I bought a ragdoll kitten from this breeder -Amy Klein. The kitten was sick and was diagnosed by my vet. The kitten slowly was starving because of the virus. I spent at least $750 trying to save the kitten and finally had to put her to sleep. At first she agreed to repay me for the $750 price of the kitten. Then she said she didn't have the money and she would pay in installments. Finally Amy blamed the vet and although she has no training claimed my vets actions killed the kitten. Be so beware dealing with her.
It is also important to buy ragdolls whose parents have been screened for HCM. I bought another kitten who died at 2 from HCM. Corona virus and HCM are issues in cat terriers but ragdolls are wonderful cats. I now have two beautiful healthy ragdoll boys.
This is completely false other than the fact that Gretchen Gilbert purchased a kitten from me. At about 5 month's Lucy had a cold and loose stools and her kitten was administered Convenia for the symptoms. Her vet went fourth with the spay and her kitten refused to eat on its own and developed anemia and lethargy, and later hind end loss of control all of these symptoms are related to the use of the controversial injectable antibiotic Convenia. I spent months trying to get answers I requested her vets records to find Lucy was given that terrible drug and spayed even though she was spiking slight fevers. I gave my vet all paperwork. I filed complaint with Convenia company and they admitted to all of Lucy's symptoms including loss of hind leg motion. My contact states refund if death is my fault. I am in no way responsible for the euthanization of Lucy. Gretchen lost a two year old ragdoll same month as Lucy as well. I am saddened by the loss of this kitten, but angered by this complaint! Please read http://www.catinfo.org/?link=convenia
You don't need to be aware of her nor is she a bad breeder. Her breeders are all tested and screened so do not put out false information. NONE OF HER CATS HAVE VIRUSES OR HCM. It was nice of her to even offer the money back no other breeder would offer that nor another kitten in return. She knows a lot of this breed, shes been doing it for 8 plus years. Not one complaint but this false information you have placed. She has big healthy beautiful babies that are vetted before being homed.
I have dealt with this woman before and even met her at a cat show. Just stay away from her. Her cats don't do well at the shows, she is very unfriendly, and she even sent me several nasty emails because she did not realize who I was. Seriously, just stay away. She patrols Craigslist looking for Ragdoll ads and then emails the people nasty things. I would be happy to dig up old emails if anyone is interested in reading them.
i would love to see those nasty emails honestly ! All i have ever done was try and help better the breed at no time should a ragdoll be placed on craigslist or inbreed, bred without registration, or bred to different breeds of cats ! As a responsible breeder who has put my sweat and blood into this breed i have emailed backyard breeders for the sake of the ragdoll breed ! Back yard breeders are out to make a buck at the jeopardy of ruining a breed! i have been to one cat show ever and Monroe did very good for being a seal point and she was the most relaxed cat there so content and secure ! I chose to never do another show because of viruses i am deadly scared of them catching them at a show ! if your statements are true post proof or be silent . Thank you Amy