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CB Tango Transport

The good, the bad, and the ugly - discover what customers are saying about Tango Transport

Welcome to our customer reviews and complaints page for Tango Transport. We understand that making informed decisions about where to invest your time and money can be challenging, which is why we've created this platform for our community to share their honest feedback about their experiences with Tango Transport.

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Tango Transport's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Tango Transport, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to browse our reviews and complaints and share your own experience with Tango Transport. Your feedback is an important part of our community and will help others make informed decisions.

12:26 pm EDT

Tango Transport Bad accident

On August the 9th of this year, one of their drivers rolled backwards into my daughter's car on I-285 in Atlanta, Ga. First the driver didn't even realize he had rolled backwards into my daughter's in heavy traffic and kept going. She had to pull off the road call police and the police had to chase the truck driver down pull him over. His truck did over 2200.00 dollars worth of damage to her car. We call the Tango Transport to let them handle it because they said it was below the deductible of the insurance company so we did. Today makes 41 days to the day of the accident and they have not fixed my daughter's car. Now this is a 25 year old young woman trying to make end's meet on her own. How do you think this is affecting her life, she can.t get her car fixed it's getting worse and this is all she has to drive. I called Tango again today after speaking with Pam Gafford who is rude and also lied to my daughter about having a check in the mail, which she hasn't received yet (ha) image that. But today I spoke with Mr. Ralph Nelson who is the attorney for Tango Transport, and Mr. Nelson enlightened me that the company is in financial trouble and made it sound as if the company has no intention on paying for my daughter's car. You know if they had told us this in the beginning the car could have already been fixed but my daughter was determined she would do the right thing and handle all of this her self. She young and I admire her for wanting to do the right things but what do you do when we have people in society doing these kinds of things. You say enough, Tango Transport your are what I teach my children not to be and people who work for you, well I'm just sorry for them. These people at Tango Transport in Shreveport should be ashamed, but it seems that you have no ethics or conscious.

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4:21 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Tango Transport wrongfully termination

I was wrongfully fired from tango transport the shipper corrugated services told Cindy the saftey person that my wife was driving my truck and that she drove the truck and got it stuck in the mud. My wife don't know how to drive an 18 wheeler not alone shift it corrugated services is out of fort smith Arkansas I have an attorney if u have been wrongfully terminate I need u to come forwarded and tell me what happen and get both tango and corrugated services for there wrong doing. This and have a bless day my email address is [protected]

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Livingston, US
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May 31, 2013 12:45 am EDT

They can only believe what they hear. How many drivers you think lie to them about stuff everyday. They have no idea and no proof, but they also have a customer to keep. Im truley sorry that you got fired, but try and look at it fro their view.

6:28 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Tango Transport Awful service

I started working for Tango Transport in April of 2007. They really treated me great. I ran a lot of miles and everybody was so nice. I got home on weekends and sometimes I was able to stop thru the house to take my 10 hour break during the week. I felt like Tango was home for me.

In October of 2007, I ran a red light in Hillsboro, Texas. It was my mistake. I faxed Tango a copy of the citation the next business day. They called me to offer to pay the ticket and take that money out of my paycheck. I told them that I have taken care of it. And that was it.

In February of 2008, I had a job offer from a local company. Even though I was being paid well and had great hometime, the local company offered me daily home time and plenty of hours. So I got with Tango and put in my notice. They told me they hated to see me leave and that I was a great driver. They also told me that if this local job does not work out, I am free to come back to Tango.

After a month of the local company, I saw that the hours that they said I was going to get was not there. I was unhappy at this job. So I called Tango back up to see if I could drive for them again. The recruiter asked me if I had anymore tickets since the last ticket I had in Hillsboro, Texas. I said no. He then had to ask a higher authority if I was eligible for rehire. And I was. So off back to Shreveport I went.

When I got to Shreveport and started orientation, they gave us an application we all had to fill out. With that application was a copy of my MVR report. I saw that the MVR had not listed the ticket in Hillsboro. I asked about that and the instructor told me that sometimes it takes 6 months or so for that to show up on the MVR. I told him that I got that ticket when I was employed with Tango the first time. He said to write that ticket down on the application in which I did.

Two months later I had an accident in Fort Worth, Texas. I hit a car in my blind spot as I was changing lanes going about 4 or 5 miles per hour. I called that in like I was supposed to and was told not to worry about a thing.

About 2 weeks later, I was brought in for flatbed training. They had a new dedicated lane that I was approved for that would get me home on weekends and thru the week. I had made arrangements to move closer to Shreveport to do this dedicated account. When I was brought in for training in Sibley, LA, I went to the terminal manager to ask him where I needed to go. He asked me if I am Isaac Stephens. I said yes sir. He said have a seat. He told me that they have been trying to get me in the terminal for a week. They said that I was going to go through some training just to get me to the terminal.

When he told me to sit down, he told me that I was being terminated for falsification of the application. He said that I did not tell them about the ticket I received in Hillsboro in 2007. I told him that that was untrue. I gave them a copy of the citation and the recruiter asked me about it during our phone interview. He shrugged his shoulders, and said that it was not his call.

I was sent home on the spot. In the weeks that followed, I called Tango about getting a copy of my application that I filled out for them in March of 2008, but they have failed to do so.

I know that they knew about that ticket, but they lied to me saying they didn't know about it. I trusted Tango Transport to help me provide for my family. I liked how they treated the drivers with respect, but maybe I was completely wrong about them the whole time.

Since then, I have not been able to find a respectful job. My wife and kids have faith in me, but I don't know how they can because of how I used to provide for them well and now we are struggling to make ends meet. I am sure that Tango Transport alone has ruined my career.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Jan 01, 2016 10:05 am EST

Everytime someone makes a big deal about being a "Christian" in a business deal or transaction two things occurred either I didn't get paid or the work was shoddy or they were frauds. - so watch out . Christians are known by their fruit not their boasts. bill h

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Oct 21, 2015 3:54 pm EDT

All the bad reviews Tango bought out by Celadon out of Indiana and they lay-off 80 employees...

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Dec 20, 2014 7:01 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I started working for Tango in April 2 2014 and April 22 I had a accident the local police said it was my fault and gave me a ticket. I sent all the info into safety and Ivan Buckner called me into his office and wanted my side of the story and after I told him he said there was no way it was my fault. It is December and I am still herewith Tango. Like that one driver said put your big boy pants on and do your job or move over so we can. Thanks Ivan for the way ya'll took care of things when the Wife died.

Livingston, US
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May 31, 2013 12:42 am EDT

Ok. so i have worked for Tango since April 2007 as well. I think i know the driver who said he was fired over not reporting the ticket upon return. He had a accident, which he said himself was his fault. I undersrtand being lied to, but if you tell a driver he is being fired alot of them will abandon there trucks. Im not saying Tango has no faults. Every company does! As for the owner operator with no miles. There is a simple way to see if a company is good for you. Look at the freight they run. Tango has never been a 48 state company! They run mainly regional. Even the OTR fleet does alot of regional. This is not a good owner operator company. They have been fair to me on everything, and even have helped me when issues have came up at home. No company is perfect! It cost money to recover a truck. No company will fire you till you get to a terminal. As far as the reason. I cant say what they said cause i wasnt there, but if you have accident in a company truck and its your fault expect to fire termed. Most insurance companys wont allow a driver to be on the insurance with a DOT at fault accident. I wish the best of luck to all the drivers that feel wronged by Tango, but do remember that Tango doesnt control who they hire or fire as much as you think.

Searcy, US
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Feb 02, 2013 9:40 pm EST

I am a Current Employee of Tango..So far they are really good to me and my family...21 years over the road..Best employer by far...Good Equipment ; Easy Freight; Hometime has been Normal..Pay is good...I am Not a Hard Runner..2500 miles a week is good...My Dispatcher Ray is Very Professional..I have found a HOME...Most runs are southeast and midwest...Who needs Cali. Runs..? Most driver issues ARE Created By The Driver Themselves...Grow Up and learn how to work the system, , An Employer gives U the Opportunity to Thrive...U Dont Wanna Work Than get out the way ;Because There Are Drivers who will...ACE "O" SPADES...Peace-Out..

David Smith AKA; BammBamm
hooterville, US
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Nov 06, 2012 10:58 am EST

I was employed by Tango for over 3 years and had 3 different DM's.I had good weeks and bad weeks, that's the way it goes in the trucking industry and if you don't know that you haven't been driving very long.I was a driver for over 20 years and worked for several different companies, same sh_t different place, no company is perfect.If you go into orientation and believe all the crap you're told, again you aint been truckin long.As far as miles go, I never had a problem getting miles with Tango, as long as you don't turn down loads, so what if it's not going were you want it to go, it's miles.I got home every weekend without fail, because I ran what they gave me, as long as I was headed home by Friday.Who cares were they send you Mon.- Thurs. do you're job and quit whining'. If you think I'm being an ###, maybe, but I been doing this long enough to know it's the same no matter where you go, learn to play their game and make it work for you.So put on your big boy undies, and be thankful you have a job. Now get that load down the road, driver!

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Feb 05, 2012 2:23 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Drivers do not go to work for this sorry co...Tango one of the worst co in the Trucking industry...These people are crazy sorry and a bunch of low life's hiding under a christian banner..The owners even claim to have been truckers they must have fell off of a tunip fellow trucker treats a driver the way these folks do...they will even try to brain wash you...

Picayune, US
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Sep 19, 2011 7:52 pm EDT

I am Michael Dalleo's wife. Just like all the other past employees of Tango, I agree with them ALONG with my husband. Michael is a hard worker and just like everyone else he was getting awesome miles at first and then when he ended up with John Carnigan it stopped. I rode with him a few times and would be amazed at the bullsh*& John would write him. He would claim he didn't receive this and CLaim he didn't receive that. But BECAUSE his OVERHEAD are too scared to fire a black man...he'll possibly be there forever. This is NOT a racial issue, our family is as mixed as can be, but every time my husband would call him, he'd obviously be WAKING up from a nap...NO WONDER MICHAEL wasn't GETTING ANY MILES...HIS DM WAS SLEEPING! Michael was even TOLD by a few people over John to REPORT him to Human Services and OHHH you bet we did, but NOTHING became of it. I would love to keep going, but I don't need to. We have already reported Tango to the Better Business Bureau. DO NOT WORK FOR TANGO!

michael dalleo
Picayune, US
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Sep 16, 2011 8:38 am EDT

I worked for tango for 6 monthes, like everyone says great from the start. was making 2500 miles pluss, then the day came JOHN CARNNGAN became my DM, wow. thats all i need to say i dealt with his lazyness and worked hard to please everyone, till the day my father fell sick and told tango i had to stay home and take care of my dad. I was the only one in the family. On a friday morning i told him i had to turn truck in. I no i was not up for a rehire, because of their new hiring area was no longer in the south . i was no longer driving . I took a job at home on computers, so it would not have made any diff to me if i brought the truck back or not. I made arrangements to return truck first thing monday morning. i had a friend bring me home he was in the area heading back, i cleaned truck and returned. i new i was getting another check form them and as friday came, i new it would be mon or tues before they mailed as i waited, no check i called and talked to debra and was happly told i was charged out of rout miles and would not be recieving a check, i am not a rich family so taking $380.00 dollers from a working family it really hurts when you could have been looking for a job, not working to pay out of rout miles as they say, i dont no where to go from here if anyone can help contact me @ any help would be thankfull.. what a company

Clarksville, US
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Apr 11, 2011 12:07 pm EDT

My significant other went to work with Tango in August, 2010. He disparaged my concerns after I informed him of the negative reviews I had read. He lease purchased one of their trucks and found out that the mileage he got from dispatch was only enough to pay for fuel and the truck payment. After seven months of receiving paychecks that amounted to over 3, 000, yet only bringing home $24 to $30 a week, he decided he had had enough. He had one trip in the seven months he spent there to California. More than likely that trip was to cover for another driver. His runs were usually under 1, 000 miles and the only way he was able to make the truck payment and pay the fuel cost, plus other charges that benefited Tango, was to stay in the truck and never have any home time. He stayed out not weeks, but months at a time. There were times he became so tired that he became irritable and near dysfunctional, yet the wheels had to keep rolling in order to pay Tango. When he complained to dispatch about not getting enough money to keep his home, telling them that the power was going to be cut off due to nonpayment, and that he was losing his house because he was not making enough money to pay the payments, it fell on deaf ears. As long as they received what they took out of his checks was all they were concerned about. In the end, he lost a great deal and is now playing catch up in hopes of recovering that which was lost due to Tango's unconcern for their drivers.

They proclaim themselves to be a Christian run trucking company, yet I chose to differ with that opinion. Anyone can claim Christianity but the way they treat others gives the true meaning. Tango is in business to get their equipment paid for, collect the money the drivers make to pack their own pockets, and without fail, lying to those who go through the orientation sessions.

If anybody is seeking employment driving a truck, it is always a good idea to check the reviews of those who have worked for the prospective company. If they have nothing but negative reviews, such as Tango, steer clear. Keep in mind a tiger does not change his spots. Tango is such a tiger and will cause you to lose financially, lose family who become upset about the lack of home time for the driver and for many other reasons the company institutes.

Do not believe all the glitter Tango tells in orientation. They do not follow through as promised. Look further for driving jobs, and overlook will be glad you did in the long haul.

He is working now for another company, is no longer paying to lease a truck and is satisfied in a company truck which has paid him more the second week of employment than he made the entire seven months at Tango. Beware of those who come in sheep's clothing but are in fact raging wolves...that fits Tango well.

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