Dear Sir,
Yesterday (20.9.2022) I have appointment to do car service at Borneo Mobility (Sarawak) Sdn.Bhd. and I have specify to service center that I have an issue of Engine Oil Leaking.
They manage diagnosis the issue (recommended to replace rear crank shaft seal & Oil pump seal, only inform me while im trying to collect my car after 4 hours).
Somehow they do major service for my car (TOYOTA Vious, QAA3848N) without replace rear crank shaft seal & Oil pump seal. The reason given to me is that they dont have spare part.
Very disappointed this kind of service and the manager poor handing customer complain too.
Q1. My question to them is that, major service without replacement of rear crank shaft seal & oil pump seal will solve my engine leaking issue? I believe the answer is NO.
Q2. Should seek customer consent to proceed major service without replacement of rear shaft seal & Oil Pump seal.
I hereby furnish some detail for your record and reference.
Invoice #: 359V063993
RO #: 359RO62981
Veh Reg #: QAA 3848N
VIN# PN153HYF005062465
Model: TOYOTA Vios 1.5G (AT)
Desired outcome: Solve Engine Oil problem without additional charge.