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CB Dog Breeders Review of Beware! Untold Legends Shar Pei (Kay Whiteley)
Beware! Untold Legends Shar Pei (Kay Whiteley)

Beware! Untold Legends Shar Pei (Kay Whiteley) review: congenital defects! hip dysplasia etc 27

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7:12 am EST
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Irresponsible breeding! Purchased pup in August 2013. Two days later took to vet; diagnosed with Giardia, anemia and non-existent ear canals. Contract Kay Whitely, breeder and owner of Untold Legends Shar Pei. Asked for health records of my pups parents. She told me they were none of my business. Discovered my pups vaccination records had been altered; when copying for my vet the word "Yorkie" had been erased and the word "Shar Pei" had been written in (she also breeds Yorkies). The breeder became combative and crazy during email exchanges. Now, at 6 months old, my precious pup has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia. I know now why the breeder refused to disclose her dogs health records. I truly believe she is knowingly breeding dogs with hip dysplasia and has no conscience about what these poor babies will go through. I have submitted a complaint with AKC and will not stop until this womans hell hole is shut down.

Update by Nancy Endecott
Aug 29, 2014 8:33 am EDT

Additional information regarding my shar pei I purchased from untold legends in august 2013. she is now 1 yr, 2 months old. I am the complainant of the original post in january 2014. two months ago (june 2014) my shar pei had her first attack of shar pei fever (swollen hock syndrome). to date, she has had two attacks. this most recent attack resulted in an overnight stay at an emergency facility. fever of 106, inability to bare weight on her left hind leg, swollen/red hocks, swollen muzzle. we weren't sure she'd make it through the night. thankfully, my baby is back home with me. anyone who is familiar with fsf knows the risks and the possibility of death due to kidney failure. kay whiteley has to be put out of business! I have contacted the texas licensure to no avail. they are very lax in their requirements which explains why her "kennel" is actually a puppy mill (regardless of what she claims... i've been there!) and she is able to continue operating and breeding sick dogs. whiteley is ultimately responsible for the hell my poor dog has had to live with. I have no doubt there are others out there who are going through similar situations with their pei if it was purchased from this monster. do not allow this monster to continue! don't buy from untold legends!

Update by Nancy Endecott
Sep 04, 2014 11:09 am EDT

I am so sorry! your pup sounds like a carbon copy of what my sweet sophie has gone through in the past year. she was 7 months old when she was dx with hip dysplasia. same symptoms as your baby... her hips were popping out as were her patella's. I was able to manipulate the hips back into socket each time (thank god) but she was to the point where she could no longer get up or down. she required several weeks of laser heat treatments and a very restricted diet of j/d. after a couple of weeks she became mobile once again but has had a couple of set backs since. now i'm dealing with the shar pei fever which could prove to be fatal. i'm at my wits end with trying to get untold legends shut down. maybe if you and I both contacted the texas licensure they would take notice. you're not the first person i've heard from and i'm sure you won't be the last. please post a complaint on the complaint board. it's the only tool we have right now. i'm going to do a little research and see what can be done. this can not continue.
thank you so much for contacting me and please keep me posted on your baby.

Update by Nancy Endecott
Sep 09, 2014 11:15 am EDT

This breeder is a dirty breeder. she continues to breed dogs with hip dysplasia, shar pei fever (fsf) and god knows what else. she is populating the shar pei breed with unhealthy pups who will endure a lifetime of pain, illness, surgeries, and eventual untimely death. since coming in contact wtih untold legends and kay whiteley I have met many reputable breeders who breed for qquality, not quantity. don't be foolded by what whiteley tells you or puts on her website. she is a liar... a cheat, liar and an animal abuser. she will say and do anything for money. if you've met her, you know what i'm saying. if you've only had email correspondence with her, again, you know what i'm saying. I will do everything I can possibly do to see that this snake crawls back under a rock where she belongs. if you'll read the other comments you'll see this is not an isolated incident. its habitual. she will not change until officials force her to do so.

Update by Nancy Endecott
Sep 09, 2014 11:52 am EDT

Also, missmisty124 - when my pup first began getting sick (2 days after I purchased her) and showing signs of congenital problems I contacted whiteley for information about my pups parents. I asked for health records and was told they were none of my business... yes, none of my business. so I have zero info on her parents. I have to wonder what lengths this monster will go to in order to conceal the health of one of her breeding dogs. luckily I got her sorry butt kicked off of after giving her a bad review, verifying all of my information with the administration of the website and after several ugly email exchanges from whiteley which were also sent to the administration. that was only one website so I have no idea where she advertises now but would really like to know if she is on another website.

Update by Nancy Endecott
Mar 13, 2015 11:12 am EDT

So very sorry to hear of your pups issues. I am the original poster on this site. my pup also has fsf and is currently on colchicine. it took venomous complaints from me and another poster here to the texas board of licensure before this crazy witch shut down her shar pei website but her license to breed was not revoked! I strongly urge you to contact texas board of licensure and lodge a formal complaint. keep all correspondence between you and whitley. get vet records and notes. I will gladly piggy back on any emails you send to the board. I have all the contact info for the investigator and can send to you monday. my email address is send me your email address and i'll get you the details. this case is still open. if we can show continued congenital issues they will hopefully yank her license. i'm here to help anyway I can.

Update by Nancy Endecott
Mar 19, 2015 5:53 pm EDT

I too have all the proof needed. Until you have suffered through countless nights not knowing if your pup will survive you have no clue what this evil, heartless, money hungry wretch of a person is capable of. A responsible breeder would have volunteered health records and immediately stopped breeding the defective dogs but she didn't. Even after confronted by the Texas Licensure she lied and would not produce records. Do you truly think it is a coincidence that all of the people who have posted are dealing with the same issues? Issues, by the way, that may prove fatal for our dogs? You better believe I'm out to shut this witch down. I'm glad your dog is healthy because I wouldn't wish this on anyone. My baby suffers every day and is on 3 different meds right now. I'll do everything on my power to keep her with me and I'll do everything in my power to see that Whitleys puppy mill is brought out for what it is.

Update by Nancy Endecott
Mar 19, 2015 5:59 pm EDT

Side bar: there wouldn't even be a case if x-rays and vet records from us hadn't been provided. why do you think they opened the investigation? I too will gladly drive from oklahoma anytime I need to. we don't take this lightly and neither do our medical professionals.

Update by Nancy Endecott
Apr 07, 2015 12:14 pm EDT

Sharpei Momma - I'll check the paperwork I received from Whitley for the names of the the sire/dam. I do know my Sophie's momma was black with a silver lions mane around her neck (and my Sophie looks identical to her); her momma's picture was on the Untold Legends website until it was taken down. Lisa Myers pup, Lola, and my Sophie both have the same daddy (sire). I'm at work and don't have all that information handy but it is good to know your baby has been spared from FSF and/or hip dysplasia. My girl had another attack of FSF last night. Luckily since being on Colchicine the fever is manageable (rarely goes over 102/103 now) and she's better today (but her hocks are still swollen as is her muzzle). I hope you can understand why I and the others who are living the nightmare along with our pups, are so determined to see this cruely put to an end. I don't know what I would do if I lost my Sophie. When she's sick, as she was last night, I stay awake for fear she won't make it through the night (it almost happened once). No pup should ever ever have to go through this. I know Whitley is breeding Yorkies/Snorkies or something now and her website is FULL of pups. I hope they are free of disease and potentially fatal congenital conditions.

Update by Nancy Endecott
Apr 10, 2015 5:33 am EDT

Baggins & Wrinkles has a good reputation. I had many conversations with them (her) prior to buying my Sophie. Her pups were out of my price range but she gave me a volume of information. After I got Sophie she contacted me because she had a young pei (from a previous litter) that had been returned and needed a home. I was impressed with her professionalism and kindness. None of these qualities were ever found at Untold Legends. I'm going to unpack some paperwork this weekend (I've had family move in and out in the past 2 yrs so a lot of things are stored away). But I'm almost 100% I received no AKC paperwork from her since I made it clear I wasn't going to register or breed Sophie. I'll certainly look through what I have though.

Update by Nancy Endecott
Apr 16, 2015 8:22 pm EDT

Wow I am so very sorry your pup is ill. If the fevers come up again, you might consider colchicine. It has saved my babies life. There is a program for Shar Pei fever dogs through the drug manufacturer. The meds without this are $200 per month. With it I paid $10 for a 2 month supply. After a month she only takes it about every 3 days or so. The fever is very infrequent now and stays within the safe zone. These babies should not have to suffer. Unfortunately we can't undo this. But the only solution is to prevent more pei puppies from a lifetime of suffering. Please please report her to the Texas Board of Licensure. I'll post all the information tomorrow. It's critical to get her license revoked. She crossing Peis with pugs now under Love Me Tender name. She is a roach and has to be held accountable.

Update by Nancy Endecott
Apr 17, 2015 11:19 am EDT

To file a complaint:
Gather all documentation and contact the texas department of licensing and regulation (the department)
Kj kennels dba untold legends shar pei.
The assigned case number is bre20150000286
The case is assigned to investigator catarina flores
Catarina. flores@tdlr. or mail at: tdlr-enforcement division, p. o. box 12157, austin, tx 78711.
Investigator flores may also be reached at [protected].
Please provide the case number on all correspondence or when calling the department about your complaint.

Update by Nancy Endecott
Feb 28, 2020 9:04 pm EST

All - it has been several years since I made my original post. The dog I purchased from Kay Whitely passed away January 26, 2020. My sweet, sweet Sophie suffered for 6 1/2 years with chronic issues due to genetic defects. We discovered back in July 2019 that she had poly arthritis, an auto immune disease. Because of her many health issues prior to the auto immune disease discovery, she had very little defense to fight this illness. We made bi-weekly visits to the vet, changed and added medications and treatments but by mid January the poly arthritis was affecting her neck and back. It had also destroyed the tendons in her left front leg which required a brace, but was unsuccessful in assisting her mobility. My heart has been broken and may never mend. We knew years ago that she would not live a long life but the time that I had her will be cherished forever, regardless of the challenges she had. I don't want to hate anyone but I truly hate Kay Whiteley. Because of her dirty breeding my baby suffered for 6 1/2 years. But one thing for sure, she was loved beyond compare every second.

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Lisa Myers
Batavia, US
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Sep 04, 2014 6:26 am EDT
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I totally agree our puppy from untold legends has been constantly sick. now we are dealing with a swollen hock she will be having a biopsy next week to hopefully rule out swollen hock syndrome. her hip is constantly popping when she gets up and the poor girl is only 9 months old. we love our dear girl very much and will do anything to get her better. I feel so sorry for all the puppies untold legends and kay whitley sell this breeder needs to be stopped!

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Sep 09, 2014 10:59 am EDT

When I picked up my puppy she tried to give me the wrong puppy, but I knew the puppy that was suppose to be mine it even showed sold on the website to me. I bought a puppy in august 2013 the parents are sarafina and yoshi from untold legends, can you give me any information about the parents of both of your pups. my pup fortunately has been lucky, we had one attack of a stomach virus 4 weeks after he was home, but was treated and has been fine, minus some allergy issues.

I had considered going back and getting a female pup from her, but now I am definitely reconsidering this decision.

I feel for both of you and your precious pei.

Kat Graves
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Jan 23, 2015 2:13 pm EST

She is now going by love me tender puppies. beware. she obviously knows people are on to her. the untold legends site is no longer there. what is wrong with tx they are usually so good about shutting these places down. akc needs to step in this is so sad and wrong. I love pei's and would never think of breeding a dog with any kind of illness. hope to god she doesn't have children they are probably treated as badly. that seems to go hand in hand with big puppy mills. I would never buy from someone who has more than one breed of dog. especially such different breeds that just screams puppy mill.

E. Early
Los Angeles, US
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Mar 12, 2015 3:16 pm EDT

I also bought a shar pei from kay in june 2013. when we took him to the vet days later, the vet diagnosed him with a luxating patella (hind right leg). I contacted kay but she did not respond. his parents are comet and cooper. the knee would pop out when playing or running and he would not put weight on it. eventually we had to get surgery in november 2013. luckily, we had a great vet, and the surgery has been successful. he can run and walk with no problem. the other issue he has is shar pei fever. i've had three shar peis so i'm well aware of this disease and how to treat, but he's had to go to the emergency room twice now. we keep rimadyl at home in case a low grade fever comes on. we initially thought about getting our dog's sister from kay, but after his health issues and kay's terse, harsh, correspondence, we changed our minds. as kat graves mentioned, she has shut down the untold legends shar pei site and now uses her love me tender site. my husband and I believe kay's "breeding" is in fact a puppy mill, and as someone who has had shar peis for years, sadly, I can tell she continues to breed despite knowing full well that these sweet puppies have health issues. please let me know how I can help end her practices.

Lisa Myers
Batavia, US
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Mar 14, 2015 5:09 am EDT
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Please file a complaint with the texas breeders board. they already have an investigator and a prosecutor assigned to the case against her and untold legends!

catherine Bagley
Gonzales, US
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Mar 19, 2015 12:16 pm EDT

I dont know why these people are trying to close down Ms Kay Whitley because i have driven to Texas and got 2 Shar-pei, s from her and had no trouble my friend and myself had a whole detour of the kennels and they where very clean, in fact the 2 dogs we got just had 4 puppies on the 20th Febuary and there is nothing wrong with either dog or pup, s, we got all the shot records of both dogs and akc records on the parents, i worked at a vet for 3 years myself so i would like to say i know you people are getting togeather as friends just to put a stop to her and if she needs a witness about her dogs and stuff i would be one for her, all i can say you best have really good proof because i will travel from louisiana to help her win her case

Lisa Myers
Batavia, US
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Mar 19, 2015 5:04 pm EDT
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I have the proof x rays and letters. I will drive from ohio so that another shar pei and the families that trust a so called reputable breeder never have to suffer through 106 degree fevers, hips popping (congenital hip dysplasia) and congenital patella luxation. it's breeders like kay whitley that keep the shar pei blood line unhealthy!

Sharpei Momma
Cypress, US
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Apr 06, 2015 8:02 pm EDT
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Nancy, the sir and dam of your dog is on the AKC registration papers. As far as gathering health information from others, it would be helpful if you would provide the name of the sir and dam of your dog. I purchased a puppy from Kay in July 2013. I had my puppy examined the day after I got her home and my vet said she was good with the exception of luxating patella. He said this is not necessarily a problem but only a potential problem with age. He said this does not mean that she should not be bred but that I should only breed her with a dog that does not have this issue in his bloodline. My girl is now almost 2 years old and has had no issues with the luxating patella. She is very active and healthy with the exception of very allergic/sensitive to dog foods with any grains. If my girl has a potential for a multitude of health issues, I would very much like to be aware - please make the sir and dam of your dog known so that others from that litter will have the benefit of knowing not to breed from this litter. My puppy was from Sophie and Danny.
Thank you.

Sharpei Momma
Cypress, US
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Apr 08, 2015 10:50 am EDT
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Thank you for responding so quickly. It is because I am considering breeding my Honey that I got on Internet and googled Untd Legends. I wanted to call her and ask her if she knew of any health issues with puppies from Sophie & Danny. This is how I came across your posting. Like I mentioned before, our vet believes she has the potential to have issues with luxating patella as she ages (based on his exam when she was 8 weeks old) but because she has shown no signs we were beginning to be hopeful. We are waiting until she is 2 1/2 (will be sept/oct) so we can be more sure we have good chance of no major health issues. I have a very healthy (Baggins & Wrinkles bloodlines) male 2 year old that is ready to get started. I would love to know if our puppies have any common bloodlines because healthy, happy puppies are important to me. We only plan to do this one time (puppies for friends and family mostly) and want to get it right. If you can find the papers with the sire & dame, please let me know.
Thank you!

Baby P
Madison, US
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Apr 16, 2015 8:06 pm EDT

We also got a puppy from untold legends.
Our pup has the following issues;
Fever once a week (swollen hocks)
Ear problems
Food allergies (her coat was patchy)
Today she has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. she coughs, gags, lacks energy... it literally happened overnight. i'm going through a roller coaster of emotions, it really seems like she has been dealing with something ever since she came home.

For those dealing with the fever. we changed her diet and it seems to have fixed the issue, she hasn't had a fever in a long time (5months)
We decided to start cooking her own food and it helped her a lot, at least we the fevers.
She eats:
Oatmeal, brown rice, carrots, green beans, garlic, salmon, chicken. everything is organic!

Anyway i'll be back with an update.

Sharpei Momma
Cypress, US
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Apr 16, 2015 10:13 pm EDT
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Diet issues have definitely been a problem - but it has been with both of my sharpeis. I have had sharpeis before and never had as much trouble as i've had with these two. my girl from untold legends even got the patchy fur - that freaked me out. thought she had mange. anyways, the magic cure has been (costco) kirkland brand natures domain turkey and sweet potato - it's grain free. they both are doing great with that food if anyone is looking for a new food.

Yinga Yoakam
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Oct 03, 2015 2:55 am EDT

I have a pup I got from a breeder in wisconsin... thousands of dollars in vet bills but I love her so... please... any and all phone calls taken! would love to discuss with you all... [protected]

Kim Hrabal
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Oct 24, 2015 10:23 am EDT

I have had the shar-pei breed since 1979. and I do have 5 mini shar-pei, my oldest being 15 yrs old, my shar-pei are from the "hrabal chinese shar-pei" of texas, they have beautiful shar-pei and not any of the health issues listed on this forum. this is very sad, the dogs in question that produced these sick puppies should of never been bred again. its genetic's, and they carry for these shar-pei health issues. some dogs will not have the issues and there puppies are carriers of the bad genetic's listed above. kay should of shut them breeder's down right there. spay and de-sex both parents? I know she has many, many shar-pei and many, many toy breeds. this is her livelyhood. she should be shut down. I do know kay and have not had any dealings with her in yrs. the puppy I got, we gave away, it looked like a chow and we did not want that mixed with our hrabal chinese shar-pei bloodline. there is some pedigree's that are hot? u do not breed these dogs at all. I tried to tell her this. but we have different ways of producing puppies, we are not a kennel/puppymill. all 5 of our mini shar-pei are family members and not 1 sick day. to see our shar-pei go see our hobby
Call me if I can help any of you, as I said, I have had only the chinese shar-pei breed since 1979. thank you. hrabal csp of texas-[protected]

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Feb 12, 2016 11:45 pm EST

You say Baggins is great? I have three dogs from there. My daughter's beautiful girl passed yesterday from amyloidosis. It was horrible. The other two have FSF and have fever d several times. She knows this but keeps breeding. Her dogs have lived in a kennel on property where nobody is going scepter the twice a day she goes to clean and feed. They do NOT live at her home. She asks ridiculous prices for being a puppy mill. Do your research and visit the homes. Ask to see ALL of their dogs. Ask what health testing is done. Websites don't mean crap. Call other breeders from the National breed club. This is NOT a good kennel but there are plenty that are. I have three dogs from Baggins and all three FSF.

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Mar 13, 2017 3:54 pm EDT
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I have just gotten a young Italian greyhound from Kay Whitley. Someone who bought him from her re-homed him to us and I have had nothing but vet visits with him. Italian greyhounds are prone to having gum disease and we got him at a little less than a year and half old. We've had him for 3 months now and his teeth were so bad and extremely stinky, along with super inflamed gums. I immediately took him to the vet for a dental. I am now concerned because its been only two months since his dental and his teeth are already getting dirty again along with swollen receding gums. After reading complaints above I am almost certain Kay is breeding dogs with health issues that should not be passed down. I am very upset and stressed because I do not want my sweet dog to suffer...

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Apr 17, 2018 10:48 am EDT

How is your italian greyhound now? is he still unhealthy? at what age did his teeth/gums start to do this?

A fool and his money are soon parted
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Jul 19, 2017 2:01 pm EDT
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I made the mistake of purchasing a Yorkie puppy from this woman that now uses "Love Me Tender Puppies" as her business name. When I first saw the puppy I purchased, I specifically asked Kay Whiteley if the puppy was mixed and if she was possibly mixed with a schnauzer as her face faintly reminded me of the schnauzers next door. The woman appeared offended and assured me that the puppy was pure Yorkie.

I should have listened to my instincts as opposed to handing the woman my cash, as all hair growing in after I took her home was the double-coated Schnauzer gray. Her "black" and "tan" hair was dry and quickly became frizzed and damaged to the point I had to go have it cut off as it would mat if not constantly combed. The groomer took one look at her and asked me who who colored her hair. Now that she is older, she is obviously a Schnauzer mix. There is nothing faintly "Yorkie" about her.

The woman blatantly lied to me to sell me a pup. I wish I'd seen this site prior to purchasing. I did do a search on her prior to going to her puppy mill, but nothing showed up in the search. I have since found where she sold another woman a Yorkie that was in actuality a Schnauzer.

A fool and his money are soon parted
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Jul 19, 2017 2:31 pm EDT
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I made a mistake in my previous post. the owners of the puppy that I purchased are:

Beverly and jim whitley
Arthur city, texas 75411

Karlie Belle
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Apr 07, 2018 11:26 am EDT
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I’m so sad. I lost my Yorkie Max to cancer last week and I’m devastated. I have a Chorkie, Rascal, and he is extremely unique. I found a dog on her site that could be his twin! I want him so badly! I’m worried now :( I was so excited. I wonder if her Chorkies have issues!? On one hand I’m scared to get him but on another I want to save him! What happens to the dogs who don’t get adopted?

A fool and his money are soon parted
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Apr 07, 2018 12:51 pm EDT
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None of the pups are “adopted”. they are purchased. this is a mill, not a quality breeder. if you wish to rationalize purchasing a low quality pup from the mill, have at it. be sure to make an appt as they don’t appear to live there, but show up to sell the pups. try asking them to see the mom. they will tell you “no.”

If you do purchase a pup, don’t be surprised when the hair grows off and you have schnauzer silver hair growing in. my groomer swears that the hair she trimmed off had been color-treated with hair dye.

Attached is a pic of my pup. she’s precious and sweet. we love her dearly, but a pure bred yorkie she is not. her hair isn’t yorkie hair at all. much upkeep has to be done constantly as she mats wth the slightest touch. nor is she hypo-allergenic as she has a second undercoat. I eat allergy pills to keep her here.

Your “chorkie” will in all probability be some other mixed breed. if you don’t mind getting a mystery mixed breed that will come with a possible high vet bill, then you might be happy with your purchase. “designer dogs, these are not.” just remember to listen to your instincts and ignore anything they say as they are untruthful. go there with your eyes wide open. if your instincts scream, “run!”, do so. I wish I had.

Good luck.

Karlie Belle
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Apr 07, 2018 2:25 pm EDT
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Oh my gosh so you got a dog from them too? i’m from wv and hundreds of miles from them. I don’t mind if it’s a designer dog per say but I don’t want him to have health issues. that’s what worries me. he looks almost identical to my 12 year old chorkie and that’s why I want him. so you are saying that “love me tender pets” in arthur, tx owned by kay and jim whitley is a puppy mill? and that’s the place you are referring to?

A fool and his money are soon parted
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Apr 07, 2018 11:22 pm EDT
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Yes. That is the place.

Karlie Belle
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Apr 09, 2018 1:14 pm EDT
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If it's a puppy mill and she's been in business 25 years I don't understand why she has not been shut down?
I looked on the better business bureau and there are no complaints under either of her business (current or previous) names.

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Apr 17, 2018 12:15 pm EDT

Never buy from this place. this lady is insane. I inquired about an italian greyhound named louie and asked for a cheaper price because louie was not really a puppy anymore even though his pictures online were of him around 10 weeks. she told me I was crazy and that the pictures were only “2 weeks old”. either she is an idiot or liar. then she updated the pictures today and the dog is literally full grown. she is a liar this poor dog is going to have a luxating patella, I can just tell from the pictures of the father. she told me he was on “normal puppy medications” eventhough there are no such thing as “normal puppy meds” bc normal puppies don’t need meds. she was incredibly rude to me just for asking for medical records or recent pictures, which she ironically uploaded a few days later after she told me the pictures of 10 week old louie were “up to date”. she ascended straight from the depths of hell. I hope all the sick puppies that she bred haunt her for the rest of her miserable life. she truly is the spawn of satan. oh and by the way, when louie was a puppy the price was “lowered from $1000 to $600” and now that she updated her post of this full grown dog, he is now “lowered to $1000!” what a steal! you can get a sick adult puppy all for the price of 1k!

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A fool and his money are soon parted
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Apr 17, 2018 2:10 pm EDT
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Go check it out for yourself, but don’t look at it through rose-colored glasses. be aware of what you are getting into is all I can say.

Be sure to check out all the huge, filthy ill-bred males on the property, none of which you would take home to your family. she claimed those are the daddies that are kept outside. they’re not confined in tiny cages at least, except I am suspicious that she has so many small dogs sired by large dogs. it just doesn’t make sense.

Check out the “daddies” behavior and ask yourself if this is what you want as a sire. see if you see a single small dog there that would fit the bill as a sire for a “chorkie”. maybe she actually has a chihuahua hidden somewhere. or a maltese. or a yorkie. or a poodle. or any other of the breeds she has listed. she told me that my dog’s sire was out there. I never saw him, but made excuses as I wanted to believe she wasn’t what my eyes were telling me.

As for the puppy room, check them all out. note the large number of puppies on site and ask yourself if this is a legitimate breeder. ask her to see the other puppies as you might be interested in a different mix. I couldn’t see the other pup I was interested in “because the ‘door’ to the kennel (where the big males are kept) had slammed on it’s leg and broke it.”, but I did look at all the litters in the numerous cages stacked up that were deemed by her to be healthy enough for me to see.

Just look at the place, what they say, and the papers she will have you sign with eyes wide open. that’s all I can and will say. i’m not here to tell you not to purchase a dog from these people. you can only make that choice yourself. see my nick. I purchased from her when my instincts were screaming at me to run from that hellhole. how could I possibly tell you what to do?

Dallas, US
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Sep 25, 2022 11:34 pm EDT
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Very late to the game in this one. From what I understand, somewhere down the line, greed outweighed common sense and decency. I am heartbroken that so many pups and their families suffered because of it. We got our beautiful boy Cooper in November 2011. (Yes, she “stole” his name for one of her stud pups not even a month after we picked him up and told her his name.) His parents were Yoshi and Shiloh. Yoshi had a pedigree a mile long and it certainly showed. He was just beautiful. Shiloh was beautiful as well and both dogs were just so well tempered. When we picked Coopie up, the facility was pristine and we met all of the adults and puppies that she had. Yoshi was her pride and joy furbaby. You could tell that she loved him immensely. He truly was spectacular. Unfortunately, I think she started to love the money that his pedigree made for her a little more than the pups themselves. From what I understand, and I do agree that on the phone and via email, she was a bit abrasive/crochety and needed placating a bit and we chalked it up to her being older. She was wonderful in person, but it could have been the wad of cash we handed her 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️… anyhoo, I was told that she basically went off her rocker and got greedy and careless with paperwork, registrations and the whole breeding process in general, and ended up “accidentally” inbreeding pups and those are the litters that all of these nightmares are about. At first, we didn’t know what to think or believe, because we got so lucky with ours. I was sad about it and then just plain mad for all of the people that put their trust in her and ended up in an absolute petowners hell because of her negligence. My heart just hurts for all of you. We were so fortunate with Coop, even with the allergies that come with the breed. He was just magnificent. It looks like that was one of the last good SharPei litters that she had. It was maybe 2 years later that I first started hearing of the nightmares.

Our baby just left us on September 8, 2022. 4 days shy of his 11th birthday. He had the normal SharPei allergies and we had to get his lower lids done when he was 2 or 3, but otherwise, he was just an impeccable pup. He had the best temperament and was just a wrinkly bundle of love. I tell people I may as well have birthed him myself. He was my baby. He loved us with everything in him, and he loved our grandson more than all of us combined.

My heart and prayers are with all of you that lost your furbabies because of this woman’s negligence. Thank you for loving them through it until they were whole again, across the rainbow bridge. We had 2 Labradors when we got Coop, and my childhood dog was a ChowChow, so the SharPei was my dream puppy. He did not let me down at all. He meant and means the entire world to me. He loved his puppy big brother and sister from the second they met, as well as his kitty brothers and sisters. He had to be put on Prozac and Xanax after Duncan passed, and that just about broke us. (4th of July was a doozy too!) Then we lost his best kitty friend at 6 years old, to a saddle thrombus and adopted our current one 6 days later, and he loved him immensely as well. . I’m beyond grateful for the 2 years they had together. It feels so odd to only have 1 kittty in the house. (And a 35 year old box turtle that’s gonna outlive us all!). I’m so sorry for all of you that have lost your babies because of such recklessness, and am thankful that they finally shut the SharPei breeding side of her operation down.

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