. dont trust her and dont give her your card details. i'm warning you!

john fernandez
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May 26, 2008 1:42 pm EDT

Funniest comments I've read in ages. Anyone daft enough to belive that a total stranger can give them constructive life guidance whilst trying to sell them cheap trinkets, (hello is anybody there)really should get out more. It seems to me that all you "complainers" are trying to somehow justify your stupidity.

Whislt I'm here I should mention that I've got next weeks winning lotto numbers for sale, for a very special price of £10, please foward me your bank account details if you're interested. LOL

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May 28, 2008 3:18 am EDT

John Fernandez may be right but it could equally be argued that someone who has nothing better to do than surf the net and get involved in discussions he's not interested in and then insult people who are engaged in that discussion is also not getting out enough and has a few anger management/insecurity/ego issues they need to deal with. Too much time on your hands eh buddy? As for the Bethea Jenner scam, a law has been passed this week that stops these people from trading as 'psychics' . They now have to advertise as 'entertainers'. That should put an end to their monkey business!

john fernandez
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May 28, 2008 9:56 am EDT

thank you for that insight on my "issuess", for a minute there I thought you were going to ask me about my relationship with my mother.LOL. You really should put that "gift" you have to better use. Have you ever considered working as a "psychic" ?
Your comments made me very angry and I realise what a useless individual I am, but I'm too special to let it get me down.

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May 28, 2008 12:14 pm EDT

I don't have a gift or even a 'gift'. I think it's all complete nonsense too. I'm being paid to look into these internet 'psychic' frauds and came across your comments during that process. The lesson you should learn from this exchange though is, don't insult people if you can't take it yourself.

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Jun 14, 2008 2:12 pm EDT

Fascinating further information can be found at this site:

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Jun 20, 2008 2:54 pm EDT

I tried to access the link sent by Carol but my computer could not find it. What is it about? I find it interesting that Bethea Jenner is so keen to clear her name! in my opinion, the fact that she is posting comments simply confirms that she has something to fear, otherwise why would she bother?

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Jun 20, 2008 3:07 pm EDT

I find it a bit confusing that Bethea Jenner is providing an address in the USA when she lives in the UK. Then perhaps we need to assume that she is not working for herself but for an American company? and who owns that company? I have searched the net for complaints about Bethea Jenner and the place is rife with them. Is she writing to all of those boards trying to justify herself? or only to this one and WHY? I am very intrigued.

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Jun 20, 2008 3:33 pm EDT

In reply to Lauren:
/URL removed/
If you go to that link, you will find that the address given by Bethea Jenner in this site is the same as the address provided by Rochelle Gordon. So perhaps it is true that there is a link between them and they work for the same company?

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Jun 22, 2008 11:00 pm EDT

Perhaps you need to tell the authorities to contact the person who employs both Bethea Jenner and Rochelle Gordon; his name is Pierre Pasteur; here are his details:
Pp List Management, Inc
150 W 22nd St Fl 12, New York, NY [protected], United States
Phone: [protected]
Good luck! I hope someone with authority will stop these crooks.

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Jun 22, 2008 11:02 pm EDT

I agree. On the other hand, Bethea Jenner claims to be a member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. You could also direct complaints about her to them; for all we know, they have no idea of the kind of activities she is involved with and they would probably be shocked if they knew; that is, of course, if she truly is a member.
Here is the address:
The Astrological Association
BCM 450
Tel: +[protected]
Good luck, and please post your results.

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Jun 23, 2008 12:42 pm EDT

I did. I sent an email to the Astrological Association of Great Britain and here is their reply:

No qualifications are required, anyone who is interested can join the association. I hope this helps and that we’ll receive your membership request in the near future,

Kind regards


AA Office Coordinator

Astrological Association

BCM 450

London WC1N3XX

tel: +[protected]

fax: +[protected]

So there you have it; her only claim to some accreditation is something anyone can have!

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Jul 01, 2008 2:37 pm EDT

Bethea Jenner is making far too much money from her online scams to worry being thrown out of the astrological association or about a few unsatisfied customers airing their grievances about being ripped of by her on the net. She must be raking it in with her phoney "predictions" and her tawdry little baubles which she claims have - and how funny is this ..."special powers". If you met her (as I once did) you would be surprised at how er, let's just say, totally lacking in 'powers' she is. She's clearly sitting at her computer frantically posting her own fan mail up there to 'balance out' the thousands of complaints from people all over the world who she has angered and upset with her little money making deceit. She is indeed working with Rochelle Gordon who is based in the States. Jenner is based in London UK.

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Jul 01, 2008 2:44 pm EDT

Bethea Jenner lives and works in London but is hired by Rochelle Gordon to take on some of the work as Rochelle has such a massive empire owith all that sending spam and offering trinkets so there aren't enough hours in the day to deal with it all. Bethea (whose real name is Bertha Jenna)was taken on to send all that spam from the UK and to be the UK face of the conglomerate they've built up in the States.

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Jul 01, 2008 2:55 pm EDT

I've seen all those posts Bethea Jenner's stuck on the net justifying herself. Some people will justify absolutely anything, no matter how wrong to themselves. She won't really believe she's got special powers cos if she'll know that if she did, she wouldn't have to send the same old word for word mails out to everyone and sell overpriced bits of tat to poor gullible people. She is a self-justifier for sure. I got the same old email with the same old phrases about tingling sensations and all that junk so googled her name. Whoa. What a revelation. Fantastic that these sorts of sites warn people before we jump!

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Jul 05, 2008 10:06 am EDT

The address Bethea Jenner gives on this site is just a cover, somewhere for all the complaints to be sent. The real address is the one in London. Perhaps that's why none of the complaints get dealt with. I think they call it a 'dead letter box' or something. Mail is sent there but the person gets to keep their real address and identity secret. It is a well-known trick for crooks.

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Jul 05, 2008 10:16 am EDT

Bethea Jenner also claims she 'found her psychic powers quite by accident'. Indeed, she 'found them' when it was pointed out to her that she could make a heck of a lot more money if she claimed to be not just an astrologer but also a psychic, tarot card expert, teacher etc. She is none of those things. She knows full well that she has no 'psychic powers' whatsoever but is ripping innocent people off, making claims for herself which would be funny if there weren't so many innocent victims of her scams.

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Jul 06, 2008 1:53 pm EDT

Well? the point is... what can be done about it? or perhaps what SHOULD be done about it? of course she is not going to be thrown out of the Astrological Association of Great Britain; as someone explained on this site, people don't even need qualifications as an astrologer to belong to it, so they wouldn't care. I might get a membership for my dog, as he likes to sit outside and gaze at the stars.
All this web scam has to be tackled and people like her and her employers should be stopped.

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Jul 10, 2008 5:36 am EDT

More information can be found on spammers such as Bethea Jenner in a Times article at this link:

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Jul 10, 2008 5:39 am EDT

Actually it isn't a link, it's the web address so you have to paste it in. It's an interesting piece however and more justification from the culprit in the footnotes.

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Jul 10, 2008 9:42 am EDT

Minnie, sorry it's taken so long to get back to you. I haven't checked this site for a few weeks. Here is more info on that site I mentioned. It's a long trawl but quite interesting and contains page upon page of complaint about Bethea Jenner. If you cut n paste the below into google, you should find it.
DR. JOE'S SNAKE OIL EMPORIUM: Promises, Promises27 Jun 2005 ... 4 Apr 2005 @ 23:24 by Ingrid Jahra @ : Promises Promises ... This one calls herself Bethea Jenner. Thanks for this site, ... - 360k -
There was also something in the London Times last week, an article about Spammers and con artists which talks about Bethea Jenner.

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Jul 14, 2008 1:09 am EDT

Here is my email, mine was apparently sent by Bethea

Dear Gemma,

I have some really great news for you. July 25, 1988 was an even better day to be born in plymouth than you could ever imagine. (And I’m not talking about the weather.)

On July 25, 1988 at 038N51 latitude and 076W59 longitude a truly unique set of circumstances was put in motion that not only endowed you with a really unique combination of talents and abilities, but most importantly it bestowed upon you some incredible spiritual energy that will make it easy for you to connect with angels.

I’m sure you realized a long, long time ago that you were special in some way, didn’t you? I’m also sure you noticed that people treat you a little differently, and maybe just a little better than other people also, right?

Well, Gemma, that’s because of where and when you were born. If I’m as right about your ability to connect with angels as I think I am, you’re going to be in for some great surprises.

First of all, even before I started doing your forecast almost 2 months ago, I knew the importance of your time and place of birth. I also knew that when the attributes of your birth were combined with your unique talents and abilities, together they had the power to turn your life and luck completely around.

It is the kind of thing that gives certain people, like you, the ability to really improve the quality of your life and ultimately realize your dreams.

Now I think I know how you can use this incredible potential you were given at birth, to do this for yourself.

The other day Bernard told me about a “special angelic key” he had made for someone who was also born at a special time and special place.

He said “angelic keys” like these were created to enable people with unique birth circumstances like yours, to focus their enormous spiritual energy to open portals to The Archangel Michael, the angel of miracles. He went on to say, he had heard that people who had these keys have received three or more miracles from Michael.

And as you can imagine, this helped these people turn their lives around.

This is why I have rushed this email to you.

Please just listen to what Bernard has to say, he knows more about “Portals” and “Keys” then almost anyone I know. He can also show you how to use this “Key” to open a “Portal” to the Archangel Michael yourself, so Michael can give you the help you need to improve your life and realize your dreams.

I think you’ll find what he has to say fascinating, as well as rewarding.

All my best,


P.S. I just want to remind you of how much I value our relationship and tell you that I believe by working together, using all the tools at our disposal we can improve, enrich and enhance every aspect of your life.

Dear Gemma,

I often get chills down my spine when someone tells me about a birth coincidence like yours.

This is because when I learned you were born in plymouth on July 25, 1988, I realized you are one of the people who could use the amazing “Angelic Key” I discovered (a medallion with mysterious ancient symbols and incredible power) made of pure 24 karat Gold and pure Sterling Silver, to open a “Portal” to The Archangel Michael.

My friend, this is a truly rare and magnificent piece that is as beautiful as it is mysterious and magical. It is a medallion that is directly linked to the bible itself…a magical object without peer, and one that until recently has been nearly impossible to obtain.

Now let me tell you why this medallion and Archangel Michael, the most powerful of angels, can deliver the miracles, protection, guidance and love you need to change your life so you can live your dreams. (Not many people can ever hope to be given a chance like this, so please listen carefully.)

First, your medallion will create a “Portal” (a connection) to the Archangel Michael, who is considered the greatest, most powerful of all angels by each of the world’s 3 great religions… Judaism, Christianity and Islam. His power is so great that it is stated in the scriptures in each of these 3 great religions, “that those lucky enough to have Archangel Michael in their lives will receive the blessings and miracles they need to enjoy a better, happier, richer life.”

This is why, for example, since ancient times the Archangel Michael was renowned all over Europe and Russia for his ability to produce miracles. In fact, there was not a city in Russia, where there is not a church or chapel dedicated to the Archangel Michael for this very reason.

A piece with extraordinary powers crafted in
Pure 24 karat Gold and Pure Sterling Silver!

As I hope you can now see, this is no ordinary Medallion. And as you can imagine the materials from which it is made are befitting a piece of this magnitude… Pure 24 karat Gold and Pure Sterling Silver! The 2 most magically powerful and pure metals in the world!

First, 24 karat Gold is considered the purest and most magically potent of all metals and has been since the dawn of man. In fact, it has been known throughout history that when priests, shamans or magi wear pure gold, it greatly enhances their magical and spiritual powers.

Additionally it is thought of as the most protective, since pure 24 karat Gold is one of the basic elements and cannot be corroded or corrupted in any way. It is for these reasons, as well for its incredible beauty, that through the ages Gold was the material of choice for crafting sacred objects, such as chalices and crosses as well as jewelry. This is why it has been, and continues to be, worn and used in religious ceremonies to this day.

But perhaps the greatest reason for acquiring Gold over the last four thousand years is that people wear Gold to increase their own personal power, courage, confidence and will power. It also has the power to attract wealth. (Ever heard the expression, “money attracts money?” Well before there was money it was believed that Gold attracted Gold. This is the reason it has been so sought after and hoarded.)

For all these reasons Solid 24 karat Gold was essential for this incredible piece.

Second, Pure Sterling Silver was used because it is the most powerfully mysterious and spiritually absorbing material on Earth. It is also the second most protective metal. In fact, because of Silver’s amazing ability to protect and heal, hospital dressings containing silver are used on burns to prevent infections.

But that is only the tip of the iceberg, because Pure Sterling Silver also enhances and empowers psychic abilities and intuitive perception. What’s more, Silver’s relaxed, reflective energy magnifies the powers of the Pure 24 karat Gold.

This means your Medallion of the Archangel Michael, which was cast in pure Sterling Silver, will magnify the Pure 24 karat Gold’s magical properties many times over! (Can you now begin to see how truly wonderful, beautiful and powerful this piece is?)

But there’s more! A lot more, because this exquisite piece contains some of the most powerful symbols ever created for a Medallion or any other religious or magical piece…

The Power behind your Archangel Michael Medallion
First, if you look at the medallion you will see the secret angelic prayer inscribed in 24 karat Gold around its perimeter. It is written in Enochian, the language of angels, so no one but you will be able to use it. I will send you this secret prayer with your medallion. You must recite it three times. This will charge your medallion and open a “Portal” to the angels. (Please keep this a secret.)

Second, notice Archangel Michael’s flaming swords. These are symbols of righteousness, which he will use to protect you from all forms of negative entities. There is one in each quadrant of your Medallion. These quadrants represent the 4 points on a compass. This will protect you from harm from any direction as well as attract good fortune and opportunity from any direction.

Third, in the very center of this incredible piece is the Sun. The Sun represents the power of the Archangel Michael to lead the souls of his believers into the Eternal Light of love and good fortune.

Next, you’ll notice the interlacing patterns at the top of each quadrant. These are ancient keltoi knot patterns taken from “The book of Kells”. They have been used for 1000’s of years to trap powerful energies and when grouped with the other elements, they make it possible to “magically” summon spiritual entities, such as the Archangel Michael, for help, direction, companionship and miracles. (Which is why I want you to keep your Medallion with you at all times.)

Lastly, you will notice the Gold “Ley” lines. (”Ley” is the old Saxon word for “cleared path.” These are “lines of power, ” as we call them today. They are identical to the lines found on Neolithic monuments in England. These lines have been used for 1000’s of years to guide ancient man to the invisible pathways of energy that connect spiritual powers (like angels) to human beings.

Note: Right after “charging” your medallion with the secret invocation, you could experience a tingling sensation, and notice light glistening and glancing off the surface of this amazing talisman. What’s more, if you’re like others, you will get an incredible feeling of security and warmth.

Additionally, after the initial “charging” when you feel the need to open a “Portal” to the angels or to Michael himself, just “power-up” your Medallion by reciting the secret Enochian prayer again.

For example, if you ever find yourself feeling threatened or uneasy, or if you feel you are lacking the proper commitment, motivation or direction, or you are at a place where you truly need a miracle to solve a problem, or overcome an obstacle that is standing between you and your dreams, just grasp your medallion in your hand and recite the prayer.

Similarly, should you need to call on the medallion’s amazing powers for luck, courage, direction, energy, vitality or if you need to attract money, just recite the prayer. Most importantly, you should keep your medallion with you at all times.

And so you know you are acquiring a genuine Archangel Michael Medallion, made from Pure 24 karat Gold and Pure Sterling Silver, yours will arrive with it’s own Certificate of Authenticity.

And since I want you to do this so you’ll have the ability to benefit from this connection and your incredible happenstance, anywhere, any place, any time, I believe it would be best if you could keep the power of Archangel Michael as close to you at all times, so I would like you to have…

Your First FREE Gift!
A Gold plated Curb Chain

This is an extraordinary FREE Gift. Exquisitely crafted in 18-karat Gold, this shimmering, liquid gold like, curb chain necklace is the perfect complement to your medallion. For security, this magnificent chain proudly features a large, easy to use “lobster claw” clasp.

Unquestionably displaying your magnificent and extremely powerful medallion on a chain of this caliber is not only the best way to keep it close to you at all times, but also the best way for you to display it as the piece of fine jewelry that it is.

But that is not all…

Your Second Free Gift!
A Black Crocodile Embossed Presentation Case

This startling handsome, crocodile embossed, presentation case is satin lined and features a precisely angled, felt covered “display stand” that has been custom fitted to your Medallion. This feature allows you to dramatically show off this finely crafted work of art, when you are not wearing it.

In addition, it has a spring-loaded hinge that instantly snaps shut with a distinctive muffled click, so you can keep this masterpiece safe and totally secure.

But there’s more…

Your Third Free Gift!
The Secrets, History and Uses of The Archangel Michael Medallion

First, this richly detailed guide will give you a full understanding and appreciation of Archangel Michael. For example, you will learn that the first Angel created was Michael and that he is the leader of all the Archangels as well as all the guardian angels and is responsible for the protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity of all the people who are able to contact him.

Additionally, you’ll hear how Archangel Michael’s involvement with mankind is also seen in other ways, including his protection of Jacob from the wrath of his brother Esau over a matter of inheritance. The Scriptures also tell us that it was Michael who battled the Devil for the soul of Moses following the death of the founder of the Israeli nation.

Second, it shows you how lucky you are to be able to contact him and other angels.

But most importantly, your guide will give you examples of how the Archangel has helped others and explain the secrets of using your medallion effectively to get the guidance, direction, energy and miracles you need to make every area of your life better.

(Please, just click on the box below to see each of your FREE Gifts.)

A Rare Opportunity To Turn Your Life Completely Around

There is an awesome power in this unique piece, which is fueled by ancient symbolism — and magnified by the Pure Sterling Silver and Pure 24K gold. The “Medallion of the Archangel Michael” is truly a rare and remarkable work of art, as well as a magical object without peer, and one that will be revered and appreciated by all those who cast their eyes upon it.

Moreover, because you were born at 038N51 latitude and 076W59 longitude on July 25, 1988, I am sure as it has for others, it will help bring you the opportunities, guidance and miracles you need to turn your life completely around.

Just Pay For The Postage and Packing

Not many people will ever be able to avail themselves of the chances you have now been given, so in order to get this piece into your hands as quickly as possible, just pay for the postage, packing and insurance (£5) and we’ll send you the “Medallion of the Archangel Michael” so you can use it Obligation Free for 30 days.

If after those 30 days, you choose to keep your “Medallion of the Archangel Michael, ” your credit card will be billed in three easy installments of only £19.95.

However, because you are a friend of Bethea’s, Gemma and because I know you are one of the people who can really take advantage of the Medallion’s incredible power, I will make it almost impossible for you to say no, with my forever guarantee…

Use, wear and enjoy your Medallion for as long as you like…be it a month, two months, one year, ten years or more. If you are not 110% satisfied with this magnificent piece, or if you feel it didn’t attract the love, guidance, directions and opportunities I said it would, or even if you just change your mind, just return your Medallion of the Archangel Michael to either myself or Bethea, and I will make sure you get a complete refund, including the cost of postage and packing…immediately!

Now I hope I’ve made it impossible for you to turn down this opportunity, because I know it would be a totally great thing for you to do.


Bernard de Buhem

they try to lull you in to a false sense of security then you think f*** off i don’t need this piece of sh**e. i don’t even like gold, also Lucifer was the best angel hence why he was second in command closely followed by Gabrile who was the youngest because so called god wasn’t all to favourable of his angel population hence why he made man

ooooo….. sorry about the rant


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Jul 17, 2008 12:06 am EDT

LOL Dude I predict Big D is John Fernandez writing under a false name LOL and he wont be having children at all coz of his issues LOL dude LOL Yeah Bethea is smart to trick people into giving her money but we want it back DUDE LOL

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Jul 17, 2008 12:30 am EDT

Bethea Jenner does not have magical powers and cannot predict the future. She is not special and she uses the money she collects from the punters to pay the gas bill like other elderly women.

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Dec 04, 2010 11:35 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Bethea Jenner is exceptional woman who try to help. It's up to us to recognize ours problems and work on it. She is devoted supporter and we shouldn't take her words superficially. She possess big knowledge. Do you know what does it mean goodness? She knows, believe me.

Minneapolis, US
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Mar 05, 2011 6:53 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i agree that this is a scam. things i bought for her? NOTHING BUT A JOKE. DOESN'T WORK AT ALL, WASTE OF MONEY. i've told all my friends not to get involved with her or Rochelle as they are nothing but scam artists

Shelton, US
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Mar 18, 2011 10:22 am EDT

Yah just a bunch of [censor]. I fell for it too.. I must say i feel pretty dumb for buying into this. Your lucky day will be.. These necklaces and charms will work wonders... RIGHT! I'm a fool. just glad I'm not the only one... pretty crappy that she prays on wishful people...hey but karma is a [censor]...

Moorpark, US
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Dec 08, 2011 7:20 pm EST

I looked up a horoscope one day for kicks. I tried the lottery numbers given for the hell of it. They were bogus. Now I can't get rid of her. I can't believe people fall for her crap. All those little trinkets look like junk. I have more psychic abilities than she does and I'm already connected with Archangel Micheal as are all of you. No one needs "things" to be connected to the divine. You are already that. Also, I have gotten the same email about the Archangel Micheal medalion on several occasions. It matches identically with the one someone else posted above. The only difference is it has my name and birth date/place instead. It's obvious that they send out the same cookie cutter letters to everyone and change the pertinant ifo. If you are meant to be rich, it will happen. You don't need someone else to tell you what to do to get there. If it's meant to be, so be it.

Chris DiNunno
Centennial, US
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Jan 08, 2012 6:17 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I only gave in once and that was to Tara another rip off artist. Tara's predictions were of a gloom and doom nature. I was curious so I gave it a shot, but it wasn't for much; it was however a prepaid Visa card from a plasma center. The donations that I did give to help people were loaded on to the card. I gave this a shot to see where this would lead this so-called Tara, and just as I thought the process just got larger, and that was the end of that. Bethea's predictions are of a different nature, but still the same low life results. MONEY. I am trying to scam the scammers by replying to their E - Mails, and to satisfying my curiosity. The rewards just larger as target dates are missed for wealth and good fortune, and finally they do not like be ignored. Now I just delete their responses.

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Jan 18, 2012 10:37 pm EST

Purchased a pendant, not because I thought it would magically change my life, but because I liked it. Now she's taking money out of my account hand over fist. The only way to stop her is to cancel my card. I also would like to add my name to the list of not amused and very angry people. How does she get our email addresses? I never solicitored her in anyway to contact me.

Mary Grace Wolfe
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Feb 01, 2012 9:14 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They charged my debit card ... Someone hacked maybe the information of my card. I gave them proof that I didn't purchase anything from their site and requested for reversal;. All my emails just went back and I didn't get my money back... Theyre scammers

Bogalusa, US
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Sep 24, 2012 6:41 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I too receive daily e-mails about windfalls of money and trinkets that I should buy to hurry love happiness and money along. I haven't bought anything and won't I believe that she is just another con

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    +1 (203) 672-0089
    +1 (203) 672-0089
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    167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, Connecticut, 06460, United States
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    Mar 05, 2025
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Bethea Jenner / / Category
Bethea Jenner / / is ranked 6 among 16 companies in the Astrology Readers category

Most discussed Bethea Jenner / / complaints

scam and cheating!
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