We have lived here in our subsidized home for 6 years. Never had a problem with any of the 5 property managers. I met Anne Olson in April of last year. She has tormented my family. With on average 4 24/ hr inspection notices and multiple unjust evictions. I have talked with a dozen or so staff of CHC about the way Anne has discriminated myself and my family. I suffer from a brain injury. She has called me disgusting and has made fun of my handicap. She has also poked fun at the fact My daughter and myself now suffer from a severe parasite and worm infection. She has tried to force me into paying her to rent a parking spot in a narrow city owned alley. She has screamed and interrogated my 9 year old daughter. Over the fact She refused to sign on my registered support. Resulting in us having to rehome our fur baby. At the same time She has moved in double income families with multiple animals. My mom moved on and that left us over housed. I was not given a right to appeal or fix the situation by having a family member move in who was already accepted into Calgary housing. With many staff alerted of our mouse infestation. I have gotten no responses other then We are sorry for your luck. And will not be renewing your lease. Which for years was a year leases until Anne has put me on weekly and even monthly leases. Anne took it apoun herself to make many false complaint to Alberta works resulting in Loss of our benefits twice I have had 0 income since Oct of last year. She then stole $1250. 00.I had saved with Calgary housing. Toward rent credit. By doing a "Audit" on me . Claiming i owed for rent during a few months in spring of last year which is un true . And proven with the fact that She One of the false complaint to my worker to get my benefits cut off while she continued to harassment me with 3 rent renewal forms. during this period. And adding a extra month for a totral of 4 months while her ledger only sates 3 months. She also put a false clean up She has also frauded my enmax. Saying it was a forced move out. When brought this up to CHC staff. I was served an eviction notice. Please understand i have a clean family home. I have been given so many ridicules chores to do for many months I have been forced to spend our savings to garbage most of our belonging with threats of eviction. I was even forced to sell my Jaguar and minivan to pay for The help and disposal of any thing she felt I should not have. And Also to rid mattresses couches make up and many more personal items trying to rid us of the parasites. Which i still carry and no suffer from malnutrition. I have to now take anti depressants after putting myself in the hospital for a breakdown where i was also prescribed antipsychotic's. and due to the stress caused by this woman. And the the agoraphobic symptoms that came with all the pressure and constant stress. I know see she has been forcing us to prep our home for our eviction. My lease ended Feb 28th and im now facing homelessness. And lost my daughter who now stays with her father. While for the first time am now an overholding tenant. With no where to go. I will not only be homeless. we will loose all of our belongings. These are only a few of the nasty things this woman has put on us. I do have more paper work regarding this matter but I do not have time to go through all of this. I do have the proof for all the things i have said and more. I have attached some of the files i feel are necessary to start this process. Please contact me for more information. I must go now to see if i can get into a shelter [protected]
Desired outcome: I want justice. And I want to stay in our home and have my family back with me. I miss my daughter terribly.
Anne Olsen at Calgary housing is the absolute worst most evil “property manager” ever! The ppl on our block Nick named her “Hitler”! Half of the ppl are from war torn countries and they are even shocked at how nasty one woman can be. She is cruel and hates animals. She wants to make you hurt simply for living in CHC. If you don’t bend she will do whatever it takes to break you! Her supervisors keep remaining professional to the point it seems like they don’t want to deal with her either!
I’m sorry you had to experience her traumatizing bullying! I think she may be on some sort of leave but I pray she loses her employment. She should not be allowed to be in the position she is in.
A year in Calgary Subsidized housing.
Monster Management ... Chapter 1
April 2022 - March 2023
5249 !9 ave NW Calgary Alberta T3B0T3
“Safe Affordable housing”
I don't think so….
After Anne Olsen
My affidavit
I swear that the following statement from last year in my subsidized home, is 100% MY truth. I will state as such. I have a brain injury. I do find this all overwhelming. And I am trying my best to get what has to be said out in such a way that it is easy to put together. Please have some patients with me. I will try to get to the points as quickly as I can. I have chosen a more of a story style of writing Because I can do it this way. I am also unclear as to why exactly we have been bullied out of our home. The way we have been treated has been the main and starting point of the unraveling of our family. I do apologize for the amount of words and exhibits I have to bring to you today. I feel this is part of the way Calgary Housing Company and Anne Olsen do things. I have so many posted, mailed, and emailed notices that it would take many weeks to prepare them. I will today share with you the ones I find important and The ones I already have on paper. As my printer is not co-operating. I am certain that I will have more than enough to prove my points.hopefully right this wrong…
April 2022,
April 2022
April 7th- I received a notice saying I had to tell them of all my income to see if I still qualify for my subsidized home. (ex 1a ) Or we would have to vacate the unit. This was due by April 28th.April 13th- Anne had posted my first 24\hr Inspection notice. For my 6 month inspection. I had always thought these were given when the landlord was given reason to believe something isn't right. A note on the inspection said I had to be here for the inspection. And with the notice received after business hours. I lost a very important doctor's appointment and was charged $250.00 for doing so. Not to mention the months of waiting.
April 14th- Three people came to my home. The first things Anne said were. That my house is gross. As she looked at me then the large painting of my naked girlfriend I was working on.
After going through my basement. Anne came upstairs. Said “ uhh DISGUSTING” She then went through my giant black two door fridge. I asked her why she was in my fridge and she said to” check for damages”I bought because the existing fridge is white small and very breakable. So I put the one in the basement so all the kids couldn't break it. I said that's not your fridge. She then said she had to. “ to see if i could afford food.” It was full and beautiful with herbs growing on the door. Her and Terry proceeded to the bedrooms. A quick peek in the smaller rooms. Then a longtime in my master bedroom. I felt very uncomfortable.My girlfriend had slept over the previous night for a “romantic” evening I had not cleaned up. Our under garments and personal items were still right where we had left them. I was mortified,embarrassed. And felt like this isnt right None, not one of the other 5 managers I have had the pleasure of working with went into my bedroom. Now this one is staying there for like 10 min. The Liaison seemed to be keeping me at the table. I told her I felt uncomfortable with what was happening. She said, “Yes, Anne is thorough and she is doing her job.” Anne continued to open drawers, cupboards, and closets. I can only imagine where she looked while inspecting my bedroom.
When she finally came out of my Bedroom. Terry was still saying How he loved what I had done to the place. He repeated this several times. The ladies did not agree with him. She told me if I had any maintenance concerns I should tell terry. So Terry and myself walked into the kitchen so I could show him the damage from the settling of my older home. I mentioned that the poles in the basement could use a notch up. And told him of the horrible Mice infestation we have had since the sidewalks have recently been redone. We could barely get a word out. With arrogant interruptions from Anne. Her voice increased each time she would interrupt us. Terry and I saw it wasn't important to Anne and we gave up.
We left the kitchen and I went to my desk. Anne stood above me .Once again Anne reminded me how she thought I was dirty. And my home was unacceptable. And my basement was disgusting. I agreed my laundry was excessive. I was assaulted months before in the basement. And I was scared to go down. I could only go down with my support dog. She really helped me with my PTSD. I told her I had started in the basement but I really didn't like going down at night. I explained to the three of them that I had been doing better. My main therapy was of course My Jane dog. But also my paintings My garden, and all the neighborhood children. I was at the neighborhood kid place. And these were the things that got me through the day.
She asked what had happened to the smoke alarm. I pointed to it like two feet away on a shelf . She got mad. I explained how for our romantic night we lit candles. One started smoking and set off the alarm. I fixed the candle and My very tall girlfriend grabbed it and because we were busy she just put it on the shelf. I had forgotten to put it back that morning. I was stressed about missing my doctor.She then told me that she could evict me. I apologized and kinda joked that of course the one time I mess with the alarm is for my inspection. And said it wouldn't happen again. She seemed frustrated and said “you're not allowed to burn candles. I said that's kinda dumb. I have been making candles for years. She then started yelling at me” You are not allowed to burn candles.” I started to feel attacked and I started to cry. This woman only heard what she wanted. She then continued Saying my yard was messy. I explained how the two yearly inspections are in Fall and spring when My beautiful garden seems nothing more than a mud puddle and or a vegetation graveyard. I was trying to make light of the situation with an explanation. I also told her how the garden and shed had been built by not only myself but the children of the neighborhood . I understood that the giant play house\shed was obtrusive to look at. And I had started to demolish it a while ago. Most of m y mothers things had been stored there and some of my collectables. Along with my dying old friend's tools. He had given it to us as an inheritance before he left for the coast to spend his final days. She then informed me that I was allowed only 1 Snow shovel and she would permit 1 BBQ. She said I had three days to rid my yard of my shed and all my tools. I got more upset. I asked how I would build and refurbish furniture in my basement. and how will I build the frames for my art? And how will I tend to the garden without my tools? She then said, “ you are not allowed to have a garden.” The Liaison stated that I could not finish this chore in 3 days. I then cried harder. I asked her why I had received a 24\hr Inspection notice? She said she was alarmed by the items that were coming on and into the property. She was speaking of my inherited tools. I then followed with asking for an extension. I told her I needed time so I could sell what tools I could and use that cash to pay for help to throw away my belongings. She glared at me and said “NO, you are not allowed to sell your items. That is a business.” I then said “yes I am.” She bent down and came closer to me and then said louder. “NO” I looked at her and said yes. She then put her head closer to mine and this time yelled. “NO”.
Now Terry was hiding in the entrance way. I felt he was uncomfortable with this. I was clearly upset and I did start to get angry with this awful behavior. I then got a little cocky and said “ Well what am I supposed to do with all my things? Should I wave a magic wand and make it all go away?” Terry then snorted with laughter. Anne Then out of spite said. “And I want you to get rid of ALL the toys in your yard. This crushed me.. I clarified that Anne wanted me to toss the kids toys over Easter holidays?
Then Our well trained support dog. She fingered through her paper and asked If I had permission. I said yes I have filled out a marijuana permission form, a painting permission form, and a pet permission form. She simply said “NO” . I strongly feel most of her decisions are based purely out of spite and discrimination. She looked down at the paper and said. “Well I could sign off on your dog.” Then I pointed out the strange personal vengeance in her decisions and I stupidly said. But I got LIPPY?” She just said. “No, I don't like the condition of your house.” With this decision I started hyperventilating. .All things that I had earlier explained helped my family heal , had been stripped away in a single short conversation. Terry, still in the entrance way cubby. Repeated “ It looks clear from here. “ a few times. Anne just ignored us. They left. As I looked over these papers. A yard appearance Notice. ( ex 1b ), A Pet Letter. (ex 1c ) Realizing I had to rehome our support dog. Who not only cost $1600. But the hundreds of dollars in licenses (ex 1 d\e ) and training. And LOVE we had for our fur baby. She had just moved in with a family with a big daily mutt. About ten min later I had gotten so upset with this new reality. I was sick. Actually physically ill. I started to throw up as I cried and gagged, I was left a Unit Inspection Report and my front door swung open. And Anne stuck her head in and yelled at me. I have decided I will let you get a shed from the co-op. Then she turned and slammed my door. I then looked at the stack of chores and the official papers. At the time I was crushed and thought this was crazy. That day was just a small insight on how the next year living here would be and how it would affect myself and my family.
EASTER WEEKEND April 15th-18th -
I got to it. When most kids received toys, treats and family over the easter holidays. My child watched her mom stress and worry. I wasn't available for her like I should have been. So All day I worked destroying our out building and tossing my family's belongings. But I had to pay to throw away things I didn't want to throw away. My health was far from good. And to make it more unbearable when it got dark I would have to work in the basement. I was told to bring my valuables and tools I wanted to the basement . But I figured she wanted me to clear my things from the basement. And I was forced to toss my neighbors belongings as well. I would have a few sales for the neighborhood yearly. And sell my art and refurbished furniture when I had no coverage and claimed it when I did. It was not a store.. What kind of store has dirty laundry cleared up to the top of my stairs and the rest of the basement was filled with the remainder of a half finished community sale. And sadness. This was mentally exhausting. And the no sleep at all for 2 or 3 nights was both physically and mentally draining. I could not lose our home. I did not want to have to go back to my abusive X. Having this home for 6 years has not only sheltered us. But it has given us our independence, and our freedom. The same night I had finished the demo on the shed. All my good stuff was stolen. Not to mention every night The neighbors would add to the garbage pile I was alone. And I was afraid. I could not eat and I was awake all three days. I put all the kids' toys in the Alley. It was really hard on my family. While most children received toys on Easter. My daughter watched her sick mother frantically throw hers away. And try to rehome her best friend. In fact, I almost forgot easter. It was 8 am Easter morning when I remembered. I dragged my butt to my closet for the easter bunny items. They had been eaten by mice and all the toys were outside toys. Another sleepless evening I repressed my eyeshadow so it looked new. I cut pages out of used coloring books and put out her unseen school snacks and supplies. Literally just a bunch of crap. She's 8 years old and now knows the easter bunny is not real. And later that week she snapped. She had just found out I was sick, I had no time to be there The night I had finally finished removing the last of the shed. I had all my tools, collectables and so on open in the yard. Everyone helped themselves. All my antiques were stolen. My whole childhood of cabbage patch dolls, a lot of power tools, ect... ALL STOLEN. Not to mention every time I left the yard my garbage Pile grew. With unknown furniture, mattresses, ect... So not only am I now paying for community garbage I am also paying for MY PERSONAL items to be trashed. Hundreds of dollars at the dump and more for gas money. I was under the impression the new manager was to return on the 19th. The day I'm supposed to have this completed. So now after meeting with this new manager I would have to clean and polish the interior of our home. It seemed never ending. Then I realize my daughter is behind me making a big mess. Destroying what I have been frantically cleaning. She now thinks it's the house hurting mommy. And keeping us apart.
The parking form Anne wanted cash for me to park in the alley
I gave our money, time,our holiday and our health because then we could keep our dog. I asked what my basement and a shed have to do with dogs? considering she said it was because of the state of my house? Miss.Wolf said to do as Anne Olson demanded. And I'll get to keep my dog. With this in mind I drained myself and had no time for my daughter and my fur baby. I line up support, I got a friend to sit with me between 830 am and 430 pm. I was very shocked how Anne treated me in front of two people/ And I definitely was not at all open to the idea of me being alone with her. I also thought it would be better if my young daughter didn't have to witness her awful behavior. So I went with my friend's paid sitter and no one came.
The next day, April 20. I spoke with Anne Olson on the phone. I informed her I had almost completed her list. And asked if I could keep our support dog Jane? "NOPE'' she says. ..NOW.. she says the reason is because I had dog feces everywhere. My dog poops in one place in the corner of the garden. And my daughter keeps it very clean. It's her only chore. lol. Starting with the removal of all the toys. She replies, "You didn't have to get rid of the toys." WHAT? She said I have to clear all the toys? Then She continues on with her next list of chores. She says, "Because your "sick", You can load all that trash and wood in your truck and take it to the dump. with your support dog so Me and my contractor can go through your stuff in the basement and remove what we feel is a fire hazard." And now she wants all the dog's paperwork to say she is a service dog. She said she wont accept a Support dog. Only a service dog. I know for fact Most people on this block have multiple animals. None are service dogs. So why can't I? Cause I have a ugly shed and lots of laundry?
4. General Policy Statements of Calgary housing company
4.1.All actions will reflect a flexible and compassionate position to prevent eviction. A flexible and compassionate approach to eviction prevention does not mean eviction will never occur, but rather that CHC strives to ensure tenants are in the right program that is best suited to meet their needs and support a positive housing outcome. This may be within CHC programming, or a transfer or referral to another housing provider.
4.2.CHC will work with tenants, community agencies and other public supports where possible to identify solutions and to maintain tenancies wherever possible; and where eviction is not preventable, to make every effort to refer the tenant(s) to other housing options.
4.3.CHC recognizes the rights of each individual to be treated fairly, with respect and without discrimination.
4.4.CHC is committed to the early identification and mitigation of issues that may negatively impact housing stability for tenants.
I sent the useless liaison a message saying that my b-day is on the 21 of april . And with frustration I tell her to go bug someone else. Please keep in mind by now I have been up for almost 3 or 4 with only 3 or less hr a night. starving and stressed. No sleep and a Sad angry troubled child. And after discussing our "inspection" with a few people. Gathering information. I also tell her I do not want to deal with Anne Olson anymore. At the time I thought I had rights like everyone else.
April 21st, The day my bday all I want is to chill with family snuggle up and sleep. Then a knock on the door. Then another knock it's one of the staff of Calgary housing. My heart drops. He says he can't speak to any one's actions. But he says he is sorry for what happened. And Anne cant make u get rid of your dog. What a relief that was the best bday gift I got.
I received a Call from a government number. They said that They had received a community complaint that I had not claimed any of the items I had sold from my online store called Crystal's closet. And he said I have not claimed any of the Maintech money from my baby daddy. Which is ridiculous. He only pays maintenance when I'm on welfare and the MEP demands it from him. I had worked very hard to be accepted for Alberta Works health insurance. And the $800 we did get from Alberta works helps out so much. This money and $400 child tax benefits is now our only income. with zero medical coverage.
So now that my income had changed, my rental form I had just received and filled out was now false. So I sent an email to Calgary housing requesting a new form. So I could update my information and still keep it legible. The next day I see Anne Olson at my door. She had brought another 24 inspections and one page of a rent review form.
The next Day I picked up my daughter and grabbed some groceries. I pull up and see the liaison and the new manager snooping around my yard and side door. I realized I have no choice but to deal with this woman. The design taken from one posted for sale by co-op. I find the tin sheds are cheap and ugly. THe woman down a couple houses bought one not too long ago and it's fallen apart sitting in her yard half broken with tarps all over it. She starts by saying I can no longer dig in the garden. "It's a tripping hazard. “ Truly I never thought that being poor would lead to such a loss of human rights and freedoms. She leads me around the yard. Says that My contractor will have to send her a picture of the sheds design he had gotten from a coop contractors book. Then says "Stop building it cause I do have the final say. And it's more than likely gonna have to come down at your cost." .Anner then begins to make air circles with her finger and says these have to go. Pointing to the childrens bikes. We fix up and pass around the community in spring. Then continues on to finger circles a pile of ash. Then the patio table is covered in tools and says "this too." She then asks why most of my Toys from the front yard are now in everyone's yard. I told her. they took them from the alley.. "oh... ok,then." She then finger circles The backyard toys. She now wants all the toys in my backyard gone. I say "The kids love the kitchen and they were all over here whith Jaylen playing with them yesterday." She says "Well that's not going to happen any more. No more children playing in your yards unless their mom is with them."
We came into the house and down stairs. She asked for my form or my welfare card. I said that "I was cut off from my welfare". Anne did not look surprised and actually looked impressed with herself. But the look on the liaison was a dead give away. To my surprise, My Liason snapped at me like I was lying. "They don't do that." she barked. I replied "yes they did." Anne Olson says she can just use the information from my previous month's card. And I should give her my April card. So she could just use that information. I said no. I felt Anne simply does not like me. And every time I stand up for myself. Or tell her a fact, she will come back with a new chore which normally includes me tossing out what's precious to me. So Now I have removed more of my belongings from MY basement. When I asked her where I should put my valuables? she said the basement. Hmm.? Not many made it in before being stolen from my yard. I ask when she would be done wrecking our home?. She says Not Until it is passable for a fire inspection? What exactly does this entail? I do not know. And when asked The two women neither did they.. I don't know what exactly her chores are for me. And informed me she will be doing another inspection in 2 weeks. Until she is ok with MY HOME.
Now we are walking up the basement stairsAnne Olson asked who I spoke to about MY Social services file? I said a brown dude from social services. She says she "knows they wouldn't cut me off because of a community complaint." I repeated to her "yes they did." Anne Olson, "Well I need his name and information. Find out and I will call and get this all waved over." or something similar. I didn't know a housing manager has the power to get someone's welfare checks released? The last meeting they were going to use their powers to get a doctors appointment cancellation fee waived. I just replied " No thank you."
Now out of the basement we are in the dining area where my 8 year old Jaylen is doing her homework. Anne asked me where my dog was. I told her "You wanted me to get rid of my dog. She is now gone. And that's all you need to know." She said "No its not. There is more to it than that. I think your dog is coming back. Or here, That's why you have dog food on the lawn." Again this makes no sense to me. Again they treated me like an ignorant Liar. This time right beside my kid. Who was clearly upset by this. My daughter was very damaged by the loss of her furry friend and we had been working on her feelings about thisJaylen looked at me. She thought this ment we were going to get the dog back. The lack of her mothers full attention in a time of need. And having to throw away her toys over our Easter Holidays had been really hard on her. And then to my total Disgust. Anne Olson gets MAD at my daughter. And She actually starts quizzing my 8 year old about the relocation of our dog. She said to my daughter "JAYLEN, Where is your dog.?.. JAYLEN, where is your dog?" I say "leave her alone." As Jaylen tries to continue her homework. ANNE DID NOT STOP. She repeats this like five more times. I'm in awe... The new property manager continues to interrogate my daughter by repeating her question, quicker and louder than the last. Jaylen ignored her. But she kept on pressing my child. Anne Olson repeats the question over and over getting louder. Now treating my daughter like an ignorant Liar as well. My daughter shrugged her shoulders and buried herself in her book and said "I don't know." So now Anne is clearly upset. She then turns and glares at me, and says "uh, ok, Can we have a word with you outside".
We then head out to the back. Now standing outside by my back door. Anner says "Ya so, I've put in your transfer papers." My guts tighten." You are over housed with your situation." The Liaison then asks Anne to explain chores to me. As if I was slow.. She says in the basement, the dog food, the pile of ash in the garden. I turn to see my daughter standing inside at the top of the stairs crying and clearly upset..
Our HOME that Anne said was disgusting
A year in Calgary subsidized housing
MONSTER MANAGER. . . chapter 2
July 2022 - October 2022
Summer ended way to soon
She's Back
Summer was no longer ours to enjoy. She is back. Anne Olsen is our property manager. She gave me trouble for not completing her demands. She was no longer my property manager.
July 2022
July 20- We received a notice of a change in her email. She added a 2.
My Health was getting worse. I still did not have my benefits. If I wasn't sick I was trying to get our lives back together in the previous month. I also have a brain injury that for some reason has disabled my ability to comprehend most forms and literature. My concentration is affected. Anne was aware of this and not only has she discriminated against my disabilities she has used them to her advantage. My daughter and I Were now living off of only $400.00. And I had eaten dumpster food and Because I just couldn't afford more than I had for my daughter. I discovered We both had an infection. My daughter had parasites. Maybe from all the mouse poop in the house. I, on the other hand, have been battling parasites and worms throughout my body. My nose, ears and lungs are infected. Along with my stomach, liver and intestines.
July 20- We received a notice of a change in her email. She added a 2.
July 21-Last day my meds. So I was so sick. I could barely move. Anne tapes a yard notice to my door. She was upset that I didn't do what she ordered me to. And how she has been warning me for months. I told her about my illness. And how sick I was feeling. I don't remember what she said but It was a rude comment toward my other long term health issues.I then told her how we all had gotten notice that she was no longer the property manager. She then tells me. “You have to keep your yard up like everyone else.” I look around. I say O.K. And ask why all the neighbors but me are allowed children, toys, dogs, was“allowed” to buy is now a pile of tin in a messy backyard down the street.tents, Tables, chairs, shelfs, cats, and even a front yard fire pit. And the shed she said I
July 22- Anne tapes another paper to my door. It's a 24\ inspection notice. At the end of the day like always. (ex 4 a ) Like omg..
? I sent A complaint to Anne's supervisor at the time about the mice and about Annes behavior. She replied that some people just don't qualify for Calgary Housing. ?
July 25 - Inspection date. Brian was over helping me because of my health. Brian wrote a statement (ex4b) And for the first time in a long time I slept. Anne always shows up as early as she can. Brian was outside watering things. He saw THEM pull up and dropped the hose to wake me. I was half asleep and said that I must have left it on. I did correct this right away a couple times. So did brian. While I should have been putting what little energy I had into healing us. And cleansing us and our home of all this infection. I then asked Brian if he could show them the basement. She took it upon herself to turn my outside water off . When they were done complaining about a single necktie I had missed hanging 2.5 feet away from the furnace. They came up and she started on me. About how I wasnt allowed to do this. Then they move on to insult my art. And told me to take down half of it. She then asked if Brian and Jaylen could leave. I say no. “because you are mean.” and she is mad again. She saw I had a security monitor and questioned me on how I pay for it? Then she started asking me how I pay my bills and pay for food..She then says I'm wasting water they pay for. Again my daughter says I'm a liar and I still have my dog. Because there is [censored] in my yard. That is from ALL the neighbors animals
Then she starts her ridiculous search through my home. Again closets. She then walks by my moms room and straight into my room. I ask her not to go through my room and my things. She says to me, “ You live in Calgary housing and it is up to me what happens.” She just discriminated against me again. And says my last annual income report was not legible and I would have to do a new updated one. She assumed I got my benefits back so she must increase my rent . She then gives me another unreasonable chores list. And says she is transferring us. And will give me a list of areas to choose from. My daughter starts crying. I start crying. I could have afforded rent for somewhere away from her and not had to pay to throw away most of our belongings. I could have had time for welfare and doctors. I could have kept my DOG. More papers. Location Update Form (ex4c/d ) Unit Inspection Report ( ex ) More papers. Location Update Form (ex )
July 26- Due on the 26th (ex100) I was given less than hr to decide on the preferred location of my family's home. This is not enough time. Schools. Supports the People in our lives. Resources. Everything. Our groups and hobbies. Church. Another paper on the door. Saying that I have no choice and I will move where they put us. 4 times quicker now.
My transfer papers. Anne or the Liaison have never helped me keep my home.
The drug filled apartments Anne had picked for me.
August, as you see, has a lot of stuff to go through. I did my best.
Aug 8- My EX kidnapped my child. I sold 2 vehicles, my grandma's jewelry and everything I could. I had to pay $4000.00 to a lawyer to get her home. In conversation I had informed the management what had happened. And my daughter would be away so needed to adjust my rent. I was still suffering from this infection. I had to toss our beds and couch. All personal beauty products. Most clothing and then our washer broke. The stress of this was building. The anxiety from the parasites. I had a miscarriage . And I was falling apart. I feel that working with low income for a company that is meant to help the less fortunate and should have sympathy. A suggestion or referral. Anything , maybe just a kind word. This is not even close to the experience I have had with Calgary Housing Company.
Aug 9th- I made an official complaint to Her supervisor. I used my secondary email address. Now I understand why she tortured me this whole month with no regard for my daughter. Or myself. I'm not sure who all got to read my complaint about Anne and the mice. But Anne did start sending her email via this address which I barely checked. Also using this against me later. She worked on pure vengeance after my complaint. But I needed this to stop. And no one would help with the mice. And the mice are making us very sick.
..”A manager or landlord should never do. . …..work out of spite and/or revenge”…..
During one of these Inspections the tenant liaison called me rude because I was ill and on my couch which I have owned for almost a month and before that day I hadn't even sat on it. The same couch I received a few days before after having to toss our red set because of the infection and mouse infestation. Anne had noticed I had a new love seat. She said “ I don't think this is the right time to get new furniture.”
Aug 10th - Notice to enter on aug 17th (ex6i) A 24/hr inspection notice posted to the door for August 11th. (ex5b) fire pit warning? (ex) Notice to enter And a notice regarding my transfer ( 4 ex100 ) posted a condition of unit and yard notice. (ex5 a) It follows up on three different inspection dates. Which were April14, May6, and July25 of 2022. She goes on to mention the Inspection on July 25th. She stated that she could not access the basement. Then How did she turn off my outside tap? She then states that my house is a safety risk and a hazard. Then why is she the only one who thinks so? I have no fire pit and again she is accusing me of having our support dog still. Now I am given a strict timeline to do what exactly? She is just being an angry bully. This is ridiculous.
Aug 11th -Inspection day. Anne came barging in. Asking loudly like a cop if there was anyone else here but me and chris. I said no. She said “Chris go outside”. He did. So I invited my support back to my house. She bolted down the Hall Banging loudly on all the doors yelling. “ Is anybody in there?”, “ Is anybody in there?” into all three rooms. I truly was at a loss for words. I may have giggled. It was quite a show. Throughout the RAID lol. Anne kept on asking me where. My daughter was. I told her it was none of her business. She told the other employees that she just had to go down stairs to check something. She went down. She said Chris went outside. He did. So I invited my support back to my house. She then told me to remove all my knobs off my doors. And the locks on my gate. I had no dog, no man, no security cameras. No locks or knobs on any of our bedroom doors. And my gates are always wide open from people walking through my yard. Out of 50 plus solar lights I get a few every year for easter. I have 2 left. Tools generator pressure washer ect all stolen. I have had 2 attempted break ins. And a peeping tom. In March of 2023. I came out of my shower to find a man half way through my kitchen window. He even used my ladder to do so. This never would have happened, none of this would. If I could protect myself and my family with a couple locks at least. Anne said the reason was if there was a fire my daughter couldn't get out. Yes she could. And the back fence is more than far enough away. At the end of the work day she came back and posted a 24/hour Inspection notice for the morning after. (ex5 c) This is the supposed alley clean up. That did not happen. An alley clean up )exx)I was audited for months later . And another 24 inspection notice24/hour Inspection notice for In my next notice it states that my shed is too large. (ex5IJK) Aug 12th - ACondition of yard and annual rent review outstanding (5D) , A follow up 34hr notice for the 18th of august (ex6h). Aug 15th due date for something..
Aug 17th- Due date for these chores Empty basement throw and pay away the rest of our belongings. Remove and pay away the new costly awesome contractor built shed17th- Anne was Complaining about my beautiful shed. Anne said it was ugly and accused me of having someone live in it. Not true. Then she said she wanted it down because the door won't open. The door is a dummy door for uninvited people who want to go snoop in my shed. Like Anne attempted . I never saw her try it when I was in the yard with her. So when is she in my yard? Months later she changed her reasoning to the fact it is oversized.
18th Inspection, A notice to all tenants 19th ave NW. (ex5f) I received my Parking space application (ex5g5h) I called the city and found out that they own my alley. Andthe parking space Anne had just tried to get rent money for. And It is a narrow alley so there is 0 parking allowed in my alley?
Aug 22- Due date these chores, Backyard Kill garden remove my vegetation. Level ground Seed grass No toys or Household items. When I moved in my backyard was a swamp. The day time sun is grossly hot. And My yard was the valley of the others; it was even lower than the alley. I paid for loam soil and dirt. I have built and collected river rocks to make beautiful paths. I spent hundreds of dollars on grass seed. Now she wants me to level it all out and back fill? By the 9th of next month. 2022 was the year my garden was perfect. I only had to plant a few new seeds. It all came natural. Even my Japanese red wood which took three years to germinate.
Aug 23 (ex6A) Inspection 12th- inspection told to remove knobs and locks. Terry came with them and she got him to check and make sure all my locks and door knobs were off. Chris was down stairs Terry went down to see if the basement was up to code. Terry said. “ looks good to me.” When he came up the stairs he complimented my art. Terry always has liked my style. Everyone did but The manager and the liaison. They are now telling me that I have my priorities wrong.? I was cleaning my daughter's room to get it ready for when she can finally come home. She was still being held by my abusive EX. I wanted to make sure she didn't get reinfected. I tried to explain this to them and they wouldn't hear it. Liaison said I'm not so sure about this worm thing. I said u guys didn't believe me so i kept some for proof would u like to see them. She said no. “ You can get them from anywhere.” Says I will be reinspected on the12th of Aug. I have not had a fire pit for a long time. She says that if im not done these chores by aug 18th or 23rd. They will not renew my lease. I also state that my furnace has finally passed . The only reason is Terry did the inspection. And also threatened that if I do not have yet another rent review filled out by the due date for her parking space application with proof of registration.
Aug 24th-inspection
Aug 25th- Yard appearance notice. Completion date is Aug8? (ex6B) My rent was adjusted to 212.00 according to the August review.$212.00 (ex6C/6D)
Aug 27th- a large chore list that I
Aug 29th- 24/hr inspection notice for Aug 30th. Taped to my door (ex6E)
Aug 30th- inspection report one month lease from sep 1-30
Aug 31st- report on the reinspection on Aug 30th. (ex6F) Saying that I have not complied with Annes chores lists And they have offered a 1 month lease for Sept 1- sept 30th. If I do not finish all the things she has asked me to do by Sep 9 my tenancy will end on sept 30 Lease pick up on this day as well. 24/ hour inspection notice
September 2022
Sep 7th- notice to residents for work on the Sep 12th - Oct 7 (ex7a) Paid $500.00 onto my electric bill. After receiving a cut off notice Anne and the tenant liaison saw my disconnection notice on my table. I noticed thai and asked the liaison.. If she knew of any programs that could help me. She said nope. Sep 9th- Inspection day (ex7b) Sep 14th- 24/ hr notice for inspection on sep 16th (ex7c) Sep 16th - Inspection day. Anne frauded my enmax by claiming the account was a forced move out. Sep21st- workers come, 21st- Notice to residents.. Regarding contracting (7D) Sep 27th- Notice regarding yard and lease renewal. (ex7E)
My neighbor's yard as i'm forced to demolish and garbage our beautiful yard
October 2022
Oct 1st- I was cut off my benefits once again.
13th- First day in two months I got to see my daughter again. After 2 months. I waited 6 hours in her school for her.Annes noticed she picked a place out for us. (8a)
14th- Our first day together as a family again. I just wanted to be with my daughter . I could not believe how fast Anne had found us a place. We had discussed previously that my daughter and I had suffered trauma in an apartment we had lived in . And the one reason we were moved into our current home is because of this. I really do feel that she was trying to force us into the crack apartments because I clearly can't take it. And she knew I was addicted. And I have been clean of crack for over 5 years. I recognize this building the moment I say it. It is a crack apartment. And because I could not
Move to this location. CHC would not renew my lease. I feel that a subsidized housing company should HELP the tenant keep their home. I was forced out. I was harassed, stripped of my rights and discriminated against. Knowing our past and my disabilities Anne acted out of hate and vengeance. When a property manager for CHC should be and behave the opposite. The Liaison has FAILED terribly at her job. As well as her supervisor. I needed help with my housing and they all failed me. If I would have received the support CHC claims they give and have given me. I would not be writing this I would be sleeping in my bed knowing my home and family are safe.
29th- I received a 24 eviction notice. Because my enmax was not in my name. (ex)
30th- Move out inspection
One year in Calgary subsidized housing
Monster Manager…. chapter 3
November 2022- March 2023
“I have lost so much, I just want my life, freedoms and rights back.”
……….. A family unraveled………..
RTA Rules Entry with consent Page 53
Consent under the influence of fear or terror does not amount to real consent.
November 2022.
Nov 2 and 3rd. I tried to plead with my al Alberta worker. To release my check. I was told my file had been closed on OCT 1st?
Nov21- lease drop off sign and pick up same day move out day
28th- Two envelopes taped to the door. They contain two electric invoice dates and are both Nov 9 The electricity dates are aug 19th- Sept 19th $212.75 and Aug 17- 18 19.55 (ex9a/b)
Funny how it's the same as the unjust rent she charges me. $212.00. Please note only 2 invoices.
Enmax telling me what's up.
So not only do i no longer have income, my daughter isn't here. Since her kidnapping. And me having to render her to her father. I did ask Anne to change my rent. She did. BUT not to the actual proper amounts.as indicated by residents in the property. Anne had informed me that I should always tell her right away if my rent needs adjusting because she can't back date rent refunds or increase. She took some of my $1250.00 to do so
Nov 29- posted 24 hour Notice to Tenant, to take possession and complete final move-out inspection.(ex9c)
December 2022
1st - termination of tenancy notice of account balance $86.30 overdue. (ex B10 )
24th\25th- Contacted many staff with CHC informing them what was happening with Anne and about the mice problem. I had no family. So I decided to fight for them. So I started with dropping an email complaint to one person. About Annes behavior and the mice. I always got the automatic response. They were out of the office. (cause the are not low income with no rights) Iwas then told to email another person. This happened around ten times. So I know the whole of CHC is aware of my issues. This is when I realized not only does Anne have a hate for me but. The company was ridding themselves of tenants that pay less. I have spoken to most of the new tenants. And they all say they have different rules because they pay more. And I noticed they are family Aish incomes. Plus I found out that Anne has alienated me . For example my neighbor was asked to remove her fire pit in her front yard along with a kitchen table. Anne told the tenants it was because “someone has a problem cleaning up their yard.” As she thumbed toward my house.
Our home
Before Anne destroyed US.
Anne sits outside my house after hours.
January 2023
9th- non renewal of lease. Noticee (ex11b) 1
11th- Notice of eviction non non-payment of rent. I paid this off (ex11a)
30th- evictionLike I have said before If The property manager was actually doing a property manager's job I would not be facing homelessness in less than 72 hrs. I have been wronged my family has paid the
A note from my in-home support worker to Anne. Anne of course replied. We will not be renewing Crystal lease
February 2023
16th- Notice posted lease ends Feb 28 (ex) th notice posted move out inspection on march 2 (ex12 a)
Notice for move out inspection appointment ( ex12 c )
28th- End of Last lease
March 2023
March 2- Move out inspection March 7th- regarding 14 day eviction notice (ex13a) I'm officially homeless as of Feb 28th. Now March I'm an overheld tenant. I did pay rent for the month But Anne whipped out one of her stash enmax bills. I truly can not believe the way this company has changed since the big change at the beginning of the year. 7th
March 29th. There is so much more . But I haven't had much time to build a case. I would like to motion a claim and a complaint. I do have a hard time with the waiver form. Hopefully if i cant pull it off my court in 2 days . If The board will allow me more time to put it all together. The evidence which I know is a bit much . Well that's a bit much. I have had to live with this daily for over a year. I don't feel any of this is proper. And honestly I cant believe Anne OLsen is still employed in a position such as this. But like I had previously said. Every one she picks on is afraid to lose their homes. The evidence and statements I have put to u is less than half of the awful things my family and I have had to deal with the past year. Please allow us to have our family and our home back. On march 28 I was ordered by the RTDRS that I have 72 hrs to vacate. I cant lose my housing. I will literally be lost. I will never get my baby back. And frankly this is so wrong. Anne Olsen took advantage of a disabled person to better her position and the bottom line of a big company. The day before the woman at the desk said the judge would definitely grant me a couple more days. She did not and I wasn't able to. I could not say my side. not figure out the website and forms. She wouldn't even hear my side.
A year in Calgary subsidized housing
Monster Management… chapter 4
APRIL 2022 - March 2023
Forced homelessness.
.The summaries of some of the issues with Anne Olsen and CHC.
This chapter is set aside for some of the main issues brought up with me and CHC.
The Eviction…
I find Annes paperwork to be overwhelming. She knows of my brain injury and my restricted abilities. I feel she uses this to her advantage. And pile chores and papers on me so I don't have any time or brain left to fight for my family. Her notices are always posted at the end of the day and the inspection is always first thing in the morning. This leaves me no time to get support or and advice on how to deal with the multiple things Anne Olsen has put on me. Including this so-called non-payment of rent. I was given eviction notice due to unpaid rent which was a surprise considering I had saved up $1250.00 over the years in rent credit with CHC. I contacted my support worker with Hull services . She contacted Anne through mail regarding this 24/eviction. Tricia was floored that Anne would evict a single mother over $214.00. We both read the hand book and saw that CHC is supposed to work with the customer/tenant to make a payment plan. Either way i paid the amount owing before 430 on Jan 30th 2022.
Unpaid Rent January 30 2022, Has been paid in full.
Over housed.
My mother likes to come and go. So I was overhoused. I have told her my mother will be back. Anne said no. I asked my fiance to move in and she said no. I asked for my brother to move in and she said no. My daughter is staying with her father at the moment. This place is unstable. And mice infested. Brian the father has been accepted into Calgary housing. He suggested that he move in here instead of a new place so Jaylen my daughter would feel back at home. Anne said noI have many times to appeal this decision. I have even asked to have a low income family member move in. Again I have no rights to do so. I am again being singled out. Eg, a few doors down My friend has had three guy friends move in and out in a year. She didn't have to ask. She just told them his income. The last man even moved in with his dog.
I have pleaded with Anne. My child is with her father. My home here at 5249 has become one of the reasons she can not be with me. Between the infestation of mice and the uncertainty of tenancy. Due to the constant evictions. Not to mention the child interrogation and constant stress of having one or more papers taped to our door every day. I have had to work doing these “chore lists' ' just to keep our home long enough to do it again then get kicked out.
I am no longer over housed. My step brother for over 30 years has decided to leave his mothers finally and stay with us. He is low income and a good man. He is Jaylens uncle and is very handy. He has epilepsy and needs someone to help him as I need someone to help me. He has been staying here since March 2 and will continue to live with us. His only source of income is Alberta works until he gets his pre doctor approved AISH. We have been busy doing this. But can have his income ready for our new lease. (hint hint)
The Transfer. My right to appeal and\or be treated equally.
13th- Notice regarding a pre scheduled appointment. (ex) To view an apartment that the woman who hates, bullies and discriminates against me has the authority to decide our residents. OMG. She knows our situation and seems to punish us constantly. My unit has been picked by Anne. Because I am poor we have no choice where we live. And everything that I have tried to appeal or fix has been shut down by Anne. Everything has to go through my Property manager. In this case it seems this manager is literally out to get me. We have to leave my community.Our church, Our home.19th Posted notice. Fixed term tenancy- lease ending November 30. It seems everything about my housing, my ability to have pets or a partner is up to Anne. Having some who dislikes and discriminates against you. Not to mention the obvious grudge from August. Mailing these choices for you. Then to have them know your situation and out of spite make u leave your home then get to choose your family's future. In a lot of the emails Anne and The Liaison had sent me were full of promises to help me. And they put out there that they have offered me support and resources. I already have 311. All they have ever given me other than a headache and antidepressants. Is a list of soup kitchens. These women are quite the opposite. Of caring and helpful. I truly never would have believed the power CHC has given a property manager. And the way she condusters herself is just awful. Transfer would have been ok. Like I said if they hadn't stripped me from everyone and everything I knew and had. If they would have done their job and worked with me. It's not like that . Its like they have to prove that I broke my lease. I have a dog hiding. I've been here 6 years and she YELLED at me for painting my walls. I painted them like 6 years ago? But she just has to fight and over power me. It's such an awful way to have to live because I am poor.
Yes I was over housed. I lost my mom. I understand that is a reason for transfer. But it is not fair that I could appeal it or have my partner or brother move in. Like everyone else. I feel the decisions that were made are unjust. I tried to appeal this. But like EVERYTHING regarding Calgary housing.It is up to the manager. If I am forced to leave I will be homeless with nothing and no. I will never get my family back. she has it out for me. It's not fair. And I will fade. Not because I did something wrong, not because i deserve it. Just because Anne is mad.she rushed my transfer.
ENMAX FRAUD August 16 2022 - Nov 2022 Cut of my benefits October 1 2022 - present date
I was called into Alberta works near the end of October 2022. To see why I had not received my check. I was then asked how much I paid for my power. I said in winter between $250 and $300. I have a brain injury and too many things are way too much for me. So I like to think I can put my trust in these larger companies that we all rely on for our livelihood. So when I get a check I will take out our life money. The rest is bill money. So I will take that lump and put it all on one bill. Then rotate throughout the months. So I wouldn't even notice that I have been scammed out of my energy bill. My worker then informed me that I wasn't paying my electricity bill and she had been tipped off that my management i
I Have been paying the bills that I have claimed on my monthly report for my Alberta work benefits. It is now March and I have had no benefits or income since October first. I have filed many online applications. But I have not been accepted. Because I Have so many complaints against me they need more information then i can produce at this moment. It almost seems pointless because Anne will just call in with another complaint. It is truly a crappy way to live. Calgary housing Company has denied having any involvement in this. During one of Anees many 24/hour inspections I had my paper work out on my table. Including my disconnection notice. Her and the liaison were looking at it. So I asked the liaison if she knew of any programs in the city that could help us? She said no. On September 6th I paid $500. On to the bill. I assumed I was all good.
The property manager had claimed that my account was now a forced move out? Calhome properties took over my electric account on Aug16- Nov 8. I had to open a new account on Nov 8th. Now in march I discovered my initial account, the one Anne had closed still had a $200.00 credit in it. So I feel it is quite obvious that I pay my bills and she did this to use against me when she felt it necessary.
So after all this. I dont get notified at all by CHC. I have to discover it on my own. I find out Anne has used this situation to get my benefits cut before I even know that my account has been closed by a “forced move out.” Then when I bring it up to Calgary housing they not only deny Annes involvement. They served me a 24/hr eviction notice.(ex). And I don't even receive an invoice until the 28th of November. Which only had 2 bills. (ex). I think all is well, Then she takes my March rent. then all of a sudden she whips out another bill for electricity? 6 months later. can't be homeless over nothing. T And is kicking me out over rent owed in January.? I am so confused. And as I found out today it's non-payment of rent for march.
Now April 2, 3 days after my order to evict, I was thumbing through some paper and realized That on September 7th I had paid $500.00 to fix my cut off notice I had previously received from enmax. Anne had taken over my enmax with a supposed “forced move out.” My enmax was credited. Anne still took this off my ledger. And also used it to evict me for nonpayment of rent and not paying my own bills.
You can see a payment of $500.00 made on September 6th. Which was credited to the overridden Enmax account. I was still charged The full bill of $212.00. As u can see below the $500.00 payment was put onto Calhomes new enmax account for my address.
During my unfair over the phone trial. The judge even gave me trouble for not paying my rent and not paying my electric bills. I was not entitled to share my side. Because I did not fill out my forms correctly and did not get them in on time or correctly. She then yelled at me that I have 72 hrs to leave my home. With nowhere to go and no place to put the remainder of my family's belongings. I feel lost and depressed. I have lost everything . In 2017 I moved into our home, a safe place for me and my daughter. We grew into the community where we have local support, a church and a school. FRIENDS. We had our home.. And now April 2 2023 I have no place in this world.
The enmax bill as u can see my $500 is credited. Yet, Anne Olsen still used the total against me months later along with an eviction notice.
Rent Renewals why bother?
I have more than a handful of these “annual'' rent renewal forms. I see now they were taped to my door to fit Annes itinerary. I have made Anne aware on many occasions the changes in income and people throughout the year I have had my Property manager Audit me. She Has told me multiple times that they can not go back and credit or take as soon as that month has passed. I did my actual Annual rent review. But still I'm expected to tell her every month my income or household changes. I have. And she hasn't lowered any . My daughter was kidnapped at the beginning of Aug. She knows this and I have asked to adjust my rent accordingly. She just said you have to tell me right away because we can't go back. I said u did. She said no. I said well I'm telling you now. My rent is still set for 2 after my kid is gone. Plus I have not had any income for most of the year because of Anne. I informed her on both occasions. Still no change in rent. Yet she cleared out my $1200.00 credit with back rent that she missed added. Last I knew it was $120 per person on welfare. I will attach this as evidence im running out of time (ex)
Non renewal of lease
After I refused to live in the crack apartment in an area and building Anne had picked for me. My mother likes to come and go. So I was overhoused. I have told her my mother will be back. Anne said no. I asked my fiance to move in and she said no. I asked for my brother to move in and she said no. My daughter is staying with her father at the moment. This place is unstable. And mice infested. Brian the father has been accepted into Calgary housing. He suggested that he move in here instead of a new place so Jaylen my daughter would feel back at home. Anne said no.I was told She will not renew my lease. And I will be homeless in winter at the end of February.. It states in the CHC tenant handbook that CHC will not force anyone into homelessness. I did ask for resources from the liaison. She gave me other resources she has given to me are a list of soup kitchens mostly in the SE area of Calgary. Meanwhile my neighbor has had 3 men move in and out the last with a dog. The other neighbor is white and has a black roommate obviously not even related. The decisions of my life are only permitted with the ok and sign off of my manager. Which after my complaints about her have been all against me and in Anne's personal best interest. I have not been heard or treated fairly. Like previously said I have a brain injury which should be taken into consideration, NOT used against me. I now sit in an empty shell of what was our home. Waiting to be tossed out by the sheriff into a world of homelessness.
Punishment for complaints.
I know that my eviction is punishment for my multiple complaints about Anne and the mice. This is wrong
You can also see How many times she bothered me in August. I have com-plained to human right, Calgary housing company
Tenant education and transparent communication of CHC policies and rules Clear rent collection policies that include payment plans Conflict resolution and mediation processes Strategic partnerships with community-based organizations and other sectors to support positive tenancy and social outcomes through direct supports and referrals PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to ensure a transparent, equitable and consistent approach to sustaining and stabilizing housing to prevent evictions from CHC where possible..
?The Audit?
Anne has even messed with the bills to fit her needs of revenge.
My account balance
I pay my bills Anne has manipulated so many things and she continues to get away with it
The Summary
My self and my family have been harassed, bullied and discriminated against since April of last year. My mother has left. My nine year old daughter doesn't want to be here. Because of the stress that Anne brings to our family. When she was here the bullying and the alienating of us to our neighbors became too much. My daughter didn't even want to play outside. My young daughter had a mental breakdown during the Easter holidays. I don't go in my yard any more. In fear I may see Anne. Plus Anne has literally forced me to destroy my beautiful Garden and shed. It is now a demo site. The amount of items stolen due to the open gates is around $1500. The amount of personal belongings I was forced to throw out is easily over $3000. My basement is less the 5% full. Not to mention the labor I had to hire because of the ridiculous deadlines. The dump fees are a few hundred. The gas to drive my big old truck. Arond $500. My $1600.00 support dao. Her $300 in license. I am now on antidepressants and anxiety medication. My health has gotten worse. Myself and my daughter are both infected with parasites and worms. I had to toss our couch, set our mattresses, all our makeup and most of our clothing. Due to the mice and/of the infection. I have had to keep all our food in the fridge so mice don't get it. I spent hundreds of dollars buying mouse traps and poison. I have spent over 50% of MY time appeasing Anne. With my family gone until I get this sorted I spent Christmas eve and Xmas alone sending every staff member of CHC an email about Anne and the mice. Less than half got back to me and the ones who did sent me the exact same generic mail back. “Sorry for your luck. We will not be renewing your lease on Feb 28th 2023. As u can see from reading this or even the pile of evidence.I haven't had time for anything but ANNE. The liaison is not doing what she is supposed to. Many other people in our community have had plenty of the same issues. But are afraid to speak up. They are afraid to lose their housing. And afraid to be treated like I am being treated. I feel as though I have lost all my human rights. All of them. And my life is decided by a cruel doctor who wants nothing mre And as u can see from my august report CHC is now based on vengeance and cares only about their bottom line.
I have lived in this home since August 2017. We have had 5 or more managers. And never have myself or my family been screamed at, harassed, bullied and worked like a dog. I have been singled out. Alienated. And pushed around. Anne and Linda both have insulted me, my family and my home. They have both discriminated against me for my disabilities,income, and sexuality. Never have they searched my closets, my bedroom or my fridge. One month of Anne's papers is more than I have ever received in one year from any other manager. This woman has not only forced me to prepare my home for my own eviction. But in the process she has depleted our savings. Our belongings and investments. My family. She has depleted me. And has destroyed everything that we have made. It is now March 26 of 2023. Over a year of this torment. I'm so tired. I have nothing worth having it's all gone. I have $25 to my name. I'm ill with no coverage. And I sit alone . with what's left of my family's belongings. The stuff not worth stealing or selling to pay to throw away what's left. A half demolished shell of what used to be our home. That not too long ago had a grandmother, a mother, a daughter, a trained and licensed support dog. With a beautiful yard filled with children. Art all over the walls . We had a home. I feel the initial reason they wanted us out is our income. Moving would not have been so bad. If I wasnt stripped of everything first. If I lose this house I will be homeless and I will lose my daughter to her abusive father. I need a safe home to raise her. Like the one we had here. I want my family back. I want my home back. Please.
What I would like the judgment to be
I want me money back
I strongly feel That Anne Olsen is not fit for this job. I want her fired
The liaison also has shown that she is not working with the best interest on behalf of the tenant. I want her fired
I want to stay in our home
I want Anne to pay for what she has done
I want to be reimbursed financially for what I have lost due to Anne's demands.
I would love an apology.
I want a different manager
I want CHC to get reminded what the purpose of subsidized housing is.
I want the right to appeal
I want the right to complain without being punished
Some of the people I have contacted with CHC about my issues with my manager Anne Olsen
Stephanie Poch (team Leader) Ramesha Archana
StaceyAmanda Panell Jennifer
Angela Green Michelle askew
Robin Gautron Verma Gauraia
And so many more……………………………….
A year in calgary's subsidized housing
Monster Manager
March 28th 2022
Unjust System (voice of the unheard)
Monopolizing the poor.
The new year brought our street a new management with new purpose. CHC was once about helping the disadvantaged help themselves. Having a HOPE means having HOPE. For me it meant family and purpose. Now I no longer have these things. The new CHC has destroyed the little we had. For a year they absolutely took all we had including each other. I don't mind moving, it's the fact they stripped me of everything before they finally manipulated the system enough to get us out. Knowing I could not afford a voice to speak for me. Knowing that keeping me constantly at her beck and call I didn't have time to fight for what is right. And On my last day at home.I was served with a cease and desist
Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service (RTDRS)
Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service – Government of Alberta
Calhome Properties Ltd., carrying on business in the name and style of Calgary Housing Company
Crystal Comeau and all other occupants
Unconditional Order
Mohammed Karout
100 1701 Centre St NW, CALGARY ALBERTA T2E8A4 mohammed.karout@calgary.ca
Residential Tenancies Act
Statutes of Alberta, 2004, Chapter R-17.1 and Amendments and Regulations thereto
DATE OF HEARING: 28 March 2023 DATE OF ORDER: 28 March 2023
AND UPON FINDING that service was properly effected in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act and/or the Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service Regulation by way of posting on a conspicuous place on the premises and email. AND UPON having read the application of the Landlord.
AND UPON having heard what was said by Mohammad Karout agent for the Landlord, the Tenant as well as Christopher Jones representative for the Tenant. THE TENANCY DISPUTE OFFICER FINDS THAT: The tenant has substantially breached the Residential Tenancies Act and/or the Tenancy Agreement under section: 21(a) Failing to pay rent when due.Classification: Protected A
21(g) Failing to vacate the premises at the expiration or termination of the tenancy namely 28 February 2023. IT IS ORDERED THAT:
The tenancy between the Landlord(s) and Tenant(s) in respect of the rental premises is terminated effective Tuesday 28 March 2023.
The Tenant(s) shall deliver up vacant possession of the rental premises no later than 72 hours (3 days) from the date of service of this Order upon the Tenant(s).
The Landlord(s) shall have Judgment against the Tenant(s) for: unpaid rent and utilities, up to and including Tuesday 28 February 2023 in the amount of $221.69. costs in the amount of $75.00 for the total amount of $296.69. The Landlord(s) shall be entitled to $6.97 per day from Wednesday 1 March 2023 until the date the Landlord(s) obtains possession of the rental premises, as unpaid rent and/or compensation for use and occupation of the rental premises. This amount is in addition to the amount above. Reasons to support this decision and order were provided orally during the hearing.This order is binding on the parties when issued and, on being filed at the Court of King's Bench, is enforceable in the same manner as an order of the Court. After the filed order has been served on the Tenant(s), an Affidavit of Service must be filed at the Court before a civil enforcement agency has authority to evict any occupant of the rental premises in accordance with the terms of the order.
Abuse gets stronger as I grow weaker
The abuse from men continues even stronger now in my life. I stayed with what I thought was my last friend. Of 30 plus years. I paid his mother's rent. And the $700.00 I had left was lost the night he chased me in anger around the block. My phone was smashed. He pushed me and held me against a wall. He belittled me. And would not let me leave or sleep. I ate a rotten chicken burger in a basement shower while he and his family used my ingredients to make the chili they had for dinner. He broke my truck handle amongst other things. They sent back my food cards and opened my government mail. He has my laundry and over 20 boxes of our special belongings in his basement. And my art.And will not release the Durango I had purchased from him. He phoned the cops after holding me against a stucco wall pantless for leaving him. He had found me in the parking lot I had escaped to the previous night. I had fallen asleep waiting for the police. Then chased me again. He demanded my keys. The police arrested him. Then left me pantless in the parking lot.
Of course Brian can not stop hurting me. And now my daughter. After his many years of torture.After kidnapping her for 2 months. I spent $4000.00 in lawyers fees for four reinforced orders for her to be brought home. Then he simply lied and manipulated not only the system but my daughter as well. He now has custody of my daughter. And a very obtrusive CFS worker. While I stayed in his shed crying. No water, no food, no bathroom. Just so I could be close to Jaylen. As he went through ALL my stuff and took what he wanted. He didn't even know where she was that day. Then When I was finally out of the shed and was allowed in for a shower. I see my things everywhere. He even gave some to my daughter. Just to make me selfish and make her guilty. She doesn't cry. But the last time I saw her she hyperventilated she was crying so hard. He won't allow us to see each other or talk at all. She didn't even contact me for my bday. He made me pay for his insurance and registration. And again drives around in “my” truck with no license and no care. Our other personal belongings we used to own were in the storage unit my EX had rented, then rummaged through and vandalized. I finally was able to put a lock on but I lost the key. Now all our belongings are gone. Including the $3000.00 I had stashed in a purse. And all my Zombie bags which held great investments.
I have now been advised to sign a six month agreement with CFS that says Brian will have custody over MY DAUGHTER for another 6 months. Agreed in court on May 5th. I could have been like most women and accepted one of the multiple offers to live in a condo free of “payment” But stayed as close as I could to my daughter here in the NE. I chose to live in garbage with no concern for myself. I know who and what BRian is. And I had to be close enough to help My daughter if need be. I'm about a 15 min drive away from Brian's moms house where they live in her nasty basement together. Sure as [censored] On May 11 I received a fb message from Brian saying he has kicked out our nine year old daughter. I hopped in the truck and rushed to her. I saw him walking back with handfuls of chips and a drink , licorice in mouth. Then a block away from him and a block and a half from his mom's house. I see my little girl red in the face carrying her belongings she had packed in a backpack and a large tupperware tote.
I have been homeless for over a month. I have slept in parking lots, sheds, shower stalls and broken campers. I now live in a scrap yard. with no stove, fridge, heat or shower. My clothes are disgustingI finally was accepted for Alberta work benefits. I was given $400.00 and told that my place doesn't count as a house even though I pay $300.00 to live here. I was also threatened that if I do not get a home by next month I will not even receive the $400.00. And I will be once again removed from Alberta works. WTF? Ill explain the pay they should be giving me. The $400.00 is considered for food and expenses for a month. Then If I had a real home I would receive an additional $400-$500. Per month for rent. LOL. A room is average around $700-$800. So not only do I have nothing to get home. I couldn't afford the monthly rent even if I could come up with the first and last months to move in. Now please don't get me wrong I am thankful for the $400.00 i received and the benefits that come with it. It just seems impossible. I could have moved to a nice home with my daughter if Anne had not stripped me for a full year with the false promises of keeping my family and home. But she slowly picked me in every way she could. Then the abuse and thievery . Lack of money to pay $288.00 per month for storage I have lost it all. I watched my life fade.
I did have to pawn my tools to pay my rent in the scrap yard. Being a woman and not having a home I feel is different from a man. The man at the pawn shop gave me not only just $50.00 for over a thousand dollars in tools. But I stood alone, dirty and broken. He offered to walk outside with me for the bit of tools I had in my rundown truck/home. He then also said that he must touch my breast .
This is not finished but u get the just.
Above are the text from the article style statements i have made pictures wouldn't copy and formats were not excepted. So if something dose not make sense or line up that is why. my personal email is atouchofcrystal1980@gmail.com please send me a line.